F=HOW TO GET THE LEADER Just Fill in the Form On Page 12 And Return It to Us! — Serving the Town Since 1890 — USrS 68020 OUR 106th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 7 Second CU» PasUjt Paid « WesiTMl. NJ. Thursday, February IS, 1996 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS FARMERS M/ >OSAL ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE Approval of Mrs. Weinstein As Fourth Ward Councilwoman Expected by Governing Body Introduction of Kimball Historic Ordinance Slated For February 27; State Rejects Four-Way Stop Signs Hyl'AUI.J, I'EVTON Serially Wrilunftir Thr Wrufitkl Uajr, mil Ihr JIIUM The prospective councilwoman, he noted. who has been recommended for the In other business, the council re- The Town Council is expected to council scat by the committee, is a officially approve the appointment ceived a short presentation from life-long southside resident and a Randy Brockway of the National of Mrs. Janis Weinstein as thc-new graduate of Westfield High School. Fourth Ward Councilwoman at its Resources Conservation Service, a next public meeting onTuesday, Feb- Formerly employed as a realtor for federal agency, concerning fanners ruary 27. Mrs. Weinstein was intro- a few years, she does some work us markets. an attorney wilh the Westfield firm of Mr. Brockway noted the success of duced to the governing body onTues- Johnstonc, Skok, Loughlin and Kane. day by the Chairman oflheWestficId markets held in Millburn, Scotch She also sells title insurance wilh the Plains and Maplewood. He said, due Republican Town Committee, Rob- town firm of Suburban Title Exam- ert W. Cockren. to the success and quantity of the iner. markets, his agency, which works Mrs. Weinstein would replace As part of community involvement, Michael E. Panagos who announced with the North Jersey Farmers Mar- Mrs. Weinstein has been involved in ket Council and the state Department his resignation last week. Mrs. school board campaigns including Weinstein is the daughter of Arthur of'Agricullure, is sclecti vein the com- WELCOME DR. KLAGHOLZ...Westfleld High School Principal, Dr. Robert. G. Petix, right, introduces slate Commis- hist year's special bond referendum munities it chooses to include in the C. Fried, a current member of the for additions on a number of the town sioner of Education, Dr. LeoF.KIagholz.durlnghis visit to the school district on February 8. Also pictured is Mrs. Patricia Board of Adjustment. program. Perry, a Project '79 mathematics teacher. schools. She has volunteered with "For what I have seen, I think Weslfield MainStreet and with the Westfield has the makings for a very United Fund of Wcstfield of which successful market," said Mr. she is the current Co-Chairwoman of Brockway. Burglaries Rise by 9.5 Per Cent in Westfield; the Special Business Committee. Mrs. The first market started in Weinstein is also a member of the Morristown and has grown to include local Republican committee. municipalities such as Bernardsville, She also has been a Confraternity Dover and Journal Square in Jersey Many of Home Break-ins Involved Garages, Sheds of Christian Doctrine teacher at tho City, he said the Morristown market Roman Catholic Church of St. Helen. has 12 fanners signed up. Juvenile Arrests Rise 16 Per Cent; Assaults Decline From 181 to 149 "I am extremely interested in the "It is a way lor urban people to future of our town," she said. "I very relate to rural interest," said Mr. By PAUL J. PEYTON involved garages or storage sheds. In terms of violent crimes, assaults number of drug-related juvenile ar- much would like to scrveon the Town Brockway, noting in many cases a Sprclolly Wrillrn/or 7V Wnifirli Ltadlt Police reported that of the 103 bur- dropped from 181 in 1994 to 149 last rests. Police said the increase in drug Council. I think I can contribute if local customer bascisdeveloped wilh While the number of burglaries glaries, 47 were forcible entries with year, a decline of 17.6 per cent. Only arrests was largely due to a "greater given the opportunity." the farmers. and thefts in town rose last year, the 41 defined asunlawful break-ins. The 10 robberies were reported, a slight visibility by law enforcement and Mrs. Weinstein said she supports COHTINUEOCHPAQEll Westfield Police Department has re- value of stolen property decreased increase from six the previous year. school officials, forcing juveniles to the tradition of the Westfield munici- ported a significant decline in as- fronr$815;O821n 1994 to $680,892. The Juvenile Bureau handled 422 be more cautious and clandestine." pal government of bring "fiscally Second Candidate saults. Also, down noticeably is the cases last year, a decline of 100 from While drug arrests dropped alco- conservative." total of cases handled by the Juvenile Thefts increased by 7 per cent, the previous year. Despite the decline holic beverage violations among ju- Deputy Mayor and First Ward Files for Election Bureau. from 455 to 462, wilh 89 shoplifting veniles rose 26 per cent. The juvenile With less than two weeks re- in cases, juvenile arrests rose 16 per 1 Councilman Norman N. Greco, who According to the report, the town's crimes reported. Sixty-one break-ins cent. A total of 269 juveniles were division, headed by Detective Ser- was serving in place of Mayor Gar- maining only two candidates have burglary rate rose 9.5 per cent last of motor vehicles occurred with an arrested with 300 charges formally geant James T. Schneider with De- land C. "Bud" Boothc, Jr., said he filed for three sealson the Westfield year with 88 actual entries and IS additional 34 cases of stolen automo- filed against youthful offenders. tectives Ronald Allen and Donald expects the council to act on the ap- Board of Education. attempted entries. Of the number of bile parts reported. Also popular with There was some good news among Fuentes, noted the major cause of Mrs. Frances Masterson of underage drinking is unsupcrviscd pointment at its next meeting. break-ins, 76 involved residences. thieves were bicycles. A total of 77 underaged offenders in that police "I do believe things will go well," Harding Street this week joined Thirty of the residential robberies bicycle thefts occurred in 1995. reported a drop of 42 per cent in the current School Board President, Mrs. Susan Jacobson of Tamaqucs Way, in filing for the Tuesday, April 16, school board race. This week incumbent William J. Plainfield-Westfield Latin Project BECAUSE Sweeney of Birch Avenue an- nounced that he would not seek re- 1VE5TFIELDENS election. An attorney with an of- CARE... fice in town, Mr. Sweeney served Receives Grant From Bell Atlantic this year as the board's Finance Committee Chairman. Cooperative Learning Venture Between School Boards Receives $14,700 "I have enjoyed my work on the $625,000 board immensely and will miss the The Plainfield-Westfield Latin Representing a mix of race, achieve- friendship. The Bell Atlantic-New opportunity tocontinue my service Project, a cooperative learning ven- ment levels, gender and ages, 80 stu- Jersey Association of School Admin- to the Town of Westfield," he said ture bringing students from urban dents from 16 schools meet with four istrators grant has filled in this gap." in a written statement. and suburban settings together, has teachers for a half day once a week The $14,800 grant will provide He cited the need to spend addi- received a $14,800 grant from Bell which included 10 Saturdays in funding for a telecommunications link tional time with his three children, Atlantic and the New Jersey Associa- Westfield and 10 in Plainfield. , between each site so during the week two of whom will enter college tion of School Administrators. The According to Dr. David Rock, As- the students in the program can go next year. Mr. Sweeney said he grant to the two Plainfield and sistant Superintendent of Curriculum on-line to communicate with one hopes "to return to public service Westfield school districts was one of for the Westfield school district, "Our another on specified projects. Spe- at some time in the future." seven such grants awarded in (he partnership with Plainfield not only cifically, thegrant will fund an audio- The deadline for submitting pe- state. More than 300 applications were focuses on the lapguage and culture visual computer, modems, desktop titions is Monday, February 26, at submitted statewide.. of Latin, but also enables children teleconferencing and an Internet ac- 4 p.m. Petitions must be presented The three-year old program is a from diverse backgrounds to get to count for the Latin Project. Curricu- in person to the office of the Assis- know one another." lum revision and staff development tant Superintendent of Business and teaching partnership which brings will also be covered by the grant. together fifth- and sixth-grade stu- "Unfortunately, because the stu- Board Secretary, Dr. Robert C. dents from diverse backgrounds to dents are separated the rest of the Rader. study Latin, a Westfield Board of time, there was a gap which pre- Additional opportunities will also Potential candidates are re- Education spokeswoman explained. vented continuity of continuity and be available as a result of the grant. minded school administration of- According to Westfield's Director of fices will be closed this Monday, Technology, Mrs. Darlene Nowak, February I9,inobscrvanccofl'rcsi- "Students in the Latin Project will GOING UP.-.The United Fund of Westfield has raised $543,837, or 87 per cent, dents" Day. Although Westfield now be able to develop their own of its goal of $625,000 for the 1995-1996 campaign. "In order to assure our 21 schools are closed next week for World Wide Web page for Latin. Up member agencies receive the total allocations promised by the United Fund of winter vacation, school district of- until thispoint, Latin Web pages were • for 1996, we are counting on the support of all Westilelders to continue the fices will be open the rest of the geared to college or advanced place- tradition or response," noted Bruce Shutts, the Campaign Chairman.
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