FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1990 Issued by : DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS, UNION TERRITORY, CHANDIGARH. PREFACE The current issue of -^,he »STATI5TIG^L HAl'©- BOOK-1990 is the fifth in the series* It presents a concise fa c tu a l inform ation based on c’Jr-ent a v a il­ able data. It contains dafor the years 1970-71, 1980-81, 1986-87 and the latest two years upto 1989-90. The Directorate is grateful to v?rious Government Departments and offices for their co-operation in making the statistical data available to this office for inclusion in this publication* I am quite hopeful that this publication will prove useful to planners ,scholars and all those who are interested in the economy of the Union*-Territory Chandigarh. TX^G'TPTA jor-:!: SECRE'.''.-BY FINANCE CUA^-^DriECICR haM m iC S 8. ■ STATIST ICS .im O N TEaRirCRY, December 199^; CliA'.^DlSARH^ 0 LIBRARY & DOCUrv1£l\i rAriOU Ufciiui -'Jational lascita e cf Edueaciooaf Plannio;^ .tnd Admiuistration. 17-B, Sr^ Aurobjudo Marg, New U<rlhi-1100l6 ^ r> / U- DOC, No......... a-.!^Lr2- O jte .......... CONVERSION FACTCBS i. STANDARDS OF VEIGHTS Ingram 15,432 grains 1 kilogram 2,204623 Ib.avdp, 1 metric ton 0.984207 long ton 1 quintal 220,4623 lb« avdp, II.STANDmDS OF LEKIGTH AND CAPACITY 1 Centimetre 0,393701 inch. 1 metre 1,093613 yards 1 kilometre 0,621371 miles 1 sq,centimetre 0,155000 square inch 1 sq. metre 1.195990 sq.yards 1 hectare 2,471054 acres 1 sq. kilometre 0,386102 Sq^-vEaiie* 1 litre 0,879877 Imp*quart or 1.056688 US quar-ts. I I I . RAILWAYS AND A3H TR/»FFIC STANDARDS 1 passenger kilometre 0.621371 passenger i.iiie. 1 metric ton kilometre 0,611558 long ton mile* CONTENTS iSrtNc* Table Page General Information 1 1. i\RBA AND POPULATION 1.1 Distribution of population sex Ratio, 3 ^ Growth Rate and Density of population* 1.2 Decadal variation in population since 5-6 1901* 1.3 Cities with population of 1,00,000 7-8 and above* 1.4 Literate population 1991# 9-10 II. CLI^iATE AND R.MNFALL 2* 1 Temperature and Humidity i'n Chandigarh, 12-17 2.2 Rainfall in Chandifarh 18-19 III. VITAL STATISTICS 3.1 Registered births and deaths due to 21-22 various causes in Chandigarh. 3.2 Births Sc deaths rate in Chandigarh (Rural) 23 3.3 Births/ deaths and infant deaths 24 r?te in Chandigarh (Urban) • IV. HEALTH 4. 1 ?aiTiily Welfare Programme in Chandigarh* 26-27 4.2 Medicbl facilities in U*T* Chandigarh. 28-29 V. AGRICULTURE 5.1 under principle crops in Chandigaia. 31 2 i'ro*^'uotion of selected crops in Chd. 32 5.3 use cf Agriculture Implements in 33 Qiandigarh based on Live Stock Census. 5.4 Source cf Irrigation in U. T, Chandigarh. 34 (XNTENTS Teble VI- LIVE STOCK 6.1 Vsterinery Institutions funccttioning in 36-37 Ci'iondigarh* 6.2 Stc.ff cf Veterinary Instituttjicn in Chandig 38-39 Chandigarh. 6.3 No. of bulls kept in arti<Si<ciial insemina- 40-41 tion centre and the work donee uader A. I Scheme in Chandigarh. 6.4 No. of recognised slaughter I'houses and 42 Live Stock Slaughters in Ch^anndigarh. 6.5 No. of Cattle and Poultary .iin Chandigarh 43-44 per thousand human being 19^868. 6 . 6 N o .o f C attle and Poultry in, CCJ^andigarh 45-46 per square km. 1 9 8 8 . 6.7 Activities of Kilkfed in Chiarndigarh 47 WI- INDUSTRIES 7.1 JQable showing industry wi^- Ibreak-up 49-52 of small Scale Units in U.T'. Chandigarh, 7.2 Statament showing No. of S* Sw. Uiits 53 registered and employment <geenerated year-vjise. 7.3 Industrial Progress in Chamdiigarh. 54-55 VIll- ELECTRICITY 8 . 1 Coi-ecity of E le c t r ic it y in Cl^hanSlgarh 57 instriled and generated, 8.2 ..o. of consumers Electrici.txy Category^wise. 58 6.3 Generr-tion and distributioni of Electricity. 59-60 IX~ RC/.DS 9.1 Roau length in Chandigarh, 62 10*1 Con.«umpticn cf Vvater in Chainadigarh. 64 ( ii) CONTENTS S,N. Table Page XI- TRIDE At® FI:N.A1WCE 11* 1 Income Under Saleis Tax in Oandigarh. 6 6 11.2 Registered dealex uin-der Salas Tax Act 67 in Chendigarh* 11.3 Consumption of I nfcojxicants -n Chandigarh 68 11.4 Progress of the FiLvre Year P.an-Outlay 69 and Exp en diture. 11# 5 Outlay & Expendittuirre of Six'h Five Year 70 Plan, ■ " 1 1 .6 CXitiey and Expendiltiure o f Stventh Five 71*^72 Year j-lan. 11.7 Progress of Life I.msurance :n Chandig-rh. 73~74 11.8 No. of Bank Cfficeis in Chandgarh 75 11.9 Distribution of Br amches of Commercial 76 Banks in U.T, ChantdiLgarh. 11.10 Deposits advances 'amd Investnents 77 1 1 .1 1 D is t r ib u tio n of Coimiroercial fenk O ffic e s 78 in U.T. Chandigar'h.. 11.12 Dispersal of Bank: (Cfffices in Chandigarh 79 uncer r u r a l, semi.-iurrban and irbari v7±se class i f icati.oin«> 11.13 Incoriie and Expendiiiutiire of Loal Bodies 80-83 in Chandigarh. '(1., 14- Colle^^tinn unclf^r Savinis Schemes 84—87 in Ciendigarh* C.iiLll) (30NTSNTS Table PaQe XII- EDUQ.TICN 1 2 ,1 Educational Institutions in ‘Chandigarh* 89-92 1 2 * 2 No* of Students in Educational Institu­ 93-96 tions in Chandigarh* 12.3 No.of Teachers in Educational Institu­ 97-98 tions in Chandigarh. 1 2 .4 Wo.of scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes 99 -100 Students in Chandigarh. Xlll- TECH^’ ICL'X SDUC/.TICN 13.1 Steterrient showing the informgticn regard*-102-152 ing details of courses in Technical Institutions* 13. 2 E>cpenditure ( Plan and Non Plan) 153 XIV L/*BCUR Sc E^iPLCYKSIS^T 14, 1 Srnplcyment i n Public & P r iv a t e Sector 155-156 in U,T. Chandigarh. 14.2 Employment in Public and Private Sector 157-158 Establishment in Chandigarh (Indu strywise) 14.3 Cccupational distribution of applicants' 159-160 on Live R egister of the Employm.ent S:cchange of Chandigarh. 14.4 Educ^jticnal Classificaticn of the 161-164 applicants on the Live R.^ister of the Employment Exchnages in Chandigarh. 14.5 Regional Employment Exchange Statistics 165-166 of Chandigarh. L4, 6 Scheduled CasteS/Scheduled Tribes and 167-168 Physically Handicapped persons on the Live Register at the Employment Exchange in U. T, Chandigarh. (iv) o o n t e k it s S-N* Tcble PaOfe 1 4 .7 Eraployment Exchange in U nion T e rrito ry 169-170 Chandigarh, 14.8 Professional & Executive Section of 171 Regional Employrrient Exchange in Union Territory Chandigarh. 14.9 i.ctivities of Hiy sic ally Handicapped 172 Cell of Regional Employment Exchange U, T, Ctiandig arh* 14.10 No, of applicants of Live Register 173-174 of professional & Executive Section. 14.11 0o. of applicants on Live Register of 175-176 Regional Employment Exchange N*C*C.wise. 14.12 Eitiployees belonging to Scheduled C a s t e s / 177 Scheduled Tribe in Chandigarh. XV- TRIMSFCRT m v COmaNIC/.TlCISiS 15*1 Postrl facilities in Chandigarh. 179-180 15.2 ^.ctivities of Chandigarh Transport 181-184 Undert aki ng s* 1 5 .3 Kc-tor Vehicles- Registered. 185-186 XVI- HOUSING 16*1 Uc* of Houses constructed/completed 188 ond allotted by the Chandigarh Housing Beard. 16.2 Plots sold and constructed. 189 XVII-PGLICB CRIKES & ;.CCIDEKTS 17.1 J.-rlice Station, ir^olice Posts and Police 191-192 Strength in Chandigarh. 17.2 Crines in Chan-igarh. 193 17.3 Property Stolen end recovered in 194 Gic. nc ig a rh . ( V ) CX)NTEtITS 17.1 Crimes under various Acts* 195 17.3 i-.ccidents in Chandigarh* 196 17.S Fire Incidents in Chandigarh, 197 XVIII- CC>OPSR/>TION 18.L Functional Break-up of Co-Operative 199-202 So cieties. 18.2 Ccnventicnal Break-up of Co-cperetive 203-212 Societies# XIX- CQ'ISU^ ER PRIGS IlSlDSX 19.1 Index number of whole sale prices in 214«‘215 India* 19.2 Consumer Price Index number for Industrial 216 workers of some selected centres of India. 19 3 Consumer Price Index number fcr Non-Manual 217 Eir.ployees o f some cf the Selected Centres o f In d ia . 19.4 Index number cf Consumer Price for 2l8 Urb?n Ncn-Kanual Employees in Chandigarh, 19.5 ^.11 In d ia Index Numb'er c f Consumer P r ic e 219 { Industrial Workers) . 19.6 Index Number of Consumer Price(/.gricul- 220 ture Labourers) :CC-PLu.CE CF TOURIST INTEREST IN QiD- 20.1 X-’lece of Tourist Interest in Onandig.?rh, 222-233 ^IC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEh 2Qi.l Public Distribution Syst in. in Chancigc rh. 235-233 ^CXII- SC'CIAL WELF7.RB 22.1 Social Welfare in Chandigarh. 240-24^ XXill- NEWS p :*p e r 23.1 News papers and periodicals in Chandigarh. 245. GEi<BRAL :eisus of India, 1 9 9 1 -provisional Popalation Totals PCFILACION OF t o t a l 6 ^ 4 0 ,7 2 5 Males 3 ,5 7 ,4 1 1 UNICSI rSRRITORY Female s 2 ,8 3 ,3 1 4 DECENfNI^^L POPULATION GRCVXH 1981-91 ( 1) Absolute 1 ,8 9 ,1 1 5 (2) Percentage 4 1 .8 8 DENSITY OF POPUL.^»TION 5,620 Per Sq.Km, SEX flfiTIO 793 females per 1 ^ 0 0 0 males LITERACY Rl.TE T o tal 7 8 .7 3 Per cent (Popalatiois aged 7 & above).
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