Iakovos Androulidakis Curriculum Vitæ, October 2020 Personal data Nationality Greek. Citizenship Greek. Home 19, Leonida Drosi Street, 11474, Athens, Greece. address Date of birth February 6, 1973. Place of Athens, Greece. birth PhD University of Sheffield, U.K., January 17, 2002. Positions Nov 2016 – Associate Professor (tenured), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens today (NKUA). Jan. 2012 – Assistant Professor (tenure track), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Oct 2016 (NKUA). Aug. 2009 – Postdoctoral Researcher (DFG), Institute of Mathematics, University of Göttingen. July 2011 Sept. 2008 – Postdoctoral Researcher (FCT), University of Porto. June 2009 Oct 2006 – Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407), Department of Mathematics, University of June 2008 Crete. Sept. 2005 – Research Assistant to Prof. A. Cattaneo, Institute of Mathematics, University of Sept. 2006 Zürich. Sept. 2004 – Postodoctoral Researcher (EU-RTN ”Quantum Spaces and Noncommutative July 2005 Geometry”), Departement de Mathématiques, Paris 7 Denis Diderot. May 2002 – National service and medical recovery. Aug. 2004 Sept. 2001 – Postdoctoral Researcher (EU-RTN ”Differential Geometry Endeavour”), Feb. 2002 Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon. Sept. 10, PhD viva voce, University of Sheffield. 2001 Panepistimiopolis – 15784 Athens +30 210 7276423 • +30 210 7276378 • [email protected] http://scholar.uoa.gr/iandroul/ Grants/Awards/Prizes 2015 “Chercheur Visiteur” at Paris 7 Denis Diderot (3900 euros). DFG funding for short visits to University of Göttingen (4800 euros). “Shapiro Visiting Professorship”, Penn State (2500 euros). 2013 “Konstantine Karatheodory” prize (NKUA) 2012 Prize of the Academy of Athens to common publication with V. Nestoridis (prize awarded to V. Nestoridis) 2011 Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (50000 euros). http://users.uoa.gr/ ~iandroul/NCGSF.html 2011 “Maitre de Conferences Visiteur”, Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier. 2008 FCT (Portugal) grant for project “Topological Invariants via Differential Geometry”, PTDC/MAT/098770/2008 (http://cmup.fc.up.pt/cmup/pbgothen/ tidg/) 2007 “Ciencias 2007” competition FCT (Portugal). Postdoctoral researcher position for 5 years at the university of Porto. 2005 CNRS postdoctoral position (12 months)at Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont- Ferrand. (Chose position in Zürich instead.) 2000 T.M. Flett award, Faculty of Sciences, University of Sheffield. 1997 Full scholarship (Differential Geometry) by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation for PhD studies at the University of Sheffield. Community Service Admin. Director of Algebra & Geometry Section, Department of Mathematics, NKUA. (Sept. 2019 - August 2020) Editorial Chief Editor of Memorial Volume for Kirill C. H. Mackenzie (ongoing), Journal work of Geometric Mechanics Refereeing Annals of Mathematics, Compositio Mathematica, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, Documenta Mathematica. Reviewing AMS, Zentralblatt Education Sept. 1997 – PhD degree, University of Sheffield, Thesis title: “Extensions, classification and Jan. 2002 cohomology for Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids”, Supervisor: K. Mackenzie. Sept. 1995 – MSc in Pure Mathematics, Department of Mathematics NKUA, Dissertation title July 1997 “Differential Spaces”, Supervisor: Maria Papatriantafyllou. Sept. 1990 – BSc (Ptychio), Department of Mathematics NKUA. July 1995 Publications 1 I A M Z Integration of Singular Subalgebroids. Preprint arXiv:2008.07976 Panepistimiopolis – 15784 Athens +30 210 7276423 • +30 210 7276378 • [email protected] http://scholar.uoa.gr/iandroul/ 2 I A, O M R Y The convolution algebra of Schwarz kernels on a singular foliation. Journal of Operator Theory VV:N(2021), 101–129 doi: 10.7900/jot.2019nov12.2291. Preprint arXiv:1910.02623 3 I A Y K Riemannian Laplacians for generalized smooth distributions as C∗-algebra multipliers.To appear in Differential Equations on Manifolds and Mathematical Physics (Dedicated to the Memory of Boris Sternin), Trends in Mathematics 2020, Birkhäuser, ISBN978-3- 030-37325-2. Editors: V. Manuilov, A. S. Mishchenko, V. E. Nazaikinskii, B.-W. Schulze, W. Zhang. Preprint arXiv:1902.03139 4 I A Y K Riemannian metrics and Laplacians for generalized smooth distributions. Journal of Topology and Analysis (2019) https: //doi.org/10.1142/S1793525320500168. Preprint arXiv:1807.06815 5 I A P A Integral lifts for transitive Lie algebroids. Internat. J. Math. (2018), no. 9, 1850062, 26 pp. https://doi.org/ 10.1142/S0129167X18500623. Preprint arXiv:1707.04855 6 I A M Z Almost regular Poisson manifolds and their holonomy groupoids. Sel. Math. (N. S.) 23 (2017), no. 3, 2291–2330. DOI: 10.1007/s00029-017-0319-5. Preprint arXiv:1606.09269 7 I A M Z Stefan-Sussmann singular foliations, Singular subalgebroids, and their associated sheaves. Int. J. Geom. Methods in Mod. Phys. (2016), suppl., 1641001, 17 pp. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219887816410012 8 I A G S The Baum-Connes conjecture for singular foliations. Annals of K-theory 4-4 (2019), 561–620. DOI 10.2140/akt.2019.4.561. Preprint arXiv:1509.05862 9 I A Laplacians and spectrum for singular foliations. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 35(5), 2014 : 679–690. 10 I A M Z Holonomy transformations for singular foliations. Adv. Math., 256 : 348-397, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2014.02.003 Preprint arXiv:1205.6008 11 I A M Z Smoothness of holonomy covers for singular foliations and essential isotropy. Math. Z., 275(3-4) : 921-951, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s00209-013-1166-5. Preprint arXiv:1111.1327 12 I A V N Extensions of the disc algebra and of Mergelyan’s theorem. C.R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 349(13-14) : 745-748, 2011. 13 I A G S The analytic index of elliptic pseudodifferential operators on singular foliations. Journal of K-theory 8(03) : 363-385, 2011. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/is011001026jkt141. Preprint arXiv:1004.3797. 14 I A G S Pseudodifferential calculus on a singular foliation. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 5(1) : 125-152, 2011. DOI: 10.4171/JNCG/72 15 I A G S The holonomy groupoid of a singular foliation. J. Reine Angew. Math. 626 : 1-37, 2009. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/CRELLE.2009.001 Preprint arXiv:math/0612370 Panepistimiopolis – 15784 Athens +30 210 7276423 • +30 210 7276378 • [email protected] http://scholar.uoa.gr/iandroul/ 16 I A On the connection theory of extensions of transitive Lie groupoids. J. Diff. Geom. Appl. 24 : 150-171, 2006. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.difgeo.2005.08.007 Preprint arXiv:math/0307282 17 I A The holonomy of a singular foliation Proceedings of Poisson 2006 (Tokyo). Travaux Mathematiques 17 : 1-15, 2007. 18 I A Crossed modules and the integrability of Lie brackets. Preprint arXiv:math.DG/0501103 19 I A Quantization and the integrability of Lie algebroids. Proceedings of the Sixth Panhellenic Congress on Geometry (Limassol 2003), Bull. Hell. Math. Soc. 51, 2006 20 I A Classification of extensions of principal bundles and transitive Lie groupoids with prescribed kernel and cokernel. J. Math. Phys. 45(10) : 3995-4012, 2004. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1786349 Preprint arXiv:math/0402007 21 I A Connections on Lie algebroids and the Weil-Kostant theorem. Proceedings of the Fourth Panhellenic Congress on Geometry (Patras 1999), Bull. Hell. Math. Soc. 44 : 51-57, 2000. PhD supervision (NKUA) Panagiotis “Topological aspects of Singular Foliations” (working title), Ongoing, started Christou January 2018. Supervision of MSc dissertations (NKUA) Theodora “Hurewicz’s theorem”, (completed October 2017). Leventi Dimitris “Deformation to the normal cone and the tangent groupoid”, completed June Geronto- 2016, Currently: PhD student (Glasgow) with full scholarship. giannis Dimitris “The Atiyah-Singer index theorem and the heat kernel”, completed April 2016, Economo- Currently: PhD (Bonn, Nov. 2019). poulos Ioannis “Singular foliations in Poisson geometry”, completed Sept. 2016. Generalis Christian “Deformation quantization and the Duflo isomorphism”, completed Sept. 2014, Aravanis Currently: PhD (Sheffield, 2018). Giorgos “Bundle Gerbes and twisted K-theory”, completed Sept. 2012. Zavitsanos Seminars Athens, “The Novikov conjecture” ws2020-21 Athens, ws “Introduction to K-theory” 2018-19 Panepistimiopolis – 15784 Athens +30 210 7276423 • +30 210 7276378 • [email protected] http://scholar.uoa.gr/iandroul/ Athens, ss “Characteristic classes” 2017-18 Athens, ss “Deformation quantization”. 2012-13 Athens, ws “Hilbert modules in KK-theory”. 2012-13 Athens, “Τhe Atiyah-Singer theorem for foliations”. 2011-12 Porto, ws “Index theory for pseudodifferential operators”. 2008-09 Crete, “The Atiyah-Singer theorem”. 2007-08 Zürich, ws “Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids in Geometry and Physics”. 2005-06 Postgraduate courses Athens, ss “Riemannian Geometry” (4 hours/week). 2019-20 Athens, ws “Pseudodifferential Calculus” (4 hours/week). 2019-20 Athens, ws “Algebraic Topology” (4hours/week). 2015-16 Athens, ws “Geometric prequantization” (4 hours/week). Chapters 1,2 from “Lectures on the 2013-14 orbit method” by K. Kirillov. Athens, ws Differential Geometry (4 hours/week) Introduction to differential topology. 2013-14 Athens, ws Lie groups and Lie algebras (4 hours/week). Chapter 1 from“Lie groups” by 2012-13 Duistermaat and Kolk. Undergraduate courses Athens, “Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces” (6 hours/week). every year Athens, “Linear Algebra” (Department of Physics). every year Athens, ws “Differential Forms” 2017-18 Athens, ws “Mathematical Physics” (4 hours/week). Chapter 1 of ”Quantum mechanics for 2012-13 mathematicians” (L. A. Takhtajan),
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