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Deconstruction Solo Painting Exhiortron Kazi Salahuddin Ahmed Bangladesh National Museum 7th to 14th [anoar-y 2003 Art Association of Harrisburg 4th Apnl To 6th May 2004 This Exhrbmon 1s Dedicated to : Late RJb1;a. Khatun. Aysha KIHLun l-leherunesba Salrna Begum Photography Kall Sayed Ahmed, DeSJgn Km Salahuddm Ahmed Cornp1tcr Graphic Mun,r Chowdh�ry Scan L,m,t ..d Pnn1111g : Grepbosr-tan K.eproJuc!Kn & Printing r, • 5 5� X !8 0m .iCT)k C<1 P?p<' 2()12 Dematertahsanon of Reality Tl� pcoce,, , ,i,,,nlill,.,..J\JI a'lJ ever1 tnst, tot me wco'flf' nth.,,- f't"'diantr.& lo strn , p K.J1 'MW"Y.ddn s wcrk 0Cif' may <<l start w'.t tti� lt-.e He , a fC<CMc act.7, bJt bdlnd 00 p"Olkacy thec, � a dc,7,ed'y Jetermned rm,, with eye, set or, d parter+i ,r- hm de.e'med tTCJLgh-:,,,t th, last ch:a"" o' the pre',\Olll centu'y List twe<,e veers of",\ ,:ar,,er Has t!ie trre �f -�.m rg h� r!,,ntrt:, w1 Ii> r "'" SlJC)"'TM 1� t-e o-cu-os-anres ,n real wcrl:J anc 1t was also a tme that ,aw 1 m ceclairn. t!1rc<JRh h, 111>.� of l� a wide lJe<...f',\'T' d r.s,'JI ,e, LJ tl1Jl w,.r�J r-1, tTer ;,ur'd, as ford, h, ar L re-,ea� cons sts of a CJJe teoce-cy 0-.e 1.1 h� ,warf'!1ess ot tre pie,;e he Ms ,n Te cfr part of Dhc.b. ,n h� an� tre �tI'l€r sh� st, D,'XJ<ff rwtr...-N h<te for a rcscnatng mcthc<:J cf,.,--, tr..t thr�"" Cf t;:C(Jk, !Jctu>. The me'.rod of a-1 and hs nte-p-etatce clh� re;al,t) tog<>tJ,,,r envwn hrn w;th t!ie art�t,:- drM' that heps stishn h1 cre.:t ,0 ,a,-.,, W'lw may-,, faa c a....J a m,ctcn o' a sJtT of trc momer.� � realv a :Uwate<J ,,.}as devdcped < ye;,, �f pen�·er,t ef'crt In leu of w,a, Sa.laf-i.Jcc11 went t!1rwt11n t,� e4rt,, year� me co1tnue<Js l.1rl =rk ""'1 rte 1ntP'Tr1tterrt creatve cr;,ni:, re rcw secrrs drsarmr'ffl a· h:m0 w,th r� cr,fL As for r,., acst'ict>: language, h� is enc arJSt Mn ke<,ps an searchng h w,1f5 ·c c\-,,ef�ly ,t Schlu:.kJn's crtstc mccle � u-e mode clt!ie realm go¥ w,nttJr'f'g �p nto the e,:;>"e>S.cnst woe f-ls or: oog....,·,:,s trcm -:te real «.Oject matte-s I k d Lrnd.nrn bub,gs. rrcy. .lar carstrucb::m a"Jd exp""""" spdCes di""S tire oty 1lr:1 The;e ern"t,cal YJJces .,-,, Jl "d n's le,"1£1!', 4..J th,y ""'" the, rrpre,;,..c,r, 10 the e-usts mni wf-'d1 he wrt1 1-s nc,riau3erncalff 1r>::1ncd m,,tlx,d cf exernbcn kcq,s rciaF� d..nng hs ,ct ot paintng lhs F-roccss �f rcsha,:<ng r th<, e'lJ kl<es on a n:,w mear ICJ& JS ttie process ,t"'"-:f'rr,es oo both rcotra ard p-o ccourcctco acs, &e., wrier, r,e ccnnetes a p<.1c,e � are p ,','C,::h re o'ten rlles, hs Fl.l.);e" rxted n a <Ja<;Cb::al =ans ens can e"''><0' hrn p.rttrg on co Olfl, fon-,s an:J muctuees aM men wpmg m,,., = by scraa;rg co,Ou;, off ar,j a#ri& - Lo� Re1li.aprg. for Kali Sabh.,&lr1. , a-t «t cf d"VK'flg crJ dw,garu g the a L e erri.:r1ts m orde,- to recrga-se tl>em Thi,� tr.e h,nt,,.r !Cl" ,rust nw, ce<rfortally trudges_ aM th� s the w,y r>O goes en t� see< fe< nev:er aver, es to cxprcsS>c:<1 A: the o-set cf a re-,, mi�n,.m ,s c.rt � beccmng ah rractercd. ti-agmcn•cc In '.he l1test )'rid the �ed S'.n..cturcs sec11 to OC tw11g merr, sc:,h,,cs more� me pn'10ab cf l:::m1dl abstrcc'JXl He � �n.h1r« '>> ,rr.ig,:, ,1 a rievv 1,a:, Th s nf:::<'CU, iippkdt,:,n ::,!form He had never be'cre see-i " s.,u,.m n s worl<, at least not ,n 1he>ff rf' 'W ,od me---, m� urrc I r.04 tC,:, tc"Jdaicy w rcgrc<s int� me pamtcriy abs-ract!c<l 5 ,-.ct tata Iv "°""' ,n hm '"is su::cedul b,-«y af,,,ays trteater>e:J tc h"'"' de-uteralsed ,nto tlut very force thal I The ecstasv of oeet Mr\ s occurred n h� pa nt rig or,ff wni,, ti',, er,;! tran,cf'l11rd me elemcms n use l�a,r,g Sf,f1> of the crea�vc strugge Mlh the process d.rn� creat,:,n But ,.,t,,t tf> bg oi Cf'-<:an\ases present� ccn°tru::tK-rrs tl..t f..,ye ,t seem, to the teoc'oe- centres of &ri�tt (to wh,::h the fro�mer·s orent ttier, ,nor- ortsde the pmng. aod thcs the frigmor,1s ar> ,rcmprcmrsmg'y ,Ockc<J tag,'.re' The w1dc ce<rposmar rcvca s • stmc:<1,ry rnrdt!OO ,f oo- c""f'ctciy torpd " cxprcs�c:<1 Ths � :ertany rn,w 11� srMiff \.\O"<'.$ rehr, th0 vrhity o•lre brmcr5a�...,dcfa Tr,ey ,.,-,, awapratd, t��d &-okrn lm1)1" rere the prcx:,_.,, of demater di sat,ar ""'"u::es de ectab'e coose� tn rrony o M'.:r1< the 1wr'1rig roxeu we king cr+e bn!Sh W',,'IJ�\ the rec�We 001w11.1 rn ttrg " an ebstrc.CJ'>n ttiat rema11 nter,sef,, l'motM' The gns'y 1rn,,.ge, ot tr<' m.mblng stn.ctures set ag�n t l,<>dscapes perhaps a.-,, lrongs of tre pas<. but fr., ser,,e of dselzce• =t � stll cvok..--d Th� mm rn "'�"'' of :ok:u , c, � thr1g that ths enet vs oeeeoec "' la.t few )""Jt'\. Mzr.y mages c,, r,1r'"" 1re rfcr,e ,n < ngi,, h,.,. Phck arc grey =mt� h"'e i'dped t� er,g,n-c,cr" bt cf corrpasu:,r These mtn::tly dCTnctrna\o,.."<:J co1stru::'J""1S se<retrres veer to the �te Mro s m plcrti sometmes sme<;I do es lYl a µnbe Jf forms ero rnA1 stroke, The ,r111 nl s ths f0<0Cess aeccnstruct.M. 1Tf<rng a mct.' of ITTskJng COl'ln of the elemerits and spaces flt<J a creat�<e 'ute Tl.ese wor-ks ta,es th� r cce frcm the wxk, Gf Mcnrnl [slim But they do rot tiYlw, ,n tx;m;,,«,g. r.rther trry t!l.l se ti',, emctr"" toci 1'1.3.1 ;,,ori<s behrd ,reattor C "CiltKX! � t-e b,.J??M'rd n '.<ahLJd1n', rfcrn.s.n an:J rt� neatly bocnd u;, wth emouan ard rr's 'Mde r..-,fatJ:,r ,n tr,e dorn.11r, ci drt The r.!ea of ort o, a vein• de of p,mru, bores de"!) r1 l>ri\ •rid the work t�.<t w:onctly eXf<'c"se'i tti,s :,.., lw rnY,dored t!ie "f'lO'Y'le of Saahudd n', rn,atra, Mustafa Zaman 1997 - I st Pnze In Abstract Art 12th Geongia Miniature Art Inc. USA 1996 - 4th Pnze In The 12th Annual juned Miniature Art Exh1b1t1on, Long Island USA 1995 - Honorable Mention Award In The IOth Georgia M1rnature Art Society Inc USA Solo Exhibition 2003 B<lngladesh National Museum. Dhaka Bangladesh 2002 - Chuwa Gallery Cmza Tokyo, Japan 200 I - Sees Art Studios And Gallery Adelaide, Australu La GaleriePJl1ance Francaise. Dhaka Bangladesh. 200 I - Bela Academy of Art and culture, Kolkata India 2000 - Alt Konsault, New Delhi, India Kazi Salahuddin Ahmed 20C() - Solo Miniature Painting Exhrbmon, Born 13th September 1963 Gallery De Alliance Parancrse, Dhaka Dhaka Bangladesh 1999 - Gallery 21, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1998 - Tourist Service Center, Katmandu, Nepal Education 1998 - Shajahan Art Gallery, New Delhi. India 1986 - M S.S International Relatmns, of Dhaka. Universrty 1997- High Commission of Indian Cultural Center Gallery 1985 - B S.S (hons) lntematronal Relations Uruversrty of Dhaka Dhaka. Bangladesh. Workshop 1997 - Gallery De Alliance Francaise, Dhaka Bangladesh. 1999 - lrda-Banglaoesh Art Camp. Orgarrzed by Ko"<.a�a NandJn1c, l-de 1995 - Za1nul Gallery lnstrtute of Fine Arts. 1995 - Metal Workshop. Conducted by Suzanne Benton at Unrve�ty of Dhaka Bangladesh The Institute of Fine Art Universrty of Dhaka. 1994 - I.a Gallery. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1989 - Art History And Art Appreciation Course 1993 - Gallery De Alliance Frarcase, Dhaka, Bangladesh Bangladesh Shrpakala Academy Dhaka, 1987 - TS.C. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Award Group Exhibition 2002 Honorable Mention Award, 69\h t-hnawre Painters, 2003 - 27th Annrvers.ary International t-hrutere Art Show, MASE USA Sculptures And Grover; Souety ofWdSl·11ngton DC. USA 2002 2nd Biennial of Contemporary Painting of the Islamic World, 20C() - 2nd Pnze In Abstract and Surrealism. 25th Annrversary Tehran, lran lnternatronal l-uruature Art Show MASF, USA 2002 - I Sth Nat10MI Art Exh1b1t100 of 1998 - Honorable Mention Award, 65th Miniature Painters. Bangladesh Shupakala Academy. Bangladesh. Sculptures And Grovers Society ofWash1ngton DC USA 2002 - 69th Miniature Painters, Sculptures And Grovers Society of 1998 - 2nd Pnze In Abstract Art and Surrealism.

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