Appendix G Agency Correspondence State Route 1 Gleason Beach Roadway Realignment Project Final EIR/EA with FONSI 04-0A0200 This page left blank intentionally. STATE OP CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS TRANS} ,(ATtON AND l[OUSINQ AOl!NCY ____....,(l,.,,.RN,.,,,.,Ok.,,.D'""s=c 1...._1w,.._,11,R;',,_llliil<:iCIW,. Quy« r1J9r DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 111 GRAND A VENUE P. 0 . BOX 23660 Mail Station 8-A OAKLAND, CA 94623-0660 PHONE (510) 286-5612 Flex your power! FAX (510) 286-6374 Be energy efficient} May 19, 2010 Bodega Bay Historical Society Bodega Bay, CA 94923 Dear Sir or Madam: Caltrans has initiated the Section 106 process of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 for a proposed project to realign a portion of State Route 1, eastward and away from the ocean, in an unincorporated area of Sonoma County at post mile 15 .2 to 15. 7. The project will construct a section of two-lane conventional highway and a bridge connecting to the current alignment at the south, just south of Scotty Creek, and at the north end 0.45 miles north of Scotty Creek. A left-tum lane and an access road, with turn-arounds at either end, will be constructed to provide access to residents on the old alignment. New driveways will be constructed as needed. We are conducting a survey to identify properties that are historically and/or architecturally significant within the project area. This survey is being conducted as part of this agency's compliance with Section 106 and with the California Environmental Quality Act. When properties are found which are significant and are determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), or qualify as historical resources under CEQA, the proposed project's effects on such properties are given careful consideration during environmental review. Our surveys of historic properties are as thorough as possible. However, we realize that you and/or your organizations possess specialized knowledge of the local area. We are especially concerned with properties which may be community landmarks but whose architectural importance may not be obvious. Of particular interest is information regarding the Gleason-Mann Ranch and the possibility that the original portion of the house maybe a Russian built cabin, we are looking for documentation to support this. If you or any of your associates know of historic properties in the project area indicated on the enclosed maps, including any buildings or structures built prior to 1965, and/or might have information regarding the Gleason-Mann Ranch, please contact Frances Schierenbeck, Architectural Historian, by telephone, mail, or email. Ms. Schierenbeck can be reached at or at the address on this letter. If you have any questions, please call me at . Any assistance and information you can provide will be most appreciated. Sincerely, e-t-~,,..\.a. .e..--W lY\ c \~ Elizabeth Mckee Branch Chief, North and Local Assistance Office of Cultural Resource Studies Enclosure: Project Location Maps CC: CRS Files, HRC "Ca/trans imvroves mobilitv across California" This page left blank intentionally. STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS TRANSl:,0 ,IATION AND HOUSING AGENCY ARNOLD SCl:IWARZENijGGEl!,, Govcmm DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 111 GRAND A VENUE P. 0 . BOX 23660 Mail Station 8-A OAK.LAND, CA 94623-0660 PHONE (510) 286-5612 Flex your power.I FAX (510) 286-6374 Be energy efficient/ May 19, 2010 Fort Ross Interpretive Association Jenner, CA 95450 Dear Sir or Madam: Caltrans has initiated the Section 106 process of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 for a proposed project to realign a portion of State Route 1, eastward and away from the ocean, in an unincorporated area of Sonoma County at post mile 15 .2 to 15. 7. The project will construct a section of two-lane conventional highway and a bridge connecting to the current alignment at the south, just south of Scotty Creek, and at the north end 0.45 miles north of Scotty Creek. A left-turn lane and an access road, with turn-arounds at either end, will be constructed to provide access to residents on the old alignment. New driveways will be constructed as needed. We are conducting a survey to identify properties that are historically and/or architecturally significant within the project area. This survey is being conducted as part of this agency's compliance with Section 106 and with the California Environmental Quality Act. When properties are found which are signili.cant and are determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRBP), or qualify as historical resources under CEQA, the proposed project's effects on such properties are given careful consideration during environmental review. Our surveys of historic properties are as thorough as possible. However, we realize that you and/or your organizations possess specialized knowledge of the local area. We are especially concerned with properties which may be community landmarks but whose architectural importance may not be obvious. Of particular interest is information regarding the Gleason-Mann Ranch and the possibility that the original portion of the house maybe a Russian built cabin, we are looking for documentation to support this. If you or any of your associates know of historic properties in the project area indicated on the enclosed maps, including any buildings or structures built prior to 1965, and/or might have information regarding the Gleason-Mann Ranch, please contact Frances Schierenbeck, Architectural Historian, by telephone, mail, or email. Ms. Schierenbeck can be reached at or at the address on this letter. If you have any questions, please call me at . Any assistance and information you can provide will be most appreciated. Sincerely, E~- ,.~ "'-----w r~~-\ c_\(._.Q__('.__ Elizabe~ Mckee Branch Chief, North and Local Assistance Office of Cultural Resource Studies Enclosure: Project Location Maps CC: CRS Files, HRC "Ca/trans improves mobilitv across California" This page left blank intentionally. STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSTI-JESS 1RANSF-~"fATION AND HOlJSfNG AGENCY AR.NOLD SCH\¥ARZENEGGER Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 111 GRAND A VENUE P. 0. BOX 23660 Mail Station 8-A OAKLAND, CA 94623-0660 PHONE (510) 286-5612 Flex yo11r power! FAX (510) 286-6374 Be energy efficient! May 19, 2010 Fort Ross State Historic Park Jenner, CA 95450 Dear Sir or Madam: Caltrans has initiated the Section 106 process of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 for a proposed project to realign a portion of State Route 1, eastward and away from the ocean, in an unincorporated area of Sonoma County at post mile 15.2 to 15 .7. The project will construct a section of two-lane conventional highway and a bridge connecting to the· current alignment at the south, just south of Scotty Creek, and at the north end 0.45 miles north of Scotty Creek. A left-tum lane and an access road, with turn:.arounds at either end, will be constructed to provide access to residents on the old alignment. New driveways will be constructed as needed. We are conducting a survey to identify properties that are historically and/or architecturally significant within the project area. This survey is being conducted as part of this agency's compliance with Section 106 and with the California Environmental Quality Act. When properties are found which are significant and are determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), or qualify as historical resources under CEQA, the proposed project's effects on such properties are given careful consideration during environmental review. Our surveys of historic properties are as thorough as possible. However, we realize that you and/or your organizations possess specialized knowledge of the local area. We are especially concerned with properties which may be community landmarks but whose architectural importance may not be obvious. Of particular interest is information regarding the Gleason-Mann Ranch and the possibility that the original portion of the house maybe a Russian built cabin, we are looking for documentation to support this. If you or any of your associates know of historic properties in the project area indicated on the enclosed maps, including any buildings or structures built prior to 1965, and/or might have information regarding the Gleason-Mann Ranch, please contact Frances Schierenbeck, Architectural Historian, by telephone, mail, or email. Ms. Schierenbeck can be reached at or at the address on this letter. If you have any questions, please call me at . Any assistance and information you can provide will be most appreciated. Sincerely, CJv, ~ ,,_Y::)<!:-+-.J Elizabeth Mckee Branch Chief, North and Local Assistance Office of Cultural Resource Studies Enclosure: Project Location Maps CC: CRS Files, HRC "Ca/trans imoroves mobilitv across Cc,li(ornia" This page left blank intentionally. STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS TRANS, --=.e-f_,__,_A'=J'IO"--'-N_,__,_A.,,__,ND""---'--"HO"'--'U"'-S'--'--'IN""-G'--"AG""'Ee.ecNC "--'Y'----- ----- --- ~A=R=NO=L=D=SC=,HW"--'-'-'-'A=RZ=E=NE=G=G=ER,.,,.__G"'-'o=ve=mor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I 11 GRAND A VENUE P. 0. BOX 23660 Mail Station 8-A OAK.LAND, CA 94623-0660 PHONE (510) 286-5612 Flex your power.I FAX (510)286-6374 Be energy ejfic1enr! May 19, 2010 Rancho Bodega Historical Society Bodega Bay, CA 94923 Dear Sir or Madam: Caltrans has initiated the Section 106 process of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 for a proposed project to realign a portion of State Route 1, eastward and away from the ocean, in an unincorporated area of Sonoma County at post mile 15 .2 to 15. 7. The project will construct a section of two-lane conventional highway and a bridge connecting to the current alignment at the south, just south of Scotty Creek, and at the north end 0.45 miles north of Scotty Creek.
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