VOLUME 9 NO. 13 OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 11 , 2020 FREE SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] STRIPESKOREA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC INSIDE INFO Cowboy military cartoonist has had I AM FROM … quite a ride PAGES 4 & 6 Pages 12-13 HOW TO HANDLE A CAR ACCIDENT IN KOREA PAGES 8-9 BEST PLACES TO SEE AUTUMN LEAVES PAGE 14 SPICE UP YOUR LIFE WITH KIMCHI PANCAKES PAGE 20 Photo and cartoons courtesy of Daryl Talbot Discover PAG E 23 the charm of Tongyeong PAGES10 -11 2 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 11 , 2020 Editor’s Note: Cindy Pearson Gates sent this to Stars and Stripes. Max D. Lederer Jr. Publisher Here’s what she had to say: “Hello, my father, now passed, was a Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Boatswain’s Mate on an LST in the Battle of Biak. When he was Commander 19, he wrote a poem after the battle that is poignant and raw and Chris Verigan honest. In his honor, I am putting it out there for you, in case you Engagement Director would be interested in it.” Cindy, we are very interested. Thank Marie Woods Publishing and Media Design Director you so much for sharing a part of your father with us. Chris Carlson Publishing and Media Design Manager BY WILLIAM G. PEARSON Eric Lee Advertising and Circulation Manager Enrique “Rick” W. Villanueva Jr. Have you ever… Korea Area Manager Waited three months to catch up with your mail only to find it was Jinsun Song Operations Manager sent back to your starting place? DUKW unloading at Biak. Photo courtesy of Hyperwar, a database of the US military Kentaro Shimura Drunk brackish water and tried to scrub clothes with salt water? Production Manager Lived off of K rations until it all tastes like cardboard? Watched the second leader on your gun have his arm amputated Rie Miyoshi Engagement Manager Spent three days in modified G.Q rain, shine, snow, or hell? in an emergency operation? Denisse Rauda Publishing and Media Design Editor Fired a 40 mm until it’s red hot and the paint on the mount curls Had your gun jamb at a very critical moment and cut and burn Publishing and Media Design Writers up and burns? your hands trying to clear it? ChiHon Kim Shoji Kudaka Stood watches till your thoughts run in 4 hour cycles? Paid $32 for a pint of whiskey? Takahiro Takiguchi Been promised a protective umbrella from the army and then Heard the inhumane cries of the wounded shipmate who sleeps Layout Designers Mamoru Inoue learn it was recalled? right under you? Yukiyo Oda Yuko Okazaki Been blasted so hard by concussion that your head aches for Sorted through piles of flesh, steel and guts looking for a dog tag Kayoko Shimoda months and the sound of explosion still rings in your ears? or some means of identification? Multimedia Consultants Max Genao Doug Johnson Stared into the open bomb bay of a Betty bomber, so close you Been so scared you couldn’t breathe, talk, or move? Brian Jones Jason Lee Hans Simpson Chae Pang Yi could touch it with your gun barrel? Seen grown men bawling like two-year-old kids? Gianni Youn Robert Zuckerman Been promised you could return to the U.S. after 18 months only Buried a man in a bucket? Graphic Designers Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji to figure you got out lucky after 24? Seen tracers from shore batteries arch over you like sky rockets? Sales Support Had chills and fever with Malaria? Wondered just why you are fighting and what this war is all Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro Seen your buddies blasted to pieces and then had to scrape and about? Yusuke Sato Saori Tamanaha Toshie Yoshimizu Un Chong Yu scrub them off the cold steel a few hours later? Drawn Navy pay and then hear of people in the States striking Piped a man over the side in military burial at sea? for higher wages and better living conditions? For feedback and inquiries, contact [email protected] Been the sole target of seven zeroes with nothing more than a fly You haven’t? To place an ad, call DSN 755-2255 swatter for protection? Well, you’re a lucky son of a bitch! stripeskorea.com/contact OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 11 , 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC STRIPES KOREA 3 4 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 11 , 2020 I am from … Editor’s Note: When you ask a military child where they are from, it can be quite a long answer. Well, these deep-thinking students from Humphreys Middle School definitely know where they are from, even if it is a bit complicated. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, guys! I am from where everything is bigger, 7KHPRPZKRLVSRVLWLYH LVDOZD\VJRRGDWFRRNLQJ I am from chasing down the ice cream truck and yelling till it the Lone Star State and the Alamo. & the dad who works as a manager & is a violinist. VWRSSHG I am from the best bbq, ,DPIURPEDWWOLQJOLYHFUD\ҕVKZLWKWRQJV From the sizzling hot of summer. ,¥PIURPRQHGD\ZKHQ,ORRNDWWKHPHPRULHV,VSHQW ,DPIURPMRLQWELUWKGD\SDUW\ZLWKP\EHVWIULHQG I am from The America’s Team WKHKRXVHZKHUHWKHUHDUHSLFWXUHVHYHU\ZKHUH )URPKRXVHSDUWLHVKRVWHGDWRXUKRXVHZLWKHYHU\IDPLO\RQ The Big D and the Doomsday Defense. +DE\XO<XWK*UDGH the street. ,DPIURPWKHҖRDWLQJSDODFH ,DPIURPWKHVDQG\EHDFKHVLQ&DOLIRUQLDWRWKHKRW7H[DV From the waves and salt water. WHPSHUDWXUHV I am the one and only, I am from every house looks the same, stinky smells in the 7KHVLQJOHRIIVSULQJ morning, feels like home. ,DPIURP&DPERGLDQ1HZ<HDUVVSHQWZLWKP\IDPLO\DWWKH I am from the social media, ,DPIURPDEOXHIX]]\EODQNHWVWDFNHGҖXII\SLOORZVDQGD WHPSOH From vlogger and gaming. VQRULQJSXSS\RQP\EHG )URPPRQNVDQGSURWHFWLRQEUDFHOHWV I am from ballers, ,DPIURPDPLOLWDU\PRPDQGGDGEURZQKDLUOLNH&KDGDQG I am from hours in the kitchen cooking with my family. )URPKRRSVDQGWKH0DPEDPHQWDOLW\ stubborn like mom. I am from long bike rides, ,DPVWULNLQJDQGJUDSSOLQJ ,DPIURPSOD\LQJPDJLFZLWK7UDHMDQDQGPRUQLQJZDONVZLWK )URPVHDVRQDOYDFDWLRQVDFFRPSDQLHGE\RWKHUIDPLOLHV I am from the island, 6RSKLH )URPWKH3HDUORIWKH2ULHQW6HDVDQGWKHMHHSQH\V ,DPIURPWDFR7XHVGD\DQGSL]]D:HGQHVGD\PRYLHQLJKW ,DPIURP]LSOLQLQJDQGVQRZERDUGLQJ I am from the grain, 6DWXUGD\VDQG'DOODV&RZER\VRQ6XQGD\ ,DPIURPFRQVWDQWPXVLFSOD\LQJDQGVLQJLQJ From menudo and adobo. I am from “brush your teeth” and “make your bed.” ,DPIURPKRUURUPRYLHVDQGEXWWHU\SRSFRUQ ,DPIURPWKHҖHVK ,DPIURP¢FDQG\LVEDGSXW\RXUGLVKHVDZD\DQGDOZD\VNLVV From haunted house with me squeezing my friends arm tightly From the roast and brisket. me goodnight.” and yelling mindlessly. I am from a bun, ,DPIURPGR\RXUEHVWJLYLQJSUHVHQWVDW&KULVWPDVDQG From hot and fresh. family is everything. ,DPIURP)DFHWLPHFDOOVWKDWODVWWLOOWKHVXQFRPHVXS 0DODFKL-RQHVWK*UDGH I am from can I say again, Taco Tuesday and Pizza Wednesday I am from crazy games of truth or dare. and I am from ice cream whenever I can. ,DPIURP'RUDWKH([SORUHU%DUQH\DQG+LJK6FKRRO ,DPIURPYDFDWLRQVZLWKFRXVLQVVOHHSRYHUVDQGEDOORRQVRQ 0XVLFDO ,DPIURPEHKLQGWKHFRPSXWHUIURP&ORUR[DQG'RZQ\ birthdays. I am from the calming sandy beach. I am from hot, humid, rainy and wet. ,DPIURPNDUDRNLQJZLWKP\PRPZKLOHSHRSOHGDQFHWRWKHPXVLF I am from the roses in the backyard, the beautiful grass my I am from cuckoo clocks, snow days, tornado shelters, I am from building in the garage with my dad. mom worked so hard for. +HUVKH\3DUNSDGGOHERDUGLQJDQGZDWFKLQJDVWLQJUD\ From Nerf battles with my brothers and friends. ,DPIURPUHOD[LQJRQ6DWXUGD\VDQGGHHSFOHDQLQJWKHKRXVH wave. I am from teaching my little sister how to walk and talk. RQ6XQGD\VIURPP\EURWKHUSLFNLQJPHXSWRPHDQGP\OLWWOH ,DPIURP)RUWQLWH3RNpPRQ*RSDUNVIULHQGVDQGVOHHSRYHUV $QG,DPIURPDVSRQWDQHRXVORYLQJIDPLO\ZKRFUHDWHV EURWKHUSORWWLQJUHYHQJHRQKLPZKLOHP\PRPFRRNVGLQQHU &DHODQ*R\HWWHWK*UDGH memories never to forget. I am from my dad’s tendency of talking to my mom’s tendency 0DULOHQD3REOHWHWK*UDGH of not talking. )URPWKHOLHVRI.UDPSXVWRWKHVOHHSPRQVWHU I am from the fruit that comes from trees and bushes. I am from not going to church. I am from the loud cars that drove by in the night. ,DPIURPZDUPIX]]\SHDFKHVKDQJLQJIURPDEUDQFK)URP ,¥PIURPWKHVDPHKRVSLWDODVP\ELJEURWKHUDQGP\ELJVLVWHU I am from the beaming sun that baked me like cake. FODQNLQJ&RFD&RODFDQVRQDQDVVHPEO\OLQHDQGFULVSJUDVV )URPHJJSODQWIRUGLQQHUDQGFKXUURIRUGHVHUW I’m from the weeds growing around my house. of a golf course. )URPWKHEURNHQWHHWKRIP\EURWKHUZKHQKHWULHGWRMXPSIRU I’m from the grass the ants crawl on. ,DPIURPWKHGHDGRUDQJHSLQHQHHGOHVVXUURXQGLQJP\KRXVH the fourth bar, the broken nose of my father from a baseball, I am from the Rosa laevigata, the small grey bats. and the stitches of my chin when I fell off my bike going down ,DPIURPWKHFHOHEUDWLRQRI&LQFRGH0D\RDQGEHLQJOLNHP\ ,DPIURPOLJKWKHDUWHG2FWREHUIHVWDQGVSHFNOHGIUHFNOHVIURP a mountain. ancestors. -RQDWKDQDQG6DUDQF]DNDQG.XKQ ,DPIURPWURSLFDO+DZDLLWRKRW7H[DVWRFROG9LUJLQLDWR ,DPIURPP\PRPDQGKHUPRPKDYLQJRQHJLUODQGDFRXSOH ,DPIURPWKHHVFDSHRIDUWDQGQDWXUH JORRP\*HRUJLDEDFNWRVFRUFKLQJ7H[DVDQGQRZ.RUHD boys. From “Be nice” and “Treat others the way you want to be .DQXQX0HQGR]DWK*UDGH I am from the brains of my family and the most athletic. treated.” From the bedtime stories and the tooth fairy who took my teeth ,¥PIURPSUHW]HOPDNLQJSLHURJLHVDQGVSDJKHWWL and gave me money. )URPWKHJUHDWJUHDWJUDQGIDWKHU-RKQ*LJOLRZKRPRYHGIURP ,DPIURP79IURPFROGDQGERRNV ,WDO\DQGVWDUWHGDEXWFKHUVKRSLQEXVWOLQJ1HZ<RUNZLWKKLV ,DPIURPVQRZIRUWVDQGPDSOHV\UXSDQGVPRRWKLHV I’m from the churches that my family took me to, brother, where he also met and then married an Iirish woman ,DPIURPWKH9HQXVҖ\WUDSORFXVJUDVVWKHVRLO From the bibles I have read that taught me lessons. QDPHG-HVVLH%DUQHWDQG,DPIURPWKHEDWWOHJURXQGVWKH
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