FEDERALLLBTTREAUINVESTIGATION OF MALCOLMX LITTLE PART 18 OF 24 BUFILE: 100-399321 1 FILE. DE$CRIP_Tl0N BUREAU FILE SUBJECT ugLc01./4gg gTr;,a ____ FILE NO._ [Q0-5923.2! &#39; __Sac;l1L¢n-Lg __ _ 5¢r:.Q l§202* -if ...._ l-...._ r -&#39;.&#39;. """"&#39; -, V " &#39;- ., &#39; _ _ _ . I_.r._,-_-. ,-- V_ -_ .&#39;_. l_ . _ -5., . -- 92 -."-,,.-3 _.=_._ 1., . _, . - » .-.- .~_" .»: - - -;- ---e -_- , &#39;¢__- .- -I . .,,-4; -- - .. -, . .- , -. ... -.-I - - .-r 1___-- -:1--=.:-H _ __,_&#39;_ _»_-. -., _"_92q_._--.1, &#39;1" . --.---.-. _ " _ P ,_ _ _ - - _._-&#39; --- -1--;-ll.-&#39; .-1&#39; ._~-. Hal ififj |? _ %a/.z,Z,|,,&#39;,:;fZ,-, if j I i ~?__-HERB an -rm-|_.__ ?f4&#39; if--&#39;, ;. :&#39;:-1 =.;_+,,_ 1- fu-J; %§%§. 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AH I 35% 92 »- rl::-"5_; "Ev 22/no/.5&#39;?7i&#39; - A O- 62 my 1, me " ".. - .__.__ k 41:" J "=i:&#39;1.&#39;"?" - Ii <10 EX. - 107 &#39; 4»;-:=¢ -A-.5..@- j;"-f 61¢- -Hue-&#39;-» &#39;- 47- &#39;-&#39;19!.4-3 -,...>§ *»:&#39;=:=-%:1 4;.- :;.=- < Q1 5 Your letter dated Jone 30, 1065, hee been received "H in Hr. EIoover&#39;e eheence. ._.-1&#39;f_ Your communication will he hrouglt to llr. Hoover-e attention when he returns; however, I know he would wen me to _, inform you tint the murder to which you referred does not consti- _ tie i violation-I oi ?ed-era} Iii oomirg i&#39;i:1i&#39;i t iaveatii-*-tire jnriediction 0! the FBI. With reference to the other mettere you I"-1 ".1 5 described, information in FBI iiiee in confidential, purulent to regulations oi the Department oi Justice. In thie coonectionh} Y;-"=&#39;T.51;»é&#39;é§would liketo poirt outthet thie Bureauia cottimningto mekeerery eiiort to discharge its responeihilitiee with the highest degree cl thoroughness end dispatch. 3; Y &#39; 4.;:-.=;.&#39; -.:.=&#39; &#39;- 4._ ,1»- I-;QQ492QJ Q14 Q--lei. QQQIQQQ Qwe&#39; __92 I M UIAQQ _.,-_.;-. lillbllbltl W P92||llwl- IKE I W ,9 lllll 92Il ll@1&#39;°B*- ALL INFORMATION CUNTAINED A r IZEREIN UECLASSIFIED N. -~92 :___;_ 1 _Aw£, . _ Sincerely youre,DATE BY __ <-- . Ta-92 ._,V 1 3:-_.§: t 2 I --8|. JUL 71965 e 2 9 J I Incloeurel ! /* kw :_?&#39;.w¬__ Toleon __.._._ f,,:;_!;-&#39;_=;;q. Belmont ?_._§ U. S. News 8: World Report Au-ticle, 13-21-64 *92;,§._v¥ _Mol|r _.._.__,_.4 The FBI. .Guardian oi Civil Rights &#39;~ ;=;-1 1:.-. &#39;--.__i-he-,.&#39; Del.-ouch ";"I§c&#39;p"&#39; ii- 1:-1; ifiicullhml _,.__,,_ .?.1f&#39;&#39;-&#39;?=5,¢=n&#39;= ___-_ i I101 id6IIti.fi3bl6 Btlfll l1Ild_6I&#39; U19 Q _ I-1&#39; - 1:3-_-_ Fell.¢ ¢-92 __i.._...._ ;- _&#39;:.=_&#39;=FL92:!!I._,_ ,1;-Gal-l_...i..._.i___ / / _ e@:;io;i-?*1r?:.&#39;.:"."*&#39; Jznagu. f mi_. [toilet aoou|:| - E mtg M magV &#39;7._5-7 &#39;-3:, f-If . v _.|._&#39;l - .~.- -.. .- 4 -.&#39; -_~_.,_ _&#39;_"L; . _,,;.&#39;_&#39;1_~..~L-a:;._.=a- _-_..&#39;_-&#39;-mg.-,-_-_ __ L _ ; - __. .25 -&#39; &#39;? 1.-&#39;.::?1.,&#39; A-_.. -,- ..; L i .r ... _.- &#39;&#39;.-.|-- L-I-Q;.3; &#39;7&#39;!r&#39;-*1. rkw TRUE COPY :7 _a._ . &#39;I;;&#39;-5.2;F &#39; I 51¢ M 1- Eds" Hoover &#39;"m= 3°» 65 EAAAQQ1 u-,4-u You-volume--in-up!-I-In-nun r-1+?=.aI 7-I-U1 I -P92l--I Q1 I-I-l"C§l-l»5,L-ILIII .-&#39; .-555 Washington D C. _ - _ I would like to know either through the Press or by ~:...,___5_-i return mail or both why we never even heard-0:! any Investigation =-1;--Q .51 in anyway shape-or form in regards to the killing or murder oi ;;T-;"&#39;¢&#39;Qone oi the gangs or leader Malcolm X I never saw_EnyEn&#39;g_{n Elf??- papers or Television at all even as some thought the Black Moslems er Mnlems killed him Await the wemm from Detroit in Alabama ri- now when the as you call them the Klu Klux Klan was ordered trailed down by our President as well as you and the F. B. I. and god knows how many W. S. Marshalls out oi Washington what what is wrong they didnt waste a lot more money to find out about who killed Malcolm X are they airaid it will give the National Capitol a black eye, or will it give you and other a black eye on yor ght for Civils Rights I _ . would like to hear from you within about ten days or I am going to -",_92&#39;-&#39;;&#39;-.-¢have Mr Frank Box my Congressman bring it up or pat an Opera e J1. -C. .&#39;_92 Forum in papers down there and up here to I am sending the same letter to Attorney General Katzenbaum to see what answer I get from ,, -=&#39; .,, ___<,_. in the same mail and probably one to President Johnson because he was . one of the most who broadcast about the Klu Klux Klan __ .....jl¢$-a-._ ;-gt-1_f.-Z&#39;.~- Hoping something will be heard Radio or otherwise, I 2- .~1-in hope hear from you an-.2., 1., ._ ,; >-._-v_. ~~. _92, .. ":_.? /B/ " &#39;3: ~r.LJ."-Y-___. Cu .. P. S. I am a man 75 see if there is a square -._ deal for all and not a cover up like the Bobby Baker for the President and others _ &#39;1» ~- ~ - &#39;-&#39; ». .- v r -. " 92 92 ALL INFORMATION coumm-:9 mo .3 -j -L r_- . ii§?45?;?t1ei?£sc 1~Y~,*.&#39;;.!i"wt-as -- a uAT£l2Z.g;ta»BY;1Q"&4£4z/ HEREHas uncuxssnzo 5*;»>~"~ 0|I&#39;l&#39;!G92lLrOIllIB.I pp-yep emrnlnrnl t on|92ell|.$l.lII-IUNITED - NMENT.sums 6 " - __ Memorandum ea-T:- "v -ro = nnllcrm, rs: 004399B21! mm, 1/10/as -.&#39;-_ &#39;_.*&#39;|: j, I, .. -.: -.&#39;."_£ ,._.L. _. - .. mow =WM ac, mun: 00-40295! P! 5&#39;-1BJE°T=r.Qr|&#39;ru, nnccn - eke --- X I8-III .
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