報名表格 Registration Form 大會費用大會費用大會費用FeesFeesFees: Fees::: 1.報名費報名費報名費報名費及會議費及會議費及會議費及會議費(包括開幕禮晚餐及 3 天午餐)(恕不退還) 第七屆全球華人浸信會宣教大會 The 7th TWCBM Conference Registration Fee & Conference Fee (Including Opening Ceremony Dinner and 3 Lunches) (Not refundable) 宣教接軌,贏得万民 Linking Our Mission Effort, Reaching All The Nations A. 2013 年 2 月 20 日前 港幣 HKD 900 香港培正小學教育大樓 Pui Ching Primary School Education Building, HONG KONG Before 20th Feb, 2013 主曆 2013 年 8 月 20---23 日 20---23 August, 2013 A.D. B. 2013 年 2 月 20 日及以後 港幣 HKD 1000 From 20th Feb, 2013 onward .住宿費住宿費 含早餐 (請清楚填寫每一項 please fill in the form completely) 2 住宿費住宿費 Accommodation Fee ( with breakfast, pricing per person) A. 城景國際酒店雙人房每人 港幣 HKD 1650 The Cityview Hotel Twin Sharing Room 姓名:中文______________________ 英文 (請依護照填寫)_____________________________________________ Name: Chinese English (Exactly as in passport. Underline Family/Last Name.) B. 九龍維景酒店雙人房每人 港幣 HKD 1800 Metropark Hotel Twin Sharing Room 稱呼: 牧師 傳道 博士 執事 宣教士 弟兄 姐妹 神學生 C. 浸會園宿舍每人 港幣 HKD 850 Title Reverend Pastor Doctor Deacon Missionary Brother Sister Seminary The Baptist Assembly Dorm Student 請大會安排同住房友 Please arrange a room-mate for me 使用語言: 華語 英語 其他:_________________ Language Mandarin English Other 請大會安排本人與以下申請人同住 Please arrange us to stay in the same room: 性別: 男 女 出生日期:_________ 年 Year_______月 Month _______日 Day 姓名:(中)____________ (英)________________________ 來自國家:_____________關係:__________ Gender M F Date of Birth Name (Chinese) (English) Country Relationship 3.會議前會議前會議前會議前/後後後住宿費後住宿費住宿費住宿費 護照號碼: _____________________ 國籍:______________________ 護照有效日期:__________________ Pre and Post- Conference Hotel Fee Passport No Nationality Passport Expiry Date 日期:由_______至_______(會前) _________天 港幣 HKD ___________ 職業:_________________________________________________________ Date: From to (Before Conference) Total Nights Occupation 日期:由_______至_______(會後) _________天 港幣 HKD ___________ Date: From to (After Conference) Total Nights 聯絡地址 Correspondence Address: A. 城景國際酒店每间房 港幣 HKD 1000(每晚 per room per night) _________________________________________________________________________________________ The Cityview Hotel ______________________ 郵區號碼 Postcode :_____________ 國家 Country : _______________________ B. 九龍維景酒店每间房 港幣 HKD 1000(每晚 per room per night) Metropark Hotel 電話 Tel: ________________ 傳真 Fax: ________________電郵 Email : ______________________________ 4.應繳費用應繳費用應繳費用應繳費用 Total Payment A. 海外出席者:報名費及會議費 + 住宿费 + 會議前/後住宿費 港幣 HKD ______________ 所屬教會:___________________________ 所屬地區/聯會名稱:________________________________ Overseas Participant: (1+2+3) Church Affiliation Area/ Baptist Convention of B. 香港區出席者:報名費及會議費 港幣 HKD ______________ Hong Kong Participant: (1) 事奉崗位:_______________________________________________ 本人寄上報名表及支票(支票/匯票號碼____________總數__________),本人將於 2013 年 5 月 31 日前 Ministry Position 繳清住宿费。Enclosed is registration & conference fee (Cheque no.__________amount___________), accommodation fee to be paid by 31 May 2013. 緊急聯絡人:______________________ 關係:______________ 聯絡電話:______________________ Emergency Contact Relationship Contact number 報名者簽名:_________________________ 日期:________________ 短宣 Mission Trips:會前及會後短宣 Mission trips before and after the conference. Signature Date 本人欲索取短宣資料 I would like to get more information about mission trips. (請自行覆印一份供存底 please duplicate a copy of this form for your own reference) 〖〖〖 全華浸宣全華浸宣全華浸宣 〗〗〗 宗旨宗旨宗旨 Trans-World Chinese Baptist 聯繫世界各地區華人浸信會聯會及教會差傳事工 Mission (TWCBM) 的宣教聯絡網,以促進浸信會對差傳事工的支 TWCBM was established to unite all Chinese Baptist 持,並在主裡合一,完成普世宣教的責任。 Conventions, Churches and Mission Organizations from various parts of the world to further enhance 大會將以雙語進行 the task of missions. We believe that only through All programs are conducted in English & Mandarin unity in the body of Christ can we fulfill the 宣教大會目標 responsibilities of world evangelism. 8 月 20 日(二) 8 月 21 日(三) 8 月 22 日(四) 8 月 23 日(五) 時間 Time 20 Aug 2013 21 Aug 2013 22 Aug 2013 23 Aug 2013 【全華浸宣】宣教大會每三年于不同地區舉行, (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) 藉以匯聚更多地區的浸信會同工、信徒,彼此激 Mission Conference Objective 勵,同心合意,同擔使命,同得萬民。1995 年在 The triennial mission conferences in different 香港舉辦第一屆宣教大會,繼而在馬來西亞檳 regions seek to mobilize all the Chinese Baptist 6:00~7:00 起床,個人靈修 Personal Devotion 城、台灣台北(兩次)、泰國清邁及新加坡舉 churches worldwide for the combined effort of 行。 making disciples of all nations. 7:00~8:30 早餐 Breakfast/ 準備赴會 Prepare for Meeting 認領代禱 宣教大會內容宣教大會內容特色特色特色特色:::: Program Highlights: 查經 華浸青 華浸青 Prayer & A parallel conference for Youth is organised at 8:45~10:15 Bible Study Youth Youth Adoption 行動方案、主餐 本屆大會同時舉行青年平行會議,即“第一屆 the same time & place. (Hall A) (Hall B) (Hall B) (Hall A) 及閉幕禮 全球華人浸信會青年青年青年青年宣教大會”。 Inspiring messages by various internationally Action Plan, 多位在異文化宣教工場中有豐富經驗的國際性 renowned and experienced speakers who have Lord’s Supper 講員。 been serving in different cross-cultural mission 10:15~10:40 小休 Break Time & fields Closing 來自各地委身跨文化事工的宣教士分享感人見 Ceremony Personal testimonies shared by different 證。 異象分享 聯席研討 (Combined) missionaries who have been serving in cross- 華浸青 10:45~12:30 Vision Combined Forum 絲綢之路及封閉工場的宣教呼聲。 cultural missions 報到註冊 Youth Sharing (Hall B) The call to serve in the Silk Road and the (Hall A) 这是拥有最多來自世界各地領袖出席的華人浸 “closed” countries 會宗派性宣教會議。 Attended by the most number of Chinese Baptist 12:30~13:30 Registration 午餐,午休 Lunch 除了激勵人心的信息和見證,大會在閉幕禮中 leaders in this denominational mission 也將擬出為期至少三年的普世宣教行動方案。 conference 大會前後皆有跨文化宣教的安排。 An action plan of a “Three-year Mission 工作坊 工作坊 Strategy” will be presented at the Closing 13:30~15:30 宣教行動 Workshop Workshop Ceremony (短宣与 长宣) Cross-cultural mission trips will be organized 籃球比賽 15:30~17:30 before and after the Conference Basketball Competition Mission Actions 18:00~19:00 開幕禮及晚宴 晚餐(自備)Dinner (own arrangements) (Mission Trips) 宣教大會宣教大會宣教大會節目包括宣教大會節目包括節目包括節目包括:::: Program Includes: (聯合) 主題信息(一) 主題信息(二) Morning: Devotion and Bible study, vision Opening (聯合公開聚會) (聯合公開聚會) 上午:靈修查經、異象分享、認領未得之民… 19:30~21:30 Ceremony & Theme Talk (I) Theme Talk (II) sharing, adoption of unreached people groups Banquet (Combined & open to all) (Combined & open to all) 下午:各地浸會青年代表籃球比賽、探訪香港 Afternoon: Basketball competition for the Youth (Combined) 浸會大學、中學、小學和醫院、各種宣教工場 delegates; visitation to the Baptist University, Hong Kong, high schools, primary schools and 和成年及青年宣教課題探討。 hospitals; discussion on topics related to adult as 宣教大會 Mission Conference 晚上:宣教呈獻、文化表演、宣教士見證、激 well as youth missions. 勵信息、呼召… Evening: Mission presentations, cultural 青年宣教大會 Youth Mission Conference performances, testimonies by missionaries, exhortation, alter calls, etc. 聯合 Combined 報名及費用報名及費用報名及費用:報名及費用::: Registration & Fees: 1. 報名費及會議費(包括開幕禮晚餐及 3 天午餐) 1. Registration & Conference Fees (恕不退還) (Including Opening Ceremony Dinner and 3 Lunches) A. 2013 年 2 月 20 日前 港幣 900 (Non-refundable) B. 2013 年 2 月 20 日及以後 港幣 1,000 th A. Before 20 February, 2013 HKD 900 B. From 20th February, 2013 onward HKD 1000 2.住宿費(含早餐) A. 城景國際酒店雙人房每人 港幣 1,650 2. Accommodation Fee (with breakfast, pricing per person) B. 九龍維景酒店雙人房每人 港幣 1,800 A. The Cityview Hotel Twin Sharing Room HKD 1650 浸會園宿舍每人* 港 C. 幣 850 B. Metropark Hotel Twin Sharing Room HKD 1800 *(距離較遠,但提供旅遊巴士往返服務, C. The Baptist Assembly Dorm * HKD 850 車程約 1 小時) * (1-hour journey, transportation provided) 各地區報名及繳費方式: Registration 1. 請向所屬聯會負責人查詢報名手續(資料如下)。 (I) Please contact the respective Conventions as listed below for enquiry or registration. 2. 若貴地沒有浸信會聯會,請以個人名義填寫報 (II) For participants who register directly with the TWCBM 名表格并直接向本聯絡中心報名。請寄上報名 Coordination Center, please submit the Registration 費(銀行支票或匯票抬頭請寫 Malaysia Baptist Form together with the fees to the address below for Theological Seminary 並註明:【全華浸宣】第 the TWCBM Coordination Center (make cheque 七屆宣教大會費用)連同報名表格寄來主辦單 payable to “Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary”, 位,地址如下。 th and indicate that it is for the 7 TWCBM Conference). 3. 住宿費必須於 2013 年 5 月 31 日前繳清。 (III) Accommodation Fee must be paid by 31st May 2013. 主辦單位主辦單位主辦單位:主辦單位::: 【【【全華浸宣【全華浸宣全華浸宣全華浸宣】】】】聯絡中心聯絡中心聯絡中心聯絡中心 TWCBM Coordination Center Organizer’s Details: c/o 馬來西亞浸信會神學院 Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary 40A-D, Mukim 17, Batu Ferringhi, 11100 Penang, Malaysia Tel: 604 – 881 1223, Fax: 604 – 881 1995, Email: [email protected], Website: www.twcbm.org 總幹事總幹事總幹事:總幹事:::王美鍾院長王美鍾院長王美鍾院長王美鍾院長/博士博士博士 Executive Director: Rev. Dr. John Ong 主席主席主席:主席:::陳國輝執事陳國輝執事陳國輝執事陳國輝執事/博士博士博士 Chairman: Deacon Dr. Tan Kok Hui 當地運作部當地運作部當地運作部:當地運作部::: 香港香港香港浸信會香港浸信會浸信會浸信會聯會聯會聯會聯會 The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong Local Committee: 九龍旺角山東街 47-51 號中僑商業大廈 8 樓 8/F, 47-51 Shan Tung Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: 852 –2715 6527 Fax: 852 – 2761 3087 Email: [email protected] 總幹事總幹事總幹事:總幹事:::徐彼得牧師徐彼得牧師徐彼得牧師徐彼得牧師 General Secretary: Rev. Peter Tsui 主席主席主席:主席:::唐榮敏牧師唐榮敏牧師唐榮敏牧師唐榮敏牧師 Chairman: Rev. Eric Tong 各地區浸信會聯會聯絡人 Areas & Contact Person(s): Hong Kong : 香港浸聯會徐彼得牧師. Rev. Peter Tsui, The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong - Tel: 852-2715 6527 /Fax: 852-2761 3087 Macau: 澳門浸聯會梁溢長會佐. Deacon Yat Cheong Leung, Macau Baptist Convention - Tel: 853-2833 9647 /Fax: 853-2833 7355 Malaysia: 馬來西亞浸聯會王美鍾院長. Rev. John Ong, Malaysia Baptist Convention - Tel: 604-881 1223 /Fax: 604-881 1995 US & Canada: 美加華人浸聯會梁德舜牧師. Rev. Peter Leong, Chinese Baptist Fellowship of USA & Canada - Tel/Fax: 1-832-398 9590 & 1-209-565-2238 Singapore: 新加坡浸聯會潘福仁副總幹事. Mr. Alan Phua, Singapore Baptist Convention - Tel: 65-6253 8004 /Fax: 65-6253 8214 Taiwan: 中華基督教浸聯會曾敬恩牧師. Rev. Joseph Tseng, Taiwan Baptist Convention - Tel: 8862-2381 3283 /Fax: 8862-2331 6912 Thailand: 泰國浸信會第十二區會陳國輝執事. Mr. Tan Kok Hui, Thailand 12th District of the Church of Christ - Tel: 662-2225056/ Fax : 662-2250299 Europe, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and others: 其他地區欲報名者,請聯絡本中心 Please contact the TWCBM Coordination Center - Tel: 604-881 1223 /Fax: 604-881 1995 .
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