

INDEX. ' NAMES. Baltimore Lord, 188 Bracebridge Robt. de, 38 ; Wm. Bamville Agnes, 104: Ellen, 104; de. 41 Abbot Wm., 35 Joan, 103, 104 ; Sir Philip, 103. Braithwaite, 132, 133 Abbot's vivary, 35 ^ 104 Hrandthwaite, 113 Abram, 133 Banco Roll De. 50 Brasfield George. 1^2 Ackriggs. 132 Hanister (Manistre) 133 Braybroc Henry de, 53 Acton Tho>. Helsby, 94 Hanks Abbot. 21 lirentnal, 135 Adams Charles 141. 142. 143, 144, Bii> badoes Merchant the, 183 Breres 134 146, 148, 149. 177 ; family, 141, Barcroft. 136 Bridgford. 187; Richard, 184 145. HO ; Isabel, 143, 144 ; Barlow-Massicks Thos., 14 BriarcUffe, 136 James. 143. 144; John, 141; BAUONY OF GRELLEY, by William Uriercliffe. 137 143, 144 ; Margaret. 142. 146 , Farrer, 23-58 Brierley, 137 Peter. 143. 144; Randle, 141. Barnes, 137 Brining, 134 342, 144, 148 ; Richard. 141, Barton Gilbert de, 54 ; James. Briscoe Thomas, 171 143, 156. 176. 177 ; Kev. Rich , 182 ; John de. 41; manor of, British Archaeological Association, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146 ; Thos., 54, 56 ; Thomas de, 41 Jou>-n<ii of. 21 1 *43i i44 Baskervyle family, no Brocklel'imk Thomas, 172 Adelinton Richard de, 52 Basset Alan, 39: Gilbert, 39 ; Brodhead Hugh. 84 Adicat. 135 Richard, 34 ; Sir Philip, 54. Brown Captain Henry, 182, 184; Ailward Evvard, 29 ; Emma. 29, 55 ; Thomas, 39 ; Uhan, 38 Joan, 122 30 ; Orm, 20, 30, 36. 48 ; Roger, Hath knight of, 57 Brownbill J., 105 29 36 ; Wm.. 29 Battersby, 132 Bruen John, 141 Albemarle Earl of. 5 Baxtandine. 133 Bryddesmere Richard, 177 Alderley Barons of. 104 Beazley F. C., 139 Buggelm J^ne. 169 Alikco, son of Augustin, 52 Becheton Ranolph de, 177 Hulkeley Sir Richard, 117 Allanley. 132 Beck Peter. 177 Burch Matthew de. 54 Alien Rev. S. J.. 194 Beconsall, 133 Burches (Birches) David, 148 ; Alterton, 133 ; Robert de, 47 Reecham John, 182 Dorothy, 148; Elizabeth. 148; Alston. 137 Benn William. 184 family, 146, 147 ; Gainor, 147 ; American genealogists, 179, 180 Bennett arms, 128 ; charity, 118; George, 148, 150, 177; Rev. Amundevill de, 37 family. 128: Hugh, 118; Isabel. George, 143, 146, 148, 149. 15°. Ancaster Duke of 96 143; Thomas, 128, 143 151 ; Hugh, i4~, 148. 149, 153, Ancient feoffment 28 Bent Theodore. 13 JS't *77 1 Jane. 147: Margaret, ANCIENT IRONWORKS OF CONIS- Bertwistle James, 191, 200 146, 149 ; Alary, 150, 151; Prter, TON LAKE, by W. G. Colling- Hjrd William., 98 148; Richard, 147, 148; Robert, WOOd, M.A., 1-22 Biron Robert de, 38 148 Anderson Rev. Wm., 149, 177 Birtwisle, 137 Burgh Hawise de, 57 ; John de, Andlesark. 134 Birun John de, 54 Andrew W. ]., 211 " Black Slave." 97 Burgoyne John de. 53 Anecote Ralph de, 48 Blakerode Namme de, 52 Burnhall Thomas de, 47 An>' and Marv the, 184. 186 Blevin. 135 Kurnsides William. 183 Anne "«'/ Sarah the, 185, 186 Wonhill, see Blymhall Burnul Peter de, 52 Antiquaries Society of, 200 Bloomeries, 2. 8. 10, n, 17 ; Bu num Robert de, 52 Antonie George, 114 canons. 7 ; forms of, 9 ; later, Bushell William, 183 Arches Robert de, 32 &; Roman, 3 ; smaller. 21 Busli Roger de, 24 Architecture, civil, military, na­ Bloxeham Robert de. 32 Bussel ( Boissel), 30 : family, 58 ; val, 215 Blundell, 195 ; Bryan, 181, 184, Gilbert. 41; Hugh, 46; Warin, Arcttatitogical Journal, 3, 210, 23 25, 27 213 Blymha]](Blonhill) family 164 Butterworth. 137 Armitriding. 133 Blymhill arms 164 ; family. 164 ; Byron Sir Nicholas. 121 Arrowsmith, 134 Sir William de, 164 Buron (Byron) Robert, 41, 48, 49, Ashburner, 132. 133 Blyrh Richard, 153 50 Aslin. 135 Boardmun, 134 Byrth Dr., 74 A-pinall. 136 Bold family, 100 Aspull. 135 Bolt Henry, 183 Cadebury manor of, 53 Aston Robert de 54 Boocle Lewis, 05 L'alamy 149 Atherton Peter, 184 187 Booth John. 173, 175 Calderbank. 134 Atkinson Canon, 6 Boothman, 137 Caldwill Ralp'i de, 177 Aughton. 135 Booties, 135 Cambridge University Press, 32 Augustin, 52 Borthrigg, 132 Camden Society, 114 Bostock Lancelot, no Camden s writings, 190, 191, 198 Backhouse 134 Boteler William le, 43 Cance. 1^4 Backhurst, 134 Bothelton Ranulph de, 52 ; Roger 'aptiiin H M.S., 178 Badger. 134 de. 52 Carneagee John, 182 Bailies' Lancashire, 153 Boudon Richard de, 54 Carny, 137 Baliol John, 55 Boulder James, 182 Carr, ^34 Ball Catherine Weller, 169 ; Ed­ Bower Robert, 182 Casterton Robert de, 41 mund, 184; George. ICQ, 177; Bowling Thomas, 182 Cartwright Bishop, 114 Mary, 177 ; William, 166 Boyle's Sceptical Chemist, 10 Catterall, 137 224 Index. Cawdry, 133 Davies' Heraldry, 164 ; John, fitz Hubert Ralph, 27; Agnes f. Caysbles the, 132 t82 ; Mary. 114 - - - John, 33 ; P^ustace f John, 33 ; Chadwick, 136, 1^7 Davis Ann. 169; Thomas, 169, Geoffery f. Pain. 35 ; Gilbert f. Chaplains, Ellis, 38 ; Gilbert, 38 ; 172 Reinfred, 30. 43; Maud f. Jurdan. 38 ; Richd. , 38 ; Robert, Derby Earls of, 95, 104 ; Ferdi- William, 33; Wm. f. William, 38 nando. Earl of. 94; William, Charcoal. 17 Earl of, 99 Fleet, Henry 161 Charles, 134 ; II. 108; John, Devonshire Duke of, 96 Fleming, 19, 21 ; Dan. 9 : family, 185 Didsbury, 138 132,133; Fisheries, 19; Thomas, Charnock, 133 Disley, 133 SfeWilliam. 21 Charter, 35, 37, 38, 41 DISTRIBUTION OF SURNAMES IN Fletcner, 134 Cheshire archers, m, 122 ; arms, LANCASHIRE IN THE i6TH AND Fonts Mediaeval. 59, 60, 80 164 ; Itinerary of, 95 : Sheaf, I?TH CENTURIES, by Lt.-Gol. Ford. 135 Sanders and Irvine. 112, 113, Fishwick, F.S.A., 131-138 Forestanus Richard, 27 120, 144, 164 ; Visitation, 164 Dixon James, 63 Formby, 135 Chester Bishop of, 27. 147, 148, Dodsworthe Mr., 196. 197; writ­ Fouleshurst arms, 164 ; family.164; J 53t 1 57! Chapter of, 106; Con­ ings. 190, 197. 215 Richard, 177 ; Robert, 141, 177, stable of, 33, 34, 35, 58 ; Dean Dokesbury Adam de, 52 France, 60 of, 106 ; Earls of, 23, 26, 43, Domesday, 4, 34, 66, 101, 105, Freeman's Wm. Rufns 124 105, no, in, 123; family, 128; 118, 139, 162 ; estates. 27 ; sur­ French the.124 Hugh, 34, 35 vey, 24, 26, 27, 30, 101, 102. French Fleet, 160 Chetham Geoffrey de, 52 54 105. 117 ; tenant. 29 French Nicholas, 183 Child wall Church, 37 Douthwaites the, 132 Furness, 132 Chorlton, 138 Draper, 134 Christian Cavaliero, 184 Drokenesford John de, 57 Civil War the. 112. 120, 128 Droning, 133, 134 Gamel, 26, 27 Clare Countess Dowager of, 144 Duke Mrs., 175 Gannoc, scutage of, 53 Clark Jonathan, 182 Dunn John. 184, 186 Garstang John, 216 Clayton, 136 Dunstan, 135 Gastrell Bishop, 145, 156, 157, 158 Clayton Captain. 187 Dutton Richard, 156 ~ Gaunt John of, 53 Cleave Thomas, 170 Gawith, 133 Clegg, 137 Eastvvood, 136 Gazcoine, 135 Clegg family, rig Geddes D., IQO Cleveland John. 187 Eaton Randel. 89, 90 Genea*ogiciim Cai. t 57 Coheii, J. B., n. 13 Eccles church of. 38 ; clerk of. 38 Gentleman's Magazine, 65 Eckrigg. 132 Geoffrey, 26. 27 Coley'John, 175 Eckroyd. 136 Geological Survey. 16 Collin'gwood \V. (>.. i Eden Mr., 185, iSd Committee for Plundered Min­ German Miners, o Edmund Lord, 55, 56 German Mining Co., 9 isters, 148. J49 Edward I, 55, 56, 57 ; the Con­ Commonwealth the, 99, 142 Gernon Ralphe, 43 Concord the. 184. 185 fessor. 61 ; VI, 122 Gill Thomas, 177 Edwin Earl. 105, 118 Gleave heiress, 101 ; Thomas. 145, Conquest the, 123, 140. 141 Egerton family, 95 Constantius Emperor, 202 Ehrenborg Mr., 10 158. 176 ; William, 145. 156, 176 Cook, 134 Glegg Birkenhead, 123,124; Ewtl., Eleanor the, 183, 184 123, 124; family, 119, 127, 129, Cooper Joyce, 183 Elizabeth, Queen, 21, 109, 118, Cophull John cle, 52 153,180; Gilbert, 119; Joan, 119 ; 119. i2i, 165 Mrs., 124; name, 120; William, Copenhall Thomas de, 177 Elizabeth the, 184, 185; and Corn Committee, 88 119, 120. Judith the, 184 Globe the, 185 Cornthwaites the, 132 Ellis Charles, :83 ; John W.. 59 Cort Rev. Robert, 65 Gloyer, 134 Ellison Elizabeth, 169; Robert, God William Segiui del, 57 Cotton Sir Richaid, 123 169 Coupeland Da we de, 105 Godbere, 134 Ellors Roger, 187 Goodacre Charity, 185; James, Court of Sequestra tors, 120 Ellwood Rev. T., 3 *45, 157 Coutts, Hub., ii Elton John. 81, 179 Coventry (Couentry) family, 128 ; English the, 124: Historical Re- Goodchild J. G., 16 Thomas, ico; William, 128 Goodwin Colonel Maxwell, 172; view, 202 ; William, 188 Ellen, 168 : Mrs., 153, 134, 155 Cowhird, 133 Euckeston Adam de, 46 Cowper, 133, 134 ; H. S., 3, 12, Gorgard Hugh, 52 Evans Arthur J., 200 ; John, 4 Gort William, 184 16; Mr., 4, 8 Everard William, 185 Cowperthwaites the, 132 Experiment the, 184 Gower Lord, 96 Cox Mr. Edward, 165 Gradell, 134 Crane Mr., 149 Grantham Jane, 185 Cre«n Guy de, 39. 40 ; Maurice, Fair Dinners, 88 Grastie(Grasty)Sam.,i49, 159,177 39 Families old Conquest, 58 Gray (Grey) Canon. 74; Peter, Crombock, 137 Farrer William, 23 140 ; Rev. Robert Henry, 66 Crookhall James, 152 ; John, 152, Fazakerley, 133, 135 Great Britian and Ireland Iron 177; Mary, 152, 178 ; Mr., Fell, 133 Ores of, 3 J 53 Ferguson Chancel, 16 Great Survey, 140 Crosthwaite, 133 ; J. Fisher, 9 Ferland Geoff. de, 45 Green family, 151 ; Rev. Thomas. Crown the, 140 Ferrtiria at Gretton, 4 151, 152, 156, 158. 173. i77 Cust Sir Edward, 95 FerrersHen. de. 27; Robertde54; Gregson Matthew, 60 Customs book, 84 Sir Wm., 54 Greslet (Gteddeiey, Gredle, Gred- Cutts Mr., 96 Fiddler, 134 leyt Gredteye, GreiLli, Greile, Finch, 133 Grelley, Grestets), 23, 26. 29, Danbie Hugh, 83 ; John, 83 Fish Mary, 185 30, 36. 39; Agnes, 37; Albert, Danegeld, 25, 32 Fisher, 134 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, Da vie, 138 Fishwick Lieut, -Colonel, 131 35, 36, 37.

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