: : : : PUBLISHED DJiJLY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman -k -k -k COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1919. No. 534 INACTIVITY IN BUeiNG TRADES RETURN OF BODIES TO ^TS. SAYS U.S. ARMY OF OCCUPATION NOT RESULT OF LACK OF CREDIT, RECEIVES ITS MAIL PROMPTLY OF MEN DYING IN SERVICE OPINION OF SECRETARY GLASS Oen. Pershing Says Letters OF NAVY OR MARINE CORPS REGARDS HIGH COSTS AS CAUSE Frequently Are Delivered IN EVERY POSSIBLE CASE Sees no Valid Reason Why Suffi- 15 Days After Being Mailed. cient Credit Should Not Be Made NAVY DEPARTMENT Available for Useful Operations. ANNOUNCES PLANS The 'War Department authorizes publi- Treasury Policy Changed. cation of the following cabled communica- tion in response to an inquiry ffrom the Relatives to Have Remains The Secretary of the Treasury has is- Third Assistant Secretary of War When Desired, Govern- sued the following statement There has been in the past a great deal The impression seems to exist that of complaint in regard to mail facilities ment Paying All Expense policies initiated during the war by Sec- and length of time it takes letters written lilcAdoo the Federal Re- in the United States to reach those in the Up to Time of Delivery, retary and by , American Expeditionary Forces to whom serve F>oard for the conservation of credit Burial in National Ceme- are still fully effective and are respon- addressed. These complaints may in par- sible for inactivity in the building trades. ticular cases have had some foundation, teries When Not Other- but I desii’e to inform you that during the Changes Since Armistice. operation of the 1st Corps in the Meuse- wise Requested—General The activities of the countiT have un- Argonne offensive, and in the case of 3d dergone a great change since the signing Army iieadqr;arters, now occupying Ger- Cemeteries in France. of the armistice, and many industries man territory, prompt I’eceipt of mail is ail that can be desired. It is no unu-sual which were engaged in the production of The Navy Department authorizes the thing for letters to be received in the 3d war material and for which credits were following essential are now directing their energies Army within 1.5 days of their date of mail- The Navy Department is to other lines more nearly related to the ing in the United States, and from 18 to now formu- normal activities of peace. Consequently, 21 days is common. I attribute this state lating plans for bringing back to America of affairs very devoted efforts of many of the policies which wei’e adopted to the the bodies of officers and men of the Navy needs are now out of date. those in charge, whose difficulties and to meet war and Marine Corps who were killed or the thanklessness of whose tasks I thor- Believes High Costs Responsible. oughly realize. died in foreign service and whose re- My own impression is that inactivity in Pf.rsiiixg. mains were interred ashore. the building trades is directly traceable At the outset of our participation in not to any insufficiency of credit, but to VAST SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES the War the Navy determiuetl to continue the continuance of abnormally high costs. its policy of returning home the remains country re- Tile building trades of the FOR U. S. SOMS IN GERMANY of the dead, and only when facilities for sponded promptly to the view of my pre- preserving and encasing the bodies could Federal Reserve decessor and of the The War Department authorizes the not be obtained or where laws of the vari- Board and cooperated in a patriotic way ous countries intervened, following from the office of the Director have burials the Government in its program for been abroad. with of Purchase and Storage made the conservation of credit during the Large quantities of subsistence have Embalming Materials on Ships. the war, and I glad to say period of am been ordered for use of the Army of Oc- that in my judgment there is now no All of the larger naval ships and trans- cupation in Germany. It is contemplated why sufficient credit should ports were etiuipped with embalming out- valid reason that the supplies will be shipped by way not be made available for useful building fits and materials, and explicit instruc- of Rotterdam and the Rhine to Coblenz. operations. tions given for their use ; in many in- The last order placed by the Subsistence stances the services of licensed embalra- Division makes a big grocery bill. It in- ers were secured hy enlistment in the $75,000,000 Credit for Italy cludes 2.3G,000 pounds of ham, 270,000 Navy and Naval Reserve; and the de- pounds of sausage, 8,000.000 pounds of for Belgium partment feels that th.ose efforts have And $40,000,000 flour, 500,000 pounds of oatmeal, 2,000,000 been amply rewarded by early return to pounds of sugar, 421,000 pounds of their homes of the X’emains of several hun- The Secretary of the Treasury has es- prunes, 2,000,000 pounds of canned soup, dred men from ships and naval stations tablished a credit of $75,000,000 in' favor and 380,000 pounds of butter and oleo- in the war zone. of the Italian Government, and a credit margarine. Among the luxuries included But, despite all endeavors, burial of .$40,000,000 in favor of the Belgian in the order are 032,000 pounds of jam, abroad has been necessary in many cases, Government, making a total of .$1,385,- 900,000 pounds of candy, and 90,000,000 including, of course, the remains of all 000.000 for Italy and $290,145,000 for cigarettes. officers and men of the Jlarine Corps Belgium, and $8,074,824,502 for all the who died while serving with the Army in allies. FINANCIAL AGENT FOR BOLIVIA. France and Belgium. Advices to the State Department from Marking of Graves. 43 LOCOMOTIVES SHIPPED. La Paz, Bolivia, state that Senator Julio A total of 43 locomotiv(!S were shipped Zamora, accompanied by Mrs. Zamora, The graves of these haVe invariably to various railroads during the week is leaving for -the United States as a been made semipermanent in character, ended February 1, according to a state- financial agent of the Bolivian Govern- marked in such manner as to guard ment issued by the United States Itail- ment. He is also accompanied by Senor against error, and have been carefully road Administration. Jorge De La Barra as his adviser. tended and preserved, while minute and : : 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BITLLETIN: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1919. ncc\ii';ite hurial records have been kept Washinsron, in tlie Xavy I )eparl ment at List of Transports and Army Dnits at naval lieadpiiarters in London, and in the (lies of the various stations. Sailing From France for United States The [jlati.s umier consideration include three lines of action, dependent upon the Ordiinnco DetTclimont. 01st Regiment. C. A. in The War Department authorizes publi- expressi'd wishe.s of the next of kin C. 1 officer, 10 men. cation of the following information : each case: (1) The bodies to be allowed Detachment Battery E. 01st Regiment, C. The transport Pocahontas sailed from A. C., 10 officers, 84 men. to remain in the country where death Bordeaux February G, and is due to ar- Twenty-three Casual officers clas.sified as occurred: (2) to be returned to the follows: lufantry, i:'. ; Field Artillery, 1; rive at New York February IS with the United States for reinterment at Arlins- Air Service, 7 ; Sanitary Corps, 1 ; Tank Corps, following troops ton nr any other desiRuated national Other casuals : Civilians, inc'mied in Sixty-spcond Kegimeut C. A. C„ complete, 5 ; cemetery: or, (,‘ft to be sent to the next the above are sick 00 ofiicers, 1,711 men. and woundi'd clas.sified aa follows: Bedridden (of 1 is tubercu- of kin in any iiart of tlie United States Iliadtiuartcrs .‘Wd Artillery Brigade, Coast whom lar). 24 men. Requiring no special for private burial. Artlllpiy thorps, 9 oIBccis, 48 men, attention, Bovdeau.x Convalescent Detachments Nos. 1 officer. Total, 2 934. Respected. CO and 70, 1 officer, 24 men. Wishes of Relatives The trans])ort Caserta sailed fi'om Mar- Casual Company No. 359. Marines, 3 of- Concerning the first alt’Ornative, al- ficers, 1S8 men. seille Fehniary 0, and is due to arrive at though the .Xavy Department would pre- Casual Company No. 3G2, Illinois, 2 officers, New York about February 18 with the 131 ini'n. following troops: fer to leturn all of its dead to this Casual Company No. 8CS, Ohio, 2 officers, country for hurial beside those who have 13C im n. Sixty-third Regiment, C. A. C„ 46 officers, Medical for duty, Regular 1,490 men, divided as follows: Riven their livi'S in oilier wars yet the Detachment Army, 2 officers. 4 men. Thirty-nine officers and 1.13.3 men, Regular wishes of relatives who desire that the re- Casual Company No. 002, Regular Army, 2 Army ; 2 officers and 44 men. Camp Uplou ; officers, 1 mi'ii. II a;ns he allowed to lie tindisturhed will 149 men. officer and 33 Camp CranI ; 3 officers Casual Company No. 904, 'Wisconsin, 2 of- and 238 men. Camp Dodge; 1 officer and 48 be granted, and it is probable that siiit- ficers. 14!) men.
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