FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 13 ÜNijlD NUMBER 126 Washington, Tuesday, June 29, 1948 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT of the Department of the Interior, § 6.4 CONTENTS (a) (8) (xix) is amended to read as fol­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 9972 lows, effective upon publication in the THE PRESIDENT F ederal R egister: Designating the International Joint § 6.4 Lists of positions excepted from Executive Order Pase Commission—United States and Can­ the competitive service—(a) Schedule International Joint Commission, ada as a Public International Organi­ A. * * * U. S. and Canada, designation zation Entitled to Enjoy Certain (8) Department of the Interior * * * as public international organi­ Privileges, Exemptions, and Immuni­ (xix) Temporary, intermittent or sea­ zation entitled to enjoy certain ties sonal field assistants in forestry, range privileges, exemptions, and im­ By virtue of the authority vested in management, soils, engineering, fishery munities___________________ 3573 me by section 1 of the International Or­ and wildlife management, and with sur­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES ganizations Immunities Act, approved veying parties, for not to exceed 180 December 29, 1945 (59 Stat. 669), and working days a year, whenever in the Agriculture Department having found that the United States par­ opinion of the Commission appointment See also Commodity Credit Cor­ ticipates in the International Joint Com­ through competitive examination is im­ poration. mission—United States and Canada, es­ practicable. Proposed rule making: tablished under the authority of the (Sec. 6.1 (a) E. O. 9830, Feb. 24, 1947, Tangerines, U. S. standards___ 3590 Treaty between the United States and 12 F. R. 1259) Great Britain relating to the boundary Alien Property, Office of waters between the United States and United States Civil Serv­ Notices: Canada, signed at Washington, January ice Commission, Vesting orders, etc.: 11, 1909 (36 Stat. 2448), I hereby desig­ [seal] H. B. Mitchell, Bleger,' Louise____________ 3596 President. Copyrights of certain German nate such organization as a public inter­ nationals_____________ 3595 national organization entitled to enjoy [F. R. Doc. 48-5785; Filed, June 28, 1948; Drei Masken Verlag,A. G_ 3595 the.privileges, exemptions, and immuni­ 8:48 a. m.] Kaneshige, Otozuchi, and Tei ties conferred by the said Act. The designation of the above-named Kaneshige______________ 3596 organization as a public international Civil Aeronautics Administra­ P art 9—Separations, Suspensions and organization within the meaning of the tion said International Organizations Immu­ D emotions nities Act is not intended to abridge in To conform to the requirements of Rules and regulations: any respect privileges, exemptions, and Public Law 623, approved June 10, 1948, , Civil airways; designation and immunities which such organization may § 9.107, which provides for suspensions redesignation_____________ . 3579 have acquired or may acquire by treaty for not to exceed 90 days pending action Control areas, control zones, or Congressional action. under § 9.102 (a) (1) or for disciplinary and reporting points; desig­ This order supplements Executive Or­ reasons, is hereby revoked. Part 9 as re­ nation and redesignation___ 3580 ders No. 9698 of February 19, 1946, No. vised to conform to the procedural re­ Civil Aeronautics Board 9751 of July 11, 1946, No. 9823 of Janu­ quirements of the said public law for Notices: ary 24, 1947, No. 9863 of May 31, 1947, the removal or suspension of employees Trans-Texas Airways; hearing- 3591 No. 9887 of August 22, 1947, and No. 9911 in the competitive service, is hereby of December 19, 1947. reissued. Civil Service Commission Rules and regulations: Harry S. T ruman Sec. 9.101 Agency responsibility for separation or Competitive service; lists of The White House, demotion of employees. positions excepted________ 3573 June 25,1948. 9.102 Procedure in separating, suspending or Personnel, transfer to public demoting permanent and indefinite international organizations in [F. R. Doc. 48-5847; Filed, June 28, 1948; employees. 10:07 a. m.] 9.103 Procedure in separating employee which U. S. Government par­ serving a probationary or trial ticipates or to American mis­ period. sions; designation of Interna­ TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE 9.104 Procedure in separating temporary ap­ tional Joint Commission, U. S. pointees. and Canada, as a public inter­ PERSONNEL 9.105 Authority of Commission to investi­ national organization entitled gate separations, suspensions, reas­ Chapter I— Civil Service Commission to enjoy certain privileges, signments or demotions. exemptions, and immunities- 3576 Part 6—Exceptions F rom the 9.106 Effect of removal on future employ­ ment. Separations, suspensions and Competitive Service - demotions; revision of part— 3573 Au th o rity : §§ 9.101 to 9.106, inclusive, department op the interior issued under R. S. 1753; sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, 50 Commodity Credit Corporation Under authority of § 6.1 (a) of Execu­ Stat. 533; 5 U. S. C. 631, 633. Rules and regulations: tive Order No. 9830, and at the request (Continued on p. 3575) Flaxseed loans, 1948_________ 3576 3573 3574 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE Federal Communications Com- Pase A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents FEDEMiJptEGISTER mission published In this issue. Proposed rules, as V, l»3« ^ l OnniD* Rules and regulations: opposed to final actions, are identified as Radio broadcast services; mis- 6UCh. cellaneous amendments__;__ 3585 Title 3— The President PaSe Federal Power Commission Chapter II—Executive orders: Notices : July 10, 1917 (see PLO 490)__ 3585 Hearings, etc.: 9698 (see EO 9972)_________ 3573 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Florida Power Corp_______ 3592 9751 (see EO 9972)_________ 3573 and days following official Federal holidays, Public Service Co. of Indiana, 9823 (see EO 9972)_________ 3573 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Inc______— ___________ 3592 9830 (amended by T. 5, § 6.4) __ 3573 National Archives, pursuant to the authority United Gas Pipe Line Co. et 9863 (see EO 9972) _____ ___ 3573 contained in the Fejderal Register Act, ap­ proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as al___________ 3592 9887 (see EO 9972)_________ 3573 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ 9911 (see EO 9972)_________ 3573 Internal Revenue Bureau 9972 _J____________________ 3573 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Proposed rule making: mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Title 5— Administrative Person­ tion is made only by the Superintendent of Liquors and articles from Puerto Documents, Government Printing Office, Rico and Virgin Islands___ 3589 nel Washington 25, D. C. Interstate Commerce Commis­ Chapter I—Civil Service Com­ The regulatory material appearing herein is mission: keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, sion Part 6—Exceptions from the which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Notices: competitive service-— _____ 3573 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as New York Central Railroad Co.; Part 9—Separations, suspen­ amended June 19, 1947. directive to furnish cars for sions and demotions_______ 3573 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by railroad coal supply_______ 3592 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Part 26—Transfer of personnel per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Land Management, Bureau of to public international organ­ vance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: izations in which the United (minimum 15<t) varies in proportion to the Oregon; modification of Execu­ States Government partici­ size of the issue. Remit check or money tive order creating power site pates or to American mis­ order, made payable to the Superintendent sions___________________ 3576 of Documents, directly to the Government reserve________________ __ 3585 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Post Office Department Title 6— Agricultural Credit' There are no restrictions on the republica­ Rules and regulations: Chapter II—Production and Mar­ tion of material appearing in the F ederal keting Administration (Com­ R egister. Postal service, international: Germany, registration of ar- modity Credit) : ticles_____ ____________ 3583 Part 271—Flaxseed loans and Republic of the Philippines, purchase agreements ____ 3576 registry service_________ 3583 Title 7— Agriculture 1947 SUPPLEMENT Chapter I — Production and Securities and Exchange Com­ Marketing Administration to the mission (S t a n d a r ds , Inspections, CODE OF FEDERAL Notices : Marketing Practices) : Hearings, etc. : Part 51—Fruits, vegetables, and REGULATIONS American Gas and Electric other products (grading, cer­ Co. and Kingsport Utilities, The following books are now tification, and standards) Inc________ 3593 (proposed)_______________ 3590 available: Attleboro Steam and Electric Book 7: Titles 1 through 7, Co. et al_________ 3592 Title 14— Civil Aviation Central Maine Power Co___ 3594 Chapter( II—Civil Aeronautics including, in Title 3, Presiden­ Administration, Department tial documents in full text with Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co_ 3594 General Public Utilities Corp_ 3593 of Commerce: appropriate reference tables and Part 600—Designation of civil index. Treasury Department airways--------------------------- 3579 Book 2: Titles 8 through 17. See also Internal Revenue Bureau. Part 601—Designation of con­ Book 3: Titles 18 through 30. Rules and regulations: trol areas, control zones, and Settlements by Treasurer of reporting points__________ 3580 Book 4: Titles
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