University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-5-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 01-05-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lvdo_news Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 01-05-1906." (1906). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ lvdo_news/1412 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE LAS VEGAS . WA i LI i. VOL. XXVII. JLA8 VEOAO, ND7 3lBICO, Fill DAY- - EVENING, JANUARY 5, 190U. V V NO,'52 and republican party leaders generally MANY SURIID BY EARTHQUAKE TVB "WITCHES" outside of the committee itself will be DECISIVE OF RUSSIAN Nl GtNtCANO, ITALY. given full opportunity to present their ; TESTItiflllY V VIM views, New York, January 8. A cable As chairman of the territorial re- ' gram to the Herald from Rome savs: publican committee I shall abide by "At Genseano, a town of 8.000, in TED III LEAD TO OVER me the wishes of the majority of the re- COMM . province of Polenxa, the earth DtUIIISWF publicans of New Mexico. Whatever If opened Thursday, engulfing ten bous- the policy may be that may ultimate es and shattering many others, which ly be adopted by the republican par threatened to fall. Many persona REPHESIE were burled in ruins. PRI1 ty, should an enabling act be passed, MOOS LUES the Fourteen HI It will be supported by a united or- dead bodies so far have been recov- ganization and no power under the ered." heaven can "prevent victory at the J0I GRIM Vt. YOUNG . Guilty of Hideous Murder of polls! Scrioiu A Thanking you for your kind wishes, Flsmts of Rtvo!t, Which Have Only . Smothered, May MAHONEY TONIGHT. Chirgt$ jtirut Other White to Secure Heart Baby etc., and wishing you many Happy Comptr.l In rJwourl. New Years, I am, Baxt Fct.1Ai:iw Under Further Persecution. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 5. loo Grim, for Charm. ' - 4 ' ,1 ... ( the "human Very respectfully yours, punching bag" from Phila- (Signed): H, O. BURSUM, delphia, make his pugilistic debut in the west tonight He is slated to Wm, & RockJclLjr Om of tha Rnt Wit Chairman. Prefect Smoked and Sal'cd Body Found Long Unwist Action of St. Petersburg of Police Granting Rewards meet "Young Mahoney" of Racine In ncuai in tha Cm. O&ar ttajnatei an After Crime a Number of eighl round bout before the Mil- . On the Implicate . To Houst For Bomb's. Stand Revolution Over. r Pcrttrt Finding waukee Boxing club. Aa both of Men and Women. the mlddlewelgbta ar of the slugging va- riety, capable of amount taking any New York, January S. The taking Washington, January 5. Cable ad- St. Petersburg, January (.The tersburg, for instance, the whole- of punishment, the bout la expected Bo-cour-t, In 5. to hammer-and-tun- g of testimony tha proceedings of the Havana, January Domingo vices received today at the state de- government's victory over the revo- sale perquisitions of the police have be a affair from an old negro,, and Victor Mo-lin-e, have been succeeded by a atart to finish. atat of Missouri against the 8tandard partment from San Domingo announce lutionists has been quite decisive, al- particu- Malachy Hogan of a mulatto, were garroted at the revolution is at larly offensive measure of the per- Chicago will referee. Oil company begins thla be were that practically revolt continues in many morning prison here today. Both men an are to their though open fect of the police, which practically H. end; troops dispersing fora Frederick Sanborn, , .special aa . asso- regarded witches by their home, and the country Is again be- plates in the interior. The military glvee the dvorniks, or house porters, A pleasant party. waa given at the hldioua-murde- r commissioner, appointed by Oov. ciates. Their crime' was the Is employed mercilessly and gradu- free hand to search private lodgings Hazzard home last night In honor of e coming quiet. attorney-g- pur-jjos- Polk. Ruah C. naaiatant of a white babyk for the To ally the movement is being stifled. for arms and suspicious persons for George Hauard, who will leave to- Lak, Impeach. ' InTT-vanc- of , itbe heart of a eneral e procuring 8an Domingo, January 5. A procla- These Area of revolt, arwevery are documents, offering them a premium morrow to continue his studies in of Missouri, came which "witches" white female child, mation has been issued announcing smothered) but are not extinguished of fifty cents for the discovery of penver. Mlerry games were played of hla chief and when seen at for a certain e 1 prescribed as poultice the decision of congress to impeach and the main fear la that the govern- every revolver or bomb, and twenty-fiv- and a sumptuous supper waa served. hit hotel laat night said: "It our woman cure her of barrenness. to the fugitive General Mo- ment, encouraged by success, will fall cents for. a knife Such meas- There were about twenty guests. purpose to set the wheels in motion president. ' The child's was lound smokked .: will and body rales. , into the very error, of which' Um ures naturally arouse the cupidity promptly, to proceed expeditions. A ";','.' and salted, weeks after the crime. volutlonlsts were guilty in attempt of the house porters and restore the ly. Tho hearing la New York te by im- dozen other men and women are to press the advantage too far.. Al- intolerable system of personal espiona- Prcprring for Business. no mean the beginning of our worir. connection with . the ' prisoned in Legal Opinion. ready there are signs that the policy ge.,'-, we began taking testimony In . Kit crime. of repression may be carried to a Five Hundred Killed. sour! 4 or S months ago and have sure to arouae Courtlaad obtained . point which Is again Tukum, Russia, January London.. January 5. Announcement already testimony showing dlsoontentof class- 5. Five hundred and the division of and traSlo . The as a matter of im- resentment and the eighty persona that the second of a North territory Miners Optic gives ' or ' the squadron In Missouri between es which shrank from .the violent were killed wounded during Rear-Admir- the Standard Prepare Information to the public a ! Atlantic fleet, commanded by portant In Ei. recent revolt here. and the Watera-Pjero- e company. We the Com- program of the 'reds." Pe will be at Gibral letter just received from 8Ibee. expect to secure cumulative evidence for Convention missioner of Public Lands at Santa tar, which Is near Almeclras. at about ' on that point and also to ahow that Fe. ,. the time when the Moroccan confer- Mur-de- the Republican Oil company,, which The in no reflects Wm. J. Aoran Confesses to r ence Iwll assemble, has aroused In opinion way upon poaes aa an Independent company waa . 5. At the or as- terest here In diplomatic circles. Indianapolis1, Ind., Jan. either the Commissioner those organised by the clerks in the office headquarters of the United Mine sociated with him in the management Seventeen-Year-Ol- d Troopa Ready. i of the Standard and waa backed bt-in- of by g Manila. Workers of America the officers are of the territorial lands', the point Boy January S.Great activity of Standard. in money the contemplating the arrangements one of law only. prevails among troopa the garri W. Q. Rockefeller a busy sons at Manila. Three are Wttneee. for the annual national convention of The public in general will be pleased regiments W. O. Rockefeller, of J. D. Chicago, January 5. William J. that a passenger train would hide the under field orders. In view of nephew the organization soon to assemble with the action as it will prevent men possible Rockefeller, of ; the Stand confessed to evidence of the crime. The acciden- eventualities in China. ! , president here. The mast important matter to of large wealth from absorbing the Moran, aged 19, today ard Oil waa Robert Col- tal of the body before a company, one of the wit the convention will be the lands to the detriment : of the killing last night ,o( discovery come before public train had disclosed fact nesaea who attended the hearing to scale which stock raisers small nuni lier, aged It. during a quarrel, after passed the HUSBAND OF CRANK adjustment of the wage owning only - day before Frederick ,W. Sanborn. ; ' which Moran says he placed Collier's that Collier bad beet killed by a DECLINES TO TALK. affects at least 100,000 miners ers of animals. , commiaeioner on the railroad track in hope pistol bullet. special appointed by country. The scale The Commissioner writes as fol- body Governor Folk throughout the Hamilton, Ohio, January 5. Dr. of Missouri to take to lows: In Misaon-r- will be submitted the operators Minor Morris, husband of woman evidence aulta brought by t at the convention to be held in Mr. B. V. Long, ' against the 8tandard Oil joint CarcCom-missio- n ejected from the Whit House yes- company, this city the latter part of this month. Los Vegas, N. M. of bthmian while she was to and tho eompanibe allead to be al I Meeting terday, demanding Just demands. If any, will be Jtear Sir: have received your t, lied with It.
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