r**>'•<* * *♦.?'•»*■ \ \ . X' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1«S4 PAGE TWENTY-POUR Avsngs Daily Nst Ptnss Run ifllanr^^ater lEai^tting Harold . Vbr Um Wook Bndad Vtnooot of V.'R, Wo __ Mbruary S, 19S4 vice prehldeot of Uw Temple, Uorria Wreotons is M ehoige of doFA LSE t e e t h . -.s^V M 1 Hadaisah Hears and a loag-tixne leader in the rofreotomonti. ■OTw H '1G . m About Town Manchester JewUh Oommunlty, Rocfc, Slid* or Slip? 13,892 ortHag. VMiar Announce Engagements Review of Book will review Norman Pruchter’s e a s t HARTFORD GETS PASTUIH, on tmpMved powdar Msmbor of tha Audit LOAN to b* ■prlnklsd on upper or lower Bursan of OlreulatloB ■IgM as «a at. IMiqr 18^ la Sli. Ittoibwiti of Maty Burtinell new book, "Coat Upon, a Stick.” pletee, holds false teeth more firm^ C h « n « y Auxiliary, Spanish Manchester C9iapter of Ha- The book haa been hailed by . WASHINGTON (AP) — The m place. Do not elMe, slip or rook. Manduattr^A diy a / FiHof« Charm American War Veterans, have dassah .wlll hold its next meet­ many reviewers os one of the PubUc Housing Administration Wo gummy. looey. peat* taste or been invited to a Joint installa­ ing Tuesday night at 8:80 at the best of 1963. has announced a loan of $1,782,- feellns.FABTlBTHlesIkMliie (non- aoid). Does not sour. Ohecke '‘piste (Oloaolfled AdvortMag Pag* SS) tion pf Veterans of World War new Temple Beth Sholoni on E. Mrs. Theodore Rosen la in 846 to help East .Hartford, odor breath". Qet PASTSSTB at VOL. L X X X m , NO. 114 (TWENTY-FOUR PA6ES->TW0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1964 tm PRICE SEVEN CBNTB I and Auxiliary Sunday at 2 Middle Tpke. charge of program ‘arrange­ Conn., finance construction of drut punters avarywbtre. pjn . at the VFW Home. George Sandals, executive ments for the meeting, aind Mrs. 120 low-rent homes. Members o f the- Ma^iianese Society will meet tonijg^t at Epents T:SO at the W. P. Quiah B^meral Battle Breaks Cease-Fire, Home^ 225 Main St., to pay re­ spects to the late Dante Pagani, In State , Home Pledge a member. OPEN TUESDAY & THURSDAY TILL 9 Ball Postpones ' Departure The executive board of the Junior Century Club will meet tonight at 8:80 at the home of NKXMSIA. Cyprus (A P )# Oreok Cypriots aoid they loat'^ypriota aoemed to be on the V a le n ti S eek s Mrs. Lawrence Decker Jr., 189 —^Heavy fighting broke a one dead and several wounded v e ^ e of wiping out the Turks Laurel St., Wapplng. Mrs. Reg- The worst fighting centered there. T o J o in S u its cease-fire in the southern Continuing Peace Try hiald Chietensen will serve as near the Amsup Mesjid Moeque. The eruption of fighting broke eo-faostesB. port of LimaBSol at dawn A Britioh military source said a cease-fire arranged in LimaS' On Legislature today and Greek Cypriots the Greek Cypriota used ar­ sol by the British Wednesday Xbs. Andrew T. Suhie, hus mored buUdosers, on old tank night. band of Oie former Doris swung makeshift armor and h(»nemade armored cars. MaJ. Gen. Peter Young, HAR'TFORD (AP) — A $50,000 Extortion Attempt Mlchelitsch of Manchester, re ...a 'into a five-hour battle Befwe the original cease-fire British commander of the Cy- New Haven junior high Britain Backs o^ntly returned to his home in against the Turkish quar­ was established Wednesday rus truce force, had flown to Burian Moss photO' school principal, whose HandkOu, Hawaii, after a tour The engagement of Mlss<¥> > Fallot photo ter. Then the British ar­ night, the Greek Cypriots had Elimassol with the Greek Cy­ of duty with the Seventh Fleet The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss insisted that their Turkish fel­ priot Interior Minister, Poly- cha!!eng« of the State Gen­ Linda D. Reichenbach of Man­ Diane Charbonneau to Albert Policy of U.S. in the Pacific. He is the son of Joyce Carol Smolensk! to Jo­ ranged another truce. low townsmen lay down their carpos Yeogadjis, to talk to eral Assembly’s apportion­ Actor Ames Laughs It Off chester to Raymond W. Luce of Fyler, both of Manchester, has The ahooUng com e aa (Ameri­ Mir. and Mirs. Andrew S. Suhie, seph P. Moriarty, both of Man­ arms. The Turkish Cypriots the combatants. ment began just before the 85 HoU St. Tolland has been announced by been announced by her parents, can and British diplomats pur­ were said to have refused with­ The savage fighting came as Mr. and Mrs. William R. Char­ chester, has been announced by recently^ecided League of On Viet Nam her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­ sued talks in Nicosia with the out a guarantee of protection by U.S. Undersecretary of State NORTH HOLLYWOOD, bonneau of 36 Goodwin St. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ aim of landing an international Women 'Voters action was Washington LOL will meet drew Reichenbach, 20 Hamlin British troops. Geoige Ball again met with Calif. (AP)— Veteran actcir xvwwy at 8 p.m. at Oruige Hall Her fiance is the son of Mr. ter A. Smolensk! of 313 Autumn peooe force on this troubled British troops moved in os a President Makarios in an at­ taken, will now seek to con­ WASHINGTON (AP) — S t and Mrs. Harold A. Fyler of 92 lalond. St. last resort to try to sej^rste tempt to get his approval of an solidate both su‘’ts. Leon Ames, released after President Johnson and Sir xvajiif T. MiansCield Marine Her fiance is a son of Mr. and N, School St. Her fiance is a son of Mr. and An Aosocisted Press corres­ the combatants and were them­ international force to keep the being held at gunpoint for A!ec Dougias-Home, Brit­ Mrs. Charles W. Luce of Tol­ Miss Charbonneau, a 1961 Jtunes J. Valenti o f New Ha­ Oorpa League will meet tonight Mrs. Paul J. Moriarty, 27 Lilac pondent said he saw five Turk­ selves fired on. Such hosards peace on Cyprus. ven said today he will seek the four hours in a $50,000 ex­ ain’s prime minister, pledg­ land, formerly of Manchester. graduate of Manchester High ish dood In a Turkish Cypriot sre one reason Britain wants to Greek Cypriot sources said at 8 at the Marine Home on St. consolidation since the 11 plain­ Miss Reichenbach is a 1961 School, is employed by Combus­ ores ot Limassol that *7as over­ surrender its police role to an tortion attempt, laughed it ed today to seek ways of re­ Parker St. Mias Smolenskl is a 1961 Makarios had rejected the pro­ tiffs brought together by the graduate of Manchester High tion Engineering, Inc., in the run in the battle. He said the international truce force. posal, but the continued nego- off. ducing tension, and said graduate of Manchester High league "got practically what I Membera of the K of C will School. She is employed at Naval Reactor Division, Wind­ total could be determined only The British said it appeared Uations lent some hope that the "I'v e played a lot of these they were determined “that Traveler's Insurance Co., Hart­ sor Locks. School, and a graduate of the the fighting had stopped a t ; Greek hEu] asked for." parts before," he said. meet tonight at 8:80 at the W. P Connecticut Institute of Hair­ after offlciala gained access to Cypriot leader would ford. Mr. Luce attended Man­ Mr. Fyler, a 1960 g^raduate of the surrounded quarter. 11:80 s-m. For a time the Greek modify his stand. Ball post­ If the three-judge federal Ames, who also is a promin- the pursuit of peace should Qulsh Funeral Home, 226 Main dressing, Hartford. She is a court allows his s u it, to be St., to pay respects to the late chester High School and served Manchester High School, gradu­ poned his departure to continue ent auto dealer, his wife, Chrls- be unfalteringly maintain­ three years with the U.S. Army, ated from the Hartford Insti­ cosmetician at Sage-Alien Co., the talks. merged, . , now, Valenti, ..said, he“ * I tine and two others were In- ed.’’. Dante Pagant, a member. Hartford, 26 months of which were spent tute of Accounting and is em­ The shooting finally stopped to solved in the real-life drama A Joint commimique issued Members of the Manchester in Germany. He is employed at ployed by A. J. Martin Manu­ Mr. Moriarty is a 1958 grad­ allow Ian William, a British of­ would be able to p a^ clpate to Wednesday that ended with the EUter a two-day Anglo-AmericEm Charlie's Service Station, Man­ facturing Co., Bloomfield, as uate of Manchester High School, Russians Suppress Emblem Club will meet tonight I ficial, to enter the besieged * OOP- capture of a young mechanic summit meeting emphasized 1^7:80 at the John F. Tierney chester. office manager. and has served in the U.S. Turkish sector and bring out th ^ te n e d a p ^ l . , , I who had fled with Mrs. Ames as that Britain is supporting U.S. COAT DRESS The court this week ruled in a hostage i^ e r a l Home, 219 W. Center An Aug. 22 wedding is plan­ The wedding will take place Navy. He is an electronic tech­ the local Turkish Cypriot lead­ policy in South Viet Nam .while St. to pay respects to Milton ned.
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