THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. V. ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1896. NO. 19. TllANSL.LTION. ^ i Lhiii,'Ie\’'s to-morrow. J. L. Wilson, was held hero on Monday Robinson. 4. L. MCDO:NALD, M. D. BINDER TWINE. AVe learn that R.R. AIcLennan will hold ®l)c (Bkitgarru Jiclus. j The dance given b\' Àirs. ^Vm. I’raser last. The schoolhouso was crowded to the A largo meeting was held on Thursday i There was a small farmer in A I last week passed off -pleasantly. doors. A number of Ladies graced tlie a public meeting on or about Friday, 12th who was very moan. His wife The undcrsig'icd Ins bceu î solf evening, in Richardson’.s Hall, in the in- Juno,in the school house,this is as it should ALEXANDRIA, ONT. ' We .are sorry to learn of the indisposition meeting with their presence. John K. Ale- delicate sickly woman, very often ( — 18 PCBUfJHED— ageot in Glengarry of the I’a mcr-"n!nuer terest of R. R. AIcLennan, the Conserva- be, and looks so much better and more OQlcc acd residence—Corner of Main and j of IMary Fraser, but hope to learn of a rapid Lennan was elected chairman. R. R. to her bed, but he was so stingy EVEUY FKIDAY MORN^^ 0’ Twine Co. Ltd., of ]>r.a:Uford Ont., ami is - Sangster, 1>. AÎ. Afaepherson, AI.IM’., and tive candidate. A very largo number of manly than those hole and corner private Elgin Streets. prepared to furnish the besttwi would not allow her to have a ligb —AT THE— j Hugh i\r. Mc'Millan arrived heme from Air. Wilson wore the speakers. After the people assembled and the speakers were house affairs. AVe anticipate a big meet- the bed. One night she was woi ill Cau.ada at n- foir ivar^in above cost. ing as it is quite likely that Patrons, GLKNGARKY “NEWS” PRINTING OFFICE j l.'ncle tram’s domains looking halo and conclusion of the speeches the following usual, and Ixigan to complain. “Ol MAIN STREET, ALEXANDRIA. ONT- Correspondence soliuitod. l'ri<CCS end !> resolution was unanimously carried : attentively listened to. The hall, thanks Liberals, Tories, Coercionists and Anti- DR. MCLENXAX, ther informalioi: gl.idly f'lrni bed. Also I '’“rt she, “is not this poverty-stricket Mr. and itlrs. Boi. of St. Anne de Pres- Aloved by R.R. Sangster seconded by Wm. to the taste of the proprietor, was very be- Coercionists will bo present to hear the agent for the Cossitt Bros. Co., ■Mnn'f’S. of Major explain how it was that he failed in cannot have a light, to enable 11 TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION—one dollar per year OFFICE AND EESIDENCE Kenyon ! cott, spent Sunday at Francis Trottier’s J. AicNanglUoa that this association and comingly decorated. myself die.” Her husband spranj if paid in advance,or within throe mouths from mowers, reapers, binders, horse a lu s. disc large g.itheiing of electors in this ward his promise to the farmers, to have duties beginning of year; $1.25 per year if not so paid. I A few from here attended the P. I. meet- Miss L. Goodwin, teacher, of Dalhousie his feet and lit a candle, and after Street, Alexandria. and spring tooth liarro ing at McCormick’s last Saturday, and take much pleasure iu endorsing the can- taken off binder twine, coal oil, feed corn, ADVKRTISINO RATES—Transient advertise* CUIMM ;)N, Alills. paid friends in town a visit lately. it beside the bed, said in a sharp an J. N were much pleased with the cxplainations ditnre of J. L. Wilson, the fanners’ candi- agricultural machinery, ttc., Ac. AA’o ex- monts, 10 cents per Nouparoil lino for first in- Lnifgo I. On manner, “hero try and die now.” sertion, 3 cents per lino for each subsequent 18-;- offered. date. tliat we v.ill sink all animosity in the Among the arrivals in town during ths pect he will be prepared to explain why he nsortion. E. FITZPATRICK, D.D.S. light for right principle.^, even going so far past few days we notice :—Air. and Airs. spoke and voted to whitewash Haggart in CONTRACT RATES—The following table shows McGlIivray's Bridge that very notorious Curran Bridge steal “Uillcam” arsa mhathair, “gt SOllCl as to make sacrifices if necessary and work E. Shaughenessy, of Barrington, Que., the our rates for the insertion of advertisements for DENTIST. (for steal it was admitted by Air. Haggart fhag do chuid aodaich cho tliuc bpocified periods;— wedding on the tapis. with a determination hy fair and honest The iindersigi; the A. McArthur, of the Christio factory, means to elect our candidate, knowing guests of Airs. D. McDonald. himself) to the tune of about $200,000, and robh thu aims an iiisge ? “Gu cca OFFICE :— Advertisements, without specific directions, Main Street, public of thi' fact t; •eto- ^•Is^;c■d l)is home on Sunday. that Air. Wilson is a hard worker for good We would suggest that some of our local it is just possible he will give us his views Uillcam gu treun, “chaidh mi dh’ will bo inserted till forbid and charged, accovd- tnre on those other affairs such as Sheik’s a shablialadh Thearlaich.” “AIo ngly. Transient advertisements must bo paid VANKLEEK HILL. fore carried on as a 1 f l lie hay and grain crops are look-iiig and honest government, we hereby express correspondents would better inform them- Trottier a I 1 Island dam, Galops Rapids, itc., Ac., also treun,” arsa mhatliair, ’n c lenir n advance making between <. our full confidence in him, and will give selves on the private affairs of their neigh- Advertisements, will bo changed twice each Hawkesbury :— ist Tuesday undersigned has 1 I •ed parti c 1 I Mrs. Wm. Houstin is visiting herparfnt- him our cordial support. One of the best that very interesting one, the $210,000 ’na dlicigh a rinn thu ?” “Cha n month if desired. For changes oftoner than All outstanding tu. hall 1)0 pa at borne, King’s Road, at present. political meetings ever held in Picnic bors before making slanderous statemets Soulanges Canal attempted haul. He will, Uilleam, “’sann a leum mi a st twice a month the composition must bo paid for of each month for five days. Mr. Ross Robinson, Elm Bank, has pur- we liave no doubt, tell us liow ho stuck to thoiscach air; tiha mi air son abhi r at regular rates. C Grove was brought to a close with cheers through the press. A word to the wise is . wheel and takes great pleasure in Mackenzie Bowell until he almost got into Changes for contract advertisements must bo Carriage for the chairman, the spcal<crs and the sufficient. 'ni.VNSL.VTION. u the oflice by uoou on Tuesdays. Glen Robertson. On Queen. the ministry,but when Boss “I am” arrived H. A. COaSTBOY, Y. D., Prayer meeting was hold at the homo of A number of our young ladies and gentle- the whole thing collapsed, and feeling that “William” said his mother, “wl SPACE. I lYR. I 6 MO. I 3 MO. | 1 MO. ALEXANDRIA, ONT. i^Ir. Geo. Hal! and was well attend(?d. McCOriMlCK men attented a party last evening given by discretion was the bettor part of valour re- your clothes so wet?” “AVell” said TO RBIS-T. Believing that your scribe has forgotten Air. E. Alonpetit in his new residence, signed to his fate and became an humble so bravely, “I went in the lake 20 inches... $60.00 $35.00 $20.00 $7.00 DCRNIE 10 inches.. 35.00 20.00 12.00 6.00 Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. you for a time, I shall endeavor to present about one mile from here. A very enjoy- follower of the Tupper brigade. He may Charles.” “Aly brave boy” si 6 inches .. 20.00 12.00 7.00 3.00 Good Warm Stable attached. 44yr To rent for a term of years, a liouso ’i'hcre was a meeting of the faithful held a few tilings before the public and perliaps also tell us what they have done for the mother, “did you jump in after 6.00 3.50 2.00 l.JO suitable for a country store or a tradesman at this place on Monday evening, the 2.5th arouse my confreres from their dreamy able time is reported. farmers in paying 20 cents per pound for “No"’ said AVilliam “I jumped i A. G. F. MACDONALD, situated in a thriving community. inst., to arrange matters preparatory for moods. ST. RAPHAELS. butter and selling it for about 14 cents in him, I w’islied to be ahead of him ? Editor and Manager Good terms. Apply to Bince AlcCormiclv P. 0. was last repre- England. The Prince Edward Island J. D. IRVINE, V. S. tlie coming contest. After the customary The hall here on Wednesday night was NEIL McCRIM.MOX. oath of fidelity to the party was taken, the sented in these columns, many things liavc cheese deal will likely be left untouched as SGEÜLACHD AIU CliAISTEAL Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto JlcCrinimon P.O. chairman in a few well chosen words ex- occurred of which mention is unnecessary crowded to the doors and standing room Ontario farmers wero victims to the tune NAN-KALA. ll)-3m Glengarry Co. plained the object of the inceting. IMr. here, but a few such as the presentation of was at a premium. The meeting was call- of nearly 1 cent per pound on this fall Barristers, Solicitors, &c.
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