Warning Violence and the Supernatural The fantastic world of the Systems Failure™ Role-Playing Game is violent, deadly and filled with monsters and conflict. Other-dimensional beings called "Bugs" threaten to destroy humankind and torment, stalk and enslave humans. Monsters, the collapse of civilization, psychic powers, magic, insanity, war and heroic adventure are all elements of this book. Some parents may find the violence and supernatural elements inappropriate for young read­ ers/players. We suggest parental discretion. Please note that none of us at Palladium Books condone or encourage the occult, the practice of magic, the use of drugs, or violence. Sample file A complete, new Role- Playing Game. Emphasis on action, horror, suspense, heroism and fu n. Dedication Writing this book has been one heck of a ride. When this project came my way, it was the kind of thing for which I had to drop everything and dive in headfirst. After all, it's not every day you get a chance to write a rock 'em, sock 'em game about survivalism, alien invaders and post-apocalypse ad­ venture in the near future. Now that I've gotten a chance to come up for air, I must say that writing Sys­ tems Failure™ has been my most enjoyable gig yet for my friends in Taylor. So to that end, let me first thank Kevin and Maryann Siembieda for not only giving me the great chance to develop this game, but for having faith in me that I could do it on a tight deadline. Second, let me thank my tireless play-testers, Jay Pascale and Tim Warren, for their timely willing­ ness to play-test a half-written game. Third, I must thank Richard and Jo Thomassen, who graciously critiqued my rough draft (while mov­ ing into their new house, no less!). And finally, special thanks to my wife Alli, who not only gave me endless encouragement, creative feedback and excellent design advice, but who also put up with my many sleepless nights spent hunched over the keyboard. - Bill Coffin, July 1999 PDF Edition - November 2018 Copyright 1999 Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, Worldwide. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any fo rm or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, insti­ tutions, governments and people are fictionaland any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly co­ incidental. Palladium Books®, Megaverse®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Rifts®, RECON®, Phase World®, After the Bomb® and Nightbane® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. Systems Failure, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Bugboys, NORAD Splicer, Esper, Organitechnology, Organitech, The Meltdown, Bunkerlords, Bunkerville, Bugland USA, Bugtown, Bughouse, Bugkillers, Bughunters, Meltdown Merchant, Fixemup, Bunker Hermit, Splatterpunk, Bulletboy, Kentucky Headhunters, The Cav, The Armory Matrix, Radio Free America, and other names, titles and likenesses of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. wwwSample.palladiumbooks.com file Systems Failure™ The Role-Playing Game is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Ct, Westland, MI 48185. Printed in the USA. 2 'A"AtIUM aOOKS® 'alSlNrs: A COMPll" tOll-PlAYING GAMI Written By: Bill Coffin Based on Original Concepts By: Kevin Siembieda Game Rules & Additional Text: Kevin Siembieda Editors: Jim Osten Alex Marciniszyn Wayne Smith Proof Reader: Julius Rosenstein Cover Painting: John Zeleznik Interior Artists: Michael Wilson Scott Johnson Ramon Perez Maps: Bill Coffin Art Direction & Keylining: Kevin Siembieda Typography: Maryann Siembieda Based on the RPG rules, concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda. Palladium Books On-Line: www.palladiumbooks.com Special Thanks to Bill Coffin for taking a few pages of ideas, a title, a couple of telephone conversa­ tions Sampleand the Palladium universal game rules and turning them into a rollicking fun,file action-packed, new role-playing game. Plus Bill and I have a lot more cool ideas in store for the future. Also thanks to Mike Wilson for a herculean effort on the art, Scott Johnson for his art contributions, Johnny Z for a dramatic cover and the other Palladium Eggheads for their hard work. - Kevin Siembieda, 1999 3 Contents � �········ ....... Pr � · 5 The Bugs · ...... 59 Conversation at the End of the World 5 The Bug Hierarchy· . 60 Turn On, Tune In, Freak Out· . 6 Army Ant (Tier 1) . 62 From the Diary of Jimmy Gillis 8 Assassin Bug (Tier 2) 64 2009: Let the Hunt Begin· . .. 10 Bombardier Beetle (Tier 2 . 67 The Rules of the Game . 12 Killer Bee (Tier 2) 68 How to Play a Role-Playing Game· 12 Stink Bug (Tier 2) 70 Glossary ..... ...... 13 Silkworm(Tier 1) 73 Character Creation . 14 Silkworm Zombies · 75 Step One: The Eight Attributes· 14 Lightning Bug (Tier 3) . 76 Attribute Bonus Chart . 15 The Human Resistance · . · 79 Speed Chart· . ... ... 15 Occupational Character Classes 80 Step Two: Determining Hit Points & S.D.C.· 16 Egghead O.C.C. .. 80 Armor Rating (A.R.) ... ... 16 Exterminator O.C.C . .. 82 Recovery of Hit Points & S.D.C.· 16 Freebooter O.C.C. 85 Surviving Coma & Death . 17 Grease Monkey O.C.C.· 87 Optional Damage Rules . 17 Peacekeeper O.C.C. 89 Step Three: Determine Background 18 Sawbones O.C.C.· . 91 How Old You Were Before the Meltdown· 18 Splatterpunk O.C.C. 93 Background Occupation Table· 19 SurvivalistO .C.C. 95 Step Four: Determine Psionics . · 21 NORAD Psychic O.C.C . 97 Step Five: Pick an O.C.C. · 21 NORAD Splicer O.C.c. 99 Step Six: Pick an Alignment . · 21 The Wacko O.C.C . 102 Experience Points . · 25 The State of the World · .. • •.•••.•. 105 Insanity· .... .. · 26 It's Been a Long Ten Years . 105 Skills · ......... • 29 Land ofthe Free . 109 Scholastic Skills 30 An Atlas of Post-Meltdown America 109 Skill Programs . 30 Maps of America· 109 Secondary Skills . 31 Bunkerville· . 110 Skill Penalties 31 Four Comers · 112 Skill Lists· . 31 Motown· . .. 113 Skill Descriptions· . 32 Bugland USA· 114 Communications . 32 Home of the Brave · 115 Domestic · 32 The Bug Hunters . 117 Electrical . 33 NORAD . ... 117 Espionage· . 33 Wyoming Free Irregulars· 119 Mechanical . 34 The Underground Railroad· 120 Medical· 35 Radio Free America . 121 Military· .. 35 The New Warlords · .... 121 Physical· . 36 Campaign Ideas & Settings· . 123 Pilot: Basic . 37 The Survivors· . 123 Pilot: Advanced· 37 Search & Rescue . 124 Pilot Related 38 Road Trip· .... 125 Rogue Skills 38 The Killer App . 126 Science · .. 39 Palladium RPG® Plug-Ins · 127 Technical · . 39 Break Out The Hardware 130 Ancient W.P . ·40 Organitech . 130 Modern W.P . · 41 Bug Zappers (guns)· 130 Wilderness · . · 41 Bug Bombs . 132 Combat· .... • 42 Bug Juice· . 133 Hand to Hand Combat . ·42 Bug Motels· 134 Combat Terms & Moves· ·44 Battlesuits· . 135 S.D.C. Values· ..... · 46 Conventional Guns, Ammo & Explosives · 136 Hand to Hand Combat Styles· · 47 Body Armor · .. ... ..... .. 140 Modem Weapon Combat· · 48 Field Equipment & Miscellaneous Gear· 141 Psionics· ........ · 50 Conventional Vehicles . 142 Healing Powers· . 51 A Final Word· . ... ..... ... 143 PhysicalSample Powers . 52 file Sensitive Powers . 53 Super Psionic Powers· 55 4 Prorogue: Wercolfleto the Bughouse lurkerlOO: no Whomprat: T -minus 2 minutes!! Haven't prepared at all. Why bother? Galadriel: Is New Zealand Y2K compliant? Computers, power sys­ tems, things like that? More Beer Please: Who freaking cares? I got three cases under my bed. I'm stockpiled, baby! lurkerlOO: IGNORING MORE BEER PLEASE Whomprat: NZ is as compliant as everybody else is, I guess. Hard to say. I read about how a bunch of local power stations might go down though. Bruce Geering: I don't think the question is if the hardware is compli­ ant, but what people are going to do. Galadriel: I agree. We had a bunch of runs on the supermarkets be­ cause people think there will be no food. Stupid. Whomprat: One minute until the millennium!!!! lurkerlOO: actually no the millennium doesn't start until 2001 Galadriel: Oh, be a killjoy, why don't you? Bruce Geering: Twenty quid says we lose Whomprat. More Beer Please: What a stupid bet! Whomprat: 1O! Whomprat: 9! Whomprat: 8! lurkerlOO: would you please stop doing that Whomprat: 7! Whomprat: 6! Whomprat: 5! lurkerlOO: IGNORING WHOMPRA T Whomprat: 3! More Beer Please: Lurker, you need to chill. **slides him a beer** Dec. 31, 1999: Bruce Geering: How did I know you were going to do that? Jabberwocky: We lost Whomprat. Conversation at the End of the World More Beer Please: Maybe he's kissing somebody Happy New Year. Galadriel: Look at the status window, moron. He's not here. Wonder ChatHost: Whomprat has entered the room. what happened? Jabberwocky: Hey, Whomprat. More Beer Please: Probably just got bumped by the server. Happened Galadriel: Whomprat! to me three times today already. lurkerlOO: yo whomprat. Haven't seen you in a while. What's up? Bruce Geering: Perhaps you should find a hobby, MBP. More Beer Please: Dead in here. What's going on? Jabberwocky: This is freaking me out. What if his computer went Whomprat: Happy New Year!! down? More Beer Please: Dude, it's not for like another 20 hours or some­ More Beer Please: **bangs head on keyboard** HE PROBABLY thing. GOT BUMPED. CALM DOWN!!!!!!! Galadriel: You on EC, MBP? Jabberwocky: aft. brb More Beer Please: Big Apple, baby! Location/Time Check! Galadriel: Hello? Everybody still there? It got quiet all of a sudden. Galadriel: Then what the hell are you doing in here this early? Don't lurkerlOO: still here you have a job or something? Bruce Geering: Still here.
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