g4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday July 16. 1986 f \ } - \ MANCHESTER SPORTS TAG SALE SIGN Federal approval New Life Center Cycle in gear helps town project ( V h SAU Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? offers new hope In softball play The best way to announce it is with a Heraid Tag Sale ... page 3 ... page 11 Classified Ad. When you piace your ad, you’ii receive ... page 15 ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Heraid. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQUARE, MANCHESTER ^ HOMES HOMES KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIREaORY aurh^BtrrManchester - A City of Village Charm HrralJi I CARPENTRY/ ■A, J MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CHILD CARE I REMOOELINfi iBi I SERVICES SERVICES Thursday, July 17, 1986 25 Cents Part time babysitter, Remodellng/Carpentry Odd lobs. Trucking. days, experience pre­ Work. Additions, decks Home repdirs. You name ferred, call after 5 PM. and repoirs.lnsured. Call It, we do It: Free ettl- 643-5685. David Cprmler, 649^4236. motes. Insured. 643-0304. O & O Landscaping. V < ^ Lottery tion cuttings, hedtie trim- Need A Good Tenant? miong, Prunlngs, flower Moslems free CARPENTRY/ Zimmer management will & shrub plantings. Free I I P A IN T IN G / find well qualfled, good REMODELING 0 estimates. Call 659-2436 wins out I PAPERING paying tenant for your otter 5:30pm. rentol property In East of Farrand Remodeling — Name your own price — the River area. Many Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Father and son. Fast, years of experience. Very Bookkeeping tuilcharge over lunch FHipino nuns; ters, room additions, dependable service. reasonable fees. Call for 14 years experience for decks, all types of remo­ Painting, Paperhonging particulars. 646-3778 or small business. Write C 8> deling and repairs. FREE 8. Removal. Coll 646-5761. 872-4115. Ask for Lisa. N Bookkeeplng,47Teresa Town woman VERNON $69,900 estimates. Fully Insured. Rd., Manchester, CT. Telephone 6434017, after Art's Light Trucking - in ‘joker’ game NEW TO MARKET 6pm, 647-8509. I HEATING/ ' Cellars, attics, garages American held Spacious, 5 room condo unit, iarge basement PLU M D IN 6 cleaned. Junk hauled. A. Henry Personalized storage area, air conditioning, appiianced Furniture and appliances While most Manchester resi­ Carpentry and remodel­ Lown Care-Complete By Ruben G. Alobostro Enrile said earlier the kid­ kitchen with extra cabinet space, first floor moved. Odd lobs. Very town core and londscap- dents munched on lunch or tried to ing services — Complete Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ The Associated Press nappers had sent a note demand­ laundry area, wall to wall carpeting and thermo­ honest,' dependable Ing. Free estimates, fully make a dent in that overgrown pile home repairs and remo­ throom remodeling; In­ ing $100,000 — reduced later to pane windows. Private garage with door deling. Quality work. Ref­ stallation water heaters,' worker. 25 years expe­ Insured, all wOrk guaran­ CARS of office work early this afternoon, rience In moving. 646-9669 MANILA, Philippines — Moslem $5,000 — and autonomy for Mos­ opener. A lot of living space for the money. erences, licensed and In­ garbage disposals; faucet teed, senior citizens dis­ T A 6 SALES Mary Glessay was in New London anytime. counts. 647-1349. FOR SALE militiamen today released un­ lems i(i the Mindanao region as a Located In an area of lovely homes. sured. Call 646-8165. repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M- thanking the Lord and raking in the harmed 10 Filipino nuns they had condition for releasing the nuns asterCard accepted. Odd Jobs By Student - Tag Sale - Furniture, ap­ 1963'/z Ford Galaxl. 4 money. Wt ein hilp you bicomi i pliances, pool table, clo­ door, hard top. Needs abducted six days ago, and One and Lawrence. Hedge clipping, window Household vinegar is on Gessay, 68, who lives on North freed hostage told friends she felt Capalla said there was "nothing “REALE'* PR0FE88I0NAU cleaning, painting, any­ effective and Inexpensive thing and miscellaneous. TLC. Use everyday. Call School Street, was one of 20 1 MISCELLANEOUS Friday 18th-Saturday 646-0236. like she had returned from “ a political” in the nuns’ kidnapping. Call 8 4 8 4 5 ^ and n k lor Dan. thing. Coll Mark. 649-5695. fabric softner when added finalists competing for a grand SERVICES 19th, 8-4. 40 Marlon Dr. off picnic,” a church official said. "There were only personal rea­ I Mornings, late evenings. to the final toundrv rinse. prize of $50,000 every year for 20 Independent Construc­ Vernon St. 1973 Dodge Charger-One “ They were misty-eyed. They sons behind it.” he said, referring tion Co. General Contrac­ Ciasstfled Is the ette^ve years in the "Joker’s Wild” $1 D. F. REALE, INC. Delivering clean farm Interior decorating and and Inexpensive way to owner, excellent condi­ weVe crying out of joy that they to the kidnap leader's reported H m l E«f*to tors, custom home build­ Tag Sole - Friday 7-19 and Million drawing, wliich was held at loom; 5yards $75 plus tax. painting. Reliable, refer­ find o cosh buyer tor tion. S.E. Classic looking have returned,” Roman Catholic demand for reinstatement to his 175 Main St., Marichester, Ct ing and remodeling, Saturday 7-20, 9am to for good home. Auto­ nMn today. Because there are 20 siding, excavation, etc. Also sand, stone, and ences, free estimates. Call household Items you no Bishop Fernando Capalla. who /former government post, from 046-4525 gravel. Call 643-9504. 643-8048. 7pm. 20 Foster St. matic, air conditioning, cash prizes in the drawing, the first Call 4564865 or 456-7215. longer use. 643-2711. power steering, brakes, met the nuns upon their release, which he was fired on suspicion of of two, Gessay is guaranteed at said in a telephone interview from misusing public funds. and windows. $19(X) or best least $5,000. W ANTED TO offer. 649-1086. his office in southern Iligan city. Moslem Affairs Minister Candu All real estate advertised Tolland-3 bedroom Cape, ■buy/traoe The 20 finalists were drawn by Capalla and Defense Minister Muarip denied the kidnappers In the Manchester Herald garage, desirable area. the South Windsor Seniors earlier Juan Ponce Enrile, who first broke were rebels. He said they were Is subject to the federal Excellent condition. this month from among the instant INVESTMENT apartments RESORT FUEL OIL/COAL/ American Flyer Trains - the news of the nuns’ release, said "partisan groups” previously ex­ Fair Housing Act of 19M, $127,500. Call 875-5408. winning tickets submitted to the the Carmelite sisters were freed ploited by some politicians to which makes It Illegal to p r o p e r t y J FIREWOOD and accessories. Call 627- l£ iJ PROPERTY FOR RENT W O I 1985 S-10 Blazer 2x2. Auto state. The second drawing will be without any ransom being paid. promote their political ambitions. advertise any preference, $127,900.3 bedroom Colon­ 9848. High cash value trans, AM-FM radio, olr held in the fall, according to lottery Enrile’s spokesman, Ed Pangili- limitation or discrimina­ ial. IVz baths. Porter St. Invest today In this mod­ paid. cond., beige with ton Inte­ Bolton - Charming 2 room Coventry Lake - Water­ For Sale - Firewood. Officials. nan, said negotiations continu^ to tion based on race, color, area. Principals only. 647- ern 5 unit building. Prime Summer prices, buy now. rior. Under 14,000 miles in country apartment tor Im­ front cottages now availa­ “ I just can’t believe I’m one of obtain the release of Brian Law­ religion, sex or national 8030. Manchester location near mediate occupancy. $375 ble. $150-$250 a week. 742- 4 foot lengths. $60 o cord, excellent condition. $9,800 origin, or an Intention to or best otter. 633-2468. the finalists,” Gessay said Wed­ rence, a 30-year-old Presbyterian hospital. Good Income. month. Rental Includes 3022. cut and split $90 or cut to Automotive nesday. She attributed the selec­ moke any such prefer­ Columbia Lake- “ We guarantee our utilities. Prefer single per­ order. All prices include evangelist from Madison. WIs., B o m b e r ence, limitation or dis­ Woodland Terrace. 5-6 houses". Blanchard & sons. No pets. Lease and delivery. Bruce 742-9168. tion of her name over millions of who was kidnapped by Moslems a crimination. The Herald bedrooms, 3 baths, over 1 Rossetfo Real Estate 646- security deposit required. other “ Joker’s Wild” winners to day after the nuns’ abduction on will not knowingly accept acre with a 150 foot lake 2482.0__________ _ ROOMMATES CARS God. A deeply religious person, she Coll 643-7427. ________ WANTED Friday. any advertisement which frontage. Magnificent I RECREATIONAL ■for sale 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. said that “ If the Lord wants me to The abductions took place in the Is In violation of the law. view, fireplace In llvng Manchester - Central, ( Air condition, power win it, L’ll win it.” s trik e s ■^RESORT ■equipment Moslem city of Marawi, 15 miles room, large enclosed modern, large one bed­ Roommate wanted - Pro­ Toyota Tercel, ’83, Silver, steering, power brakes, Gessay said she purchased the Government Homes from porch. Flexible financing | £ y PROPERTY room. $475 with heat. new transmission, shocks south o f HigBteBiKl 510 miles south fessional female to share M CS Free Style or B M X 5 speed, $3,500/best offer. picked ticket at Andy’s of Man­ of Manila on Mindanao island. SK U repair). Dellnauent possible. $275K. Owner- 646-3253. expenses In two bedroom 646-6249. and rear springs. $2,000 or tox property. Reposses­ agent. 644-0139. Lakefront property - Dia­ bike built from scratch.
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