Calgary Reception Archive Copy , Ar^a Code 403 Please Return THE BIG COUNTRY DRUMHELLER HANNA and Area NOVEMBER 26, 1994 ' &tia. A GUIDE TO ACT PRODUCTS & SERVICES WE GO FURTHER THAN LONG DISTANCE LOOK INSIDE! Recyclable "NHEIIE AIIE THE BEST • IN THE AGT The AGT Answer Book is your complete gmde to making AGT products and services work for No matter what your lifestyle, there something inside that can make ita little easier - from convenient local services like Call Display to Long Distance saving plans such as Teleplus'^: ^.5^- So if you've been asking how to get more from your telephone connection, you'll find the answers - in The AGT Answer Book. Look for it in this directory. If you have any questions about our products or services, call AGT at 1-800-667-5813. jm Acadia Valley Gas Processing Graindale Gas ACADIA VALLEY 39 Plant 972-3928 Fax Line 972-2004 ACADIA VALLEY Acadia Valley Sunset 972-3924 For detailed AGT listings, AGT LIMITED - See AGT Limited ' Egeland John Box57 972-2504 Elsasser F G Box45 972-2153 see Index AIDS/SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED FARM CREDIT CORPORATION AGT LTD DISEASE INFORMATION Residential Customers 219 2AvW Hanna 854-3612 AGT TeleCentre 310-2255 (Toll Free) 1-800-772-2437 Fautli Robert 972-2333 Repair 611 Business Customers ALBERTA ONE-CALL FIRE ALARM ONLY >72-2111 Business Services 310-3100 Location Corporation Repair 310-3131 (ToFfree) 1-800-242-3447 Fleihmer Ken 972-2125 Customer Relations Action French Paul 972-2186 Line 310-1000 ALBERTA POWER LIMITED Gendarmerie Royale du Canada 317 lAvE-Oyen Main Switchboard 310-4248 24 MR SERVICE Plaintes 24 H Oyen664-3883 BURIED CABLE LOCATION 113 1 Av Oyen 664-3835 Administration-Info 664-3505 (Alberta 1st Call) . 1-800-242-3447 Fax Line 664-2516 Gibson Brent 972-2146 EMERGENCY CALLS ALBERTA RECLAMATION Gibson Norman Box5 972-3775 ("911" Does Not Apply) MANAGEMENT 972-2282 Gibson William L Box52 972-2500 FIRE ALARM ONLY 972-2111 If BusyCall 972-2016 Gieron B Box62 972-3819 POLICE— RCMP .... Oyen 664-3883 AMBULANCE Oyen 664-2400 Fax Line 972-2029 Good Don BoxSl 972-3896 If Busy Call Oyen 664-3526 ALLEN'S AGROCENTRE LTD Good Glen Box64 972-2403 HOSPITAL Oyen 664-3526 216MainSt Oyen 664-3730 Good Glenn Land Agnt Box600-0yen . (972-3766 POISON CENTRE 1972-2033 (No Charge Dial) . 1-800-332-1414 GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA If Busy AMBULANCE Oyen 664-2400 Rite Information & Referral Centre (Toll Call ... Calgary 1-403-670-1414 IF BUSY CALL oyen 664-3526 Free) 310-0000 LOCAL CALLING AREA Anderson Anker Boxl 972-2260 Career Information Hotline (To* (See blue-edged pages) Arneson Bruce 972-2010 Free) 1-800-661-3753 Benson Dell 972-2261 Deaf Hearing & Speech Impaired-T D D Relay Number Benson Ruby M Boxl28 972-2161 (To* Free) 1-800-232-7215 Bergstreser Hugo Box4 972-2124 Government Of Canada - Member Of Bird N 972-3830 Parliament Crowfoot Constituency AGT DIRECTORY LIMITED Bishoff George Box306-Oyen 972-2505 (NoCharge Dial) 1-800-665-4358 27 Fir 411 1 St SE Calgary Bishoff Leonard Jr 972-2226 Graham B 972-3753 ADVERTISING INFORMATION Grudecki Lucy A Mrs Box86 972-2207 OR PURCHASE OF DIRECTORIES BOB MARKS PONTIAC Grudecki Martin 972-3837 (NoCharge Dial) 1-800-661-4260 Grudecki Vince Box86 972-3911 Fax(NoCharge Dial) ... 1-800-563-0624 BUICKLTD Grudecki Walter Box72 972-2244 105 PaBiser Tr Haiwa 854-4427 Hanewich Terry Box4 972-2005 Hawryluk Peter Box46l-0yen 972-2407 Booker Ken BoxllEmpress 972-2521 Heath Gordon Box9l 972-2021 AGT LIMITED Brausse Mary Mrs Boxl3 972-3845 Heeg Edward 972-3820 SEE ALSO BURIED CABLE LOCATION AGT Mobility Inc Heeg Larry Box3l 972-2203 Alberta 1st Can (Toll-free) 1-800-242-3447 Hittd Dennis 972-2083 AGT Directory Limited (Yellow Pages) Burke Harold Box2i 972-3834 Telus Corporation Hittel Gordon Box55 972-3897 Burke T 972-3866 HjorthS 972-3772 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Burke William Boxl 5 972-2150 TELECENTRE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 7:30 AM-8:0G PM Mon-Fri 310-2255 llOMainSt.. .Alsask Sask 1-306-968-2545 HOSPITAL ... Oyen 664-3526 TELECENTRE TDD ACCESS Facsimile Alsask Sask 1-306-968-2377 Ibach Ron Boxes 972-2134 (Toll-free) 1-800-537-9555 CANADA POST CORPORATION REPAIR INTRA KABET TRAVEL (Voir Societe canadienne des postes 24 Hours Daify 611 pour service en francais) 557 2StSE Medicine Hat526-6931 BUSINESS CUSTOMERS CUSTOMER SERVICE-INFORMATION Jangula Joe Boxl74Empress 972-2108 Janzer Wayne Box74 972-2235 BUSINESS SERVICES Postal Code Information 7:30 AM-8:00 PM Mon-Fri 310-3100 (NoChargeDia!) 1-800-267-1133 Fax Line General Information KLYM'S FUNERAL HOME 24 Hours Daily 310-3000 (NoChargeDia!) 1-800-267-1177 114 lAvE Oyen 664-3767 REPAIR TDD (Deaf Or Hard-Of-Hearing) 24 Hours Daily 310-3131 (NoChargeDial) 1-800-267-2797 Knapik Brent Box96 972-2420 CUSTOMER RELATIONS POSTAL OUTLET FOR PRODUCTS Knapik Jerry Box95 972-3952 ACTION LINE AND SERVICES Kohut A 80x118 972-2228 7:30 AM-12 Midnight Daily 310-1000 Postal Outlet-Corporate Kolkman Bill 972-2008 MAIN SWITCHBOARD Acadia VaHey 972-2035 Kuhn Carl Boxl04 972-3816 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Mon-Fri 310-4248 Canadian Airlines International Ltd Kuhn Carl Farm 972-2129 Reservations & Information Kuhn Irvine Townhouse 972-2462 PUBUC MOBILE (No Charge Dial) 1-800-665-1177 SERVICE Kuhn Irwin Box75 972-3740 Catholic Rectory Box629-Oyen 972-3780 Kuhn Jarrod 972-2277 Cellular 400 310-2400 Champagne R 972-3927 General Mobile 310-6150 Kuhn L 972-2036 Chrusciel Jerome Box223Empress 972-2206 Kukura F 972-2350 INQUIRIES Chrusciel Jerome Fax Line (Toll-free) 1-800-386-7235 Box223Empress 972-2073 KUSH EUGENE QC Lawyr PAYPHONE SERVICES Chrusciel Vincent Box60 972-2116 112 2AvW Hanna 854-3361 Coin Charge-A-Call & Cardreader Colbe Joe 972-2067 Lemare Carl 972-3783 Customer Inquiries Colbe Joe 972-2202 LeMare David 972-2126 (Toll-free) 1-800-472-9773 Conway Catherine Box32 972-2154 Loran Dean 972-2009 AGT RELAY SERVICE Conway Ralph 972-3893 Loran Ervin 972-2105 TDD- Originated Calls Lucey Denis 972-2404 (Toll-free) 1-800-855-1155 Maahs Les 972-3894 Voice - Originated Calls CRIME STOPPERS (No Charge Dial) l-800>242-8477 MacTavish A Box0ll4 972-2402 (Toll-free) 1-800-855-1166 Mahura Ted 972-2214 TELEFORUM CONFERENCING Dalshaug E 972-3987 Mantie Ed Boxl 34 972-2141 SERVICES Dalshaug Ken Box97 972-2262 Marshall B 972-3812 Dial '0' & Ask For The Davey Tim 972-3817 Marshall Jacob G Box0i25 972-3742 TeleForum Operator DAVEY'S CONSTRUCTION Marshall Peter 972-3758 Or Dial(Toll-free) 1-800-667-8517 Tim Davey Marshall Peter Boxl24 972-3787 VIDEOFORUM RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES Box65 .972-3843 Marshall Roddy Boxl23 972-3922 (Toll-free) 1-800-272-9628 Shop 972-2006 Martin's Flooring & Paint Division Of Oyen Flooring & Decorating Ltd ARAP Hanna 854-4448 Didychuk Roger 972-2027 Dillabough Aaron 972-2040 111 RailwayAv W Oyen 664-3842 Acadia Columbus Club 972-3955 Dillabough Bruce 972-2522 Matz Randy Empress 972-2118 ACADIA SEED PROCESSING CO-OP LTD Dodd Les 972-2081 McFadyen Albert E Boxi46 972-2256 Box 243 Oyen 664-3642 Donald R Box35 972-2149 McFadyen Albert Faxline Boxl46 — 972-2041 ACADIA VALLEY BUTCHER Donovan Harry Box284-Oyen 972-2513 McFat^en RRBoxios 972-2509 SHOP 972-3784 Donovan Michael 972-2055 Meers Dwight 972-2311 Acadia Valley CommunityHall 972-9900 DRY COUNTRY GAS CO-OP LTD Meers Gary Boxll3 972-2401 Acadia Valley Curling Club 972-3848 2052 StW Oyen 664-3646 Meers Kent 972-2172 ACADIA VALLEY FARM SUPPLIES If Busy Call 664-3881 Meers M M Shop 972-3768 (1974) LTDBOX210 972-3881 After Hrs 664-3646 Meers Mervin Box387-Oyen 972-2301 40 ACADiA VALLEY— Shubert John L Boxl78 972-2525 Shubert Ken A 972-2425 BINDLOSS Shubert Ronald 972-2132 Shubert Sophia 972-2121 BINDLOSS MERIDIAN COMMUNITY FUTURES Simmons Harry A 972-2410 See also Acadia Valley COMMITTEE Skappak Aaron Boxl82 972-3954 for other oustomers llOMainSt JVIsask Sask 1-306-968-2543 Skappak Art 972-2237 located In this area. Facsimile Alsask Sask 1-306-968-2377 Skappak Jerry J Boxl74 972-3785 For detailed AGT listings, Morisset PM 972-3779 Skappak M B0X174 972-2520 see Index MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF ACADIA NO Skappak OryBoxl74 972-2520 AGT LTD 34 Box30 972-3808 SkappakRichard 972-2252 Residential Customers UtHities Officer .. i 972-3755 SkappakTrent 972-2003 AGT TeleCentre 310-2255 Fire Alarm Only 972-2111 Skappak Victor Bpx181 972-2127 Repair 611 24 Hr Road & Permit Information 972-3988 Skappak Walter Boxl6l 972-2530 Business Customers Shop 972-3882 Societe canadienne des postes Business Services 310-3100 Fa* Line 972-3833 (See Canada Post Corporation For Repair 310-3131 Munro MT 972-3792 Service In English) Customer Relations Action Myers Kenneth 972-2077 (Pour les comptoirs postaux voir Line 310-1000 Neilson Barry Boxl33 972-2421 Canada Post Corporation) Main Switchboard 310-4248 Neilson Brenda Chartd Acctnt 972-2287 SERVICE A LA CLIENTELE BURIED CABLE LOCATION Neilson JR Boxl26 972-2157 Renseignements sur les codes postaux (Alberta 1st Call) . 1-800-242-3447 Nielsen C Boxl56 972-2408 •, Aucunsfraiscomposez 1-800-267-1122 EMERGENCY CALLS Niwa Brian 972-3871 Renseignements generaux ("911" Does Not Apply) Niwa Darren 972-2284 Aucunsfraiscomposez 1-800-267-1155 POLICE— RCMP .... Oyen 664-3883 Niwa Dennis Box98 972-2123 ATS(personnessourdes ou malentendantes) AMBULANCE Niwa Jim 972-3752 Aucunsfraiscomposez 1-800-267-2797 Call Empress 565-3777 Niwa Joseph Bert 972-2217 Spath D 972-3864 or Call Oyen 664-2400 Niwa Murray 972-2107 Spath Frank Boxl83 972-2135 HOSPITAL Niwa Murray Boxll2 972-3790 Spath LeoBoxl84 972-2104 Call Empress 565-3777 Niwa Nelson & Louise 972-3870 Spath Patrick 972-2166 or Call Oyen 664-3526 Niwa R 972-3880 Specht Rudolf Bindloss 972-2102 POISON CENTRE Niwa Rick 972-3732 STEAMMASTER (No Charge Dial) .
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