1971-1972;1972-1973 Biennial Catalog Item Type Book Authors University of Arizona Publisher University of Arizona Rights Permission to use or to order reproductions must be obtained from the University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections. Contact us at [email protected], or (520) 621-6423. Download date 23/09/2021 14:20:30 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/579973 BIENNIAL CATALOG E UNIVERSITY rizona 1971 -1972 1972 -1973 TUCSON ARIZONA THE UNIVERSITY OF Arizona BIENNIAL CATALOG 1971-1972 1972-1973 TUCSON A R I Z O N A THE UNIVERSITYOF ARIZONA RECORD Vol. LXIV, No. 1 June, 1971 Biennial 1971-72 Catalog 1972 -73 Announcements in this catalog concerning regulations, fees, curricula, or other matters, are subject to change without notice.Inquiries regarding admission to the University should be addressed to: The Registrar and Director of Admissions, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721. STATEMENT OF MAILING PRIVILEGE The University of Arizona Record is issued seven times a year. Published monthly during July, August, and October and semimonthly during April and June. Entered as second -class matter April 28, 1933, at the Post Office at Tucson, Arizona, under the Act of March 24, 1912. DIVISIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Schoolof Home Economics; Departments of: AgriculturalBiochemistry,Agricultural Chemistry andSoils,Agricultural Business and Resource Economics, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Pathology, Animal Science, Dairy and Food Sciences, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Poultry Science, Watershed Management. COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Departments of: Accounting,Economics,Finance,InsuranceandRealEstate,Geography andArea Development, Management, Marketing, Office Administration and Business Education, Public Administration. COLLEGE OF EARTH SCIENCES. Departments of: Geosciences, Hydrology and Water Resources; Laboratory of Tree -Ring Research; Office of Arid Lands Studies. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION. Graduate School of Library Science; Departments of: Counseling and Guidance, Education (Foundations of Education, Rehabilitation), Educational Administration,EducationalPsychology,ElementaryEducation,Reading,Secondary Education, Special Education. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Departmentsof:AerospaceandMechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Systems and Industrial Engineering. COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS. School of Music; Departments of:Art, Drama, Radio -Television, Speech. COLLEGE OF LAW COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS. Departmentsof:Anthropology,Astronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Classics, English, German, Government, History, Journalism, Mathematics, Microbiology and Medical Technology, Oriental Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Romance Languages, Russian, Sociology. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Departments of: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Community Medicine,Internal Medicine, Microbiology, Obstetrics -Gynecology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Social Perspectives in Medicine, Surgery. COLLEGE OF MINES. Departmentsof:ChemicalEngineering,Metallurgical Engineering, Mining and Geological Engineering. COLLEGE OF NURSING COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Departments ofPharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology and Toxicology. GRADUATE COLLEGE. Committees on: Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition, Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Linguistics, Optical Sciences, Statistics. CONTINUING EDUCATION AND THE SUMMER SESSION. EveningClasses, Extension Courses, Correspondence Instruction, Conferences and Institutes, Summer Sessions. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS. DepartmentofHealth,PhysicalEducation,and Recreation. Department of Physical Education for Women. School of Military Science and Aerospace Studies. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES DIVISIONS OF RESEARCH AND SPECIAL PUBLIC SERVICE.Agricultural Experiment Station, Arizona Bureau of Mines, Arizona Cooperative Fishery Unit, Arizona Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Arizona Poisoning Control Information Center, Arizona State Museum, Arizona Transportation and Traffic Institute, Bureau of Audiovisual Services, Bureau of Educational Research and Service, Bureau of Ethnic Research, Computer Center, Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Economic and Business Research, Engineering Experiment Station, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (including Environmental Research Laboratory), Institute of Government Research, Laboratory of Tree -Ring Research, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, The Museum of Art, Office of Arid Lands Studies, Optical Sciences Center, Radio -TV Bureau, Steward Observatory, Student Counseling Bureau, University Alumni Office, University Placement Service, The University Press, The University of Arizona Brazil Program, University Rehabilitation Center, Water Resources Research Center. CONTENTS Contents Divisions of The University 3 Academic Calendar 6 University Officers 9 Faculty of The University: Administrative, Teaching, Research, and Service 12 The Board of Regents 92 General University Information 93 Memberships and Accreditations 93 The University - An Historical Sketch 93 The University of Arizona Press 95 Committees of The University 95 The University of Arizona Alumni Association 96 Divisions of Research and Special Public Service 97 The University of Arizona Foundation 103 Admission to The University 104 General Regulations 104 Admission of Nonresidents 105 Admission of Veterans and Children of Deceased Veterans 105 Admission to Freshman Standing 106 Transfer Students 110 Expenses and Fees 112 Summary of Costs 112 Legal Residency 114 Graduation Expenses 117 Refunds 117 Scholarships and Financial Aid 119 Student Employment 119 Cooperative Work -Study Programs 119 National Financial Aid Programs 119 General University Student Loan Funds 121 Undergraduate Scholarships 127 Foundations Supporting Scholarships and Fellowships 127 Scholarships Available to Entering Freshmen 131 Scholarships Restricted to Resident Undergraduates 135 Scholarships for Undergraduates in any Field of Study 135 Scholarships Within Specific Colleges and Schools 137 Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education 145 Graduate Appointments and Scholarships 145 Provisions for Superior Students 149 University -wide Honors Program 149 Honors, Awards and Prizes 149 Student Services 159 Counseling and Advising 159 Clinical Services 160 University Placement Service 161 Student Union Post Office 161 The University Libraries 167 CONTENTS Housing Facilities and Social Life 164 Housing Regulations 165 General Regulations 166 Automobiles 168 Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities 168 Associated Students 169 Fraternities and Sororities 169 Honorary and Professional Societies and Other Organizations 170 Religious Activities 172 Special Cultural Opportunities 172 Registration 175 Classification of Students 175 Procedures 175 Registration Adjustments 176 Academic Guidelines 178 Scholarship Requirements 178 Academic Probation and Disqualification 179 Grading System 180 Required Subjects - Lower Division 182 Special Credits 183 Absences 184 Leaving The University 185 Graduation Requirements 186 College of Agriculture 190 School of Home Economics 194 College of Architecture 200 College of Business and Public Administration 203 College of Earth Sciences 217 College of Education 226 College of Engineering 236 College of Fine Arts 254 School of Music 262 College of Law 269 College of Liberal Arts 273 College of Medicine 286 College of Mines 288 College of Nursing 299 College of Pharmacy 301 The Graduate College 303 Advanced Degrees Offered 307 Admission and General Regulations 303 seneral Departments of the University 309 Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation 309 Department of Physical Education for Women 311 School of Military Science and Aerospace Studies 315 -2ontinuing Education and The Summer Session 318 General Information 318 Admission and Registration 319 Special Graduate Programs 320 Programs Abroad 320 departments and Courses of Instruction with Key to Symbols 321 ndex 594 -2ampus Map 607 kcademic Degrees Awarded 1969, 1970 608 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1971 -72 FIRST SEMESTER 1972 -73 Last day for receipt of applications for Aug. 9 M admission and all supporting transcripts 7 M Aug. Degrees awarded as of this date for students Sept. 1 W completing requirements at close of summer session 1 F Sept. 2 Th Orientation, College of Medicine 31 Th (Aug.) 3 F Registration for College of Medicine 1 F 4 Sa University Faculty Meeting 2 Sa 6 M Residence Halls open 4 M 7 T -8 W New Student Orientation Program 5 T -6 W 7 T Classes begin in College of Medicine 5 T 7 T -8 W Registration for College of Law 5 T -6 W 8 W Classes begin in College of Law 6 W Registration (except Colleges of Law 8 W -11 Sa Noon and Medicine) 6 W -9 Sa Noon 13 M Classes begin (except in Law and Medicine) 11 M 20 M Last day of registration for credit 18 M Oct. 16 Sa Parents' Day 14 Sa Oct. Last day for dropping courses in Colleges other than College of Law with an automatic 23 Sa passing withdrawal grade 21 Sa 23 Sa Last day for dropping courses in College of Law 21 Sa 25 M Veterans' Day - no classes 23 M 26 T Records close for midterm scholarship report 24 T 30 Sa Homecoming - no classes 28 Sa Last day for dropping courses in colleges Nov. 20 Sa other than College of Law 18 Sa Nov. 25 Th -28 Su Incl Thanksgiving recess 23 Th -26 Su Incl. Applications for bachelor's
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