t . ■ ,»s*s ,*'■9',. : ■'■■: -'v ■- ;V ■■-: ^■^■>^ r . ■ , ■ . /■. f' ■ ;'-■ ‘ -■.); ";. i- / ; ■; lianrlff itUf r I Of ttfttft lleroUi Aygngg DsUy Nst Press Ron U m W s b Um t fW 4Ss Meats e« May, Is a M ed W e m m oontimctaral ae^eaa and $818 tor^ Sunday achool teach era of Em- auppUes and materiala. ' North Methodlat W8C8 mam- B e tr o th e d Vets’ S e i^ c e Ik e raquaata for tha eeel a bora and their huabanda enjoyed a anuol Lutheran church will have 9,725 a picnic thla avanlng at aaven yaar rapraaent a aubatantlol cut­ IMr to A bdutTow n doK roaat Saturday afternoon at back from tha currant bud(M the farm of Mra. Oraca Moore to o’clock at the home of Mr. and S S L " * *“ Mra. Roy Johnaon, Bolton Cantor. BureauCosts which to^to-811,07A I > __ ___ . ItusMU oaifln aaA Twiingtan. Thlrty-aix attended The Greenhaven aum rppreaenU HmiuhmeUsr^-^A City o f Village Charm i p r, Waiw ,~o< M * and deapita the heat had a s«x* an expeaae Increats from the M,----- TunpOn. !«*• Jurt r«- time. Supper waa aerved upon a The following are the winnere Estimate Placed at pr$$$nt budgil of $14,9$8aOT. »TiTTi«<i ftam » trip to vWt r«l*- ahady knoll where there were llre- of the aix prixea given away by The housing project salary Item VOL. LXVm ., NO. 229 Advertlalag ea ragu II) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTd ttfM tX Wtot ttonkltn, N. H. placea. the Red Men’s Social au b Satur-1 $7,655; Grecnhaven's la 88,080, contractural aervlcea are -V- tMM» at Laconia, N. day night: lat, Joaeph Farr, 75 in for 88.448.60 and auppUee and CtUford k . Doucette of 108 Oak atreet; 2nd Harry Flagg, 24 Is Put at $17,663 equipment are set at an eatlmateq Hlsh atreet won the $100 raffled Avon drive; 3rd, Jamea Wood, Jr„ $4,189.40. • Church on the Move U ta . » t o P«fto>« •« oft by Mlantonomoh Tribe of Red Pearl atreet; 4th, David Robto- Manchester may spend 17,666.- tn«m atiMt hat tacalved w o r f « Hen laat night Incidentally, he Bon, 88 High street; 5th, Fred So- I [ 80 for the operation of Its Vetpr- British Press Hit m i blelo, 13 Brainard place; 6th,] Evidence Presented H *»«H of bar brother, Ray Pan- la the fourth winner, among Air­ ana’ Sarvtee Centor during the nay of Arcadia. WltconaJn. Neph- craft plant employees to whom Alex Wilson, 24 Knighton street FENDER AND ^ laaidtor to ^ Roy Phelpa ao(d Ucketa. This la coming fiscal yaar and -flT.fin for m a k . Kdward and ^ the final raffia for the benefit of Covenant CongregaUonaltlaul the operation of tha Oraanhavan BODY WORK For Partisanship; Mm , and a niece, Mrt. Horace the convention. They have been will give a welcoming reception for [ housing project according to ex­ Paekham. held each month and ticketa were their new pastor, Rev. Carl Hel- pense eptlmates before the ganerM SoDmene and Plaggi, Inc. Application Handled limited to $200. geraon. tomorrow evening at 7:30. All attendanta of the church are[ manager. 6.^ Ucfiter Street Hoae Company No. 2. SMFD, invited, The Greenhaven prejaet outgo Changes Favored NSW want to Summit atreet at 5:80 last does not reproaant ‘k totfil mqponae night to extlngulah a graaa fire. Mr. and Mra. Anthony Diana I to tha town atoee thara la kn In­ HUDXN and daughter of 104 Park atreat, come from the rentals of the unite Royal Commission Says Under ‘Rush’ Order will apend the summer at Middle which la ahown aa a credit on the Delivered Here rolIy revenue aide of tha town books. Hcrc'e reel oewe (or you who went the aevy Czechs Censor EqnippaO Beach, Weatbrook. where they HALE'S Papers Twist ^ews Connectleat Patattag and have Just completed conatructlon Requested for the Sarvlee Cen­ toft dccoretor ehedM of color in your hooie, yet prefer Decomttag Co. MfaM OoBstaaee Kekler ter la 16,478 for wagaa, $867 tor Headquarters dificrcat pei« fiiiithte for different roome or trim. And Fail to Present Hadden Pounds Away at . * • 2 1 5 1 " of their new five room -summer | Sermons Now Russians Grab Spots Bogus Bill Paper Haagtog home. Now you can chooee toy one of 10 new eoft decorator etudee «t 8aper«to with tSl Ap. blgb« Mr. and Mrs. ’timothy 'B . World Events Qearly; Contention L iQ u o r eaaapfoaaloB englM L. A. MARKHAM FOR featured in leading nugeiinet. No nutter which Kyanize product: 0 hiShmM (Local taaaa to be 90 Nelaaa S t. Hartford. TeL The following students ara at­ Kdiler, of 11 Strickland atreat, yon buy, the colon will match. ___ No Monopoly Found; Commimbt Rulers Also Truck Convoy Dealers Who Bonght added). 54-4808; f t Maple S t, Eaat tending camp Workcoeman, West announce the engagement and l e a r n t o d r i v e Hartford, TW. S-1891, Come in and esc theae new aMawwir-/rWi>edjcoi^7lii**’^ ^ Political Bias Evident Insurance from Dunn a Only the acoeaaortet yoo Hill Pond, New Hartford: Marcia coming marriage of their daugh­ Dual Control Satoty Oar Imposing Gag on At­ Beach, Cuolyn Estey, Alan Gould, three greet... order ter, Oonetance Jean, to David Private laatnwtleBa tempts at^ Criticism A^on Brings Qnick Received Preferential a Oaab or tiiao paymcata Alfred Olaaon, Jean Packard, Ron­ London, June 29.—</F>—A Beecher Hahn, ton of Mr. and , Tel. 4888 Or 8-8S99 IJ. S.-British Protests Treatment from LiQ> a With or wlthaot tiada-la ald Pearl and George Vince. Tlila Royal commission criticized a Good allowance for your la the annual Laurel Music (3ioral Mra Ray C. Hahn of Wllilinantic. MANCHESTER Bultetia! DRIVlMa ACADEHT the British press today for To Soviet Authorities our Control CommiiH AGENCY FOR Camp sponsored by the Oonnectl- Mias Kehler was graduated In Prague, June 29—(P>—A IM^DIATC DELIVEBT cut Mualc Educators Aaaodatlon. 1944 from ManchbaterUlgh school HLyanlxe CUngoote Flat partiaanship, distortion of diplematle aonrae aaM today Sion: Nichols Quizsed ON SOME MODELS SHEAFFER Inc. A concert will be presented far e Set leiU •$4.eo Bulletin! and the Univeraity of Connecticut Brnamcl .................. news and fidlure to give a Oaaekeelovak poUea had tore- McCLURE AUTO Pena siid Pencils Friday evening, July 1 St. the Berlin, June 29—OPi—The Methodist church In Wlnsted and in 1948 where ehe waa a member Kyaaiae Saul-Oloea .. $5.78 clear picture of world affairs. My enterad tha autoiDoblle af anti-Oonunnatot Berlin rail­ Hartford, June 29.- SIS Mala SL Comer Straat of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Sorori­ It recommended setting up a a Vatleaa dlplamatle repr*- way naloa charged today that IW. S-944S Arthur Drug Store the above students will sing In the aeatottva at Kealca. to Sle- Attomey (]leneral William L. chorus. ty. Mr. Hahn was graduated this PRESCRIPTIONS General CToundl of the P i^ the Sovtot-oontroOed railway month from the aame university vahla. The tofeeamat, who mnnngement has begun repris­ Hadden, pounding away a t CALLED FOR to foster—but not force—^in^ la doae to Vatleaa repreami a contention that liquor deal­ where he waa preaident of Sigma tegrity and raapooalblUty to the Ckowda af eoileaa anleekara Ine • Q u l^ , Maaa, otraet te wntch the paeeege ef the lll-yenr^M Quincy als against men who took Chi fraternity, a member of the tativea here, aaM the iaddeat part to the crippliag 3S-dny ers who bought insuraqgfi AND Ranges, Refrigerators public. ecearrad last alghL The Paint Coagregnfi With ita steeple removed to taeiSfate movement uniter telephone wire*. Druids, and other organlcationa At the aama Uma. tha report— ISeaiskelakelag BMved kalf a mils aeith to n m r lecntlou. TraSIc was diverted wklie n crew of 20 rail strike. The nnlen aaM from John T. Dunn, Jr., re­ on campus. He waa to the armed PEUVERED aaoree deacithed tha poBeeae- 875 men were fired ulthnut Washers and All iooiMd after two years’ study— Hon as “rude and vteleBt" 4n« trasaportod the ehnrek in all-dny (A^ wirepboto). ceived preferential treatment services oveiaeae for four years eeneO Botioe. The 14J)00 strikers re­ during the war, and waa a firat ,, O ther Appliances doclarad "it la ganarmDy anM n pretest hnd hean lodged , ported back to work yester­ from the Liquor Control com­ Ueutenant,to the Airborne Infan­ ^ p iN ir that tha Britiah pruat .la toferiofr with the Foreign Ministry day. Officials of the Belcbe- mission, presented evidence to aona In. tha world. It la free against "thie vtehittea of the ' behn (railway management) try. toom comiptloo . Gryk Is Named today that the application of one The couple will be married July PHARMACY i>.nK liA iiEce» Tke CORE itghto af n dlpli— L* Hoover Sees Danger were not available for com- dealer was handled with order* 28 to the South Methodlat church. JW .H A L C Otaop naa Ka Powtr to "rush" It 664 Center Strest auM CHiSTia C o u m t Tha nommlaaion, whooe raport Prague, June 29—(P)—Chodio- To Judgeship Permit Removal Sought MW y0(/ CAH AffORP THB TeL ^9814 la addrean d to the king tad pre- Kovakto’s Communist rulan have Berlin, June 29.—(F)—Russian ScU! stntod also to ParUanMnt and the Through the records of toe' bagun oonaorlng the sermona of In Truman Proposal guards grabbed a west German commission and toe testimony of government, has no power to put Roman Catholic biabopa and im­ nay of ita recoaunendatloas into LaBeUe to Be Deputy truck convoy aa it neared Berlin its chief inspector, Simeon Nich­ posing a gag on those who attempt ols of Waterbury, Hadden allowed praettoa.
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