JJune/Julyune/July 22012012 CONTENTS VVol.ol. 5522 • nono 1111 A COPLAND PORTRAIT Choral Music MEMORIES OF A FRIENDSHIP, AND THOUGHTS ABOUT HIS INFLUENCE 00 ON AMERICAN CHORAL MUSIC in the White House 8 2266 TThehe AACDACDA NNationalational SSymposiumymposium onon AmericAmericaann CChoralhoral MMusicusic The Choral Arrangements TTHEHE of Alice Parker SSEARCHEARCH and Robert Shaw FFOROR AANN American Style 1188 3300 ARRTICLESTICLES INNSIDESIDE 8 CChoralhoral MMusicusic iinn tthehe WWhitehite HHouseouse 2 From the Executive Director 4 From the President bbyy DDonaldonald TTrottrott 6 From the Guest Editor 7 Letters to the Editor 1188 CChoralhoral MMusicusic iinn tthehe WWhitehite HHouse:ouse: AAnn AAfterwordfterword 52-55 Nat'l Honor Choir Info. bbyy DDonaldonald OOglesbyglesby 66-68 Nat'l Music in Worship Festival Choir Info. 88 Advertisers’ Index TThehe AACDACDA NNationalational SSymposiumymposium oonn AAmericanmerican CChoralhoral MMusic:usic: 2222 TThehe SSearchearch fforor anan AmericanAmerican SStyletyle The Choral Journal is the official publication of The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). ACDA is bbyy JJohnohn SSilantienilantien a nonprofit professional organization of choral directors from schools, colleges, and universities; community, 2266 A CCoplandopland PPortrait:ortrait: MMemoriesemories ofof a FriendshipFriendship andand TThoughtshoughts church, and professional choral ensembles; and industry and institutional organizations. Choral Journal circula- aaboutbout HHisis IInfluencenfluence oonn AAmericanmerican CChoralhoral MMusicusic tion: 19,000. bbyy DDavidavid CConteonte Annual dues (includes subscription to the Choral Journal): 3300 TThehe CChoralhoral AArrangementsrrangements ooff AAlicelice PParkerarker aandnd RRobertobert ShawShaw Active $95, Industry $135, Institutional $110, Retired $45, and Student $35. One-year membership begins bbyy JJimim TTayloraylor on date of dues acceptance. Library annual subscription rates: U.S. $45; Canada $50; Foreign $85. Single Copy $3; Back Issues $4. Permission is granted to all ACDA members to reproduce COOLUMNSLUMNS articles from the Choral Journal for noncommercial, educational purposes only. Nonmembers wishing to 45 RRepertoireepertoire & StandardsStandards eediteddited bbyy AmyAmy BBlosserlosser reproduce articles may request permission by writing to ACDA. 545 Couch Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102. The Early History of the National Committee on Children's Choirs 1981-1995 by Barbara M. Tagg Telephone: 405/232-8161. All rights reserved. Audition Advice and Protocol for College-Bound Musicians by Andrew Larson The Choral Journal (US ISSN 0009-5028) is issued eediteddited byby RichardRichard SStanislawtanislaw monthly except for July. Printed in the United States of 57 HHallelujah!allelujah! America. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, A Composer and Publisher Speaks of Music Ministry by Joseph M. Martin Oklahoma, and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Choral Journal, 545 Couch 61 BBooookk RReviewseviews eediteddited bbyy SSteptephhenen TTownown Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102. 71 RRecordedecorded SoundSound ReviewsReviews eediteddited bbyy DavidDavid PPuderbaughuderbaugh Cover art by Efrain Guerrero, graphic artist, Austin, Texas. Interior art by Tammy Brummell. 79 IIndexndex ooff AArticlesrticles fforor VVolumeolume FFifty-Twoifty-Two bbyy ScottScott WW.. DDorseyorsey Musical examples by Tunesmith Music <www.Tunesmithmusic.com>. National Officers FROM THE In 1780, future U.S. President John President Adams famously wrote these words to Jo-Michael Scheibe University of Southern California EXECUTIVE his wife, Abigail: [email protected] Vice-president I must study politics and war, that my Jerry McCoy DIRECTOR University of North Texas sons may have liberty to study math- 940-369-8389 (voice) [email protected] ematics and philosophy, geography, natural history President-elect and naval architecture, navigation, commerce, Karen Fulmer 253-927-6814 (VOICE) and agriculture, in order to give their children a [email protected] right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, NATIONAL TREASURER statuary, tapestry, and porcelain. Jo Ann Miller North Dakota State University [email protected] In a way, this prophetic view by Adams tracks the ma- Executive Director Tim Sharp Tim Sharp turing of the choral voice in the newly formed United 405-232-8161(voice) States of America up until today. [email protected] Between 1800 and the mid-nineteenth century, major cities in the Eastern Central Division President Tom Merrill United States began their movement past revolution and war, and were able Xavier University 513-745-3135 (voice) to form professional music organizations such as Boston’s Handel and Haydn [email protected] Society, which concentrated on full-scale performances of choral music with Eastern Division President orchestra, and the New York Philharmonic Symphony Society, which focused Bob Eaton [email protected] on symphonic repertoire. These societies received their material from the North Central Division President fi nest of European composers of the time. Aimee Beckmann-Collier Drake University It is a little disorienting to realize that during this time, Mozart’s librettist, 515-271-2841 (voice) [email protected] Lorenzo Da Ponte, was now living in New York city and making a living as a grocer, and Napoleon’s older brother, Joseph Bonaparte, former king of Spain, Northwestern Division President Solveig Holmquist was living in New Jersey. The lines were beginning to blur, but it would still Western Oregon University 503-838-8437 (voice) be a while before the U. S. iconoclasts would have the opportunity to study [email protected] “painting, poetry, music …” as Adams projected to Abigail. Southern Division President Tom Shelton However, by the end of the century, the fi rst musicians’ union was formed, First Presbyterian Church not in New York City or Boston, but rather, in Memphis, Tennessee. On the 336-478-4713 (voice) [email protected] original Certifi cate of Affi liation, pictured in the laurel banner that frames the Southwestern Division President document, alongside the classical German/Austrian composers of Wagner, Margie Camp Young Voices of Colorado Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Haydn, and Schubert, we see the portrait of 303-797-7464 (voice) [email protected] Western Division President Kathryn Smith Cosumnes River College 916-687-0545 [email protected] ACDA HAS A SMARTPHONE APP! Industry Associate Representative Alec Harris GIA Publications Inc. 708-496-3800 (voice) This application includes ACDA’s exclusive “First Listen” program, a “Choral Library” featuring reviews of new music, Chair, Past Presidents’ Council Hilary Apfelstadt a quiz section, ACDA News, ChoralNet, and a direct University of Toronto contact feature. 416-978-0827 (voice) [email protected] You can download this App directly from your smart phone National Past Presidents device. † Archie Jones Maurice T. Casey † Elwood Keister † Hugh Sanders iPhone users can get the ACDA App from the App Store. † Warner Imig David O. Thorsen † J. Clark Rhodes Diana J. Leland † Harold A. Decker William B. Hatcher Android users should visit the Google Market now known † Theron Kirk John B. Haberlen as Google Play. † Charles C. Hirt † Lynn Whitten † Morris D. Hayes James A. Moore Russell Mathis Milburn Price † Walter S. Collins David Stutzenberger H. Royce Saltzman Mitzi Groom † Colleen Kirk Michele Holt Executive Director's The 12 Purposes Log Dudley Buck. Yes, you read it right, Dud- ley Buck. This signals a new age in the of ACDA What's on growth of a U. S. voice in choral music, Tim's daytimer? as a New England choral composer is • To foster and promote choral singing which given a place along side the trinity of the will provide artistic, cultural, and spiritual June 6 Executive Committee experiences for the participants. Dallas, TX “Three Bs.” We now witness our own June 7-8 ACDA Leadership Conference Mt. Rushmore beginning to develop as • To foster and promote the finest types of Dallas, TX we add “Buck” to the “Bs” of the Ger- choral music to make these experiences June 9 Leadership Board Dallas, TX man Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. possible. June 10 Audition Committee If and when a U. S. voice was to • To foster and promote the organization and Dallas, TX surface in choral composition, it would development of choral groups of all types in June 12 Georgia Baptist Youth Camp Atlanta, GA emerge through transplanted Romantic schools and colleges. European traditions, Americans study- June 14-28 IFCM Board Meeting Lugano, Italy ing abroad, European Impressionism, • To foster and promote the development of choral music in the church and synagogue. June 17-23 ACDA National Youth Honor Choir revolutions in industry and technology London, England (think of the piano as industry and tech- • To foster and promote the organization and June 29-30 American Choral Symposium nology), twentieth-century American development of choral societies in cities and Washington, DC optimism, and many, many other threads communities. July 4-14 World Choir Games Cincinnati, OH and infl uences. • To foster and promote the understanding July 15-21 China Choral Summit When Wynton Marsalis describes of choral music as an important medium of Beijing, China American blues music, he says, contemporary artistic expression. July 23-26 Association of Disciple Musicians Tulsa, OK • To foster and promote significant It's like
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