MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine.. : BETNG THE • ANNUAL lll~~PORrrs uf' VARTOUS -PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS f'llR Tlrn YEAR 18G8-~. AUGUSTA: ;-;1·HA<HJI!] Oi\ 1,;.\i & NASH, PRINTERS TO TIU:: STATK 1 8 6 9. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE STATE OF MAINE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1868 .. PUBLISHED AGREEABLY TO A RESOLVE APPROVED FEBRUARY 23, i865, AUGUSTA: OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE. STATE. 1869. • STATE OF MAINE. r ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, l Augusta, December 31st, 1868. j 'I'O Bis Excellency J. L. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief: Sm :-I have the honor to transmit herewith my report as Adju­ tant General, and Acting Quartermaster and Paymaster General, for the year ending December 31st, 1868. Very respectfully, · Your obedient servant, JOHN C. CALDWELL . .Adjutant General . • • REPORT. TESTIMONIALS TO HONORABLY DISCHARGED SOL­ DIERS. The Legislature, at its last session, passed the following act, which was approved February 24, 1868: AN ACT authvrizing a testimonial of honor to be prepared and preRented to all hon­ orably dirnharged soldiers who served in the war of 1861, and to the widows or next of · kin of such as have deceased, approved February 24th, 1868. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows: SECTION I. The Governor is hereby authorized to issue certificates of appropriate design to all soldiers who served in the war for the suppression of the rebellion, and have been honorably discharged, and to widows or next of kin of such as have deceased, said certificate to contain a transcript of the record in the Adjutant General's Office of the service of the soldier. SECT. 2. The cost of said certificate shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of two thousand dollars. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect when approved. In compliance with the provisions of this act finely engraved Testimonials have been prepared and issued to such honorably discharged soldiers as have made application for them. , As the value of these certificates would be greatly lessened, if they were issued to the unworthy, it was found necessary to examine carefully the record of each applicant, and give these Testimonials of the State's gratitude to such only as had borne an honorable part in suppressing the great war of the Rebellion. On the first of January over eleven thousand of these certificates will have been issued, and the number of applicants does not sensi­ bly diminish. The labor involved in examining the records and sending out these Testimonials has been great. Although circulars have been sent to all the municipal officers of the State and notices inserted in the papers of every county, still there is no doubt that there are now thousands of soldiers in the State, who do not know that they are entitled to these certificates. I earnestly request that 6 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. all the members of the Legislature will bring to the notice of sol­ diers in their localities, the act above quoted, that they may secure these testimonials of the State's appreciation of their faithful and meritorious servic'es. To obtain them the soldier has simply to apply in writing, stat­ ing name in full, rank at date of discharge, company and regiment and post office address to the .Adjutant General of the State, at Augusta, who will forward the certificate free of charge, if the ap­ plicant is found entitled thereto. The value of these Testimonials will increase from year to year, and the next generation will show them with honest pride as evi- · dence that their fathers bore an honorable part in the great war which saved the nation and secured the liberties of the people. BREVET PROMOTIONS. The following Brevet Promotions of Maine Officers in the armies of the United States, have been made since the publication of the last annual report. They are announced in War Depart­ ment General Orders No. 84, of October 14, 1868: To BE BRIGADIER GENERALS BY BREVET. William M. Md.. rthur, late Colonel of the Eighth Maine Volun­ teers, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Drury's Bluff, May 14th, 1865, and in the action of Williamsburg Road, October 27th, 1864, to date from March 13th, 1865. Brevet Colonel George vV. Randall, late Lieutenant Colonel of the Thirtieth Maine Volunteers, for gallant services at Monet's Bluff and Cane River, La., to date from March 13th, 1865. To BE BREVET COLONEL. George W. Randall, late Lieutenant Colonel of the Thirtieth Maine Volunteers, for conspicuous bravery at the battle of Pleas­ ant Hill, La., to date from March 13th, 1865. To BE LIEUTENANT CoLONELS BY BREVET. Surgeon G. S. Palmer, U. S. Volunteers, for faithful and meri­ torious services, to date from October 6th, 1865. Brevet Major Ira B. Gardner, late Captain of the Fourteenth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the bat­ tle of Winchester, Va., to date from March 13th, 1865. Brevet Major A. G. Goodwin, late Captain of the Thirteenth ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. 7 Maine Volunteers for gallant conduct at the battle of Winchester, Va., SP-ptember 19th, 1864, to date from March 13th, 1865. Brevet Major Edward Moore, late Captain of the Seventeenth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from March 13th, 1865. To BE MAJORS BY BREVET. Andrew M. Benson, late Captain of the First Maine Cavalry, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from March 13th, 1865. Edwin B. Dow, late Captain of the Sixth Me. Battery, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., to date from March 13th, 1865. Ira B. Gardner, late Captain of the Fourteenth Maine Volun­ teers, for gallant and meritorious services in tpe battle of Baton Rouge, La., to date from March 13th, 1865. A. G. Goodwin, late Captain of the Thirteenth Maine Volunteers, for· gallant and. meritorious services in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8th, 1864, to date from March 13th, 1865. Edward Moore, late Captain of the Seventeenth Maine Volun­ teers, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from March 13th, 1865. Brevet Captain Justin K. Richardson, late First Lieutenant of the Thirtieth Maine Volunteers for distinguished gallantry at the b~ttles of Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Ilill, and Monet's Bluff, La., to date from March 13th, 1865. Whitman Sawyer, late Captain of the Third Maine Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Hill, La., to date from March 13th, 1865. Henry A. Shorey, late Captain of the Fifteenth Maine Volun­ teers, for meritorious services during the war, to date from March 13th, 1865. To BE CAPTAINS BY BREVET. John E. Morton, late First Lieutenant of the First Maine Bat­ tery, for conspicuous gallantry at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19th, 1864, where mortally wounded, to date from Oct. 19th, 1864. Justin K. Richardson, late First Lieutenant of the Thirtieth Maine Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry at the battles of Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill and Monet's Bluff, La., to date from March 13th, 1865. 8 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. John S. Snow, late First Lieutenant of the First Maine Battery, for conspicuous gallantry at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19th, 1.864, to date from March 13th, 1865. John C. Summersides, late First Lieutenant of the Fifth Maine Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the "Wilderness, Va., to date from March 13th, 1865. CORRECTIONS AND ALTERATIONS IN PREVIOUS REPORTS. The following is a list of the corrections and alterations to be made in previous Reports from this office. None others are known to exist: Names. Rank. 8 Regt. Remarks. ( Reported in vol. 2, Adj. Gen. Report, 1864-5, I page 248, as deserted Nov. 6, '62; should Eben W Young Priv H 3 Inf i have been reported "Dietl in service," satis­ I factory proof of his death while in service was l presented to this office. ( Erroneously reported "Des.erted Aug. 23, '62," Assenias Littlefield Priv H 3 Inf ~ page 24 7, Adj. Gen. Report, 1864-5, vol. 2; was I honorably discharged by order of Secretary l of War, Special Order 551, Dec. 12, '63. Omitted, page 275, Adj. Gen. Report, vol. 2, Edward B Phinney Priv A 5 Inf 18(i4-5; was honorably discharged with his company. ~( Rep(rted transferred to Battalion 13th Me. Albus R Jordan Corp F 13 Inf ~ Vols. page 458, vol. 2, Adj. Gen. Report, 1 1864 .. 5; was discharged Jan. 24, '65, by rea­ l son <,f consolidation. Died Aug. 19, 1864; was erroneously reported William P Merrill Corp F 30 Inf { a deserter, page 716, Adj. Gen. Report, 1864-;5, vol. 2. [ Erro ~eously reported discharged with com- Justin F Bourne Priv K 1 HA rt ~ p~ny; was a prisoner, and no discharge fur­ I msh,·d at date of muster-out of organization, l page 950, vol. 2, Adj. Gen. Report, 1864-5. [ Errrnieously reported "Deserted," page 997 Samuel J Morse Priv n 1 Vt If J vol.'.!, Adj. Gen. Report 186'!-5; was honorabl; ) discharged at Augusta, Me., by Maj. J. W. T. l Gardiner, Jan. 13, 1864, for disability. Erroneousl! reported a "Deserter," page 1078, John B Murphy Priv H 9 Inf vol.
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