110th NO.-4J5 SECTIONS - 32 10 CENTS 2nd new wing for courthouse gets green light A second new wing for the Clinton County Courthouse is now in • the paperwork stage. \ The Clinton County Board of Supervisors made that move sud-. denly Monday morning, deciding to proceed with the original plans of- December 1964 when they decided on the present west wing. An east wing would • •• be identical in size and architecture but would Extra Courtroom be, probably, strictly for offices. office space asked This is the architect's conception of what the second wing. The west wing at ri'ght was occupied Included in the proposed paper Even after supervisors decid­ He said the partitioning would Clinton County Courthouse will look like with the only within- the last few months. St. Clair Pardee of work would be a civil defense ed Monday to proceed with plans still leave about 130 seats in the eventual addition of two new -wings. The board of -St, Johns is the architect. emergency operating center, al­ for a second courthouse wing, courtroom. though supervisors seemed to they heard, discussed and senbto supervisors Monday approved going ahead with the the building and grounds commit­ Supervisors expressed open think Monday the courthouse wing reluctance to reduce the size of and theoperatlngcentershouldbe tee a request for three addition­ al rooms for the circuit court. the courtroom, however. Super­ two separate projects. visor Ernest Carter of Water- * * town pointed out the roomisused St Johns hails T^\^ns Village elections THE SUBJECT was introduced Circuit Judge Leo Corkin made for other meetings such as zon­ the request, saying the court bad­ Monday by Supervisor Don Clark ing hearings and on r many oc­ of St. Johns as the county board ly needed a law library and a cou- \ casions is filled to capacity. met for. only its third session in pie of conference rooms where * * wrestling champ make regionals set for Monday the supervisors' room of the new attorneys could confer with their c SUPERVISOR Derrlll Shina- west wing. clients. 1 Only two Clinton area bas­ Residents in the villages of Joseph Burns and Edwin Brad^ befy of Greenbush suggested that St. Johns Is lauding its first IN HIS other state tbilrhament He suggested the rear of the matches, Johnson defeated Bob ketball teams survived the Clinton County will vote next bury, trustees for two-year Clark suggested the board since there is open are'a"'even state wrestling champion this courtroom be partitioned off to , eight feet above the present high week. , Chisholn of Spring Lake and Sam district tournaments last Monday, March 14, to decide who terms. Only one party caucus was should consider an east wing now week, and both are promised their officers and three of their held. in order to balance the building provide space across the back of ceiling of the courtroom, possi­ Bird of Belding Friday, and Tom the room for a library in the cen­ Hale of Springfield Saturday. rough sledding In the regionals councilmen will be. * * and to get the w.orkdoneat lesser bly a mezzanine floor could be Al Johnson, a senior "wrestler 1 ter and two smaller conference constructed at the rear of the on the Redwings 4-8-1 wrestling this week. Bath beat Haslett EAGLE — Mayme Smith, clerk; ' cost than It could probably be done 65-58 to win the Sexton dis­ Westphalia and Eagle will also in the future. He suggested that rooms on either side of the li­ courtroom. Then eithertheoffic- squad, won four matches in the The Redwings' team captain Kay Mominee, treasurer; Mrs brary. es could be put upstairs or the up­ for the year, Johnson wrestled trict tournament and advance vote on propositions to allow sale if bids could be let about the state wrestling tournament for Sue Phelps, assessor; and Duaine * *.. stairs outfitted as a balcony for Class B schools at Waverly High most of the year in the 145-pound to the Grand Blanc regionals. of liquor by the glass. Murphy, Foster NewmanandMrs same time school building bids Fulton High upset Ovid 63-62 are let, it might be possible to "THE TROUBLE is thelibrary spectators, with the library and School in Lansing to become the class but by February he had Elaine VanDriesen, trustees. offices downstairs. lost enough weight to wrestle as a to win the St. Johns district, In all but a couple of cases, There will also be a proposition get a better bid price for doing takes considerable space, and at­ first St.' Johns wrestler to win a torneys no\y have no good place to state championship. Johnson 138-pounder. He had a 9-2-2 and they'll play at the Ferris there will be no competition for to permit sale of liquor for on- the work. record in dual meets this year, State College regional. offices in the villages. In Maple the-premises consumption. go with their clients to discuss the The cost for constructing such wrestles in the 138-pound class. T cases," Judge Corkin said. "And , finished second in the confer­ Rapids, Elsie and Ovid there'll * * Clark and other supervisors a mezzanine would be'more than St. Johns lostto Ithaca in the we really do not need that much for merely partitioning the court- JOHNSON defeated Eugene Ur- ence and first in the Class B be contests for the three open pointed out it shouldn't be neces­ opening game of their district, council seats. ELSIE — Citizens'Party: Dur- courtroom." See EXTRA, Page 2-A banik of Otseg6 in the finals Sat­ regional tournament at St. Johns ward Conklin, president; Orpha sary to seek millage for the con­ Feb. 25 and 26. and favored Fowler lost a * * struction, because a capital im­ urday night, but the match had to 62-61 decision to Portland St. Clement, treasurer; Alice Blunt, go -overtime before the winner * s * HERE'S THE "lineup" for Mon­ clerk; Stanley Loznak, assessor; provements fund has already been Patrick's in the finals at Ga­ day's balloting: set up in the budget, and some was decided. Johnson turned the THREE other St Johns wres­ briels. Joe Bartek and Woodrow Ba- tables and scored on Urbanikwith tlers who qualified for.the state shore, trustees. People's Party: money is already available. Methodists to host 19 seconds left in the overtime tournament bowed out early in WESTPHALIA'- Elvan Pohl, Ira Bashore, LeRoy Vincent and * * Details and pictures on all president; Harold Wieber, trea­ period to win the match 4-1. the competition at Waverly. They the tournament teams are on Pat Foran, trustees. SOME 350,000 was budged fort Urbanik had been undefeated in were Larry Wood in the 95-pound- surer; Donald Schafer, clerk; 1966 for a public improvement 3rd Lenten service Page 1-B and other pages of Aloysius Droste, assessor; Denis the tournament up to that point. class, Tom Harper in the 112- that section. FOWLER — Martin Edinger, fund, supervisors sayingthiswas Union Lenten services of St. Johnson had lost matches. See WRESTLING, Page 2-A Fandel, Robert Hengesbach and president, Mark Fox, clerk; intended to apply for the new wing Jphns area churches will contin­ William Hanses Jr., trustees. Charles Halfmann, treasurer; on the east side of the courthouse. ue this Sunday evening at the There will also be the following Earl Frechen, assessor; Vincent First Methodist Church, with the proposition: "Shall the sale of Goerge, John Klein and Robert Supervisor Clark's motion was Rev Stanley M. Forkner, director spirits, In addition, to beer and Pettit, trustees. to proceed with plans and speci­ of Christian education and pro­ wine, be permitted for consump­ * - * » fications for construction of an grams for the EUB Church in tion on the premises within the OVID ~ Citizens' Party: Clara east wing of the courthouse and Michigan, as guest speaker. Village of Westphalia, County of Tubbs, clerk; Audrey Bancroft, for an emergency operating cen­ Clinton, State of Michigan, under treasurer; Edgar Kelly, Dale ter as a separate project. The service will begin at 7:30 the provisions of the law govern­ Serviss and Joe Mictiutka, trus- ing the same?" p.m., with the Rev NormanCrot- tees. People's Party: Harvey •Supervisor Almond Cressman ser, pastor of the Bingham and , Darling, president; Duane Cham­ of Olive Township, chairman of Bengal EUB churches, in charge. MAPLE RAPIDS — People's berlain, assessor; Hazel Dietz, the board of supervisors, said he Party: Ronald Dean, Lewis Brit­ The Methodist Church choir will Marshall Monroe and Larry Mar­ still thought the best place for sing. Ushers and greeters will ten and Wendall Blemaster for tin, trustees. the civil defense unit was under trustees (2-year terms). Pro­ be members of the First Con­ the front entrance patio. This was gregational Church. gressive Party: Terry Speer, the place originally considered, Francis Cartwright and Nelson * _ * School citizens unit and in fact the east foundation wall AS IS USUAL, a coffee hour Rumsey for trustees. Both par­ of the west wing of the courthouse ties endorsed the following can­ meeting tonight will follow the Lenten service, was built deeper and thicker for with folks from the Methodist didates: Elston Hicks, president; the CD unit under the patio. - Helen Howe/ clerk; Marjorie The 110 members of the St. Church in charge of those ar­ Rumsey, treasurer; and William Johns Public School District cit­ * * rangements for this Sunday. REV STANLEY FORKNER Aldrich, assessor. izens committee has been called THE BOARD indicated St. Clair As director of Christian edu­ for an Informational session to­ Pardee of St. Johns, architect for cation for the Michigan Confer­ his bachelor of arts degree from night at 8 o'clock at the Congrega­ the west wing, would be retained Otterbein College in 1939 and his HUBBARDSTON - People's ence, Evangelical United Breth­ tional Church in St.
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