.. , , • In Section 2 In Sports Rolling in Rain and An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper the slop at mud can't a drenched stop Hens tailgate page Bl2 page B I Non-profi1 Org. FREE U.S. Pos1age Pa1d TUESDAY ewark. DE Volume 122. Number 13 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Permll No. 26 October 17, 1995 Teen A million march Chapel drowns bust nets In• gym $7,000 in class cocaine• BY ANGELA ANDRIOLA Stafl Reporter $12,500 of marijuana A 16-year-old McKean High School studem died Thursday of an apparent also found; Ismael drowning, said Cpl. Dave W. Thomas Morales charged of Delaware State Police. Eleventh-grader Stanley M. Downs, 16. of 2317 . Tatnall St. in BY BETH ASHBY Wilmington. was found at the bonom Swjj Repona of the chool' s pool by a cu;,todian at A North Chapel Street resident 12:20 p.m .. police said. was arrested and c ha rged with According to police. school official s · cocaine and marijuana traffick in g were able to retrieve Downs from the Thursday ni ght. Newark Po li ce boHom of the pool and initiate CPR. sa id . ew Castle County Paramedics then Special In vesti gati o ns arrived at the scene and Downs was detectives search ed the ho me of Oown by State Police helicopter to l s mae l M o ra les. 44, of 45 N. Christiana Hospital. where he died. Chapel St. at 8 p.m. after citizens Police are still investigating the complained of drug dealing in the incident and the coroner's final repon neighborhood, po lice sai d. has not yet been i sued. said McKean Approxim ately $7,000 worth of High School Principal Donald C. cocai n e a nd $ 12 ,500 wort h o f Keister. marijuana were se ized from the However. the preliminary report suspect' s home. as were his two cited "drowning, with no foul play vehic les and an un specified involved. as the cause of death." he amount of cash, po li ce said . said. THE REVIEW I Kelly Benneu · According to police , the According to Kei ter. Down s About 80 university students marched Sunday night in UD's microcosmic version of the MiiJion Man March held yesterday in Washington, D.C. s us pect was arraigned at enrolled at McKean Sept. 12 after The African-American students began at the Christiana Towers and walked to President Roselle's house and the Center for Black Culture. Magistrate Court II on Route 273 moving to Delaware from J;m1aica with in Newark Friday, and is currently hi s family. He and hi s ph ys ical being held in li eu of $100,000 bai I education class, which consisted of 21 on th e following c harges : students and James Emerick. a cenified trafficking cocain e and marijuana, phy ical education teacher. were using Nation's black men unite in D.C. possess ion o f cocaine a nd the pool 20 minutes before Downs was mariJUana with int en t to found. BY DEB WOLF A1 D DEREK HARPER "But we arc being healed ... We are distribute , possession of drug To help students deal with Downs· Swfl Reportt n in progress towards a more perfect paraphernalia and maimaining a drowning. Kei ster sai u the WASHINGTO Yes te rday a union .·· he added, quot in g the U.S. Newark's march dwelli ng a nd vehic les fo r administration assembled student s reponed 1.5 mi II ion mo stl y African­ Constitu ti on. distribution o f drugs. Thur da) to di scuss the incidcnl and American males marched to show their Farrakhan added that President A North Chapel Street neighbor held support sessions Friday. dedication to th eir community and the Clinton has been ineffectual in thi s iss ue for those who can't who wished to remain anonymous According to university student nation in the largest demonstration ever and said. ··we are being torn apart by said since the suspect moved into Michael Vaught (AS FR ). wh o held in Was hington, D.C. race. and we can't gloss over it with ni ce get to Capital his res id ence thi s s ummer, alle nded McKean High School and ··w c· re coming together as bl ack men speeches." "people were go in g in and ou t all participated in required swimming dealin g wit h o urse lves. not blaming At th e end of hi s remarks. Farrakhan BY ANfOI\'10 M. PRADO AND MATT MANOCffiO the tim e.'' classes his freshman year. 'The teacher anyone for our downfall but crying out pronounced a benediction on the crowd. StaO Repaner.o; made sure everyone was out of the area to God and thanking him.'' said Tracy referring to th em as '·a sea of black men. Close to 80 black students. both male and fema le. before he left the class. I' m not sure Mumford Sr. of New Cast le. ready to go back home and turn their marched hand in hand from the Ch1isti ana Towers to how [Downs] could be left in there by The event was a very peaceful and commun ity into a decent and safe place the Cemer for Black Culture Sunday night in support of Student himself." strong display of sol idarit y between to li ve .'' yesterday's Million Man March. Another university st ud ent who me mbers of the Africa n-A me rican Other prominent members of th e The Newark march was ammgcd at the last minute, allended McKean, Cathy Dukes (HR com munity. Complete st rangers wou ld African-American com munity at th e accordi ng to its organi zer Kenneth Grimes (AS JR), to sexually JR ). said she remembered learning greet and hug. leavi ng to go to anoth er march includ ed th e Rev. Jesse Jack son serve as a local version of the Washington march. for some lifesaving tech niques in the class person. and fo rmer NAACP director Ben which almost I00 students left at 2 a.m. Monday . when she auended the high schoo l. The econo mi c power of the Chavis. Maya Angclou read some of her Some students like Jason Willi ams (PE SR ) said assaulted Accord ing to Keister. the physical community was emphasized. as a poetry and Stevie Wonder performed for th ey would not be able to attend the march in educati on teacher followed school speaker in mid-afternoon had everyone the audi ence. Washington and wanted to praise the unifi c::n ion of University Police are curren tly policy in ending the class by locking hold up a doll ar. This was done to show Many local people anend ed th e event, black men. looking for a man who sexually the girls' locker room door. checking a million doll ars and th e purc ha sin g inc lud ing Kha wand Cant y. a 1995 ·'[have exams so Tca n't make it. but tonight's march ass au lted a female uni versity student the pool for students and then entering power of the people be hin d it. universit y grad uate and a former edit or on campus is a good oppor1tmity for us to express our early Saturday morning in the the boys· locker roo m and locking it The march. which drew support ers of Pamoja. a black stud ent newspaper. suppo rt .'' he said . Pcncader Co mplex. according to from the inside. from as far away as Germany and "You hear so mu ch negative about However. this march was not organized to send the Capt. Ji m Flatley. Keister also said there were three Jamai ca. ce ntered around th e speech of bl ack male relationships that it's good to universit y a message or have an impact on th e The suspect entered an unlocked room in the complex when the additional entrances to the pool th at Louis Farrakhan. the co ntrovers ial see something positi ve." Canty said. administration. accordi ng to Ycrncsc Edghill of the victim wa s sleeping and penet rated remai n locked throughout the school leader of the Nation of Islam. '' It ' s so mething that I never wo uld 've Center for Black Culture. her wit h his fingers. Flatley said. day. "There arc still two Americas: one imagi ned. I don't feel any anim os it y or At one poi nt. the line of students. stretching more Th e suspect ceased after the victi m According to a telephone message at black. one white. separate and unequal." fea r. It's just a relaxed fee ling. a fee li ng than 120 fee t, crossed the intersecti on of Delaware repeatedly asked him to stop , at Team Delaware Swim Club in he said. adding th e '·great divide'' of love. Aven ue and Academy Street. The traffic li ght had whic h point th e su , pecl left the Wilm ington. which uses McKean's between black and white is worse today ''A ll across th e world . they've got to turned gree n when half th e line crossed. Grimes room . Flatley said. pool, head coach Lori Barbour said she encouraged everyone to stay together despite th e Police describe the suspect as a 5- than in the time of Martin Luther Kin g rea li ze th at th is planet is made for foot-1 0-inch.
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