CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 SERIES 19 TAMIL NADU PART X-A DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY T.IRUNEL VELI DISTRICT K. CHOCKALINGAM of the Indian Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS. TAMIL NADU AND PONDICHERRY. 1972 0' ~ 0 I 1'00 ~ , ~ " U i II1II ~ o ~ N til II1II 0 Q '" II1II iii " J ~~ ~ ~ > ~ - J o 0 ~ Z , ~ ,o .." • ~ e 0 .. '" '1 ~1J)1Q"'CI)Q'\Q""I\iM N~~ ~ ~ ______________ ~..:: .. ~ ..::-JIII'~ u I " ~Ig) o l ~ o· • L:-- <og CONtENTS Page No. Prefaco V PART-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Introductory Note: ••• - vlI-xni (1) Villa&e Directory Amenities and land usc Appendix-} Land use particulars of Non-city UrbAn area (Non-Municipal area) Appendix-II Abstract showing Educational, Medical and other amenities available in Taluks. Alphabetical list of Villages 1. Sankaranayanar Koil Taluk 1-17 2. KoviJpatty Taluk 18-35 3. Ottapidaram Taluk 36-49 4. Tuticorin Taluk 50-~6 5. Srivaikuntam Taluk 57 --11 6. Tirunelveli Taluk 72-94 7. Tenkasi Taluk .. .. 95-111 8. Shencottah Taiuk 'I'. 112-116 9. Ambasamudram Taluk 117-135 10, Nanguneri Taluk t'" 136- )60 11. Tiruchendur Taluk 161-175 12. Vilathiku)am Taluk ._ 176-194 13. Sivagiri Taluk .... .... 195-202 , , (1t) Town Directory. Page No. Statement I; Status, Growth History and· Functional Category of TOWill' 206-215 . Stalemen(lI: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 216-225 Statement III I Municipal Finance, 1968·69 226-233 Statement IV: Civic and other amenities, 1969 234-243 Statement V : Medical, Edu<'ation'il, Recreational and Cultural FaciUtiel hi Towns, 1969 .. 244..;..253 Statement VI: Trade, Commerce, Industry and BankinB, 1969 ...... 254-263 Statement VII : Population by religion, 1971 264-27] District map of Tirune1veli Frontispiece PREFACE It has been the practice since 1951 to rublish for each District a Ctn~us Han~b(JIo1c, contafning the Census Statistics for ('ach village and town in the District together with certain administrative statistics collectE'd from the vari01ls Departments of the State Govt'rnment. This publication was compiled by the Census Department arid published by . the State Gov('rrmt'Dt The contents of the District CensuS Handbook have been cC"miderably improved curing the subsequent Censuses and in 1971 this publication is being brought out in three separate parts- Part - A - Village and Town Directory. Part - B - Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract: and Part - C - Analytical Report and Administrative Statements and District Census Tables. The history and origin of the District Census Handbook have been given in the Introductory Note of this volume. The present volume of Part - A has two sections - Village Directory -and Town Directory. In the Village Directory, basic inform.alion relating to the villages such a$ Educatioul, Medical, Drinkillg water supply, Electricity, Communications. POlt and Telegraphs facilities as well as illformation on area, staple-fooj, land ·use data and other allied information are given In the second section viz. Town Directory. informatiJn for the Towns about the Status, growth bistory, functional category, Physical aspect~. Municipal finance, Civic and other amenities are presented. Details Ilboullhe MedIcal, EdUCational, Recreational facilitks available in the townl as well as particulars regarding Trade, Commerce, InCustry and Banking are also given. The population 'particulars of the towns as per 1971 Census together \\ith the population of thtse towns since 1901 and Religious compoiition of the population in 1971 are also furnished. The details other than population particulars presented in these statements have been obtained from the concerned DepaTlmtnts of the Slate Government for which I am thankful to the, Colltctor. I am ..abo gratefullo the Revenue subordmates as well as the Mu~iclpal Commissioners for the assistance that lhey have rendered, 1 take this opportuni1y to express my ,ratitude to Sri A. Chandra Sekhar. Registrar General, India, for the guid~nce given to me and for continuing the publication of the District Census Handbooks during 1971 Census also. ' K. CHOCKALlNGAM, Directo,. of C,nsus Optratlons, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. ACKNOWLEDGEMENt It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the able assistance alven by the following Officers and Slaft' of my Office in the preparation of this volume. 1. Sbri V. Arumugam, I.A.S., Dt'puty Director 2. Shri V. R. Chandran, Deputy Director 3. Shri M. Panchapakesan, Investigator 4. Shri Anser Abmed, Tabulation Officer S. Shri S. Govindarajulu, Statistical Assistant 6. Smt. R. Rukmani, Computor 7. Shri N. L. Jagatheesan, Com put or 8. Sbri P. Victor Jayaraj U.D C. 9. Shri N. B Muruganandam, U.D.C. to. Sbri N. Chandran, Draftsman. k. CHOCKAtINGAM DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPBRATIONS TIRUNELVELI DISTRICT VILLAGE. AND TOWN DIRE.CTORY INTRODUCTORY NOTE .General : The District Census Handbook for each district presenting the c"'nsus data for the villalles nnd to" n' of the District is being puhli~hed from 1951 Cenms Till then. the viltllge statilotics showipg merely the number of h(luses and p(lpulation by religion in re~pect of tach vi11age and town were published as suprh·ment. In 1951, the general population tables, economic tables and village-wise and town-wise statistics relating to Taluks were presented as Part·I and Social ard Cultural Tables as Part·II. In 1961 also, the District Census Hand­ book was published in two volumes. In volume· I, all the Census tables giving taluk-wise data whh a narrative report were published and Volume-II was confined to present village-wise and town-wise statistics known as Primary Census Abstract which gives the basic data like porulation, literates, scheduled castes, scheduled !ribes and the industrial classification of workers and non-workers. A~ these data are finalised in the fint stage of tabulation itself in 1971 Census, it has been decided in this Census to present the District Census Handbook in 3 Parh. Part. A contains the Village and Town Directory which will show the land use pattern data, basic;: amenities available in the villages and the conditions of the towns. Part·n contains the Village and Town P C.A. while part.C presents the administrative sfatisticsl collected and cC'mpiled from various departments, Census tables and a short analytical report. This method of preparing the Listrict Census Handbook in 3 parts is also to facilitate the timely publication of the ba!'.ic dala relating to viUages and towns which are required by various departments and research scholars. Method of presentation : The present volume being Part·A presents the Village and Town Directory as the titles suggest. It lists out all the villages and towns in the State. The Village Directory is presented at the tflluk level and Town Directory at district level. The Vilhge Directory ls pre:;ented first followed by the Tpwn Directory. Village Directory: In the Village Directory I for each talu1<-. a statement showing the vi1lal!es, thefr extent, the amenities like Educational. Mt'dic~l. Drinking Water Supply. Communic"tlons, Postal and Telegraphs, etc. available within each village and the land use pattern are given. In addition to this. particulars in regard to staple food, land use data and certain other misce lIaneous information such as the existence of veterinary hospital. co· operative societies, banks etc., are also furnhhed. An alphabetical list of villflges has also been prt'pllred Indicating the Lopation Code Number of the village for purpose of quick referencf', Apart from these. the land use p'uticulars of places comprising of non-city urban units (Non-muni. cipal area) is given as Arpt'ndix I. A talukwise ahstract showing the totat numht'r of Institutions and pumher of villages where such basic amer.ities like Educational, Mt'dicaJ, Drinking Water Supply. Communications, Postal and Telegraphs, etc. are aVli\ilable has also been prepared and given as Appendix II. viii The particulars. relating to Village Dire('tory have been collected from the concerned Tahsi1dars for each rev'!nue vUla!!e as a whole and particulars in c.::spect of Non.City Urban Units (Non.Municipal Units) and Municipal Units have not been furnished in the Village Directory Statement. The details of the data furnished in different columns of the Village Directory and the method of collection of the data on land use pattern etc. are indicated below;- Location Code Number : Numbers have been assigned to the adminhtrative units of district, taluk and village to denote their location. By a combination of these numbers. it would be possible to kl"ow the exact location of an area. The dis'rict number IS given along with the ,name of the district on the cover p3ge and the talul< number is shown aga nst the Taluk name in the concerned pages. The Villages in eacb Taluk are arrllnged in Location Code order. The Village number has been given aeaimt the name of the concerned unit and the numbers have been assigned in Au,blC numerals for each taluk seperately. £ducational Amenities: Primary School Uoto Vth Standard Middle School Upto VlIlth Standard High School Upto Xlth Standard Power Supply: Vi11ages having elecfrifiication facilities for agricultural purposes only are also taken as tlectrifled and a suitable indication in this regard bas been noted in the remarks column. Communications: Villages having Railway Station within a mile are taken as served by train facilities. Villages conuected by road are also indicated in Ihis column. Staple Food: Food of the majority population of the village during the major portion of the year is taken as staple food. Forest: This includ~s all actually forested area. the lands ctas,ified or aC:ministered as forest under any legal enactment dealing with forests whether state owned or private. If any portion of such land is not actually woeded but put to some agriculturaJ use, that portion has been included under the appropriate heading of cultivated or uncultfvated land.
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