y . Provinoial Library Ju.,.,23 "/- r< RI i THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER Witli which Is consolidated the Cumberland News. FORTY-THIRD YEAR, No. 3. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1924. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM SUCCESSFUL SMOKER SIX HUNDRED ATTEND HELD AT G.W.V.A. HALL Locals Maintain MRS. ELIZA BANKS AGAIN [Dean Brock Heard PIONEERS' RE-UNION ON SATURDAY LAST LeadAtExpenae |HEADS SCHOOL TRUSTEES! «" Interesting HELD AT COURTENAY The meeting of the Coal Section of Lecture Saturday Six hundred people crowded Into the the Vancouver Island Branch of the Of Champions Gaiety Theatre last Friday night. Of this number one hundred and fifty Canadian Institute of Mining and 1 Maaalmo City, DOB. Soccer Champions C. J. Parnham Mayor By Acclamation Hall Parked to Capacity— Lecturer were Pioneer guests of Courtenay As­ .Metallurgy held at the G.W.V.A. Hall Easily Defeated by Locals— Delights With Very Interesting sembly No. 3, Native Sons ot Canada, on Saturday evening last which took Craham Stars for Home Team Instructive Address who had Invited them to u reception. tiie form of a smoker, was an out­ The other four hundred and fifty odd After a hard-fought forty-live nilc- A. MAXWELL POLICE COMMISSIONER BY ACCLAMATION' The Lecture Hall of the Cumberland standing success. Mr. Chas. Graham, came to pay homage to the hardy men •tiis, ill which Nanaimo United had I Literary and Athletic Association was and women of the early days. It District Superintendent of the Cunii- the advantage of the breaks, the lo­ packed to capacity on Tuesday even­ was Ihe gayest throng that ever at­ illnn Collieries (Dunsmuir), Limited, cal boys broke away, and from bc- When tbe nominations closed on ing last on the occasion of the visit tended a social event In Comox Valley, and who is the President of the Van­ f ginning to end of the second half, th? Holiday returning officer, A. J. Merry, of Dean Brock, of the University of far surpassing the event of a similar former team were left completely out British Columbia, to deliver his fam­ couver Island Branch of the C.I.MM. declared Charles Joseph Parnham, Whist DriveTo Be nature held last year under the sant'i of the picture and had to admit de­ elected Mayor by acclamation and Al­ ous lecture, "Earthquakes." auspices, and which will now posi­ was In thc chair. feat to Blair and Co., to the tune of 3 exander Maxwell, Police Commission­ Held Tonight The lecturer approached his sub­ tively become an annual event. The .Many men, prominent In the mining: goals to nil in the Up-Inland League er, by acclamation, there were seven ject in a very easy manner; so much Sons ure tickled pink at the results affairs of tlle province addressed the The welcome announcement is made soccer game which took place on the candidates for Aldermen and ten for so that all present could easily fol­ of their efforts to give tlielr elders a meeting. Dean Brock, after deliver­ that the Ladies' Auxiliary of Hoi.. Recreation Grounds on Sunday. By School Trustees. low the lecturer during the whole good time. The pioneers showed ing an excellent address at the Lect­ Trinity intend holding another of their virtue of this win Cumberland stills The Municipal Elections are over course of his address. Reading from Ihelr appreciation of being given the ure Hall on "Earthquakes," Joined the popular Whist Drives and Dances hi heads the league with 23 points .which, for another year. While they are an account of an earthquake which opportunity of gathering tn social members of the Institute and gave a the Anglican Hall, Friday. January 18. if nothing unexpected happens ln their highly satisfactory to some of i thc occurred in Canada in 1063. and which conclave hy tendering from the stage short tulk which the members thor­ Whist 8-10. Dancing 10-12. Refresh- remaining games, virtually leisure* Electors, they are disappointing t> was reported to have covered an area of the theatre a hearty vote of thanks oughly enjoyed. Other speakers in­ served. First-class prizes. Admis­ them of lirst place. others. In all probability there would of 200 leagues in length by 100 lea­ to the Native Sous for their Interest In cluded Mr. Thomas Oraham, General sion 75c. gues in width, the speaker goes on to their well being and pleasure. Dur­ Superintendent of the Canadian Col­ Exactly at 2.30 p.m, reteree A. S. have been no contest for School describe the result of this great trem­ ing the first part of the night Jazz lieries (bunsmuir), Limited, who Is Jones called the teams together and Trustee if tlle retiring members of or and the panic of the people. was out of question, thc floor being also the President of the II.C. Division ns soon as captain McDougall de­ Uie Hoard had declared themselves Aldermen elected for 1924 are: It is only during the last century given over to the pioneers who trip­ of the C.I.M.M.; Mr. Mortimer Lamb, eded to defend the Camp-end goal, the out tar re-election, but on the con­ JilUues Votes I'ust that the study and theory of earth­ ped the light fantastic as ln days of Secretary of the Western Division ball was set rolling. Nanaimo Im-J trary, «ta.ted tluit they had done -thai.' Muinford, Thomas Henry 116 quakes has been attempted to an;.' yore to music aB it used to be. Jov­ C.I.M.M., and Mr. Nichol Thomson, of mediately made tor their opponent's duty, one bad served faithfully and Maxwell. Alexander 114 real extent. iality was rampant and the honored Vancouver. goal and for several minutes tiie local dllllgenlty iter so many years, giving Ledingham, John 11-1 halves and full hacks had a warm the Citizens awl Ratepayer of his best. Potter, .lohn James .... 105 By means of numerous illustrations guests of the evening certainly enjoy­ A paper, read by Mr. Geo. O'Brien. time. Gdugh and Stewart let noth­ Other reusing members said lt was Jeffrey. Allied Edwin 99 the nudiencc was fully able to under­ ed themselves to the full. Such Safety Engineer of the Canadian Col­ ing get by J them but they had a ten­ time for a cbur.tge and tlmt others Mordy. Thomas 84 stand the subject of eachqunkos as a tunes as "The Olrl 1 Left Behind Me." lieries (Dunsmuir), Limited, entitled dency to kick high iu Uie air instead should come forward and become DiUlos, Frank 74 whole, "Just One Girl,'' "Listen to the Mock­ "Ancient and Modern Means of Test­ of sending the ball up lo their for­ iVtstees of the Public School and Tlle recent big Japanese disaster ing Bird, riiere be a Hot Time in ing for Gas in Coal Mines," was list­ wards. However, they finally man­ that there wtere plenty of able men Results of Lad) smith Klecllnns was also dealt with, the lecturer giv­ ened to with a great deal of attention the Old Town Tonight," "Two Lltlle aged to do so and when once the for­ nnd women within Die City limits ing to bis audience many tnles of by the large crowd present. A very Mayor, W. W. Walkem. Girls in Blue," were served up by that wards did secure, nothing stopped who'could represent tbe City of Cum­ heroism und devotion of thc natives Interesting and. instructive discussion Aldermen: Sam Jones. Jamns orchestra that was so popular In tbe them until they reached the Nanaimo berland, so the ordinary nan on tho | to their European masters, in spite followed the reading of the paper. Strang. ('. Hrlnnt, Mrs. Marshall. Geo. Valley a quarter of a century ago. goal, where either they kicked past street came to the conclusion the four of the many rumors to the contrary. Held. Jack Baird tickled the ivories as he During the evening an excellent pro­ or Koutlettge saved with spectacular of t%ie 1923 Board would retire tor a At the conclusion of his very nlile used to, Dave Roy pulled the bow on gram of vocal and Instrumental music plays. Milligan and ifcyland both rest, and then the cry went out that Police Commissioner: Geo. Reid. 1 address. Mr. Thomas Graham. Gene "!! his fiddle In the old time way, Paolo was rendered, the following well' had hard lines in not scoring, the ball there were four vacancies on the School Trustees: Marshall and Reid. Superintendent of the Canadian Col­ Monte worked his arm sore with a known artists contributing:—Messrs. just grazing the top of the bar with Board of Trustees. When there Is lieries (Dunsmuir). Limited, propos­ trombone und Harry Murdock sweet­ W. A Owen, Colville Graham, ft, the goalie in no position to save. Gra­ an emergency, you can always,d- Results of (iMirlcnaj Klectlons ed a hearty vote of thanks for the ened the air with his cornet. All Strachan. J. 0, Quinn, W. Morris and ham and Turner followed up with pend upon some of our live wires he- Mayor: F. McPherson, acclamation very interesting and instructive ad­ these old time musicians did their 11. Jackson. some hot ones, but Routledge seemed Ing an the alert. Aldermen: W. T. Fielders 134, W. G. dress, which was seconded by Mr. T. hit to bring back to their years old The meeting closed about midnight open to all engagements and re. On Monday, Returning Officer, A. J. Hnggerly 120. C. Simnis 107, C. Mordy. companions memories of by-gone lifter one of the most successful gath­ peatedly relieved the pressure.
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