FACULTY / STAFF / FRIENDS NEWSLETTER VOLUME 11 NO. 1 August 27, 2003 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Remembrance Save the Date and Hope Jim Fiore Named Director • Thursday, September 11 of Athletics The Stony Brook community will State of the come together to remember those im Fiore, a highly regarded University Address administrator at two Ivy League who were lost on September 11, institutions, has been named • 2001. This year's Commemoration J Director of Athletics at Stony Brook, Wednesday will be held on Thursday, becoming one of the youngest peo­ September 17 September 11, at 12:30 p.m. in the ple to hold that title at the NCAA 4:00 p.m. Student Activities Center (SAC) Division I level. The 35-year-old Reception Plaza. In case of rain, the program native of Long Beach began his new Immediately Following will be held in the SAC Auditorium. duties on August 13. • Friday, September 12 "We are delighted to have Jim Wang Center Theatre join us to build on the wonderful While September 11 is a solemn day • success we have already enjoyed in of reflection and remembrance, a Join President Kenny for athletics," said President Kenny. group of international and U.S. lead­ the University Convocation "He is an extraordinary man, and ers have designated September 12 as and introduction of a day of hope, celebration, and civic the right person at the right time for the job. From the moment we met, I Stony Brook's new participation. At Stony Brook, the faculty members. day will be marked with art, music, knew he was our guy." Fiore served as Senior Associate food, speakers, and workshops on Jim Fiore and President the relationships between democra­ Director of Athletics at Princeton Kenny cy and global interdependence. since 1999, and prior to that he was Assistant Director of Athletics at Lectures, artwork, and food sta­ Dartmouth since 1995. At Stony Brook he will be responsible for over­ T tions will be in SAC Ballroom A from seeing the University's 20 intercollegiate athletics programs. ALhh 12:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Workshops "I am looking forward to this tremendous opportunity and the chal­ will be held in SAC meeting rooms lenges we will face as we chart the course of success at Stony Brook," said Upcoming Events from 2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Fiore. "Our core goal will be to make Stony Brook's outstanding combi­ nation of athletics and academics a shining example not only for the 2003-2004 Season Watch the September 10 issue of America East Conference but also for the entire country." An eclectic mix of music, dance, the­ Happenings for more details on During Fiore's tenure at Princeton, the university achieved unprece­ atre, art, and film will be featured at these two events. dented success on the field and in the classroom. He worked in all facets of Staller Center for the Arts this sea­ Princeton's internal and external operations, including overseeing the ath­ son. Mandy Patinkin opens the sea­ letic programming of all varsity sports and personnel matters such as coor­ son on October 11 with his interpre­ News from Stony dinating national searches, employment contracts, and employee perform­ tations of popular standards ranging ance appraisals. At Dartmouth he assisted with all aspects of the intercolle­ from Rodgers and Hart to Stephen Brook Manhattan giate operations of the University's comprehensive athletic program and Sondheim. Bela Fleck and the First Full-Time Master's Offered handled all duties related to NCAA ECAC, and Ivy League championships. Flecktones, Judy Collins, a Tribute This fall, Stony Brook will launch Fiore has been appointed to the NCAA Committee on Women's to Herbie Mann, and Peter its first full-time Master of Arts pro­ Athletics, the Executive Committee for the Intercollegiate Association of Schickele are some of the many grams at its Manhattan location: Amateur Athletes of America, and the ECAC Robbins Scholar-Athlete events that follow. the M.A. in Philosophy and the Award committee. He is the Chair of the Eastern Association of Rowing The Center will host a troupe of Arts and the M.A. in Philosophy Colleges (EARC) Executive Committee, a member of the Senior fiddlers known as Barrage and a and Race, Gender, and Ethnicity. Executive Committee of the Sport Management Institute, and is in the complement of jazz concerts that The two new M.A. programs will be process of certifying as a peer reviewer for NCAA athletic certification. include the Kenny Barron Quintet the first full-time degree programs with Stefon Harris, as well as Dan completely taught at Stony Brook Faulk and Friends with Steve Manhattan. Individual classes with­ Turre. The classics are covered in the programs will also be open to by the world-renowned Emerson non-degree students. Results of Major Breast String Quartet. The philosophy and the arts The season includes Don Quixote program will explore philosophical by the Ballet Nacional de Cuba and aspects of the fine arts (painting, Cancer Study Announced the Moscow Festival Ballet perform­ sculpture, music, dance, and instal­ n a study with national, wide-ranging implications, Stony Brook ance of Cinderella. For folk dance, lations) as well as architecture. It researchers report no indication that electromagnetic fields (EMF) Krasnoyarsk National Dance will also examine aspects of the art Iincrease the risk of breast cancer. "Our study found no scientific evi­ Company of Siberia sets the stan­ world that can be illuminated by dence linking residential EMF to breast cancer in Long Island women," dard. Aquila Theatre Company of philosophical analysis, such as said Dr. M. Cristina Leske, Distinguished Professor of Preventive New York/London will perform museum and exhibition culture and Medicine at the School of Medicine. The study is the most comprehensive Shakespeare's Othello. spectatorship. No other advanced conducted on the issue. Children's shows as part of the degree with a comparable empha­ Dr. Leske announced this important finding at a press conference held "Not Just for Kids" series include the sis exists in the metropolitan area. at the Health Sciences Center in June. The results were published in the Paper Bag Players, London Baroque The gender, race, and ethnicity July 1 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology. The $2.5 million, six- for Young Artists, Fred Garbo program will integrate interdiscipli­ year, "EMF and Breast Cancer on Long Island Study," was funded by the Inflatable Theatre Co., and the nary work and primary research National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Environmental Russian/American Kids Circus on with study of the most recent devel­ Health Sciences. Dr. Leske, a highly regarded scientist in large-scale, Stage. opment in both Anglo-American international research projects, was the Principal Investigator. The Chi Acrobats, Yamato and Continental philosophical tradi­ The investigation is the first breast cancer study in the eastern United Drummers of Japan, Israeli folk star tions as they focus on contempo­ States that actually measured power-frequency EMF in the homes, accord­ Chava Alberstein, and gospel leg­ rary debates in feminist theory, ing to Dr. Leske. "Its overall design and methods met rigorous standards for ends Sweet Honey in the Rock play race theory, ethnicity studies, and research, and participation in the study was high. We used the best available Staller this upcoming season. the intersection of these areas. methods to measure EMF and assessed exposure in multiple ways." For a brochure with a ticket Stony Brook Manhattan is locat­ The study was based on a comprehensive protocol that included inter­ order form, call 632-ARTS. The ed at 401 Park Avenue South (at views in participants' homes and spot measurements of magnetic fields Staller Box Office is open from 28th Street), second floor. For more with meters at the front door, bedroom, and the most frequented room, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday information, call 632-7570 or go to as well as 24-hour measurements in two rooms and ground current through Saturday Tickets can also www.stonybrook. edu. continued on page 2 be ordered at www.stallercenter.com. Ph.D. Student Wins Reclining Air Chair Is IN MEMORIAM National Competition LEWIS COSER, former SUNY Ready for Roll-Out Distinguished Professor of he maxim, "Necessity is the mother of invention," has special Sociology, passed away in early meaning for senior mechanical engineering students Richard July. He was a prominent sociolo­ TFenwick and Greg Gunther. A wheelchair with special features that gist and a member of the circle of the two students designed under the tutelage of Professor John Kincaid postwar "New York intellectuals." will actually aid Fenwick's brother, Christopher, a 20-year-old man afflict­ Professor Coser taught at sever­ ed with cerebral palsy, as well as many other individuals with varying al universities, including the degrees of physical disability. University of Chicago and the The students' invention, a multifunctional wheelchair, is getting a boost University of California, Berkeley. from a high-profile Garden City patent law firm, Scully, Scott, Murphy, and He founded the sociology depart­ Presser, whose attorneys are shepherding it, pro bono, through the ardu­ ment at Brandeis University and ous patent application process, which could take several years. taught there for more than 15 years The students collaborated with the Heyward Foundation, formed by Jim before joining the Department of Heyward, a Stony Brook alumnus, who is a member of the High Technology Sociology at Stony Brook, where he Incubator on campus. Heyward's son is also physically disabled. remained until his retirement in The engineering students were partnered with business management 1987.
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