LAKE.,Nipltil[pALD Vol. XLI Berrien Springs, Mich., February 22, 1949 No. 8 REASONS FOR USING "SIGNS" rested by the intriguing title of an ar- him from a serious affliction that had ticle. She read it from beginning to become increasingly severe through end, was convicted by its message, the passing years. and requested the doctor, on a subse- He and his companion finally re- quent visit, to send a Bible instructor quested baptism. Upon entering the to her home. In due time she aban- baptismal font, he prayed and be- doned her old beliefs, accepted the lieved that God would work a mira- message, and is today dedicating her cle of healing grace in his behalf, and profession to helping others find the accomplish what no earthly power way. had been -able to do. As he was bur- ITS MESSAGE BRINGS HOPE IN ADVER- ied with his Lord_ in baptism he felt SITY. It happened in a beautiful park the power of a new life, physically in a northern city. One of our mis- and spiritually, taking complete pos- ITS MESSAGE SHINES THROUGH THE sionaries from far-away India was ad- session of him. Today he is rejoicing DUST OF THE YEARS. In a western state miring the scenic attractions when he in the hope of the second coming, and many years ago a sponsored Signs was approached by the gardener, an in the glory of a complete restoration subscription had been sent to a home. elderly gentleman. The mention of the of health. One copy found its way into the attic word India created a look of sadness ITS MESSAGE ANSWERS THE CHAL- that was later abandoned and closed. on the face of the gardener as he re- LENGE OF EVERY SATANIC DELUSION. With other effects, the copy of Signs called that he had an only son rest- Yes, for seventy-five years Signs has gathered dust through the years. Only ing in a lonely grave over there, a presented to the world the "faith of recently the house was occupied by casualty of the recent war. Jesus" in its completeness and unadul- new tenants who curiously tore away Addressing the missionary, he said, terated purity. For every error, it pre- the door to the old attic. Strangely, "There is one thing that gives me sents the truth; for , every fear, it holds but providentially, the mother of the greater joy and comfort than anything before the pilgrims of earth a glorious home picked up the dust-covered copy else I have read." Taking a copy of hope; and for every want, it provides of Signs, read its entire contents in Signs of the Times from his pocket, the satisfying portion of the Word the semidarkness of the old attic; and he said, "This is a paper I cherish a of God. experienced a new illumination and great deal because it has presented a Let us all determine to make this conviction. She is now rejoicing in hope that I shall see my only boy Signs diamond-anniversary year the the truth, and is endeavoring to pass again." greatest soul-winning adventure of it on to others. Even though it lay in It brought greater joy to the gard- our profession, and widen the circle the dust for more than fifty years, ener's wounded heart when he learned of its influence until it shall be "like Signs found a response in the heart of that Signs is published by the people streams of • light" reaching "clear a truth seeker and brought light and who are sponsoring that missionary's round the world." H. K. CHRISTMAN hope in God's own time. career in India. ITS MESSAGE MELLOWS PREJUDICED ITS MESSAGE BRINGS CONVERSION AND HEARTS. Not very long ago an Ad- HEALING. A copy of Signs was left on ventist doctor was making a routine the counter of a little store in a west- visit to a home where the mother was ern town. After reading it carefully, seriously ill. She was under the con- the owner felt a longing to get in stant care of a very efficient nurse touch with the people who believed who was . a strict adherent to another and taught its message. On-a succeed- faith. In harmony with his usual cus- ing week the home missionary entered tom, the doctor left a copy of Signs the store to leave another copy. An on the table by the bedside. Each interesting visit followed, and the time, however, the nurse would con- storekeeper opened his home for Bi- sign it to the wastebasket. One day ble studies. As the message was win- the doctor left a copy in the custom- ning its way into his heart, he had a ary place, and her attention was ar- conviction that the Lord would heal 2 LAKE UNION HERALD A DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY can have knowledge. The irresolute (Continued from the last issue) can find purpose and courage. The weak can become strong, the defeated Signs in This Twilight Hour victorious. Even much more is prom- That this is the twilight hour of ised through the gospel. human history every Seventh-day Ad- One way to turn wishes into effi- ventist is deeply conscious. Events on cient horses is to master some field of knowledge and to use it to the every horizon of the rapidly changing glory of God and the upbuilding of world scene are hurrying us along to the Kingdom. Possessing knowledge the hour when God will assert the and skill, you can change wishes into power of a mighty leadership. That fleet-footed horses to take you where event was vividly portrayed in Reve- you want to go and to serve. lation 18:1. "And after these things W. HOMER TEESDALE, President IF WISHES WERE HORSES I saw another angel come down from 041=104MPIMPOIMMINIMOo. ‘1M+04111•13411i heaven having great power; and the IT is very gratifying, if but once a earth was lightened with his glory." year, to be remembered by one's MICHIGAN This inspired prophecy in the closing friends and to receive their ex- G. E. Hutches - - - - President pages of sacred scripture visualizes a pressions of confidence and good cheer. B. P. Willett - - - Sec.-Treas. great movement that will reach far 620 Townsend St. Just to know of friendly attitudes and Box 900, Lansing 4, Michigan beyond any racial or territorial limita- co-operation gives courage for even tions. The world will be lightened the hardest of tasks. with the glory of the message of a There are people whose good deeds NEWS NOTES coming King. never materialize beyond the good- THE Camp Committee met at the In this gigantic program of world wish stage. If wishes were adequate, conference office February 10 to give coverage we are naturally inclined to how quickly the gospel could be study to plans for the coming session recognize that Signs will occupy a preached in all the world, how happy June 21 to July 3. large place. Relating her vision con- everyone could be. But in the im- Worker's Meeting was held at Ce- cerning its future, Mrs. E. G. White aginary realm of wishing, bad wishes dar Lake Academy, Feb. 8, with El- said, "I was given an impressive might also become realities. How wise der Votaw of the General Conference, dream, in which was represented the was the Creator in not allowing wishes Elder Christman of the Pacific Press, instrumentality of the press in the alone to be sufficient! and Elders Hunter, Ihrig and Halla- work of giving the third angel's mes- Wishes alone will not get work day from the Union participating sage to the world." Life Sketches, p. done. They need embodiment in flesh along with the local workers. Elder 208. As a means of encouraging a and blood that move in the right Votaw's messages on church-state re- proper emphasis on its use among all direction, or encasement in steel being lations were much appreciated, as our churches as a soul-winning factor forcefully driven to their task. The world seems full of whirring machines of major importance, a recent Fall LAKE UNION HERALD Council action recommended, "That that transform raw materials into fin- ished products. It has many people Published weekly by the the Signs of the Times be the only LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF who turn hopes and purposes into SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS full-message missionary journal . Berrien Springs, Mich. for which an annual campaign will achievement. Even those who sit at be systematically and personally con- desks may be changing ambitions into Contributions must be submitted to your patterns for success. What wonders local Conference office for approval. ducted in our churches and in con- All matters for publication should reach are wrought by supporting wishes the Lake Union Conference office, TUES- nection with which money may be DAY, 9 A. M., preceding the date of issue. with creative effort! Subscription price $1.00. Foreign $2.00. solicited for clubs and subscriptions The days of the prancing steed with W. F. Grail - - Editor to be given free in missionary enter- its gallant mount in shining armor E. L. Green Advisory Editor prises." Entered as second-class matter November have passed. In many lands the living 3, 1908 under act of March 3, 1879. Re- We are happy to announce to all entered March 12, 1946 at the Post Office, animal has given place largely to an Berrien Springs, Michigan. Printed by the our believers that definite plans are unseen but mighty force known as College Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
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