A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coveragev And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XVIII—NO. 15 FORDS, N. Jt, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1956 at 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, N. J PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness and Light By CHARLES E. GREGORY This is a day when any semblance of diplomacy es- efore Grand capes me. I think you are a lot of irresponsible, indiffer- ent citizens who ought to be Msgr. M'Corristin. to Mark Calls Chanceg ashamed of yourselves. , — Warning Shots * * • * Halt 3 Wanted 45th Year in Priesthood We had a school referen- WOODBRIDGE — St. James dum Tuesday, whose results or Parish members will gather in meant the difference be- the school auditorium Tuesday night to pay honor to their tween a new school in which WOODBRIDGE — Traveling at pastor, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles WOODBRIDGE — Members of we had hundreds of thous- speeds of between 90 and 100 miles G. McCorristin, V. F., who is the Board of Education and officers an hour in a chase that led through celebrating his 45th anniversary of firms who received orders for ands of dollars invested be- Township and Perth Amboy streets of ordination as a priest. work and services from the Board 8arly yesterday morning two pa- without public bidding will be sum- ing open for business or NEW SUPERMARKET OPENS: Official opening- of the new Mutual Supermarket, Railway Avenue, trolmen, Robert Simonsen and El- An outstanding program has moned to appear before the Grand remaining closed because we took place yesterday morning with Mayor Hugh B. Quigley cutting the ribbon. Left to right are: mer Green, were" forced to fire been arranged by a committee Jury sometime next month. Committeeman L. Charles M^ngione, Building: Inspector William Finn, Edward Gettis, president of warning shots before they could representing all the organiza- didn't have the funds to buy the Mutual chain; Mayor Quigley, Karl Millman, vice president of Mutual and Ms daughter, Susan halt three men allegedly fleeing tions of the church. Priests Questioned about who would ap- furniture1 for it. Out of more Gail;' Police Chief John R. Egan and Leonard Silverman, store supervisor. from the scene of a theft. from neighboring communities pear before the Grand Jury, Prose- will attend. :>..>:*-; i; \jt cutor Alex Eber said yesterday it than 20,C0d registered voters Officers Simonsen and Green, Msgr. McCorristin attended is "inescapable" — that Board in Woodbridge, 655 of you with the latter at the wheel, were St. Vincent's Seminary, La- members will be summoned. He Edison Township toDedicate cruising around Woodbridge in a trobe, Pa., and was ordained a also included those "who appear took the paltry interest to radio car. They had just turned to be the favored contractors." off Amboy Avenue, into Cutter's priest on May 27, 1911 in SS. cast a ballot and thus as- Lane and then turned left to Earl Peter and Paul Cathedral, "I will know more about who Honor Moll onMemorialDay Philadelphia. will be appear before the Grand sure operating facilities for Street. At this point, they spotted Jury on Monday when photostats EDISON — Dedication of the j The honor roll is being dedi- NEW BRUNSWICK—Award- of three men outside a car. As soon His first assignment was as a lot of bright-eyed young- honor roll at the Municipal Build- cated in memory of the following: as the trio saw the radio car's curate to Sacred Heart Church, of vouchers are due to be given to ! three California Oil Company me," Prosecutor Eber stated. He sters in whom you claim ing Plainfield and Woodbridge Harry G. Bach, Jr., William H. Scholarships to outstanding sen- headlights, they jumped into their Trenton, and in June, 1917, was MSGR. MCCORRISTIN also indicated the auditing of such a deep interest. Less t Avenues, will take place next Barlow, Harold L. Berrue, Andrew iors in Woodbridge, Perth Amboy car and started toward the police appointed pastor of St. Patrick's Board books by Arnold S. Graham, Wednesday morning at 9:30 A. M. Bodnarik, Joseph F. Booth, Frank vehicle with lights off. Church, Woodfoury. In January, than one half of ^ one per and St. Mary's High School was His Holiness, Pope Pius XII. local auditor, has practically been The monument is dedicated, to Carmello, Christian L. Conover, announced today by Howard B. In an effort to halt them, Pa- 1930, he was named pastor of .This honor was followed by completed. cent of you were willing to the men and women 6f Edison (Continued on Page Eight) Twitchell, secretary of the State trolman Green swerved in front of St. Joseph's Church, East Cam- the appointment of Msgr. Mc- den and in April, 1937, he came The original complaint against Township who served in the University's scholarship commit- them, but the driver of the other Corristin as Vicar Forane of the Board of Education was made deprive yourselves of a few Armed Forces of the United States car managed to turn right on Cut- to Woodbridge as pastor of St. Middlesex and Somerset Coun- moments in order to meet a tee, and B. W. Pickard, president by the Citizens for Classrooms. The during World Wars 1 and 2 and Palsy Drive Aides of The California Oil Company. ter's Lane, then to Amboy Avenue. James' Church. ties. organization charged in an affi- minimum obligation to your the Korean conflict. The company operates a refinery The chase led through" the . Cali- A very great honor was-given Four yeai"s ago the Most Rev. davit to the Prosecutor that "the community and to your chil- Those who lent much of their fornia Oil Company plant, then the local pastor when in July George A. Ahr, Bishop of Tren- Board of Education is spending time and gave generous contribu- Announced by Finn in Perth Amboy.. right on State Street, Perth Ambox', of 1948 he was elevated to the ton, named Msgr. McCorristin money without the benefit of pub- dren. For my money, you tions toward the honor roll are: Winners of the awards, eaqh',ieft on Pulaski Avenue. It was at rank of Domestic Prelate by (Continued on Page Eight) lic bids." They noted that both worth $2,400 over four college this point that both Green and the State Department of Educa- deserve all you get from here Clara Barton Post 325, American WOODBRIDGE Winfield J. years, are Robert E. Luna, 28 Hill- Legion, Vito Augustine, com-' pinn, chairman of the Cerebral Simonsen fired warning shots in tion and the Board's own auditor in—and I am inclined to let crest Avenue, Iselin; David M. the air and the other car halted. took the Board to task for failure mander; Father and Son, Ameri- palsy drive in Woodbridge proper, Halstead, 154' Clinton Street, New Industry Makes Offer can Legion Post 435, Frank today announced "his committee The officers approached the ve- to advertise for bids on all work you have it. Woodtoridge, and Robert M. Tobo- hicle with guns drawn and ordered according to statute. Schmacht, commander; Edison of volunteer workers as follows: rowsky, 209 Broad Street, Perth * * * Township Memorial Post 3117,'Mrs. Clemens Stancik, Mrs. Frank the trio out of the car. They iden- v Am'boy.. They will enter Rutgers To Purchase Edison- Tract Preliminary investigation by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Jack Keating, Willia mGyenes, Joseph tified themselves as George Griffin, prosecutor's office revealed a num- I arrived back in Wood- men's colleges here next fall. 19, 161 Hall Avenue; Glenn J. Sla- • EDISON — Locating of another ed the contract to construct water Enoch, commander, and John Ruth, Miss Ruth Erb, John Kenny. large industry in the township mains on its low bid of $178,942.75. ber of so-called "split-bills," a Ellmyer, Sr., superintendent of This is the third group of schol- ter, 22, 800 Valley Place and Paul device alleged to have been used bridge after a long and criti- Mrs. Robert McDonnell, John Pastuck, 19, 719 State Street, all appeared a certainty today after Mayor Thomas Swales assured public parks and property. Dowd, Edward Oisen, Jr., Mrs. arships • awarded under the Cali- to evade public bidding. As. an cal meeting of the Board fornia Oil Scholarship program of Perth Amboy. the Township Commission last Mrs. Eva Bentley, Chestnut Street, example of this practice, a con- Commissioner Martin J. Oilara Emily <^inn McCarthy, .-Ann Gib- night at a; regular -meeting indi- that the hazardous conditions of Governors of the Perth is the general chairman in charge.'ney.Mrs.*'Nathan* Bernstein, Betty] %staMsiied id* 1954. In a search of the car, the offi- tractor might submit two or three ; since cated that it had received an offer brought about in front of her Amboy General Hospital, but of the dedication. The national Naulty, Mrs. Frank Banfleld, Mrs. At that time, company officials cers found almost 400 feet of lead bills, each under $1,000, in one explained that since the awards cable. It later was alleged the of $85,000 for a 52-acre tract in home every time it rained would month. The law calls for bidding anthem will be sung by Agnes Meinert Hunt, Mrs. J. Boyle, Mrs. the Bonhamtown-Clara Barton be looked into today. She ex- I did not find it fatal to take Rogan, followed -by the invocation John Coley, Mrs. Lou Gabriel, Bar- would help outstanding young three men stole the cable from the on work and equipment costing people in the community, they yard of the N.
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