(USPS 023-152) We Have 30,000 Readers 50 cents SOPER’S FAMILY DRUG 102 South Broadway Corner of Broadway & Market St. Phone: (859) 289-8501 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. “THE ONLY PHARMACY YOUR FAMILY NEEDS” The Carlisle Mercury Vol. 147 No. 52 Nicholas County News Since 1867 Wednesday, December 25, 2013 Two charged theft of tobacco Court approves By Charles Mattox police received infor- News Editor mation that two bales county clerk’s and [email protected] of tobacco was missing from Jim Robert Wil- Two young men have loughby and Greg Mor- been charged in con- ris had allegedly tried sheriff’s budget nection with the theft to sell the two bales to By Charles Mattox changes. of tobacco. Gary and Bonnie Ev- News Editor Members of the court Adam Bussell, 28, ans, according to court [email protected] unanimously approved and Greg Morris, 34, documents. Photos Courtesy of Bourbon County Detention Center Moss’s budget for 2014. both of Carlisle, have Members of the Nicho- Court members also The bales were lo- Adam Bussell Greg Morris las County fiscal Court been charged with one Court documents also 68. unanimously approved cated in a white Dodge approved the budget for count each of theft of reveal that the two men All persons are to the sheriff’s budget for truck in Green Valley County Clerk Martha property misplaced or told Nicholas county be presumed innocent 2014. Parking Lot, where Moss and Sheriff Jeff Si- delivered by mistake. Sheriff Jeff Sidles that until proven guilty or “Our paper service Bussell lives, according dles during their Dec. 13 Both men were they had simply found pleading guilty. (court ordered docu- to court documents. meeting at the Nicholas charged on Dec. 11 after the two bales along US ments, the sheriff is reim- county courthouse. bursed for upon delivery) Moss gave a report to is down about $10,000, the court and answered Sidles said. “Everything all questioned asked of else is about the same.” her. Sidles did increase the Grandne, Jurya schedule II narcotic indicts unties when she knowing- According four to the indict- “There’s not much budget by $6,000 just as By Melissa Mitchell Manager drug, to another person. ly and unlawfully either ment Kerr also commit- change,” Moss said on a preventive measure to [email protected] On August 8th or 9th ac- sold or transferred less ted the offense of Posses- the details of this bud- ensure funding through cording to the indictment than ten dosage units of sion of Marijuana when get over last year’s, with the year, as his office, like the exception of a slight, The Nicholas County Peters committed the sec- Oxycodone a schedule II he knowingly and unlaw- Moss’s is a fee-collection state-mandated salary Grand Jury met on Mon- ond offense of trafficking narcotic drug to another fully possessed Marijua- entity. increase. day Dec 16, and indicted in a controlled substance person. na. Kerr s bond was set Sidles reported that Moss has been work- four people on a number in the first degree first of- Anthony Wayne Kerr, at $10,000. there were no problems ing with officials in the of charges. fense less than ten dosage 44, was indicted on the Amanda Bussell 29 was with any audits regard- state’s Dept. of Public Jeffrey Peters, 32, was units of Oxycodone to an- charge of Assault in the indicted on one county of ing his office. Libraries and Archives to indicted on the charges of other person. first degree, and Posses- trafficking in a controlled “We had all our ac- upgrade computers and Trafficking in a controlled His bail was set at sion of Marijuana. substance Oxycodone in counts audited and had received a $40,000 grant substance. $5,000. According to the indict- the first degree, posses- an exit audit. It was to implement the needed The indictment alleges Ashley Dale 26, was ment Kerr committed the sion of marijuana, posses- good,” he reported. that on August 7, 2013 indicted on two counts of offenses on September 21, sion of drug parapherna- Peters committed the of- trafficking in a controlled 2013 in Nicholas County, lia. transferred less than ten possessed a pill crusher fense of trafficking in a substance in the first de- Kentucky of assault in the According to the indict- dosage unites of Oxycodo- and rolling papers with controlled substance of gree. According to the first degree when he in- ment Bussell committed ne , Bussell also commit- the intention of using said Oxycodone in the first indictment, On August tentionally cased serious the offense on July 6, 2013 ted on July 6th the offense items to ingest, inhale or degree, first offense less 7th and the 8th or 9th, physical injury to Jackie of trafficking in a con- of possession of marijuana otherwise introduce a con- than ten dosage unties 2013 dale committed the Treadway by means of a trolled substance in the when she knowingly and trolled substance into the when he knowingly and offense of trafficking in deadly weapon or a dan- first degree, first offense unlawfully possessed human body. unlawfully either sold or a controlled substance in gerous instrument, and less than ten dosage units marijuana. And the of- All persons are innocent transferred less than ten the first degree first of- the force that the defen- when she knowingly and fense of possession of drug until pleads or proven dosage units of Oxycodo- fense less than ten dosage dant used was unlawful. unlawfully either sold or paraphernalia when she guilty. Phyllis Mitchell Retires Court approves road to volunteer. Phyllis is married to Larry Mitchell and they have two chil- dren; Melissa Hill and and bridge projects Chad Mitchell. By Charles Mattox Nicholas County Judge- tucky Transportation “I have had the plea- News Editor Executive Mike Pryor officials and all agreed sure to work on and off [email protected] and county magistrates. the bridge should be re- with her for 10 years. She Court members also placed. The cost of the is a great therapist to Members of the Nicho- unanimously approved bridge is approximately work with, always more las County Fiscal Court .7 of a mile extra resur- $37,600, according to than willing to help, and took action on several facing on Stony Creek judge Pryor, who said very dedicated. She is a items of county inter- due to state funds be- the state will will fund great joy to work with and est during their Dec. 13 ing authorized on the $30,000 and the county a big asset to the com- meeting at the Nicholas project. Court members will fund $7,600. munity.” said co-worker County Courthouse. also unanimously ap- Court members unani- Dana Price. Court members unani- proved the certification mously approved autho- mously approved the of County Road Supervi- rizing Judge Pryor to al- By Shania Mitchell resurfacing of small sec- sor Mike Watkins. Wat- low the Nicholas County tions of roads roads with kins received all training Fire Department to pur- Co-Op Student state “flex” funds”. and passed all courses chase fuel from them. On Thursday December Clarification: The roads will include necessary to fill the po- The court receives dis- 19, 2013 Phyllis Mitch- Juniper Drive, Hickory sition and completed his counts and will pass the ell retired from Johnson In a front page report, written by Charles Ridge and Stony Creek, certification on Aug. 11, savings along to the fire Mathers Health Care. Mattox, regarding the discussion of McCord which is estimated to cost 2011, according to Dawn department. She has been employed at Lane by members of the Nicholas County Fis- approximately $80,153. Letcher, County Attor- Court members also JMHC for over 36 years. Hickory ridge will re- cal Court on Dec. 13, we misspelled a name of ney for Nicholas County. discussed future mainte- While working there she ceive .8 of a mile of re- one of the entities involved. Property owners A small box-culvert nance on the courthouse was in Respiratory for surfacing with Juniper bridge on Upper Sharps- clock and will be seeking 29 years and a nurse aid were identified as having the last name of receiving almost .2 of a burg Road is in “bad need quotes on regular main- for the last 7 years. Af- “Gilkerson” in that article; however the correct mile and Stony Creek of replacement,” accord- tenance on the iconic ter retiring Phyllis plans name of the family involved, and which owns receiving one half of a ing to Judge Pryor. Pryor time piece that is situat- to spend more time with mile resurfacing, accord- property near McCord Lane, is “Gilkison.” We and Watkins inspected ed at the top of the court- her mother in the nursing ing to discussion between apologize for any unintended distress this may the bridge as did Ken- house tower. home and she also plans have caused anyone. ;; INSTANT REBATE ByCourt Charles Mattox membersThe truck has mainte postpone- be morally obligated decisions to ing the cardboard would FREE News Editor nance problems, includ- collect cardboard to be be that it would reduce BRAKE INSPECTION [email protected] ing faulty hydraulics. recycled, as the city has the garbage going to the $10 OFF Plus $20 OFF Any $100 Minimum Members of the Nicho- “I estimate it will cost done in the past with the landfill. Reg. Price Any Brake Service $2,000 to repair,” Nicho- truck.
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