Volume 1, Issue 3 3-24-2010 AthleticsT (pageh 2) e CSpecialh Featuresee (paget 4)ah School News (page 3) World News (page 5) MDS-MNSA Presents: Jr. HS Neon Dance Night Upcoming Events: March 22-25: Author’s Dance night happened on Febru- were going to someplace else for brought flashing lights, and we week ary 19, 2010, and it was just for a basketball game, both boys and started off. JP came up with girls. Plus, they had dinner there, many games, and we had a lot Monday: Kickoff! Junior High school students. Many students stayed for it, and a disc while junior high students hung of fun with these games! Unfor- Tuesday: Wear your jockey came, and played songs. out at the gym, played various tunately, I left early at 8:35 Pajamas! There were some unfortunate sports like volleyball, basketball, with Gage, so, I did not get to football, etc. Temporary staff see the rest of the dance night, Wednesday: Dress up as events though: some got sick on were also there, such as Janet, but I hope you enjoyed this your favorite book charac- that night and missed it! (No, not Kelley, and Kim Kause, our princi- article! ter that Count Olaf had something to do with that.) The disc jockey pal. Anyways, some staff also Thursday: student –Caleb R. brought flashing lights to produce went out to get pizza for the presentations at 5:30pm. junior high students, and we a great dance atmosphere, and Dinner is provided. had pepperoni, cheese, and loud songs; all of the students some sort of a meaty pizza. March 25-26: Parent had a lot of fun with games, Then, we had invited guests Teacher conferences dancing, and some showed coming over, there were only moves. April 30: Spaghetti Dinner two, then they went up to the May 14: School Carnival Before the dance night, gym, and played many kinds of some of the high school students sports. The disc jockey came hung out there because they and set up his equipment, and Battle of the Books Battle of the Books is a fun way for stu- 1st Grade. Amanda says that there are 600 interested in joining they have to write an dents to learn and compete at the same time. questions that the teams have to answer. They essay about why they want to join the Battle of There are 3-4 teams each school. Each team is will be given the books on March 25th 2010. the Books. Well good luck to those on the Bat- assigned 4 different books each. These are the Students will have to read on their own time tle of the Books teams in May! – Stay tuned for schools that will be participating this year: including during Spring Break. Then the teams more information! New Mexico School for the Deaf, Texas School have to study the books, question each other for the Deaf, California School for the Deaf, and face the battle! Amanda also said that -Logan W. Phoenix Day School for the Deaf, Maryland hosting is more difficult than being a team/ School for the Deaf, and the best for last, MDS- coach. If you are the host, you have to make MNSA. One of the coaches last year- Amanda sure everyone can communicate fine and work Rausch is one of the people helping MDS-MNSA out the schedules, make power points and host Battle of the Books this year. She likes to videos, as well as making our own teams. To socialize and get to know JRHS kids because select the teams they look at the student’s she doesn’t know them much since she teaches grades and behavior. Also if the students are H.S basketball players talk about their team High School players together since middle school siblings, “Both my brother and had a good season and that helped bring them sister play basketball, and I together as a team. Sometimes wanted to do the same.” Both Cheetah teams the team gave up a little bit at ended their seasons with prom- -Shania S. the end of some games, but ising records. The boys had 2 overall, they worked hard. Staci wins and 19 losses, and the girls H. said this about the Lady had 7 wins and 13 losses. Some Cheetahs, “I think we did well high school basketball players together because we played shared about their experiences tough at the CSSD (California this past season. Brienna H. Laurent Clerc tournament) and said, “One thing I liked about so many games and practices.” our team was how we all for- gave each other for any mis- Many players said takes. No one is perfect and we they joined basketball for a understand that. There were variety of reasons. Matthew W. no grudges about missed shots, said, “I prefer to do something bad passes or anything like active than doing nothing. I that.” The players felt there really enjoy playing basket- was unity on the team and ball.” Others like Brienna com- learned a lot in practices. mented that she used to play Players also enjoyed their new basketball in elementary school uniforms as Cheetahs. but then decided to run cross country instead. Then when she The boys’ Cheetah transferred to North Star where team was asked how their only basketball was offered, she teamwork was. Travis L. said decided to join the team again. they had great teamwork be- Jordan V. was influenced by his cause most of them had been Deaflympics at Slovakia, 2011! Last year, there were they won 98 medals! pics will provide the sports of Olympic games hosted by deaf peo- Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, There will be winter Deaflympics in ple from Taipei, Taiwan. Last sum- Cross Country Skiing, Curling, 2011 at Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia. and Hockey. I hope that one of mer, there was a total of 77 coun- There will be a total of five sports. It you readers will be able to at- tries which attended the Deaflym- will start on February 18, 2011 to tend any of these fun events. Or pics. About two thousand athletes February 26, 2011. So there will be you can just watch the games at participated in the 2009 Taipei tryouts for the USA team that will home. More information relating Deaflympics. Team USA won a total go to Slovakia. At the 17th winter to the Deaflympics will be com- of 22 medals and won 7th place for Deaflympics, there will be over 700 http://www.deaflympics.com/ ing out soon. games/style.asp?D=ME&GamesID=37 who has the most medals. The Rus- athletes and officials attending! sian Federation had most medals as This time, the 17th winter Deaflym- -James B. http://www.taiwanbiztour.com.tw/ images/upload/enews/T2009_Logo (Deaflympics).jpg Page 2 Volume 2, http:// MDS-MNSA VS MSAD sports recap www.bing.co m/images/ search? It was a hot game for all the q=basketball& players at the Junior High with our victory. Some took the shot. A chilling form=QBIL# School boys games against amazing plays were the 18 moment was when we MSAD; they did their best points total by Kyle, 9 re- missed the last shot but and never gave up. The bounded balls by William, then William rebounded the JRHS girls didn’t participate and many awesome blocks ball and took the ball to the because MSAD doesn’t have made by Andrew. JP had net getting us into the lead enough players for a girls’ many steals and there was then a foul was called on JP. team. But the JRHS boys strategic passing made by JP made the free throw played them and did very Logan. Gage ran fastest in bringing our lead to 31-29. well. The Cheetahs BEAT the game, Heng offered Also that evening, the Chee- MSAD for the first time 31- great spirit and many re- tah HS boys and girls played 29, a very exciting game. A bounds were also made by and they both lost to the good thing is that the Tro- CJ. A cool play was when Trojans. The girls’ score was jans had very good sports- we kept passing the ball and 28-44 but put up a good manship when they lost: MSAD couldn’t keep up with fight. The boys lost 26-39, they didn’t whine about it the ball, and when there but they also did their best. but rather congratulated us was an opening, a person -Kyle L. Kim Kause’s Corner given an opportunity to science fair for Deaf/ March Madness is well under- proudly display their pub- Hard-of-Hearing stu- way! It is a busy month for lished pieces. We will have dents at Rochester In- students and staff. I know several school-wide events stitute of Technology. that the students have al- during that week. For in- ready begun the countdown stance, we have invited sev- I look forward to seeing to spring break! eral Deaf/Hard of Hearing you at Parent/Teacher Conferences on March authors who have published th th MDS-MNSA has raised $333.04 books, plays, poems, and 25 and 26 ! to support the cause in Haiti. articles to present to our All of the proceeds have students. Then on Thursday, Turkey gets struck by been donated to the Ameri- March 25th from 5:30 to 6:30 can Refugee Committee In- p.m., randomly selected stu- earthquakes ternational (ARC). As men- dents will have the opportu- tioned in the previous news- nity to present their pub- letter, students had a lished pieces to parents, friendly competition to see staff, and students.
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