LETTER 0: The Editor If it works elsewhere perhaps it can here. On the West Coast a newspaper has reprinted the following ost Office Department Form No. 2150 as a convenience for parents CONTROLLED CIRCULATION PUBLICATION ho will take the time and effort to fill it out and mail it to their local VOL. XV, NO.9 FEBRUARY 26, 1970 astmaster. "Operation Intercept," it has been unofficially called. .10 per copy y doing so it may help to stem the flow of pornographic materials $2.00 PER YEAR $ to their homes. As a public service I hope your newspaper will consider it worth­ hile to follow suit in this suggested anti-smut program. Alexander J. Woehrle Runner-up Trina Bowdish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bowdish, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 160 Adams Street, Delmar, was NOTICE FOR PROHIBITORY ORDER AGAINST SENDER OF PANDERING selected as the first runnerup ADVERTISEMENT IN THE MAILS in the Annual Miss Oneonta State Contest held at State University College at Oneonta. I. _________--;=;;;- ________ , addressee jparent of Eleven girls representing their (Prinl) respective dormitories competed inc. addressee] of the enclosed mailing from --------C(P"rin"COC------- for the honor with the Queen and the runnerups announced at the 1--------------------. consider thIs mailing to intermission of a concert featur­ e a pandering advertisement whic~ offers for sale erotIcally arousIng _or sexually provo'cative matter. ing Kenny Rogers and the First Accordingly, under the provIsions of TItle 39, Unued States Code, ~4009, Irequest thaI the ab~ve­ Edition. amed mailer, and his litsl agents or assigns, be directed to refrain from makIng any f.urthe, m,uhngs o me las we!! as to my below-listed minor children resid.ng WIth me who have not attaIned the" nlne­ Miss Bowdish, a senior at the eenth Ilirthdayl. College, is a Home Economics Major. She is a 1966 graduate of Bethlehem Central School. Trina Bowdish Signature Date CIty State ZIP Code Sports Night Meeting On Wednesday night, March The Selkirk· South Bethlehem 4th, residents of our area will Dramatic Club of the Town of NAMES OF CHILDREN BIRTH DATE . have a unique opportunity to wit­ Bethlehem will hold its monthly ness an all-around sports event meeting on March 5 at 8:30 P.M. at the Bethlehem Central Senior at the La Casa Restaurant High School. on Thatcher Street in Selkirk. Corrimencing at 7:00 P.M., At this meeting the winner for the Delmar Dolphins swim team the Fifty·FiftyClub will be drawn. will meet a team to be named in A buffet will be served and any­ a swimming competition which one wishing to come may do so. will include relay races, diving For reservations and more' in­ and individual matches. formation, please call Mrs. Mari­ NOTE: This notice must be accompanied by the objecllonahle "dverl!sement and the envelope, or other lyn Picarazzi, 767·9916. maIling wrapper, in whIch the advertisement was ·eceived. Meanwhile, in the brand new Senior High School gymnasium, POD Form 2150 May 1968 the play-off between selected The finale will pit the Satur­ - candidates for the Bitty Basket- day AII·Star basketball team ball AII·Star teams will be held against a reluctant group repre­ , and the season's championship senting the BeHS Men's Associa­ ~xhibit Film Series decided. The outstanding players tion in a classic contest which will I of the fifth, sixth, seventh and help to resolve the youth versus I The National Commercial Bank In' conjundion with the Ar- eighth grade basketball teams age question. This contest should ~ Delmar is exhibiting a collec­ tists and Attractions series at will be named to the play·off be one of the high·lights of the .ion of oil paintings, by local ar­ . The College of Saint Rose, the teams. 1969·70 season. ist Antonia G. Cambareri of . film "Rashomon" will be shown An exhibition of the art of The price of all this fun is 7M Jnionville. Miss Cambareri has Thursday, February 26. The film, wrestling will be displayed by per person; no reservations are :tudied oil painting extensively directed by Akira Kurosawa, will the members of the BCHS wrest· necessary. Just come to the Beth­ n New York City and in Rome, be screened at 3:00 P.M. and 7:00 ling team. Represe!ltatives of lehem Central High School on taly. W. C. Lemily of the Albany P.M. in the College Auditorium, each of the weight groups which March 4th at 7:00 P.M., pay the \rt Gallery is in charge of the 985 Madison A venue. The public comprise the team will demon­ nodest admission fee and enjoy ~xhibit. The public is cordially. is invited to attend. Admission strate the intracacies of this :m evening of diversified sports nvited to view the showing. is $.75. favorite sport. entertainment. PAGE 2 - Fe,bruary 26, 1970 THE SPOTLIGI Ol.'der." Met-roland law enforcement ter, speaking of American youth Police Ask Mr. House, who wrote the in~ agencies were represented, in­ said: "We're dealing with a'los'; vocation prayer, predicted that cluding the FBI, Penn Central generation of people." Faith, Hope ·"permissivooess and bigotry will . R·ailroad Police, the Albany For '70s be overcome by faith, hope and County district attorney's office, compass:ion" during the 1970s. the Albany County Sheriff's De­ Married The Bethlehem Police Benevo­ About 200 persons crowded partment, Troop G, State Po­ I lent Association officers were in the New Elsmerian Restaur­ lice and Troy Police Capt. Al­ Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wals~ installed recently after joining ant on Delaware Plaza in Elsmere bert Prezio. former public safe­ 3 Mayfair Drive, Slingerlandj announce the marriage of the in a prayer that the 1970s would for the policeman's annual din­ ty commissioner of that city. bring better understanding to ner. Bethlehem Police Peter Fish daughter, Maureen Ann to Ric, the nation's grave problems, Taking office with Patrolman called for community support, ard Edward Batsavage, son G Patrolman Daniel House, re­ House were these PBA officials: not only for his own department, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Batsavag elected for a third time as PBA Alfred G, Lamouree, vice presi­ but for police throughout the of Bridgeport, Conn. A nuPti~ president, summarized the past dent; Gerard P. DeMeur, secre­ country_ Mass, at 11 A.M. on Februari decade as a time of "racial tary; Richard J. LaChappelle, He told the audience, which 21 was celebrated by Msg~ problems, looting, assassinations, treasurer, both re-elected; and included businessmen and attor­ James McKeaven at Our Lady <j youth rebellion and disorder, William Pelzer, delegate-at­ neys, Bethlehem Town Attorney Good Council Church in Nel drugs, and disrespect for law and, large. Arthur McCormick and Town York City. : Justices Harry Rezzemini and After a breakfast for the iTt mediate families at the GrameJ Robert Rice that "Although you're close to police, you don't cy Park HoteL Mr. and Mrs. Bal understand death on the high­ savage left for a week of skiin~ in New England. way, youth abusing themselves The bride, a graduate of th with drugs," and other things Academy of the Holy Names an because, he pointed out, they don't see it as does the police­ THE SPOTLIGHT is publishe man called to the scene. every Thursday by Spotlight. Inc Chief Fish said he does not 154 Delaware Ave .. Delmar. N.~ ROBERT G. KING. PUBLlSHEH subscribe to the thought of for­ (Controlled Circulation postag~ Paid at Delmar, N.V.) Deadline f mer Los Angeles Police Chief news is Thursday afternoon. on Thomas J. Reddin, when the lat- week preceding publication; deae line for display advertisements I Friday afternoon . •••.•.•••..•.••••.••...•......•................•...... ~ ........ ....•• I ..• • BOB OKESSON'S CARPET FASHIONS • by • • BIGELOW M@bir I MASLAND SERVICE CENTER i ALEXANDER SMITH Junction of Routes 85 & 85A • and other LEADING BRANDS NEW SCOTLAND, N.Y. • at • • Down-to-Earth • Lubrications • Prices! • Minor Repairs • • Brake Service • COME IN AND BROWSE • • Tune-up • • Color. color, color! • A world 01 style and texture • • New, exciting libers • Wall 10 wall broadloom • Tires and Batteries • • Room-size and area rugs • Or call for our Free Shop-At·Home Service. • Pick-up and Delivery • ~~~~~~~~~:J:_:::~~ No obligation, of course. • Mon.-SaL 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. • Sun., 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. : Parking in Rear CALL .: Mon. thru Fri. • 10·5 .- 439-7252 • Sat. til.l 3 • • Wed. & Fri. Nites • • 7:9 439-9970 • We Give TRIPLE·S STAMPS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • iE SPOTLIGHT February 26, 1976....:. PAGE 3 I It's the simple truth to call it ... "THE COSMETIC DISCOVERY OF THE YEAR" CREME 2 Hold back the elements and the years Not only does CREME 2000 bring wells of moisture to thirsty, deep down skin cells - but the amazing new ingredient in this cream of tomorrow nourishes your skin while you sleep. Its rich store of emol­ lients soothes and smoothes, while the natural College of St. Rose is em­ skin oils welcome the added enrichment this by Catholic Charities of cosmetic discovery gives them. Result? Archdiocese of New York. Mr. Batsavage was graduated CREME 2000 is a build~r upper not a Boston College in 1966 and cover-upper. Your skin begins to tighten a Masters degree in and brighten. Your complexion wakes up fco,nomk:s from Michigan State. refreshed, stimulated - younger looking. is currently stationed at Dix, N.J. After his discharge the Army in April, he will to Washington, D.C. Limited time introductory offer it is an Economic Analyst 1 oz. size $2.7·5 the U.S. Government.
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