The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. 21. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1898. WHOLE NO.—1636 . PAROLED. 753690 FAUST AND MARGUERITE Public Sale. A My SAD Having more road scrapers than is Presented by a First Class Company at necessary, I will sell for cash for the Frank Martlet! K*leased From the Ioula Township of Bingham,four Waldo road Prison Monday. Scrlven ’s Friday Evening. scrapers, ou Saturday, March 12,1896, One of the largest gatherings ever at 10 o ’clock, at Kenyon ’s feed barn,8t. Young Son of A. U. Stock well Frank Bartlett sent to Ionia from The Home of Earnest Botsford known in Scriveu*s Opera House listen­ this county for two years in February of Philip N. Coon Has Gone into the Johns, reserving the right to reject any Kicked by a Horse. Burned to the Ground. ed to the rendition of Goette ’s grand or all bids. I’etek Cramer , last year for assault with intent to do drama “Faust” last Friday evemug by Cultivation of Ginseng. Highway Commissioner for Township great bodily barm, less than murder, the Porter J. White Company, under of Bingham. (21-2w) has just been paroled by Governor the management of Geo. A. Mansfield St. Johns, March 1, 1898. I ROM WHICH DKATH ENSUED WITHIN Pingree. This assault for which Bart­ FIRE ORIGINATED FROM A DEFECT­ No such spectacular and perfect elect- EXPECTS TO CLEAR *6,000 IN FIVE TWELVE HOI KM. lett served time occured in February, IVE CHIMNEY. trical effects have ever been present­ John Hicks YEARS FROM AN ACRE OF GROUND. 1897, in this village. He met John Bran- ed in St. Johns before. The perform ­ Displays Europe and America’s choic­ nan in a pool room in this village aud ance was a firstclass one from curtain est novelties in Spring Goods. insisted ou playing a game of pool, up until the last call, and the splendid The Little Victim wan the Pritie of the which the latter refused to do. This The Mulleting Insured for RIOO lu the patronage granted this company should Great Clearing Sale. angered Bartlett and he went out doors I A Possibility of a New Industry Springing Home of HU Parent* — He had a Nat­ Farmers’ Mutual of Clinton County. remonstrate to the management of this Every thing of the Miss II. L. Hicks and laid in wait with a stone and as play bouse that players of the better Uj> in Clinton County. ural Love and Reverence for Brannan was leaving the place he stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, class will always be greeted by a packed will be closed out at greatly reduced Hi* Creator. pounced upon him, dealing him several bouse in St. Johns. terrible blows. prices, to make room for new stock of About 7 o ’clock last Sunday morning Porter White’s “Mephisto” is Dot a spring goods. Lunch and tray cloths, In selecting a jury to try the case bad sort of a devil. In fact we have Philip J. Coon, an old soldier of nearly 100 names were chosen and re­ fire was discovered in the upper part of Bengal township, has recently gone doilies, sofa pillows, table spreads, etc., heard a number of compliments in bis at prices way dow n. Hats at one half About 7 o ’clock Saturday evening jected before the requisite number the old farm house of the late Wm. C. favor since the Friday evening perform ­ into tbe cultivation of ginseng, and ex­ could be obtained. After receiving bis price. Mas. H. W. Holton . last, while Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Stock- Botsford, in the township of Greenbush, ance and judge that he has a number pects to clear $6,000 from one acre of Successor to Miss II. L. Hicks. sentence Bartlett declared that as soon aud at the time of the fire occupied by of admirers among those who witnessed well and two children, one a girl about as he got out of his present trouble be ground in five years. 33 years and the other a boy 8 years and W. E. Botsford and family. the performance. Mr. White as “Me- Flowers for All. would drink no more whiskey. blsto, ” Miss Charlotte Craig as “Mar- Mr. Coon has bad a large amount of 8 months old, of this village, were re­ The fire must have originated from a ha,” and Stanley St.John as “Valen­ experience in digging and selling this At our greenhouse we have in blossom defect in the chimney between the up­ Tulips, Hyacinths, Geraniums, a Giant turning home from a drive in the coun ­ BREVITIES. tine” were the favorites of the eveuing. root, both in the northern and southern Jonquil three inches in diameter, and try, a dreadful accident occurred to per ceiling and the roof, for it was dis ­ Julian Green's “Faust” was not nearly states, and spent years of time study ­ many other plants . All lovers of Flow ­ covered that the roof was first on Are, as enthusiastic a lover as he was a them while in the vicinity of the Scriven March came in like a lamb. swordsman and in bis tilt with “ Valen­ ing the nature of the plant. ers should see our display. We shall farm, on the section line road, just west Republican village caucus tomorrow which soon broke through into the tine” they eacli showed their famaliar- The scarcity of the plant, which for ­ have plenty of Carnations and Roses at upper rooms, rendering it impossible to all times. »f the village. The two children were evemng. ity with the foils, giving a very exciting merly grew wild in large quantities, has Do not send away for your Easter seated in the front part of the cutter, A false alarm called out the tire de ­ remove the bedding and other effects exhibition of sword practice. from the upper part of the house, where Mr. White showed a perfect control induced Mr. Coon to try the experi­ Lilies, for we shall have plenty. with their backs to the dashboard. The partment Monday night. three beds were made up aud two more ment of cultivating it. lie hasone acre C. F.& T. W. Knapp . The Manufacturing Co ’s, shops com ­ of the facial muscles, succeeding at norse, which was one of Mr. Stock weirs ready to make up. times iu assuming a model demoniacal of land on the farm of Alvin Winegar, in John Hicks gray team, and a spirited animal, was menced running full time Tuesday Mr. Botsford and other members of morning. expression, and his laughter was nerve ­ Bengal township, which last fall, he Sells ready-to-wear Dress Skirts cheap­ on a good stiff trot. The cutter dove bis family at once went to work remov ­ tearing. Democrat-Peoples-Union Silver village ing the goods from the lower part of the We feel satisfied that the manage ­ planted with the seed, and the present er than you can make them. into a hole in the road, which fright­ caucus at the engine house next Monday house, and were successful in getting ment of our play house will secure dates indications are that the crop will be a ened the horse and caused it to kick and evening. them all out before the tire reached the from more or this class of plays. For Sale. good one. It requires about five years The 160 acre farm, section 32, town ­ then to run. and after some difficulty, James S. Osgood, of this village, has lower part, but they were somewhat to raise a good saleable root from the been granted an increase of pension of damaged in removal. ship of Lebanon, owned by Cornelius in which one rein gave way under the The building was insured in the Clin­ MUST PAY FOR HIS RIDES. seed. About 696,000 plants can be Grove. This is a No. 1 farm, well situ­ strong tension caused by Mr. Stockwell's from $0 to $8. ated, well watered, good buildings, and Recollect the 10 cent tea at the M. E. ton County Mutual for $400, but there raised from one acre of ground, the heavy pulling, the horse was turned was no insurance on the contents. Bro. Keyes, of the Corunus Independent, a plenty of them, convenient to school church Friday evening of this week, plant being placed three inches apart. and to market. Also, farm in Ionia •ompletelv about, when Mr. Stockwell from 5 to 8 o ’clock. The house was rebuilt to a consider ­ Has Oflendecl the Owosso & Co ­ able extent last year, and was valued at runna Electric Company, At present prices, the root when county, from 20 to 200 acres. Village sprang from the cutter and caught it by OwingtotheiUne8sof Mr. J.R. Pierce $800 to $1,000. The cellar was an out ­ dried, brings $4.00 a pound, the seed roperty for sale and to rent in Portland, ihe head. When the horse was quieted the Union Farmers’ Club will not meet side one, hence there was no loss in Ned. P. Keyes, of the Corunna Inde- $7 00 a pound. From 1,000 plants, one lich. Enquire of until further notice. deudent, said some complimentary O scar N. Jenkins , it was found that the kick had taken that part. things about the new electric lighting pound of seed and three pounds of effect upon the skull of the little boy. Lost —a pair of ribbed, black silk lady's Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag ’t, mittens. Mittens or information thauk- plant now being constructed in that roots can be secured every year after (21-2w’) Portland, Mich.
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