AVEKAGB DAILT OlBOClIA’nOM Group D of Center Church sromea Tho llancheater Uothera* club Mias Molly Bhseban of 'East Mid­ Watkins,' soprano, song with good JWCE TOMORROW NIGHT workers will meet tomorrow night would like to Inform lU membera dle Turnpike has been admitted to ROSEC0.90.3’sP A m expression a group of songs, among for Uw m oiitb of D eeeedier, 19M t h e WEATHER at 7:30 with Mrs. N. B. Richards of that those who are planning to at­ the Memorial hospital. She U ill them "The Rose Safely Blooming," KAf. C. A. Notes m U ST CO. NAMES Forecast Of U. 8. Weather Boreau. _____ Ht. Beci»»teii C«nt«r. 11 Park street. Plana will be com­ tend the Preaident'a Ball will be with inlluensa. "Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Hartford Music b ; Uw PIED PIPCB8. pleted’ for the chicken pie Slipper able to procure tickets at the meet­ ON SATURDAY NIGirr Shaded" and “Pierrot." 5,432 WedMoSay. 8»sson psM for men, s w ob pbso which this group will prepare and ing Friday night, alSKthat the treas­ Mr. Womer said In part that ever DIRECTORS AGAIN^ Measbar « f tho Audit Oloiidy tonight and Friday prob- for women no door prise at serve on the occaaioD of the annual urer will be glad to receive any dues since the World War revolution of 4;0P—YUOa Olrla* au b . Baroae of Clrooiatloiu aWy oooaslonal light rain and this dsBoe. meeting, Wednesday evening, Janu­ payable. NUTMEG TRAIL RAUY 5:15—Butineaa Man's Volley ban. slightly colder Fridsqr. SSe, DWKinc 8;i0 *o 1*:» Will Have Christmas Get To­ thought and standards has been in S i i f ra lb ary 16. the air all over the whole world. How 6:30—Rockville Boys’ Qym. Mrs. Patrick Tierney la chairman HERE FRIDAY NIGHT gether at Castle Farm Inn— 7:30—Board of Directors meeting. can one find a fixed standard of VOL. LIV., NO. 86. (Claaalfled AdvertlaJeg on Page 10.) The Community Players will hold of the committee In charge of to­ Meeting I.,a8t Night. right and wrong and decide which 7:00—Sewing Group (a) Miss Annual Meeting Held Yester­ MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10,1935. their monthly business meeting to- night’s setback party at St. James's are permanent and which are tem­ Hibbard. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ABOUT TOWN n "ht at 8 o'clock In the clubrooms hall. Play will begin promptly at North and Sooth Epwortti porary Issues? One can find In the 8:00—Sewing Group (b) Miss in the Batch and Brown building. 8:1S and prizes will oU be' In cash. The annual Christmas party of Hibbard. day Afternoon; Financial Leagues to Be Host#-— Sev­ Hose Compiuiy No. 3 will be held at 3,000 years of the history of man Tho annual meeting of the .Con- Misa FVances Conrow heada the en­ In addition there will be a door certain practices which have In­ 7:30—Intermediate Backetbalt tertainment committee, which haa prize. Refreshmente will be served eral Visitors Are Expected. Castle Farm Inn Saturday night at league. necUcut Oilldren’i Aid Society will • ■' ' ' variably- produced evil results, Condition Good. bo held on January 17 at 2 p. m. at arranged for an act by the Gilpin during the evening.; six o’clock. The members of tbe com­ among them the liquor traffic with , Tbuiaday. Webster Memorial building, 36 Players of Hartford. The Nutmeg Trail, of the Ep- pany, district officers and a few in­ worth League, will bold Us second its attendant evils. We must at 4:00—Tap and Social Dancing Trumbull street, Hartford to elect Rebe^sals for "Double Door," the vited guests will attend. There will least strive to hold the limitations classes. quarterly rally at the South M. E. be an entertainment program fol­ The annual meeting of the Man­ directors, hear reports and conduct The annual meeting of tbe Second mystery play which the Manchester church Friday evening, January 11, which are imposed at present. An 4:00—Grade School Boys, 12-15, chester Trust company stockholder* such other busiacss as may legally Congregational church. Incorporat­ Community Players will present on lowing the dinner. effort ,ia being made to take ' all Gym. at 7:45. Tbe Epworth Leagues of The postponed regular monthly was held at 4 o’clock yesterday aft­ be brought up. ed, will take place tomorrow night the 25th under auspices of the D. A. tbe North and South churches will restraint from gambling, racing, 6;l!5^Men's Volley Ball. ernoon In the lobby of the bank. DR. CONDON REMAINS UNSHAKEN meeting of the company was held' at 7:30. All officers ami heads of R., are being held frequently under act as hosts. A comedy sketch will liquor and the preservation of our 6:30—Girl Scouts, Troup 11. The meeting was attended by 20 Frederick Belber of 108 Birch organisations will .submit their re­ the direction of Miss Helen Estes. last night at headquarters, Spruce American Sunday observation. Leg­ 6:30—Talcottvllle Boys' Gym. ports and officers and commlUee.s be presented by the newly formed and Florence streets. Routine busi­ stockholders who with proxies sub- street left today for Philadelphia On account of the business meeting South Church Dramatic Club, Miss islation to that end will be sought. 6:45—North Ends club meeting. mltte<l represented 659 shares. where he will be employed by the win he elected for the year. A tonight the next reheprsal will be ness was transacted. Following Mr. Womer’s talk on 7:00—North Ends gym. social time will follow, with refresh­ Anne Strickland will present several President W. George Glenncy con­ Westlnghouse company in e.stabll.^h- held Friday night at the club rooms musical numbers, and will also play appeal was made for new members. 8:00—Senior basketball. ducted the meeting. ing a police radio system. ments served by Mrs. George F. In the Balch and-Brown building. A social time followed during which 8:00—Church Volley ball league Borst and her committee. for the group singing, the words of Statements of the financial stand­ which will be thrown on a screen W.C.T.U. HEARS SPEAKER tea was served. meeting. PARRIES A H A C K S ing of the Institution had been dis­ Bert Mitchell of 6ast Glastonbury Group F of Center church women from steriptlcon slides, The Cosmopolitan club will hold will meet Friday night at 8 o’clock tributed with the call and were dis­ REPUBUCANS ORGANIZE THE SENATE found a graiishopper yesterday its regular meeting In Center church A short business meeting will pre­ ON LIQUOR TRAFHC EVIL cussed yesterday. The condition of afternoon In the Buckingham ceme­ at tho home of Mrs. J. A. Hood, 114 cede the evenings’s program. house Friday afternoon at 2:30, with Chestnut street. HOSPITAL NOTES the bank organized in March, 1933, tery, Uvpty and ready for spring. Mrs. E. E. Fish as hostess. After Thomas Cordner, of this town, who la healthy and spehks well for the MADE BY DEFENSE Mitchell put the little green •hopper’ the businc.ss session Carlos P. Day is President of the Trail, will pre­ POUCE COURT Work of the officers. The officers Matinee Crowds At Flemington’s Legal Drama in a-handkerchlef and brought It to M.i.'js Peggy Coleman and her side. Wayne W. Womcr Says Effort Carroll Walker of 25 Mather of West Hartford will give readings Must Be Made to Hold Re­ have adopted a conservative policy the Herald offUc for display. from his own poems. Those Inter­ brother, James, have returned to Representatives are expected street, Henry Robinson of 131 Sum­ in regard to loans and the fact that SOCIALISTS SHATTER william 'Kelly, a transient, was ested In hearing Mr. Day may ob­ their home In New York city after from Burnside, East Hartford, Rock­ strictions Now Imposed. mit street, and Mrs. Matilda Bolin a three per cent dividend was dc-, Ward Cheney Camp, l.'nltcd Span­ a visit with their aunt and udclc, ville. Hockanum, and Warehouse of 122 Maple street were admitted arrested by Patrolman Raymond AT HEARING TODAY tain tickets at the door. dared as of January 1 bears out ths^ ish War Veterans, will meet tomor­ Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason, of Point. These leagues will compete Mrs. Rossa Brookings, president yesterday. Griffin a t the Center last night for officers that this was the -besV'' row night at the ’ State Armory. A regular meeting of the Board of School street. ''"I for another leg of the silver loving of the local branch of tbe Woman's Clarence Palmer of 547 Center Intoxication, He was In bad condi­ policy. Special busineas will be transacted Control of the Chamber of Com­ cup, which Is being awarded to the Christian Temperance Union, street was admitted today. tion in court this morning and was Directors were re-elected as fol­ I i7z7^ .T?'** - r. and all members arc urged to be The Community Bible school for League which has the largest per­ presided at the open meeting held There are 49 patients In the hos­ sentenced to Jail for 30 days. lows: Harold C. Alvord.^Emest T. ASSEMBLY DEADLOCK State's Star Witness Denies He Told Anybody That a merce was held yesterday after­ present. noon. Business of a routine nature church school teachers and workers centage of attendance. All Inter­ yesterday afternoon at the Y. M.
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