y\ 51^8 Cei^epda publist^ed f^v}\)ua\\y by tt?e Senior QIass of U/ellesley <5olle<^e published by ttje QIass of '90 FRANK WOOD PRINTER 352 Washington Street BOSTON EDCTOJ^MV STAVr f .n AT^T ED] TOP- 1^' •Arid win 9 larger liberty, FrorT\ precedent to preceder\t." DEDICATED to tt^e SPIRIT OF PROGRESS by th\e CLASS OF '90 Ir\ siricere gratitude for tt\e ber\efits of receipt evolUtior\, ar\d with\ buoyar\t h\ope for th\e future of Alrria /Aater's iristitUtior\s. ^ Preface ^ INCE the publication of the precedent Legenda by '89, there has been notable increase in the collegiate spirit and enterprise of Wellesley- The development is goodly to see. Oftentimes Wellesley's intense individuality has laid her open to the charge of nar- rowness, so that it is with sincerely hearty congratulations we recognize her new departure in the broad field of college interests. Perhaps no better sign of the times can be oflered than the brief, but truly successful, history ot the reorganized societies, Phi Sigma and Zeta Alpha. A year ago they had but their names, a background of reminiscence, and a future of ideals. To-day, ^yith only the year's slight experi- ence, their influence and success are assured, and their future is even more hopeful in the promise of developing true fraternity feeling, and a fine womanhood as its upholder. Material evidence of their real prosperity may be found any da^ in Society Hall. While the Class of "90 has, without doubt, taken to itself much pride in the regeneration of the Greek-letter Societies, '91 has done the College a desirable and lasting service in empha- sizing college unity, rather than class distinction, bv the adoption of the '90 pin as a design for the College badge. Other proof of the change from individual to more general interests is not wanting. The institution of the College cheer, the organization of the College Glee and Banjo Clubs, and the hearty student support of the "Prelude" editors, mark a signal advance. In the publication of the Legexda, also, the editors have more than once been honestly gratified by the appreciative co-operation of the College at large. It has served to make the work simpler, and. we believe the result will be more enjoyable. There is evolution in the making of college publications as in all things else, and we trust we are not untlulv priding ourselves in the thought that this year's Le(;exda evidences the universal truth. Certainly there has been enough of progress within the college walls to show its character in the college annual. The novel features and the beauty of the hook will be recognized, we believe, without our comment. It is a matter of most cordial satisfaction to us, as it must be to many others, that dragons in persona are no longer a feature of the institution. To the discrimination and suc- cess of 'S9, we feel that this emancipation is in a measure due, and accordingly render our warmest thanks with whatever of annual fruit "89 may find sprung up from the lusty seed she sowed. In all sinceritv we hope that we have not violated the confidence reposed in us ; that that the we have in no wise periled to future classes the privilege we have enjoyed ; and judgment we have exercised has been at all times sound and kindly, never prudish. From many members of the Class of '90 the editors have received valued assistance. In particular we desire to recognize the work of Miss Martha Pike Conant, Z A, quondam associate editor, and the aid of Miss Charlotte E. Halsey, A. S., Miss Mabel Doolittle, and Mi.ss Sarah M. Rock, S. S. ^ (^ONTENTS ^ PAGE AD\"ERTISKMKXTS OFFICERS OF GO\'ERNMENT AND INSTRUC- ASSOCIATIONS TION II Board of Trustees and Visitors 12 Christiiin Association .... Faculty and College Officers Welleslcv Colleg^e Chiipul Fund Association 13 at: ILETICS .... 99 OiUiANIZATIONS OF CLASSES AND ALUMNAE. 19 Gvmnasium .... 100 .Vlumn^ Association ....... 21 Tennis Association 101 Gratluate Students 23 Boating .... 102 Class of 'S9 25 'go Hai't; and Hounds Cluh 104 '90 Editorial .27 Tricycle Club 104 Class of '90 30 Bicvcle Association . 104 In Meinuriam 35 '91 Editorial 37 CLIBS — MISCELLAXEOUS Class of 91 . 39 Sylvanus Xorunibcija Operetta . 43 Matinee, "Fair Barbarian' '92 Editorial .......... 45 Matinee, "Rice Pudding" 107 Class of '92 47 Spriner Song . The Ishinaelites . lo;^ 51 Sodales Peregrinantes 10c| '93 Editorial • - 53 Class of '93 The Woman's Board . 1 10 56 Whoop It Up no Moral Jingles 61 The Literary Society for the Advancement of no Club of 'cf± 6t, Humbugs Special Editorial 65 F3 Special Organization 67 Anti Club . Societv for the Development of Character bv Contest "4 PUBLICATIONS — WELLESLEV 121 Canterburv Swinkers . 114 The Muse's . The Mewses SER^'ITORS — NOTED iS I. F Waban .... nS SOCIETIES Fort Orange 1 19 Art Si Octagon Club 120 Art Societv S3 GESTA WELLESLEIAKl'M Sketching "Ctub 85 Bread Winners 85 GRINDS Academy of Class(room)ic .\rt S6 LITERARY Dramatic axd Literary 73 Visit . • . A Shakespeare Societv • 75 Welleslev Ways . 34 Phi Sigma . 77 Stone Hall for Speaks Itself 136 Zeta Alpha .......... 79 History of Waban 137 Diary "of Xorumbega . 13S Music.\L S7 Freeman's Action 139 Beethoven Society SS Wood Cottage 140 . Welleslcy College Glee Glub S9 Short Course in the Eliot . 141 Wellesley College Banjo Cluli 90 The Census-Taker Visits Simpson 1^2 Man '90 Glee Club ......... 90 144 '91 Glee Club 91 House of Commons . 145 Tree Zeta Alpha Qiiartette ....... 91 Day .... .46 Anglo-Saxon Fragment Phi Sigma Sextette ........ 92 '47 Phi Sigma Banjo Club ....... 92 wHo Says? 14S .... Freeman Banjo Club The Faculty in the Gymnasium '49 93 of the Try-ear-ian Sodalitv ........ 94 Song Junior History Xote-Book 150 Tupelo "5' Scientific ' Soliloquy of the Senior Mathematician '5^ 95 Jingle '5-' Microscopic and Scientific Societv ..... 97 Psychological Valentine . '54 Zoological Club ......... 98 On Miss Literarilv .... '54 Botanical Club 9S ii"d 'I • fficeiis 0f 3 0t;eiinment and Jnstrtuctien ^f . gO^Rl) OF JjRUSTEES. Noah Porter, D.D.. LL.D. Ex-Presidciit of Vale Unh'ersity. DE.NT Emeritus of the Board. Nathaniel G. Clark. D.D., LL.D. Secretary of the A. B. C. F. M. President c»f the Bo.m<d. Howard Crosby. D.D., LL.D. Ne-v i'ork. Vice-President. Pauline A. Durant IVeilesley, Mass. Secretary .and Treasurer. William F. Warren, S.T.D., LL.D. President of Boston Uiiiz'ersity. Alvah Hovey, D.D., LL.D., President of Neivton Theological Seminary. Randolph S. Foster, S.T.D.. LL.D . Bishop of M. E. Church, Boston. John Hall. D.D. Chancellor of the University of New York. William H. Willcox. D.D., LL.D. Maiden, Mass. Dwight L. Moody . Norlhfield, Mass. Elisiia S. Converse Maiden, Mass. William Clafun, LL.D. Boston, Ma'^s. Mary B. Claflin . Boston, Mass. RuFus S. Frost Chelsea, Mass. Amos W. Stetson . Boston, Mass. Martha W. Wilkinson Cambridge, Mass. Hannah B. Goodwin . Boston, Mass. William S. Houghton Boston, Mass. Alexander McKenzie, D.D. Cambridge, A/ass. Eustace C. Fitz . Boston. A/ass. Lilian Horsford . Cambridge, A/ass. Alice Freeman Palmer, Ph.D., L H Camb/ idge , Ala ss Horace E. Scudder, B.A. Cambridge, A/ass. Marion Pelton Guild, B.A. Boston, A/ass. Helen A. Shafer, M.A. President of Welleslcy Collate. goaRD OF Visitors. Eben N. Horsfokd. M.A Cambridge, Mass. Pkesident of the Board. 1590. Borden P. Bowne, LL.D Prof Philosophy, Boston University. Francis A. Walker, Ph.D., LL D President Alass. Institntc of Technology. Edward G. Porter, M.A. ........ Lexington, Alass. Lyman Abbott, D.D Nexv Tork. Ellen H. McKenzie Cambridge, Mass. HELEN ALMIRA SHAFER. M.A.. Oberlin. President. yiSTORY OF ?1RT. Elizabeth Harriet Uenio .... Professor of Germtin <nid History of An. Florence Bigelovv. B.A.. Wellesley College Instructor. Hannah Bradbury Goodwin Lecturer. gOTflNY. Susan Maria Hallowell. M.A.. Colby University Professor. Clara Eaton Cummings Associate Professor. Grace Emily Cooley Instructor. Maude Gilchrist .... Instructor. Jennie Cutler Newcomb Assistant in Botanical Laboratories. (^HEMISTRY. Charlotte Fitch Roberts. B.A.. Wellesley' College Associate Professor. Marion Marsh, B.A.. Wellesley College Instructor. Marion Metcalf, B.A., Wellesley- College Instructor. Mary Marl\ Fuller .... Assistant in Chemical Laboratories, LEGENDA. ^LOCUTION. Marv Adams Currier . Professor. Cora Elizabeth Everett Assistant. Prench. Rosalie See. B.S.. Universite de France. Atademie de Paris ........... Professor. jAdeline Pelissier. B.S.. Academie de Paris . Instructor. Amelie Tow.mier. B.E.. Academie de Be.saii(;on . Instructor. Valentine Tow.mier. B.E.. Academie de Besaucjon . Instructor. (^EOLOGY. William Harmon Niles. Ph.B.. M.A.. Weslevan Uni- versity .......... Head of Defartinent. Marion Metcalf. B.A.. Welleslev College .... Instructor. (^ERMSN. Carla Wenckebach Professor of German and Pedagogics. Bertha Cordemann ........ Instructor. Marie Eggers ......... Instructor. MaRGARETHE MiJLLER Instructor. (^REEK. Angie Clara Chapin. B.A.. Michigan University . Professor. *Annie Sybil Montague. M.A.. Wellesley College . Instructor. Mary Whiton Calkins. M.A.. Smith College . Instructor. Katherixe May- Edwards. B.A.. Cornell University . Instructor. IJlSTORY. K.^therine Ellis Coman. Ph.B.. Michigan University Professor of History and Political Economy. Mary' Alice Knox. B.A.. Elmira College . Instructor. Mary Elizabeth Burroughs Roberts. Ph.B.. M.S.. Cor- nell University ......... Instructor. Marcia Kimball Kendall . Instructor. * Abroad on leave of absence. Actinj? Professor. \ H LEGENDA. bSTIN Frances Ellen Lord ....... Professor. Luci.\ Fidelia Cl.\rke Instructor. Emily Josephine Clarke. B.A.. Welleslev College . Instructor. Sarah Lilian Burling ame. B.A.. Welleslev College Instructor. Addie Belle Hawes. B.A.. Oberlin ... Instructor. l^NGLISH blTERaiURB. Louise Manning Hodgkins. M.A. , Lawrence College Professor.
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