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Regular Private with Test Private Without Test

MEGHALAYA BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2020 ABSTRACT OF RESULTS No. of Candidates No. of Candidates passed in Percentage of Category Passed in 6 Passed in 5 Total Pass Applied Appeared Pass Subjects Subjects REGULAR Male 9293 9239 4972 2086 7058 76.39 Female 12193 12142 5880 3097 8977 73.93 Total 21486 21381 10852 5183 16035 75.00 PRIVATE WITH TEST Male 5215 5176 1065 1096 2161 41.75 [ vii ] [ vii Female 6786 6716 1340 1409 2749 40.93 Total 12001 11892 2405 2505 4910 41.29 PRIVATE WITHOUT TEST Male 8416 7843 39 1736 1775 22.63 Female 9434 8965 38 2437 2475 27.61 Total 17850 16808 77 4173 4250 25.29 Grand Total 51337 50081 13334 11861 25195 50.31 ( T. R. Laloo ) Controller of Examinations, Dated Tura, Meghalaya Board of School Education, the 20th July, 2020 Tura MEGHALAYA BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2020 CATEGORY-WISE / GENDER-WISE PERCENTAGE OF PASS No. of Candidates Passed Category Applied Appeared Pased in 6 Passed in 5 Pass Percentage Total Subjects Subjects Schedule Caste Male 139 133 68 24 92 69.17 Female 129 124 46 31 77 62.10 Schedule Tribe Male 21039 20412 5179 4590 9769 47.86 Female 26582 26019 6481 6576 13057 50.18 OBC Male 184 179 108 30 138 77.09 Female 212 209 93 43 136 65.07 General Male 1562 1534 721 274 995 64.86 Female 1490 1471 638 292 930 63.22 Grand Total 51337 50081 13334 11860 25194 50.31 ( T. R. Laloo ) Controller of Examinations, Dated Tura, Meghalaya Board of School Education, the 20th July, 2020 Tura [ viii ] MEGHALAYA BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2020 District-wise Percentage of Pass No. of Candidates Districts Appeared Passed Percentage of Pass East Garo Hills 2351 838 35.64 West Garo Hills 10143 3226 31.81 South Garo Hills 2834 753 26.57 East Khasi Hills 13186 9091 68.94 West Khasi Hills 3421 2087 61.01 Ri Bhoi 3623 2214 61.11 South West Garo Hills 3774 1009 26.74 North Garo Hills 3083 1082 35.10 South West Khasi Hills 1838 836 45.48 West Jaintia Hills 3925 2746 69.96 East Jaintia Hills 1903 1313 69.00 Grand Total 50081 25195 50.31 Districtwise Pass Percentage of Total Passed East Jaintia Hills 5.21% East Garo Hills 3.33% West Jaintia Hills 10.90% West Garo Hills 12.80% South West Khasi Hills South Garo Hills 3.32% 2.99% North Garo Hills 4.29% South West Garo Hills 4.00% East Khasi Hills Ri Bhoi 36.08% 8.79% West Khasi Hills 8.28% ( T. R. Laloo ) Controller of Examinations, Dated Tura, Meghalaya Board of School Education, the 20th July, 2020 Tura [ ix ] MEGHALAYA BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2020 RESULTS OF SSLC EXAMINATION FOR THE LAST FIVE YEAR ( 2016-2020 ) No. of Candidates Passed Year of Pass Overall Pass Category Appeared Passed in 6 Passed in 5 Examination Total Percentage Percentage Subjects Subjects Regular 22613 13540 4338 17878 79.06 2016 Private 27513 3675 5566 9241 33.59 54.10 Total 50126 17215 9904 27119 54.10 Regular 22935 13912 4414 18326 79.90 2017 Private 28039 3597 5624 9221 32.89 54.04 Total 50974 17509 10038 27547 54.04 Regular 21734 13692 4541 18233 83.89 2018 Private 28343 3650 6541 10191 35.96 56.76 Total 50077 17342 11082 28424 56.76 Regular 21892 11592 5169 16761 76.56 2019 Private 28158 3073 8053 11126 39.51 55.72 Total 50050 14665 13222 27887 55.72 Regular 21381 10852 5183 16035 75.00 2020 Private 28700 2482 6678 9160 31.92 50.31 Total 50081 13334 11861 25195 50.31 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Total Total Total Total Total Private Private Private Private Private Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Appeared Passed in 6 Subjects Passed in 5 Subjects ( T. R. Laloo ) Controller of Examinations, Dated Tura, Meghalaya Board of School Education, the 20th July, 2020 Tura [ x ] MEGHALAYA BOARD OF SCHOOL EDUCATION SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2020 Pass Percentage of Regular Candidates from Affiliated Institutions Pass Sl No. Name of Institution Appeared Passed Percentage 1 A B Sarkar Girls' Secondary School, Chibinang 15 9 60.00 2 Achotchonggre Secondary School, Achotchonggre 9 4 44.44 3 Adokgiri Secondary School, Adokgiri 37 10 27.02 4 Adventist Higher Secondary School, Thadlaskein 58 51 87.93 5 Aeroville Higher Secondary School, Tura 29 29 100.00 6 Agape Secondary School, Pomsohmen 15 11 73.33 7 Ai Jingshai English School, Lumdiengsier 6 2 33.33 8 Akonggiri Secondary School, Tura 25 6 24.00 9 Albera Secondary School, Upper Shillong 28 28 100.00 10 Albin Lamare Memorial Secondary School, Nongbah 76 68 89.47 11 All Saints' Diocesan Higher Secondary School, Shillong 92 92 100.00 12 Alpha English Higher Secondary School, Nongpoh 59 55 93.22 13 Ambrose Memorial Secondary School, Khliehriat 26 18 69.23 14 Amlarem Secondary School, Amlarem 18 14 77.77 15 Ampati Govt. Higher Secondary School, Ampati 37 36 97.29 16 Amwi Jarain Secondary School, Jarain 40 20 50.00 17 Amwi Secondary School, Jowai 20 11 55.00 18 Amwi Secondary School, Thangbuli 27 20 74.07 19 Anath Ashram Secondary School, Shillong 25 24 96.00 20 Anderson Higher Secondary School, Nongstoin 54 54 100.00 21 Annie Margaret Barr Secondary School, Kharang 41 29 70.73 22 Aradonga Secondary School, Aradonga 25 22 88.00 23 Arya Kanya Vidyalaya Secondary School, Shillong 13 8 61.53 24 Arya Vidyalaya Secondary School, Shillong 10 5 50.00 25 Asanang Secondary School, Asanang 8 4 50.00 26 Ashugre Secondary School, Ashugre 18 5 27.77 27 Auxilium Girls' Higher Secondary School, Shillong 108 99 91.66 28 Auxilium Secondary School, Tura 33 30 90.90 29 Auxilium Umpohliew Jingstad Secondary School, Nongpoh 23 16 69.56 30 B.N.A. Model Higher Secondary School, Bhaitbari 71 29 40.84 31 Babelapara Higher Secondary School, Babelapara 19 10 52.63 32 Baghmara Govt. Higher Secondary School, Baghmara 31 9 29.03 33 Bajengdoba Higher Secondary School, Bajengdoba 91 63 69.23 34 Balang Mawlangwir Girls' Secondary School, Mawlangwir 10 2 20.00 35 Balang Mawlangwir Higher Secondary School, Mawlangwir 34 18 52.94 36 Balika Hindi Vidyalaya Secondary School, Shillong 12 10 83.33 37 Bangsi Apal Higher Secondary School, Bangsi Apal 20 7 35.00 38 Batabari Higher Secondary School, Batabari 40 0 0.00 39 Betasing Higher Secondary School, Betasing 5 4 80.00 40 Bhaitbari Girls' Secondary School, Bhaitbari 7 0 0.00 41 Bhaitbari Higher Secondary School, Bhaitbari 68 56 82.35 42 Bhajamara Secondary School, Bhajamara 23 5 21.73 43 Bidanchi Secondary School, Tura 21 11 52.38 44 Bikonggiri Secondary School, Chibinang 11 3 27.27 45 Boldamgre Secondary School, Boldamgre 14 13 92.85 46 Brookside Adventist Higher Secondary School, Shillong 103 97 94.17 47 Buddha Vidya Niketan Secondary School, Shillong 9 2 22.22 48 Byndihati Secondary School, Byndihati 55 29 52.72 49 Bynther Secondary School, Bynther 28 25 89.28 50 Casarina Public School, Tura 28 28 100.00 51 Charity Educare Secondary School, Byrnihat 17 5 29.41 52 Cherished Buds' Secondary School, Lummawbah 18 15 83.33 53 Cherra Presbyterian Secondary School, Cherrapunji 27 25 92.59 54 Ches' Stars Secondary School, Jowai 8 8 100.00 55 Chiehruphi Secondary School, Chiehruphi 9 8 88.88 56 Chokpot Higher Secondary School, Chokpot 113 11 9.73 57 Christ Church Secondary School, Shillong 33 18 54.54 [ xi ] Pass Percentage of Regular Candidates from Affiliated Institutions Pass Sl No. Name of Institution Appeared Passed Percentage 58 Christ King Secondary School, Kharkutta 40 20 50.00 59 Christ King Secondary School, Riangdo 43 42 97.67 60 Christ's Disciples' Secondary School, Mawpun 26 20 76.92 61 Christian Academy, Shillong 87 87 100.00 62 Christian Boys' Secondary School, Tura 18 10 55.55 63 Christian Evening Secondary School, Madanrting 10 6 60.00 64 Christian Girls' Higher Secondary School, Tura 38 37 97.36 65 Christian Secondary School, Pahamsyiem 33 19 57.57 66 Church Of God (Ecc) Secondary School, Shillong 41 41 100.00 67 Church Of God Secondary School, Ummulong 52 52 100.00 68 Church Of God Secondary School, Upper New Nongstoin 11 7 63.63 69 D.N.S. Wahlang Memorial Secondary School, Shillong 32 20 62.50 70 Dadenggre Puri Govt. Higher Secondary School, Dadenggre 61 11 18.03 71 Dalu Bengali Secondary School, Dalu 32 28 87.50 72 Dalu Govt. Higher Secondary School, Dalu 22 5 22.72 73 Dalugaon Secondary School, Barengapara 8 2 25.00 74 Damalgre Secondary School, Damalgre 15 1 6.66 75 Damas Secondary School, Damas 7 5 71.42 76 Daram Union Secondary School, Daram 28 12 42.85 77 Deni - Linda Persara Secondary School, Shillong 23 23 100.00 78 Depa Secondary School, Depa 25 9 36.00 79 Dilma Apal Secondary School, Dilma Apal 50 22 44.00 80 Dimapara Secondary School, Dimapara 5 0 0.00 81 Dinet Manik Syiem Memorial Secondary School, Nongthymmai 18 15 83.33 82 District War Sepngi Christian Higher Secondary School, Dangar 25 20 80.00 83 Divine Saviour Higher Secondary School, Laitumkhrah Shillong 62 47 75.80 84 Dkhiah East Secondary School, Dkhiah 31 14 45.16 85 Dkhiah Presbyterian Secondary School, Dkhiah 31 19 61.29 86 Dobasipara Secondary School, Tura 38 12 31.57 87 Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Baghmara 48 42 87.50 88 Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Byrnihat 99 71 71.71 89 Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Mendal 68 56 82.35 90 Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Tura 122 112 91.80 91 Don Bosco Secondary School, Rongkhon 69 65 94.20 92 Don Bosco Secondary School, Smit 66 52 78.78 93 Don Bosco Secondary School, Umdang 17 13 76.47 94 Douglas Memorial Secondary School, Shillong 17 13 76.47 95 Dr.

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