EEK'• c PLET E .IIA THE The Showcase ditorlals Column C Editor Speaks ß. k: 'omplefe ShortStory 'V Shows This Week PhotographersGet Photographed MARCH 31, 1957 VOL. XXIX, No. 13 ;., ß '.::i•:!!.¾.. ':i:•;: . '* ..::-".-.:::. ..... •iii........ !'"':';.':Z%:::i•!!i::•iii:•!i?.$•i:...i½" ,%'-4.:.'i•-;-.::-9:..-.i(.:i::!i!i:.::•::i!.:;:. i'.- "':;'. ß '•.:.....,;:.•,•,....;."'::,.......:.:•:. ..-;:.i;': *.•ili½i•ii½•!i;½:.-!::"'-.-•/•<i•i•.•i?:•;•,i• ..........;..... ;. }-' ' ' ':.:::.:i,,.ß -:-i•iiii!::::-'.'..'" :.".,.......... ...':iilL.:,.':!!½-"..'½:'.:.."•;:•'.:"f'•:.-.:-.........i•:!-::!:i:i•.,'.:.;:,: :•':->..•:$•:!:::.ii•i•i:::........::-:'¾-' :i.'.-::;:::::..'..'::.':::•i.......... :i•: ............': :•: ß i:i:: "i::::::: - ?. '"".'i'•..:. "' ß ". 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'":•;...,,....... ;•':-.-'-,i.:.•',.•. .. ...:;.....i.'.......•:'*"*!*•i.• ..... for cooking,for hot water, for re- '::':-"": ..... :' ' '" !ii!-'-''•'* .•..:!.;,../ ., - ........, ß , . ..... ....•. frigeration,and for dothesdrying, ß ::..... ß............. .... ,.... -....½,•::,{:f.:....;..;'.:.i•*•.'.' you want gas!And Public Service ..... ........ •.. ß ..... .. >.':..: -. ß ia on the job 24 hours a day to "OUT"AT 'THEBALLGAME•Nanette Fabray didn't quite make bring you the dependableservice it to the plateon timein thisrehearsal for her starringrole in .! the clean, blue gasflame! "A Man'sGame"--original musical to be ffivenon the •BC-TV "KaiserAluminum. Hour," Tuesday, April 23. Leo Durocher(not appealingin the show)is seenabove giving Nanettepointers PI]BLI C * 8ERVI on the game. •' ....ß.... :.... :=..--.-.. '..i•ii,:..•-..r:.iii•;i•I . .. ß ,--:.-: .... :::•:::•::::::!i!-'.;: ß ' ' ß ß ::•i::::::.i!.... 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RUSSELLZlTO, Phofographer 'LA TRAVIATA'--Ela | n ß 'STORY EDITOR--Kathi Norris, Malbin will sing the part of Vio- story editor of "True 8•tor¾,"the letta in the NBC Opera Company's •••• 6-0•0• • new•NBC-TV Saturda• daytime colorcast English version of the series, introduces each weekly Verdi classic Sunday, April 21. ,,.d..r.a_ma ... and its performers, __ _ THE : . ß.,• • •v• ß Published Weekly by .,• THE CHRONICLE COMPANY ::..•:.::,............_..-.%: ..... .:..:...?....... , 170.172 Butler Street... Paterson, New Jersey LAmbert 5-2741 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..... • ,, •. VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor .[[[.".=======================================================================;' -??....... -::::,:::..[ ..... -.. ... ... •.:' . Entered as Second Class matter August 24', 1928, at the Post . Office at Psterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. : . , :::::::::::::::::::::.:..::::: .::.::::.-::::-:: :-::-:..:..:_f. ........-_:.:.:.:.: .............:.:...... :. :.: :..-;.. ,: . '-'W:i:'?:-:::::ii:i!;i•;:i .:-.¾?::/,!' MARCH 31, 1957 -- XXIX, No. 13 ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? :::::::::::::::::::::::: .. - .. * .. ============================:::...', Single Copy 5 Cents $3.00 a Year By Mail ß .- -.. .. • . .... CONTENTS :: 'EATURES ::::::::::::::::::::::......... ........ •!:i-'.':•:i:i:i:i:: ...._...._........-.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Complete Short Story 14 i::..-.•.:•:.?.::i:!--:i. ):.: .............. • .,• ........:::::::::::::::::::::::: .......... .. ., DEPARTMENTS COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN--U. S. Vice Pr. esident Richard Nixon and his wife are shown as they toss co•s over their shoulders ß into the famous Trevi fountain during the:r visit to Rome, Italy. Books 'n Stuff 5 The Vice Preesident is presently Imck in the United States after his three weeks of visiting European and Afrlc•n countries. .Opportunities Unlimited .................... ""%':_.:•, ..E•torials The Editor Speaks Column.. of Comment 9 The Showcase _. 10 ß Complete Television Program for the Week ___11, 12, 13 C.OVE R PICTURE: How could it be? Was the question asked when this picture was -.. taken. Well .it could be and it did happen• Our cover picture shows Russell Zito a•d Edwin Psnkow, st•ff photographers of the Chronicle "mugged" for a shot. The two photographers were : presented citstions for outstanding .work from members of the Ladies' Auxilbary, Hamilton Post 139, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Left to right are..:.Mrs. Dorothy...!ndoe,Americsnism Chairmmu ' of..the .Auxilis.ry•"-"g.U.S'.seH' Zito,'.Ed'win.-Pank. 0w and Mrs, Helen .CLOYINGSPELL•Return• of happybirthday were ..•;.' th.e•A:-'uXi:,"•:'i,..:'resid•t: :'.-,,:,. ' ,,.,'-..- happy but the .Johnsontriplets in ,l•inn•l• don't show i•. ß: ' .-,,/, ::.... .:: .:.,.... , , ::.:'•_::.:.':;_.:.:-:.':'-;: :--...:,.<., . :; .-.-...'. ,-::,:'.',: .-, .:- , .... -...- '•,._• ......... ._...._. ......... .-_-. -:..- ..,=• _..,._- .: ..... ,.... ... ,. _. _..:. _.. _-: ... -: .... ....... ...... ........... ,,,: ...•_ ................. _...... Br'mn,Bruce '•nd Brent were two years old, bu$.mmmged[o !rove a e 'rying:spellin -'unisOn.' ......... i.' .: .......:: :-: •.s: .... -..... .. PAGE T,HREE •.1;be: •C.H..EON. I•E "Game of the Week" .i• • ••'•' ' ":'" ' ß ' "" ' ' .. ":

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