People and things At CERN on 6 October to open the 'Britain at CERN' trade exhibition, UK Under-Secretary for Trade and Industry Edward Leigh admires the CERN VIP visitors book with CERN Director for Technical Tasks Hans Hoffmann and Wendy Korda. Mike Turner of Fermilab/Chicago argued that excluding tau neutrino masses down 25 MeV is crucial since a tau neutrino mass in the 0.5 to 25 MeV region is forbidden in many theories. The 25 MeV mass upper limit is clearly within experimental reach in the near future. One highlight was the examination of the so-called 1-prong decay problem, where a few percent of these decays may be unaccounted for. There are two ways of looking at the data: one is to pick the most precise measurement of each decay mode and the other is to use the world average of all measurements. Using the former method and assum­ ing the most precise measurement is the best, there is no significant ment has rightly brought Picasso in­ problem. With the latter method, Emilio Picasso tribute ternational honours and recognition. there is a discrepancy. As empha­ Finally Luigi Radicati di Brozolo cov­ sized by Michel Davier in his sum­ Friends and colleagues of Emilio ered Picasso's long interest in experi­ mary talk, there are significant Picasso attended a special event at mental searches for gravitational differences between some of the CERN on 25 September to pay trib­ waves. Picasso's talents are now in­ measurements of the branching ute to his 29 years of contributions to vested in a new career as director of ratios, which suggests problems in CERN's success. Recalling Picasso's Pisa's Scuola Normale Superiore. some of the experiments. Reconcilia­ vital role in the famous lg-2' precision tion means more precise measure­ experiments to measure the mag­ ments, both by the reconstruction of netic moment of the muon, Francis the decays and by a global analysis Farley stressed Picasso's enthusi­ New director at Legnaro of all decays in a single experiment. asm for physics and people, and his The next tau workshop will tell more. uncanny ability to motivate. From Massimo Nigro has been appointed The Tau Workshop was organized 1972-77 Picasso was leader of what by the Italian National Institute of Nu­ by K.K. Gan and his colleagues at became known as Experimental clear Physics as director of the OSU. Physics Division. Covering this pe­ Legnaro National Laboratory for the riod, Jack Steinberger had collected next three years, replacing Piero Dal From K.K. G an many colourful Picasso tributes Ça Piaz, who has been elected Rector of series of sunny days'). In 1980 came the University of Ferrara. the fateful call to be project leader for The Legnaro National Laboratory, the LEP project, the largest accelera­ near Padua, is the main Italian Labo­ tor ever built, using existing CERN ratory for nuclear physics. Its princi­ /A/FA/ President finance and manpower, and close to pal facilities are a tandem Van de a range of mountains. Gus Voss of Graaff accelerator and a supercon­ Leading Italian theorist Luciano DESY described how new teams ducting linac for heavy ion beams Maiani of Rome has been designated were carved out of the existing (ALPI accelerator). as next President of the Italian Istituto CERN infrastructure and how, after Massimo Nigro is Professor of Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), an inevitably bumpy ride, the ma­ Physics at Padua and his main re­ for three years, to succeed Nicola chine delivered on time. In recent search interests are in the field of ex­ Cabibbo. years this remarkable accomplish- perimental elementary particles, us- 24 CERN Courier, December 1992 Rear panel of one of the four concially arranged TRD wire chambers This project was commissioned by the University of Bonn, designed and completely produced together with the University and installed at DESY Hamburg. All components were produced by the glass fibre compression process, the outer surfaces were copperplated and the components were bonded and machined so that they were ready to install. Stesalit AG 1) The superimposed detail in the top Kunststoffwerk picture shows a complicated construction in conjunction with CH-4234 Zullwil SO high precision. Telephone 41.61.791 06 01 Fax 41.61.791 06 04 25a Circle advertisement number on reader service form Workstations (for everyone !) BusStations are fully compatible with access to more than 3500 programs. Be manufacturer independent in your open systems networking application domains... - Professional software development. - Innovative research and development. - Control and data acquisition systems. - Administrative systems. ... at excellent price/performance ratios: Model 1, 8.3 Spec-Marks SFR 9,950 Model 1+, 13.4 Spec-Marks SFR 13,900 Model 2, 23.7 Spec-Marks SFR 19,900 (6.2 % ICHA not included) Included in the prices are 20" colour monitor, Ethernet, mouse, keyboard, large hard-disk, floppy-disk, large memory, SCSI-2, complete system software and utilities. Many options available: Graphics accelerator, memory and mass storage upgrades, CRT's, etc. Our wide range of VXI products may be used with the BusStation to build DAQ and control Kinetic Systems systems. Standard or customized software International available. Ask also for our multimedia solution for the BusStation. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US TODAY. 3 chemin Tavernay • 12 18 Geneva, Switzerland ASK FOR B. IVESDAL OR W. STIEGER AT: [41] (22) 798 44 45 • FAX [41] (22) 798 05 25 22 Circle advertisement number on reader service form CERN Courier, December 1992 25 Participants from the NATO Advanced Summer Institute on Particle Production in Highly Excited Matter, held at II Ciocco near Pisa this summer, take time off in Florence. A 1) V A N C E D STUDY INSTITUTE . ii...L.i P10)X..M .S G I iXC i) ii il IL CIOCCO, 5 5020 CASTELVECCH1 0 PASCOL1 (PROVINCE OF LUCCA, TUSCANY), ITALY JULY 12-24, 1992 ing electron-positron storage rings. of the Solenoidal Detector Collabora­ ness production, and theoretical con­ He previously served as Vice-presi­ tion (SDC) for the SSC. cepts of highly excited matter. dent of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Apart from the generous NATO and as Director of the Physics De­ support, significant financial contribu­ NATO Advanced Summer Institute partment of the University of Padua. tions came from the US Department 1992 of Energy and National Science Foundation, the Italian INFN, and the Yerevan Director Particle Production in Highly Excited German BMFT Active support came Matter was the topic of a NATO Ad­ from major research Laboratories in­ vanced Summer Institute held at II Ruben Mkrtchyan is Director of the cluding Pisa, GSI Darmstadt, and Ciocco near Pisa this summer. Or­ Yerevan Physics Institute in Yerevan Brookhaven. ganized and directed by H.H. for the next two years, succeeding Gutbrod (GSI and CERN), G. Andrey Amatuni. For the same period Bellettini (INFN-Pisa) and J. Rafelski Hrachia Asatryan becomes 1st Kolar-less (Arizona), the meeting brought to­ Deputy Director for Research and gether leading experts from both nu­ Levan Vardanyan 1st Deputy Direc­ The laboratory 2.3 km below ground clear and particle physics with re­ tor for Production and Economic Ac­ in the Kolar Gold Fields in Southern tivity. searchers from major US and India is being closed after a decision European nuclear and high energy to stop mining operations. Set up in laboratories. About 100 students the 1950s by the Tata Institute for from more than 20 countries at­ Fundamental Research, the labora­ Moves at Fermilab tended. tory reported its first cosmic ray neu­ Main interest was the behaviour of trinos in 1964. When interest in At Fermilab, Roger Dixon, formerly highly excited hadronic matter seen Grand Unified Theories motivated the head of DO Department, has been through particle production and emis­ search for proton decay, Kolar hit the appointed acting head of the Re­ sion in high energy nuclear collisions. physics headlines ten years ago with search Division, replacing Peter After present studies at the the first candidate events. These Garbincius, who has moved to a new Brookhaven AGS and CERN's SPS, were subsequently attributed to neu­ assignment in the Physics Section. new frontiers will soon be opened up trino background. Gene Fisk takes over at DO. at the RHIC and LHC colliders at the respective Laboratories, where the Frank Turkot becomes head of the goal is the search for deconfined 1993 major meetings Technical Support Section. Former quark-gluon plasma. A major theme Head of Technical Support Paul at the Institute was the interrelation Cornell has been selected by the In­ Mantsch has moved to a new job as between experimental observables, ternational Union of Pure and Applied project manager for the calorimeter such as particle spectra and strange­ Physics (IUPAP) as the site of the 26 CERN Courier, December 1992 Anywhere science goes, BURLE photomultipliers take the lead. From 450 kilometers above many planned for the SSC), the earth, NASA's Gamma Ray calorimeter experiments, Observatory is increasing our geophysical exploration and understanding of the universe. medical analytical systems. 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