BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT All from 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019

BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT All from 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019

BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Page 1 All From 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 For Valuation >= For Census Code: Permit # Type of Work Applicant Case Status Valuation Owner's Name Description Site Address 19CAP-00000042 Building Permit TERRY WANG Void Revision REV 02 - Revise foundation & retaining wall. (rgs) 41948 Mission Blvd RECEIVED DATE: 7/16/2019 ISSUED DATE: CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2014-00768 ALTRES SAFHOLM DIANNE Closed $100,000.00 SLABACH MARJORIE A & SAFHOLM BLDG- Add 65 square feet to existing house, interior remodel to kichen, family room, replace DIANNE windows and doors, relocate HVAC to attic, exterior stucco work (htl) Scope Revised 3/17/14- 4740 BACH CT Relocate electrical panel to the side of the garage. (tj) RECEIVED DATE: 8/7/2013 ISSUED DATE: 9/17/2013 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2014-01025 ALTRES FERNANDO HERRERA Closed $60,000.00 HERRERA, FERNANDO & KELLY BLDG - Add 341 sq ft to rear of existing dwelling - new bathroom & living room extension. Remodel existing bath. (rgs) 4384 FAULKNER DR RECEIVED DATE: 8/21/2013 ISSUED DATE: 8/21/2013 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2014-03165 Alteration Residential JAIN ADITYA Finaled $466,923.00 JAIN ADITYA & SHALINI A TRS 12/5/16, FUSD fees to address (because of add'l sq. ft.) after REV 04 approved. BLD (DOL) Add 379 square feet of habitable space to existing single story house with basement, change exterior 998 SEMINOLE CMN facade of entire structure (htl). Remove 310sqft of Garage; Remove 199sqft of Porch; Reove 180 sqft of Terrace; New 280 sqft.Balcony; and new 622sqft Roof Terrace - tgar. 7/10/15 RECEIVED DATE: 12/9/2013 Revision 02 Add 87 SF habitable SF, Add 176 SF garage SF. ISSUED DATE: 10/8/2014 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2014-04246- Building Permit BESTBUILD CONSTRUCTION Revision Issued $20,000.00 001 Revision New entry gate, landscaping, revised window sizes and new lower level windows. 870 YAKIMA DR RECEIVED DATE: 3/7/2018 ISSUED DATE: CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2014-05081 ALTRES S M P CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE IN Finaled $2,500.00 BuildingActivityReport_V1 Run Date & Time: 9/16/2019 2:39:42 PM BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Page 2 All From 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 For Valuation >= For Census Code: Permit # Type of Work Applicant Case Status Valuation Owner's Name Description Site Address ROCHE MELISSA ETAL BLD- Adding additional support to the foundation. (tj) 37966 SECOND ST RECEIVED DATE: 4/2/2014 ISSUED DATE: 4/7/2014 CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2014-06850 NEWRES YUEJUN CHEN Finaled $500,000.00 MISSION CHADBOURNE INVESTMENTS BLD (DES) NSFD, Tract 7924, Lot 4, R3 = 3333 SF, U = 598 SF, Porch 61 SF. For Plans and Specs BLD2014-06846 1592 MENTO TER (LOT 4) RECEIVED DATE: 6/30/2014 ISSUED DATE: 6/19/2015 CENSUS CAT: 101 # BLDG: 1 #UNIT: 1 BLD2015-00748 AFES THORPE DESIGN INC Finaled $8,800.00 KAUR MALVINDAR & SINGH LAKHBIR AFES - fire sprinkler system for new house. je 81 Heads Total. (hhan). ETAL 33878 ROWLAND DR (PARCEL 3) RECEIVED DATE: 8/11/2014 ISSUED DATE: 9/9/2014 CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-01389- Building Permit IYER CHANDINI Revision Issued 001 Revision Stair Guard and hand rail corrections 34 CALLERY CT RECEIVED DATE: 6/25/2018 ISSUED DATE: CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-02186 Alteration Residential LEON SHAVER Issued $149,604.00 BRIAN IRVIN BLD - New roof framing, interior remodel (kitchen, living room, new wall between bedrooms 3 and 4, remove wall between living room and kitchen), new front porch (add 27 sf) (sfoc) ADD 3646 CONGRESS CT 419 SQ FT increased valuation from 55k to 70k(rgs) New design increased square footage to 1092 total, new design of roof structure, expanding addition to front of house, and new addition RECEIVED DATE: 10/24/2014 located in rear yard. (mjc) ISSUED DATE: 10/24/2014 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-03655 ALTRES PHILLIP D BJURMAN Finaled $6,000.00 BuildingActivityReport_V1 Run Date & Time: 9/16/2019 2:39:42 PM BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Page 3 All From 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 For Valuation >= For Census Code: Permit # Type of Work Applicant Case Status Valuation Owner's Name Description Site Address LU XINLIANG & SHENG LING BLD- Demo existing pool- Clean dirt Fill- Notice to fill condition enclosed. (tj) 45 JAPALA CT RECEIVED DATE: 1/21/2015 ISSUED DATE: 1/21/2015 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-03841 Alteration Commercial WILLIAM ALEXANDER Issued - Revision $185,000.00 Pending STAR 168 CAPITAL LLC BLD- Interior T.I- Change of occupancy from B to E - First and second floor interior remodel- includes wall framing and dry wall finishes. (tj) 42080 OSGOOD RD RECEIVED DATE: 1/30/2015 ISSUED DATE: 3/20/2018 CENSUS CAT: 437 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-03841- Building Permit WILLIAM ALEXANDER Revision Issued 004 Revision REV 04 - Cap off duct to avoid penetration through a rated assembly, tie in to existing ducting. (rgs) 42080 OSGOOD RD RECEIVED DATE: 8/19/2019 ISSUED DATE: CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-03889 ALTCOM ERICK'S CONSTRUCTION INC Finaled $55,000.00 REDDY INVESTMENTS LLC BLD - Remodel and upgrade exterior with new lighting, stone veneer and stucco finish. Remove (E) steel structure. (rada/mjc/ck) 39470 FREMONT BLVD RECEIVED DATE: 2/3/2015 ISSUED DATE: 8/26/2016 CENSUS CAT: 437 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2015-05604 New Multifamily HABITAT FOR HUMANITY EB/SV INC Finaled $1,650,711.00 Residential > 2 Family HABITAT FOR HUMANITY EB/ SV INC BLD - Central Commons Building 1 (Tract 8180) Units: #101 (Type A3 - 2 BR Flat), #104 (Type B1 - 3BR Flat), #201 (Type F2 - 4BR TH), #202 (Type E2 - 3BR TH), #203 (Type D1 - 2BR TH), 4362 HUMBOLDT TER #204 (Type C1 - 2BR TH), #205 (E1 - 3BR TH), #206 (Type F1 - 4BR TH). Total R2 = 9,280 sq. ft. Total U (Garage) = 2,669 sq ft; Total U (Porch/Deck) = 1,014 sq. ft. (For Plans and Specs See RECEIVED DATE: 4/30/2015 BLD2015-05604). (tj/byee/ ) ISSUED DATE: 4/13/2017 Master plans for Buildings 1, 4, and 5 (NTRAN) CENSUS CAT: 105 # BLDG: 1 #UNIT: 8 BLD2015-05605 NEWMFR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY EB/SV INC Finaled $610,388.00 BuildingActivityReport_V1 Run Date & Time: 9/16/2019 2:39:42 PM BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Page 4 All From 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 For Valuation >= For Census Code: Permit # Type of Work Applicant Case Status Valuation Owner's Name Description Site Address HABITAT FOR HUMANITY EB/SV INC BLD - Central Commons Building 2 (Tract 8180) Units: #107 (Type A2 - 2 BR Flat), #207 (Type F2 - 4BR TH), #208 (Type E3 - 3BR TH). R2 = 3,484 sq. ft. U (Garage) = 885 sq. ft. U 4363 HUMBOLDT TER (Porch/Deck) = 425sq. ft. (For Plans and Specs See BLD2015-05604). (tj/byee/ ) RECEIVED DATE: 4/30/2015 Master plans for Buildings 2 and 3 (NTRAN) ISSUED DATE: 4/13/2017 CENSUS CAT: 104 # BLDG: 1 #UNIT: 3 BLD2016-00402 Alteration Residential CINDY NGUYEN Closed $175,000.00 CINDY NGUYEN BLD- 738 total sqft addition located in 3 different areas, the rear (468 sq ft) side(64 sq ft) & front (206 sq ft) yards(mjc/rada/rgs) 5318 BUTANO PARK DR RECEIVED DATE: 7/20/2015 ISSUED DATE: 3/3/2017 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2016-00402- Building Permit CINDY NGUYEN Revision Issued 007 Revision Clarifications to exterior material types. 5318 BUTANO PARK DR RECEIVED DATE: 7/25/2019 ISSUED DATE: CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2016-00545 Alteration Residential APPLIED REMEDIAL TECHNOLOGIES Closed $91,258.80 AZADAN, SORAYA BLD, Residential addition 678 sq ft to add bedroom, Den Sitting room, and bathroom project change from in law unit to addition to residence only.. (mje/byc/rgs) 4635 ALONSO CT RECEIVED DATE: 7/24/2015 ISSUED DATE: 7/26/2016 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2016-00869 New Residential - 1 FRANK SURBER Issued - Revision $290,602.00 Family Pending HIGH TOWN JOINT VENTURE PTP Construction of a new three-bedroom single-family attached dwelling. Tract 8095, Lot 1, Plan A1: R3: 2,082 sq. ft.; U (Garage) 450 sq. ft.; U (patio/porch): 0. For plans and calculations 3545 Piazza Cmn please reference BLD2016-00869. RECEIVED DATE: 8/10/2015 ISSUED DATE: 9/18/2018 CENSUS CAT: 102 # BLDG: 1 #UNIT: 1 BLD2016-00869- Building Permit FRANK SURBER Revision Issued 001 Revision BuildingActivityReport_V1 Run Date & Time: 9/16/2019 2:39:42 PM BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Page 5 All From 7/1/2019 to 8/31/2019 For Valuation >= For Census Code: Permit # Type of Work Applicant Case Status Valuation Owner's Name Description Site Address Truss Calcs for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. 3545 Piazza Cmn RECEIVED DATE: 7/9/2019 ISSUED DATE: CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2016-01380 REISS-EXP LOUIS MALITO Closed $105,000.00 MALITO, LOUIS & OLGA BLDG - Re-issue of expired permit BLD2004-07377/PLN2004-00286. New 5,811 sq ft (R-3) & 1,243 sq ft U . Refer to COD2014-00399. Permits are for balance of work. (rgs/mjc/mjc) 44733 AGUILA TER RECEIVED DATE: 8/31/2015 ISSUED DATE: 2/29/2016 CENSUS CAT: # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2016-01420 ALTRES KUMAR, YOGITA Closed $89,000.00 KUMAR, YOGITA BLDG - Add 630 sq ft to rear of existing residence to create a new bedroom, bathroom and walk-in closet and extend Family Room - new kitchen, bedroom & bathroom. NOTE: This is IN 777 WASATCH DR the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) area. (rgs) RECEIVED DATE: 9/1/2015 ISSUED DATE: 3/1/2016 CENSUS CAT: 434 # BLDG: #UNIT: BLD2016-01606 ALTRES CECILIA SAENZ Finaled $113,820.00 SAENZ, CECILIA BLDG - Convert existing 497 sq ft garage, int remodel incl new bath, new 1/2 bath, family rm.

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