that two products based on two vascular system exposed. Although P. Efficacy of different species of Streptomyces, ultimum var. ultimum seldom pro- Various Mycostop and Actino-Iron, were as duces zoospores, the motile propagules effective as metalaxyl at reducing the produced by oomycetes such as symptoms associated with pythium Pythium, the fungus has been isolated Biological root rot when artificially inoculated with Pythium ultimum var. ultimum from reservoirs where the fertilizer so- Control Agents compared to the control plants. Many lutions are stored (J.A. Gracia-Garza, roots remained functional throughout unpublished) and can easily be dis- and Biorationals the duration of the experiments and seminated throughout a greenhouse the overall appearance and number of operation that uses a recirculating subir- against Pythium bracts of commercial quality of the rigation system. Root Rot in plants were similar for the three Several chemical products are rec- treatments mentioned above. In an ommended for use against this patho- Poinsettia additional experiment, Mycostop was gen. In Ontario, metalaxyl (Subdue, tested in combination with a single Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc., application of metalaxyl either at 3, 7, or 11 weeks after transplanting. Guelph, Ont., Canada) and fosetyl- J.A. Gracia-Garza,1,5 Plants inoculated with P. ultimum aluminum (Aliette, Rhone-Poulenc var. ultimum and treated with Canada, Mississauga, Ont., Canada) 2 3 M. Little, W. Brown, metalaxyl either on week 3 or 7 after are two chemicals registered for the 4 1 transplanting in combination with control of root rot caused by Pythium T.J. Blom, K. Schneider, two applications of Mycostop, had in ornamental crops. However, recent W. Allen,1 and J. Potter1 greater fresh root weight than those studies have indicated that some iso- only treated with metalaxyl at week 11 lates of Pythium are becoming less or the chemical control (three applica- sensitive to metalaxyl (Daughtrey, tions of metalaxyl). However, there 1998). Thus, alternative strategies must ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Euphorbia was no significant difference in the pulcherrima, Gliocladium, metalaxyl, number of bracts or the bract diameter be found before resistance to these Pseudomonas, Streptomyces, Tricho- between plants treated with metalaxyl pesticides is fully developed. Many dif- derma at weeks 3 or 7 followed by Mycostop ferent organisms, including actino- and those plants treated with the mycetes, have been reported as poten- SUMMARY. Pythium root rot (Pythium fungicide alone. A reduction in the tial biocontrol agents (BCA) against spp.) is a common disease of green- amount of fungicide used to control Pythium (Liang et al., 1996; house-grown poinsettias (Euphorbia pythium root rot can be achieved when Mahadevan and Crawford, 1997; pulcherrima) that can cause serious used in combination with a biocontrol McCullagh et al., 1996; Rankin and plant loss or reduction in plant agent without compromising the Paulitz, 1994). Streptomyces are aero- quality. Application of effective health of poinsettias. bic, gram-positive actinomycetes with chemical fungicides to poinsettia plants has reduced losses due to reported activity against several plant Pythium; however, development of pathogens, including Pythium resistance to these fungicides is a oot rots caused by Pythium (Mahadevan and Crawford, 1997). legitimate concern, as well as the species are of great con- The mechanisms by which Streptomy- environmental implications of using R cern to growers in the floricul- ces are able to reduce losses due to chemical pesticides. In this study, a tural industry particularly since the soilborne pathogens include competi- group of products of biological origin adoption of new irrigation technolo- tion for nutrients, and production of and known biocontrol agents were gies that prevent the run off of chemi- antimicrobial products and lytic en- evaluated for their efficacy to control cals into the environment. At present, zymes (Kortemaa et al., 1994; pythium root rot of poinsettia. These Mahadevan and Crawford, 1997). The products and organisms were com- 25% to 30% of commercial greenhouses pared to metalaxyl (Ridomil), a in the Niagara region of southern objectives of the study presented here fungicide commonly used to reduce Ontario, Canada, are using recirculat- were 1) to evaluate several commer- losses to Pythium. The results showed ing irrigation systems. In addition, cially available products of biological growers of potted floricultural crops origin for their ability to reduce or are replacing the traditional overhead eliminate root rot in poinsettia and 2) The support of Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc., and all (drip) irrigation with subirrigation. to determine if a single application of the companies that provided samples and their repre- sentatives, is appreciated. These changes in irrigation practices the fungicide metalaxyl in combina- 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Southern Crop have increased the concerns about tion with a strain of Streptomyces Protection and Food Research Centre, 4902 Victoria pathogen contamination of fertilizer griseoviridis, will provide satisfactory Ave. N., P.O. Box 6000, Vineland Station, Ont., solutions and the reservoirs where these control of P. ultimum. Canada L0R 2E0. solutions are maintained. Poinsettia 2Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada L2S Materials and methods 3A1. plants are often infected by the patho- PLANT MATERIAL, PATHOGENS AND 3Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. gen Pythium ultimum var. ultimum. Symptoms of plants infected with this SCREENED BCAS, AND BIORATIONALS. 4University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agricul- ture, 4890 Victoria Ave. N., Vineland Station, Ont., pathogen are stunting, chlorosis, and a Cuttings from stock ‘Freedom’ poin- Canada L0R 2E0. general wilting. Infected roots are settia plants, were collected and rooted 5Corresponding author; email Gracia- brown with rotted tips and the cortex in Oasis (Smithers-Oasis, Kent, Ohio) [email protected]. usually sloughs off easily, leaving the for 4 weeks. Rooted cuttings were G January–March 2003 13(1) 149 RR8 149 11/22/02, 2:27 AM RESEARCH REPORTS then transplanted into 10-cm-diam- (Beckman Du 640, Beckman Instru- was inoculated (2 weeks after trans- eter (4-inch) plastic pots, using Sun- ments, Inc. Fullerton, Calif.), to ob- planting) with Po20 through shine Mix # 4, (SunGro Horticulture tain a final absorptivity reading of 0.14 subirrigation with an infested fertilizer Inc., Westerville, Ohio), a peat-based (wavelength of 650 µm). At this ab- solution, and the other set served as a soilless medium. sorptivity, the solution was estimated noninoculated control (i.e., Pythium- Plants were treated as follows to contain 6 × 107 cfu/mL (1.8 × 109 free). For those plants receiving a (Table 1): 1) control; 2) Actino-Iron cfu/fl oz). The bacterial solution was drench, each plant received 100 mL (Natural Industries, Inc., Houston, diluted to 106 cfu/mL (3.0 × 107 cfu/ (3.4 fl oz) of the appropriate solution. Texas) containing: Streptomyces lydicus fl oz) before inoculating the plants. Each treatment was placed in a sepa- WYEC 108, 18% to 20% iron, 30% to The strain TMCS 3 was grown on rate trough and each trough was con- 32% fulvic acid blended into the pot- Petri plates containing potato dex- nected to a separate tank. Recirculat- ting medium at 3 g·L–1 (label rate) trose agar (PDA) (Difco Laboratories, ing tanks were filled with a fertilizer before planting; 3) BTM (Earth Corp Detroit, Mich.) for 5 d before harvest- solution containing, in mmol·L–1 (ppm): – Environmental Ltd., Calgary, Alta., ing conidia. Conidia were scraped from 12.25 (760) nitrate (NO3 ), 2.25 (40.5) + Canada) containing several genera of the surface of the plate with a metal rod ammonium (NH4 ), 1.0 (97) – bacteria (Bacillus, Clostridium, after adding 15 mL (0.5 fl oz) of sterile dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4 ), 3.5 Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Rhizo- water. The spore solution was diluted (136.5) potassium (K+), 3.75 (150) cal- bium) in a humic acid solution applied until a 106 cfu/mL concentration was cium (Ca2+), 1.0 (24) magnesium –1 2+ 2– as a monthly drench at 5.5 mL·L obtained. (Mg ), 1.0 (96) sulphate (SO4 ), 0.025 (label rate); 4) Modicell (DeruNed Pythium ultimum var. ultimum (1.4) iron (Fe2+), 0.005 (0.28) manga- BV, Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands) isolate Po20 (Po20) was originally iso- nese (Mn2+), 0.0035 (0.23) zinc (Zn2+), 3– containing enzymes extracted from sev- lated from a diseased poinsettia plant 0.020 (1.2) borate (BO3 ), 0.0008 eral genera of fungi applied as a monthly in the Niagara region. The pathogen (0.05) copper (Cu2+), and 0.0005 –1 2– drench at 1.5 mL·L (label rate); 5) was grown in a V8 liquid medium (0.08) molybdate (MoO4 ). Irriga- Mycostop (Kemira Agro Oy, Helsinki, amended with calcium carbonate tion of all plants was changed to clear –1 Finland) containing S. griseoviridis (CaCO3) [10 g·L (1.34 oz/gal) of water when cyathia began to produce strain K61 applied as a monthly drench V8 juice]. The growing medium was pollen according to commercial prac- at 0.06 g·L–1 (label rate); 6) Pseudomo- similar to that described by Miller tices. Experimental plants were grown nas fluorescens strain 15 (T.C. Paulitz, (1955) without adding agar. The cul- in a greenhouse for 15 weeks with the collection) applied by dipping the Oasis tures were incubated on an orbital following equal day/night tempera- cube in a solution containing 106 cfu/ mechanical shaker (150 rpm) for 10 d ture regimes: 21 °C (70 °F) during mL at transplanting; 7) metalaxyl under constant incandescent light at vegetative growth and flower initia- (Ridomil 240. E.C.; Syngenta Crop 26 °C (79 °F). Cultures were then tion, 19 °C (66 °F) during flower Protection Canada Inc., Guelph, Ont., blended for 30 s to homogenize the development and 17 °C (63 °F) for Canada) applied as a monthly drench sporangia and oospores in the culture.
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