Aperçu Du F'lux Financier

Aperçu Du F'lux Financier

J A-V.INANCEMENT DES PRoJETS DES PAYS PAR LE FoNDs FIDUCIAIRE D'APoC \# Aperçu du F'lux Financier DIREGTION D'APOC Ouagadougou Gompte bancaire du GTNO Niveau -national Niveau Projet DirdhdoD *oFpblqù. èr (l13) pj.ù rlDrouttr (IDCIVê*ur sc flNO) qg) FINANCING COUNTRY PROJECTS FROM APOC TRUST FUNI) Overview of the Financial Flow-Chart Transfer APOG Management Ouagadougou N|OTF Bank accournt Projeqt level WHO/APOC/15May2006 (9ÿ UGANDA t Communities which distributed ivermectin and population treated, 2006 I () Name of CDTI project Number of commu- Numbe of Commu- Geographic Total population Number of Per- Therapeutic o nities at high risk nities treated coverage (%) at high risk sons treated coverage (%) Ètr E Phase I 388 388 100 304358 232303 76,3 Phase ll E 1469 1469 100 558622 404469 72,4 o Phase lll 2218 2218 100 1 1 07393 83441 9 75,3 Phase lV 865 865 100 726752 558766 76,9 & Total h 4940 4940 100,0 2697125 2029957 75,3 ü) E É q)9 E q)L HWs and CDDs trained or retrained by country projects, 2006 NameofCDT|projecl NewHWss HWsRetrained NumberofHWs NewCDDs CDDsRetrained NumberofCDDstrai- trained trainedlre-trained trained ned/re.trained Phase I 335 335 Phase ll 2669 3380 3380 Phase lll 149 4485 4485 Phase lV 7793 7793 Total 281 I 1 5993 15993 HWs supporting communities peripheral rF- at leve!, 2006 Ê Name of CDTI Number of HWs Number of Hltls Number of districts Districts implementing CDTI U project in the area involved in CDTI involved Phase I 117 30 4 Hoima, Kasese, Kisoro, Masindi aÀ li Bushenyi, Kabale, Kabarole, Kamwenge, Kyenjojo, Manafwa, q) Phase ll 162 56 8 Mbale, Sironko L Arua, lbanda, Kanungu, Koboko, Mbarara, Nebbi, Yumbe o Phase lll 2032 453 6 È Phase lV 454 190 5 Adjumani, Apac, Gulu, Kibaale, Moyo, Oyam Total 2765 729 23 q)cl Ér C- o trl €) (l) É - @ÿ UGANDA Date GDT|was launched May 1997 Number of APOC funded projects . CDTI 4 - NOTF's HQ support 0 - Vector elimination project 2 - Number of districts implementing CDTI 23 NGDO partners IMA,SSI,HKI List of CDTI projects being implemented Figure 1: REMO map with CDT|areas Project Launched Partnêrs Phase I May-97 SSl, Carter Center Phase ll Sep-98 SSl, Carter Center, GÏZ Phase lll Dec-98 Carter Center, CBM Phase lV Aug-99 SSl, Carter Center l,rgrn€ REIIIO mrp I Oofnm COTI ar.as To be refin€d I No CoTl Er€as ..:t-.Pdrks Lakes E DsticE boundafles TrITTrI--r-TTrT-l 0 I $ 100 lsorn Geographic coverage, 2006 Number of communities in meso/hyper 4,940 endemic (red) areas Number of communities treated 4,940 Coverage (%) 100% Therapeutic coverage, 2006 Figure 2: Number of communities and persons CDTI projects ïotal population living in meso/hyper 2,697,125 treated by endemic (red) areas Number of persons treated 2,029,957 Coverage (%) 75.3ÿo 2,500,000 Communiÿ-Directed Distributors (CDDs), 2006 t) t! ! z,ooo,ooo t) ïotal number of CDDs 35,654 G t o .Et) - Female CDDs 15,929 o 1,500,flX) 3,000 - Male CDDs 19,725 o { r,ooo,ooo 2,000 a Population : CDD ratio (in 2006) -- 72 ê 600,æ0 r,oql Health workers (Htfls)involved in CDTI,2006 Total number of HWs 2,818 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 a Other health inerventions delivered by CDDs,2001 oÉ Health intervention Number of CDTI projects implementing Number of CDDs involved Number of persons reached q, Vit. A supplementation 12 986 Shistosomiase 5 449 q)L HMM 15 583 L Family planning 10 388 I o v@r TANZANIA Communities which distributed ivermectin and population treated, 2006 of CDTI project Number of commu- Numbe of Gommu. Geographic Total population Number of Per- Therapeutic o) nities at high risk nities treated coverage (%) at high risk sons treated coverage (%) I €) 954 954 100 460261 327053 71,1 o L 527 527 100 441073 31 8581 72,2 È 828 828 100 31 651 0 238423 75,3 1 384 1384 100 375869 270939 72,1 É o Tanga 1 309 I 309 100 313242 251144 80,2 ukuyu 234 234 100 86361 63536 73,6 Â unduru 530 530 100 1 18531 83740 70,6 Lr ar2 otal 5766 5766 100,0 2',111847 1553416 73,6 Ê q,I (l)L HWs and CDDs trained or retrained by country projects, 2006 Name of CDTI project New HWss trai- HWs Retrained Number of HWs New CDDs trai. CDDs Retrai. Number of CDDs ned trained/re-trained ned ned trained/re-trained Kilosa 0 0 0 0 2138 2138 Mahenge 10 30 40 0 877 195 Morogoro 16 138 154 128 1540 1668 Ruvuma 16 138 154 128 1540 1668 Tanga 5 58 63 '10 2614 2624 ïukuyu I 44 53 17 455 472 '1048 Tunduru 3 37 40 12 1 060 Total 59 /t45 504 295 10212 9825 HWs supporting communities at peripheral level, 2006 Name of CDTI Number of HWs Number of Number of districtsDistricts implementing CDTI project in the area HWs involved involved in CDTI Kilosa 350 87 1 Gairo, Kilosa, Magole, Magubike, Mikumi Mahenge 524 134 2 Kilombero, Ulanga Morogoro 340 218 2 Morogoro rural, Mvomero Ruvuma 643 217 4 Ludewa, Mbinga, Namtumbo, Songea Tanga 135 62 3 Korogwe, Lushoto, Muheza Tukuyu 1 068 69 3 Busale, lkinga, lleje, llima, lpinda, ltete, Kambasegela, Kisegese, Kisiba, Kisondela, Kyela, Lufilyo, Makwale, Masukulu, Ngana, Rungwe Tunduru 281 43 1 Tunduru Total 3341 830 16 (cÿ TAII{ZANIA Date CDT|was launched Mar 1 998 Number of APOC funded projects - CDTI 7 - NOTF's HQ support 1 - Vector elimination project I - Number of districts implementing CDTI 16 NGDO partners IMA,SSI,HKI List of CDTI projects being implemented Project Launched Partners Kilosa Sep-01 SSI Mahenge Mar-98 IMA Morogoro Apr-03 SSI Ruvuma Sep-98 SSI Tanga Apr-00 HKI ïukuyu May-00 SSI Tunduru Nov-04 SSI o cl flo É (l) a Drarri. REIüO m? a) I Definrle CDTI sreas c) To be refned (l) I No CDTI areas o Excluded zones L Geographic coverage, 2006 Reqtons boundaries È f ] E Number of communities in meso/hyper 5,766 T-rTrrffir-rTrl E t $ 100 A0 mkm APOCN7I/Jæuary 2008 GI endemic (red) areas É Number of communities treated 5,766 Coverage (%) 100% E L Therapeutic coverage, 2006 Figure 2: Number of communities and porsons treated by CDTI projects o, Total population living in meso/hyper 2,111,847 (I) ûr) endemic (red) areas [f PênoE Èatrd *Comniricr oatcd 6, q) Number of persons treated 1 ,553,416 an Coverage (%) 73.6Y0 â t) i1,000 Community-Direc{ed Distributors (CDDs), 2007 () 3 ê, o Total number of CDDs 11,230 c 0 o,oo0 lI E E - o Female CDDs 5,534 ü û Ë - Male CDDs 5,696 2,æ0 ? o U Population : CDD ratio (in 2007) : 194 Health workers (HtÂls) involved in CDTI, 2006 Total number of HWs : 504 a É Other health inerventions delivered by CDDs, 2007 o Health intervention Number of CDïl projects implementing Number of CDDs involved Number of persons reached Êl €, LF 2624 293 562 (l)!. Primary Eye Care 160 q)L o (9} suDAr{ Js t Corrunities which distributed ivermectin and population treated,2006 [.Ll mme of CDTI project Number of commu- Numbe of Commu. Geographic Totalpopulation Number of Per- Therapeutic I e'l nities at high risk nities treated coverage (%) at high risk sons treated coverage (%) J ]l ruorÛ,ern Sector 125 109 87,2 108632 91 959 84,7 ['i I east Bahr El Gazal 1001 645 64,4 795277 412021 51,8 J.§ | rast Equatoria 438 245 55,9 505934 151475 29,9 JË I Upper Nile 332 100 30,1 405994 54766 13,5 lÊ I West Bahr El Gazal 3219 55 1,7 1508733 70460 4,7 [Ë I w.tt Equatoria 410 290 70,7 434691 247653 57,0 JE rotat 5s2s 1444 26,j 3759261 1028334 27,4 lclI IEI lËl çr, HWs and CDDs trained or retrained by country projects, 2006 Name of CDTI proiect New HWs HWs Retrained Number of HWs New CDDs CDDs Retrained Number of CDDs trainedl Q E trained trained/re-trained trained re-trained E Northern Sector 29 17 46 810 340 1 150 cË a East Bahr El Gazal 111 88 199 769 412 1 181 East Equatoria 0 83 83 0 227 227 HÈ rJr qr Upper Nile 76 2 78 400 100 500 West Bahr El Gazal 35 0 35 250 0 250 èo É West Equatoria 118 93 211 313 810 1113 É Total 369 283 652 2542 1889 4421 LsË tr (9ÿ I{IGE,RIA Name of CDTI project Number of HWs in Number of HWs Number of Districts implementing CDTI the area involved in districts invol- CDTI ved Adamawa 2250 1252 17 Demsa, Fufore, Ganye, Girei, Gombi, Guyuk, Hong, Jada, La- murde, Madagali, Maiha, Mayo Belwa, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Oncho Office, Shelleng, Song, Toungo, Yola South Akwa lbom 279 62 2 lbiono lbom, lni Bauchi 434 292 11 Alkaleri, Bauchi, Bogoro, Darazo, Dass, Gamawa, Ganjuwa, Giade, ltas/Gadau, Jama'are, Kirfi, Misau, Ningi, Shira, Tafawa Balewa, Toro, Warji, Zaki Benue 2917 10'16 22 Ado, Buruku, Gboko, Guma, GwerWest, Katsina-Ala, Konshis- ha, Kwande, Logo, Obi, Ogbadibo, Ohimini, Oju, Okpokwu, Otukpo, Tarka, Ukum, Ushongo Borno 1814 640 12 Askira Uba, Bama, Bayo, Biu, Chibok, Damboa, Dikwa, Gwoza, Hawul, Kala Balge, Kwaya-Kusar, Shani Cross River 1552 913 14 Akamkpa, Akpabuyo, Bekwarra, Biase, Boki, Etung, lkom, Oban- liku, Obubra, Obudu, Odukpani, Ogoja, Yakurr, Yala Edo, Delta 705 417 21 Akodo Edo, Aniocha North, Aniocha South, Esan Northeast, Esan Southeast, Esan West, Etsako East, Etsako West, lgue- ben, lka North East, lka South, Ndokwa East, Ndokwa West, Oshimili North, Oshimili South, Ovia Northeast, Ovia Southwest, Ekiti 1952 879 16 Ado, Efon, Ekiti East, Ekiti S.

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