·DIRECTORY.] CORNWALL. TINTAGEL. 313 A porch about 8 by 7 feet at the west end: the walls are applying to the proprietor, Mr. W. Goard, farmer, now from 4 t-o 5 feet above ground: near the south-west Trethevy. H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall and York K.G. angle a.re traces of some other building, and about roo who is lord of the manor, the Earl of Wharncliffe and .yards north-west is an inclosed rectangular space, 70 Lord Churston are chief landowners. William Taylor and feet long by so wide, surrounded by walls 3 feet thick; John Taylor esqs. and Mrs. Bunt are also landowners. on the east side of the island is another piece of walling: The soil is light; the subsoil is stone. The chief crops in 1245 David, Prince of "\Vales, took refuge in the castle are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 4,421 acres of when in rebellion against Edward I.; John de Northamp­ land, I of water, I of tidal water and Bo of foreshore; ton, or de Comberton· (Cambs.), Lord Mayor of London rateable value, [4,663; the population in 1891 was 719. ill 1382-3, is said to have been imprisoned here in 1385, and Thomas (Heauchamp) 4th Earl of "\Varwick K.G. wa~ TREVE~A is a village half a mile east from the parish some time a captive in this fortress, on his removal from church. Trevena House, the residence of Lieut.-Col. the the Tower of London. The office of Constable of Tintagel Ht. Hon. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter hart. P.C., M.P., D.L., Castle was abolished on the death (in I5Bo) of John J.P. was built in r867 for John Douglas Cooke esq. · Arundell esq. who had held is since wth June, 1537• and TREKNO"\V is a village I mile south from the parish after 1580 the ruins and precincts continued to be let church. TRENALE, It miles south-east, TREWARMET, <On lease till 1844. In the upper portion of the rocky 1~ south-east, TREBARWITH, 2~ miles south from the valley of Trevillet, in a romantic and thickly-wooded glen parish church, are also small villages. <01' c!'mbe, is St. Nectan's, or St. Knig-hton's Keive, a Sexton, Edmund May. fine natural cascade, so called from the "kieve " or basin into which the water falls: the total height of the fall, Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel which is broken on its descent by intercepting rocks, is Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Trevena about 40 feet: on the top of the cliff are the ruins of a (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have Tintagel .small building, said to have been a chapel: St. Nectan's R. S.O. Cornwall added).-Nehemiah Nute, sub-post- Kieve is remarkable also as the traditional meeting place master. Letters arrive at 7-25 a.m.; dispatched 5 p.m . .()f King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, who went 'Vall Letter Boxes, Bossiney, cleared at 4 p.m. ; Trek- in quest of "The Holy Grail" : the spot has received now, 5 p.m. ; Tregatta, 5-15 p.m. ; Trebarwith, 9·30 :additional interest in recent times from the prominence a.m. & Trewarmet, 5-40 p.m given to it by Miss Braddon in her novel "Mount Royal,'' National School (mixed), Trevena, built in r854, on a site 'Vilkie Collins's "Rambles Beyond Railways," and "The granted by the Earl of Wharncliffe, for I6o children; Sisters of St. Nectan's," by the Rev. R. S. Hawker: average attendance, 79; Henry George White, master l_lersons desirous of visiting the "Kieve" can do so on Omnibus meets principal trains at Camelford station, daily TI~TAGEL. Symons Thomas, farmer, Hendra · Darrent. Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, J3nnt :Mrs. Tregatta cross Taylor John, yeoman, Halgabron Brooklet I>icl{inson William Ho"~Yship ~I.D., J.P. Taylor Samuel (Jlrs.), apartments, Davey "\Villiam, grocer Trebrea lodge Trevillick Ede Stephen, draper & grocer Mitchell Mrs. Trewen Uglow John Jolliff, farmer, 'rrecarn Fry & Sons, butchers "Rousby Mrs. St. Nectaus glen "·bales Elvyns (Miss),shpkpr.Treknow Fry James, Wharncliffe Arms family s,·mnn;o Mrs. Martha. Pulkerr house BOS.SI:XEY. & commercial hotel & Cliiton /House lVade Misses, Treknow Private hotel; posting in all its Langley Mrs branches. See advert COMMERCIJ..L. Rounsevell Miss Galloway Arthur, apartments, 2• King Erown John, farmer, Treknow Sym.ons Miss Arthur terrace Brown J oseph, shopkeeper CO:\DIERCIAL. llayne Thos. apartments, Laurel cot Rrown Richard, farmer, Trenewth Fry Jan1es, farn1er Heard Elijah, farmer Brown Thomas, farmer, Treknow Lugg Edward, jun. blacksmith Honey lYm. aparts. I King Arthur ter .Brown William pirs.), miller (water), Nute N. & Sons, farmer,; Lang Samuel John, aparts. Rose cot Trevillett mill Symons John, yeoman Lobb Jane (.Mrs.), aparts. Myrtle cot Congdon Edward, farmer, Downrow of taxes, Marchant Frank, King Arthur's Arm.,; Svmons• William, collector Cowling Thomas, farm bailiff to 111fs. Bossiney house P.H Bunt, Treven M iller W illiam (~lrs.), apartments, Dawe William, dairyman, Treknow . TREVEN.l. King Arthur's villa Dymond Thomas, farn1er, Halgabron .!.very '\Irs. The "\Vouteml ~ute N. & Sons, butchers Dingle Thomas, farmer, Trewinnick Chapman Rev. Arthnr Greig B.A. Nute N. & Sons, private hotel,boarding Glanville William, farmer, Fenterleig'h (vicar), The Vicarage & posting establishment for tourists Goard William, farmer, Trethevcy Hayter Lieut.-Col. Rt. Hon.Sir Arthnr & families, Tintagel ha. See advert Scott Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, iHarris .Sidney, farmer, Trethevev. n·1ve tt b art . M .a.,• M~ . p ., D . L . , J .iP . Norfolk cottag-e Harvey & Co.Lim. slate quarry owners Trevena house; 9 Grosvenur square Heard John, fanner, Treknow W; Tran~llf'rs', Brooks's & Devun- Wakdield & Sons, fancy repository Roskin F.lijah, farmer, Trf'villett, shire clubs,- London S W Yonlton John, shopkeeper King Arthnr's Castle Hotel (:\liss L.~L Roman Mrs. Fair ,Seat cottage Davies, manageress). See advert Johns :\Iiss, Old Post office TREW.AR:\IET. King Arthur's Castle Hotel Co. Lim. Sturge J<'redk. William, Trevena cot Broad Edward, farmer ("\Villiam Taylor, sec.); registered Tudor "\Villiam J.P. Pendhu house offices at the Hotel " Broad William (Jlrs.), farmer Lobb Thos.Arth. farmr. Fenterfriddle · COMMERCB.L. Brown "\Villiam Henry, farmer Lngg Edward & Son, blacksmiths, Balkwill Wm. Cubbledick, apartments Medland John, mason Tregatta Banbury Ann (Jirs.), apartments, 5 Palmer George, farmer Lugg Edward, blacksmith, Tregatta. King Arthur's terrace S:mdercoch John, Gulden Lion P.H Lugg Ellen (:\Irs.), aparts. Trenowan Bolitho, Williams, Foster, 1Coode,Grylls ~illBr :M:ny CMrs.), shopkpr. Treknow & Co. Limited' (Consolidated Bank TllEBARWITH. Palmer Philip Thomas Brown, farmer, of Cornwall) (agency) (Wm. Taylor, Turner George :M:enedew agent); draw on Williams Deacon's Brav• William, refreshment house Panter Charlotte (~Irs.), apartments, Bank Limited, London E C Lobb Seth, farn1er Tregatta Brown Thomas, apartments, 3 King Lobb Thomas, apartments Petherick Thomas, farmer & miller Arthur terrace Prout Thos. apartments, Glen cottage (water), Treknow mills Callaway William & Co. shoe makers Tremaine John, temperance hotel Routly John Edward, farmer,Tre>~"ithin Dangar Brothers, carpenter~ Trevellian J a ne (:Mrs.), apartments .Rush Phillip, carpenter, Tregatta. Dangar Thomas, carpenter Webber Richard, photographer & :Strout .Tames, farmer, l:pton Danger Margaret (Mrs.), apartments, apartments 'Symons Ann (Mrs.), aparts. Treknow "\Yharncliffe cottage TORP OINT, a small town, nearly the whole of the dockyard at Devon port: the river in this part is •which ha-s been built since 1790, is within the civil nearly three-quarters of a mile wide, communication parish of Antony, in the South Eastern division of the with either side being maintained by a floating ste:1n1 county, petty sessional division of the South Division bridge, established in I835, which leaves Torpoint at the of the hundred of East Cornwall, union of St. Germans, hours and half hours, and ~lorice Town at a quarter ~ounty court district of Ea5t Stonehouse, rural deanery before and a quarter after each hour; Torpoint is about of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro, 2~ miles west from the Plymouth station of the Great find was formed int-o a. separate ecclesiastical ~risb, "\\;'estern railway, opened in I85g, and has since I884 Jan. 17, 1873: it is on the west bank of that part of been lighted with gas by a company and supplied wit.h the ri~·er Tamar c:1lled '' H::~muaz~," direcCy opposite wa~er by the Torpoint 'Vater Works, who obtain their .
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