VOTf TUISDAY THE WESTFIELD LEADER JUNE 1st AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY ; •— —- — u'^«»if.o;j..y;:j-"-" JERSEY, THURSDAY. MAY 27, 1965 Sidewalk Art The Uisilii-ld Arl AssociaUoii yor Vows Town Yard "ill hold its annual Utildtitir Side- walk Show nnd Sale Saturday, Parade, Plaza, Cemetery Rites June 12. fronting Mliutowaskin Park oa Bruad St. The hours Mill IK- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. S. AU^II Kchacffer, chairman, has an- 11 Become Reality oouncnt (hat there will be art- iste working on locution all day. In Memorial Day Observance Tlie gi-iieru] puhtic is invited (o come brows? or chut with hos- tesses who win be available lo WHS Student Council Gift AH Fired Up Program at Plaza help and answer questions. A sfuirli-spoutlng Central Rail- The rain riiite for (he event Is road entfliie irlt a trail (if tin- thin The Year 1 To Start at 8:30 June 19. liankim-ni brush fires in itu waki Ave. Site In Memoriam as It move westward through Wostfieid arcft residents Wi'stfield TlU'KdMy tiFU'l'HOml. will observe Monday aa a Honor Society Will Award To Honor World War II Dead A scries of akirnis, us lilazrs day dedicated to honoring its Renewed Voters Due lirtilii' mil ulong tlu> route iii the those who died in the service Westfield High ScJwol Student Amcric-un t»ninuiui!y, is ui ('Kit trockti through Wcstllrld, uf their country. Memorial j! Tuesday Bight intro- Memorial Grants Tonight Council is donating 520 in memory t>y his neiKltbors. imlird nil of tile town's lire I Lilt- Hay fallw on Sunday but the KC( that would create At Polls of the 30 {graduates who died in "In his idealistic style," said BIU- ing eqiilpmi'iit to ti\e Er^nva and nation will b« paying tribute park and create a For the second year. two World War 11 20 y««rs «K«. The dent direulor Pat TiajH'r, "Saroyan under tlie supporting agriMMiient on Monday ny parades and iiMiiu*y will be used for a tree (o be of tiitrroLiiuIiiiif UmriK Wt'Ktrit;ld effort nnd ran into scholarships, one in the name 0|-j Kulwt L. Foo.se, principal; Dr. Wil- attempts lo depict life tin a typit-al memorial services will highlight ob- planted al Tumaquos jxind wilh oth- »'«i covered for nny enivrgrncy Bsition over the possi- Christine Ursula Collins 'U2 and oneson, Miss Gromlidi, Vauvnl Wash- Tuesday Anu'riOim street." seiviiiu«s across the land. in the name uf Frank Raymond vilk'. giiidaiiee counselor, ami .senim- er trees, also ttmmionwratliis Wcst- Ttic iiMSttiibly will nlso feature tlio wltll the arrival of EI lal»i' lire jng the Public Works Mrs. Ruth Barrett of Martin Wall. Clark IV. '58, will be awarded to Ilunur Society memliers Barliara field citizens. eombiiu'd void's o! Tlit* Twi'lv»> and rlfi from lln- I'lnlnflrld Fire De- Yard-nt the Eliza- l'ntit No. a American Legion, Westfield High School seniors at tlio Bell, Frederick Tijwon, arid Thomas (Jmrrnor, Assembly, Student Cmiiioil president Frvtl Tlie Thirteen sintjirn; "AmorlcH tlio li iirtniriit. Co, site on North Ave. Hajward, selected tin- recipients, Ti[isoi\ will pr-est-nt the di«-k lo II. Beautiful" and tlie band's prrffirm- general chairman of this year's Me- National Honor Society dinner to be I'Vfi-holiIor WU\H iil Day Parndo (V>mmlt(<!o, to- (PI. held tonight. Society president Lee Mrs. M. Scott L'akeky will ivi-1- KnhM-Ron Thomiis, chairman of Wt«t- aiiee uf "Uund C'eic-niony of Fluur- Face Contests JU'ld's TciTCnlenary Conuiiittee, (o- i.shes." day nnnuuncud that Mayor Kohei't Schlesinger '65 will make tlie presen- raim! (lie {jufMi, uiid Walter I.,. Cowles Gives Up 11. Miilrcany, will givo the main I For Sure l'olilieul juti'iy watler.s jire con- morrmv during an anse-mbly pra- tations. Clarksun Jr., will give tin- invurn- tiddrcss a! the rhemorlal services to ii'diiiirig today what effect tin- gram. Paul Nelson will give a i prolonged discus- Miss A. Elisabeth Gromlich, co-ad- lion. Lee Sehlrsiiifier 'U5 will extend 1 conducted at the World War I n c liiie primary date will havii on commemorative K[XMH?II ami Mark Another Chum ** Scat In Council; n Council Tuesday viser, said the dinner will £ilso honor ' President's welcome, followed hy Miuniinii'ii! nt the. plaza ut 8:30 a.m. voter response at tlie polls next, Brumlmtrjjh wilt read the roll call i possible use of the the present and new members of the introduction ol special Kuesls by Al Ihe rrci-ul Kl.niilniuliilc hy llw American Legion. y ille »n North Ave. Dr. Wilson. Miss Gromlieli will in- Tuesday, of those to IK! lionored. Bruce Con- Wi'slfk'ld fulled In meet Us qiwtii. the society. r;ir! nnd David ilerj; will piny taps. Moving Soon In list? evi'iiL ot ruin, the services jirnt si'f for the Christine Ursula Collins, who died troduee the iremliers elected ill HIM. Both Republicans nnd Democrats Now nnottipr ehiinee In at hand. Tile, jmtprrtin will also include the will be lwld at Hoscvelt Junior High Mayor Rolx-rt II. last year after spending her life A candlelight ceremony explaining art facinj; parly contests for nom- 1'lKre will be a Itluirtl Hunk Snt- Democratic Councilman IVtor F. prc.seutiition by KIHH'CII c-iliuitiitl-w «f Sehnnl al !l a.in. Id, "We will have a in a wheel chair, was a Westfield the requirements for ilonur Society ination to the county Freeholder incliiy, Junt! \% from 10 u.iti. to Cuwli's ot lTilli I'ine Grove Avo., vAui licket while the GO!" also Cures a excerpts from Willinm Saroyan's ra- The chutrinan also announced that iomewfiere In West- High School student and Honor So- memtxTship will he presented Sc- 3 p.m. al Mlgliort- Mnnor, V.Wi- will tie inovlm; fi'oni WcslfU'ld shell- stiff batlh> mi the assembly ballot dio piny, "1'eople Witli I.i|,'ht." The Hukati Kjellmuirk, a past command- thls year is out." ciety member. Dr. Evelyn Ii. Wil- uior speakers will be liarbara Bell, iilirth. Dciiiallons lln-ro muy In' ly, resi^noH hi.s Tliird \Vaixl t'nuneil [Hid for (Jovemor. piny is the slory of how a young er of Iho Post wilt be tho grand i revealed that Coun- son, adviser, remembers Christine scholarship; Susan Hawkins, lewlei- i-nilltcd to Wislli.ld, Make »|i- KIMI at Tuesday niisHI's nu'etiriK. His marshal for tho parade. l.ociilly there ale no problems pnintor, who recently moved inlo on Korks Committee is as "a delightful, very cheerful. ship; Thomas lkiy\v;ird, character, uointiiirnt nun by vailing the resiyiwi'lioii M'as accepted with rc- Tin; pnrndo will os;(>inble at imrly-n-isc fur the four council souls, n possible site on sweet girl." and Murk rirumli;uij»h, service. Itt-ii Cross CluipU-r ut 321 Klin Kn't hy hi.s colleiiKueii. Iltihne & Company's oast side park- hut three Wt'slliekl i-iwivli'iits and a KU the A&P shup- (Continued on pajie 2i (iirl Scout Squad (I-ivra St. Karly In t'eUnuiry, Mr, Cowlos ing lul nt II: IS a.m. nnd depart for Frank Raymond Clark IV, a for- Heoleii I'ljiins man inn in the thick was pronwled In KuKl.-l.'iiilriil •/one the ficrvk-t'S at the I'llwu at B:30. mer Honor Society president, was of battles fur Freeholder, Assembly $10 lo K<-<1 CI.ISS killed in n plain- crash last year miinaiw for Prorfsr 8t Cj;iin!>lo pro- Al the conclusion of the program Samuel M. Kinney nnd Stole ComtniUeewonum sjie-ts. while in Ihe service. I'itr Floml Aiil 700 Vets'Graves fi'^sioujjl ilivi.^idii services, llth new at the I'lazH tiro parade will move e amendment, to the Voter Information Arthur Fik>d, Ht^inurrat, who has post requires tlicrt he live closer lu Recipients of the scholarship are out on K. llroitd St., lo Kim St., then, code to establish an IM'C-II a caiididale for niayur and lor The WcsLFicld (iirl Scout Kmw- his work «-ron. rnirlli nn ICIm lo Orchard St.. mid selected on the basis uf the require- : in the area eener- fret'lioldcr is iiKain runninif for Ihe Hcncy Si|iuui iri :i ix.'cenl jmt'tiiii; Flag-Dceorated The 'llilm kvnia representativo ensl on Orchard to Mountain Ave, ments set for Honor Society mem- Sheet By-passed; ( the Hahn tract of county seat wilh the backing of the voted to dotmte $10 to the Hed Cross had nnrvod Nint-o Jun. I, following to Ihe Hevohitlnnary (V>rraU'ry. bership: Leadership, scholarship, County Democratic orHiUiualion. He 17 acres. Tlie site is to 1K>I|> in alleviaLiiiK the distress of his ck-fliiHi in Novemlii-r wlii'ri lie At I hut, hisloric spot Weslfkikl character nnd service. The appli- j ;uid lii^i two running niate.s, Free- In Fairvicw ! Springfield town line LWV Tells Why l!ie victims i»f the recent tornadoes bested Ilk- (rn'oi-t of Hits tJOP nandi- Cliaiilers of the SA« and the DAR cants must have attended Westfield holder Hugh Caldwell ot rkiitifield and floods in the Midwest. Tlio clytt', William (iorilou. nnd l»!eaino Springfield Ave., runs pJwu-ly "(H! veterans graves were will eoiuliiol memorial ,<ierv!ces. In- High School since May 2a, 1!K4, and Due to the mitfrlainly this post ;>nd Willinin J.
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