Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-08-13

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-08-13

v- He Had a Marry Attitude VIENNA (IE") - FrIedrich Koch admitted to .. Vienna. The Weather Today' eouri thal he had three wives, but he pleaded for clem­ fOCY on the Irounds thal he bad a "poor memory." The Cloudy today and tomorrow. No change in presldln .. Judn cODllldered thlll for .. momen' and 'hen elnerved; temperature. High today 88; low 62. Yes­ ''Whal a fortuna~ mao: married to three women at at owaJll terday's high 89; low 61. Pollen count 18. ,Dce - and he can fOrlet Ill" Koch now hall • 'One-l'ear RnitbCe to forret. Established 186S-Vol. 80, No· 271- AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Friday, Aug. 13. 1948-Five Cents -- e sea OVI nsu .. .. Russian Jumps from Building,' Says She 'Had To Gel Oul' NEW Y RK (IPl-A Rl.l ian woman tI,-arher flung herself from a third floor window of tbe RtI ~ iall ('on. ulate ye terday and last night told 8 friend from her hospital bed, "I had to get out. " Th£' teacher, Mrs, OksaDa Stephno\,D8 KospnkinH, 52, lay crit­ ically injured in Roo. velt ho pita\. H er dr<IInatic mid-afternoon leap Clim81lE'd all amazing story with intl'rllat ional ramifications. PoHce at the hospital said she told th(,1ll shl' had jumped de­ liberalply. Lat r he 8skl'd U18t a whit RH ian (anti·Communist) friend, Vladimir Zenzinov, be brought to hel' bedsiel(>. Polic took him to th ho pital * * * -I :::~ :';'\id~e left. 11(' told newsmen Molotov Demands "I was struggling to break ou t. You know-." Here he gave a pantomine of pushin( obstacles Teachers' Release aside. "I was like a bird in a cage. I had to get out." From U. S. Officials Mrs. Kosenkina jumped into the consulate courtyard at 2:20 p.m. LONDON (JP')-Russia has pro­ Iowa lime, She landed nmeshed tested to the United States that in the wires of a fence. American authorities connived in Police Appear the aUege<! kidnapping of two Police on guard outside leaped Soviet school teachers in New the fence to help her. They reach­ York, the Moscow radio said last ed her just as consulate employes night. picked her up and carried oer Soviet Fore~n Minister V. M. inside. Forty minutes later she Molotov summoned U.S. Ambas­ was taken to the hospital. sador Walt I' Bedell Smith to the Zenzinov, a journalist, describ­ Kremiln WedneSday nlght to de­ ed him elf last Saturday as the liver the pro \.est. man who spirited the teacher The text of the broadcast .. away from New York and to a made pu blic in London b, the white Russian camp at Valley ovlel monll.or made It aDlIIlar Cottage. N.Y., 30 miles north of tbat the pro~ t was delivered the city. last nigh t. The monitor tater W as "Re cued" made It de r that Molotov "wn­ ~ . ·101· Sovl t officials took her from moned m Ull last night. These AlI8'Oclated wlrephotos tell the story of Mrs. The door is opened and the Ru . I II ('arry th woman In Id . New there Saturday. Their self­ Molotov, in a declaration hand· Oksana. s tep&bOvna. Kosenklna's three-story plunre from the Ku sian 2. Police at Scene- York City poll e a.1 0 rushed to the woman but were hampered by " described "rescue" of her broughl ed to SmHh in the Kremlin and (lOn ~ ulate in New York lale yesterday afternoon. This plelure shows ht.h tence around the CO\lrtyard (Sf'('h III pi turf' No. J). on ulate to Ught her story. broadrost by the Moscow radio, officials would not surrender ~h e kacher Ulltll minutes laler whe.' thr Illfrf~d to Jp~ her be t k~n tile Russian school teacher aeconds aner she struck the concrete co urtyard at the rear of the buUdinl'. 4. Zenzinov had to walt an hour demanded the "immediate release" Her' rl,M arm Is entangled In wire and her Ie, Is hvlsted under her. Con s ul a~ employell are opening to a hospital. The hou se un-American acti vities commltt!' had bl'fll lI('ekh,1I' the woman for Quell; al the hospital to e the teacher, of Mikhail Ivanvitch Samarin and \lie barred door behind her to , Ive her ald. The woman had been lIecluded tor five days 10 the bulldln,. tlonlng but the Sovil:ts had reCused to relu e her from the con ulate. while she recovcred trom effects his family of s datives. He also demanded "punlshme.'lt A witncss to the mecting said of oil person~ who have taken she embraced the journalist, and part in th kJdnaping ot Soviet that Z nzinov told her "Ihe police ritizens," Samarin and his family Enter Wesl "' Ber/in and the U.s. lCovernment were and Mrs. Oksann stcpanovna Ko­ Russ bchind her and that nothing could senldna, a leach r he said was happen to her now." rescued by the Soviet cosul in New 1nterprets Lea.p York from anll-Communist Rus. Sof!iets Still Holding Britain Challenges Asked If he believed Mrs. Kos­ sian "white j(uards." Turned Back enkina had been held at the con­ Th declaration did not Indl­ sulate again t her will, which the cate that I\trtl. Kostnklna plunr­ Two U. S• .oUicers Russia To Prove Soviets have denied vigorously, ed from a windo w of the Sovle' Withoul Fight , Zenzinov replied with a shug: COli ulate In New York yester­ Seized Last Week "What do you Ihink - It a day and was lnJured crUieally. 'BERLIN (IE")-United States and Claims on Danube woman has to jump out a window It did not demand her release­ l"RANKFURT, GERMANY (IPJ British military police turned back BELGRADE (IE") - BrLtaln de­ to get away." evidently assum.1lJ( she still was - Two Americans selzed by Sov­ two Russian invasions of W!;st­ manded yesterday that Russia Mrs. Kosenkina's piunge to the at the consulate-but sald the iet troops a week ago remained ern-occupied sectors of Berlin YeS­ prove her claims of being a Dan­ consulate courtyard highlighted a Soviet government Inslsls that Sa ­ In Russ ian HInds last night with­ terday without resorting to vio­ ubian country with direct terri­ day that saw these other events arin and hls family not only be out apparent hope of immediate lence. torial interests in the future of on the Russian front: relcas d but that they be allowed release. The incidents added to the ten­ Europe's most important river. 1. Questtonlng by the house un­ to "transl r, unlil their depar­ Am rlcan activities commltttee of Russian liaison officers refused sion exisiting in this Soviet-block­ B r I t I II hAm bassador Sir lure home, to the consulate-f en­ yesterday" to turn loose Lt. Sher­ aded city. They also served to a fellow-Russian teacher, Mlchaei eral in New York." Charles Peake raised the Issne Ivanovltch Samarin, who has re­ man S. Turner of Council Bluffs, pOint up the increasing danger as the outnumbered westelrn "Gen. (Walter) 'Bedell Smlth Iowa, military governor of Bad of a clash arising from a recent nounced his Soviet citizenship and prom is d to bring the Soviet gov­ powers attempted to block a announced his desire to remain in Kissingen, and Roland MaSOn split of Berli n's city police fO rce Soviet plan whIch would place ernment's declaration to the no­ Myers of Brooklyn, N.Y., a mem­ into two rival camps. this country. The comrrullee said tice or the U.S. government and as· futare control of the river In he added nothing to its spy probe, ber of the military government Meanwhile, thousa.nda of Ger­ the hands of eastern EUrope's sured Mr. Molotov that the Amer. however. icBn authoriti s would make a at Nuernbel'g. man workertl in the Amerlean Communlsl siates. Z. harp relleraUon by Pre I­ strict investigation into the facts U.s. officia ls said the Russians zone of Germany demonlltrated Russia has proclaimed herself told American officers the cap­ against high food prices and dent Truman of his charge that set out in this declaratfon," the - along with Czechoslovakia, the espionage investigation was a Moscow broadcast said. tive pair would be "released the pollclell of the American Yugslavia, Romania, Hungary, through Berli p." mllltary loverrunent. 10 Frank­ red herring d signed to blanket Bulgaria and the Soviet Ukraine inaction on his anti-inflation pro­ Turner and Myers were ar rest­ fur' a crowd beat an American -as one of the r iparian coun­ * * * ed Allg. 5 near Meltrichstadt on soldier and hI, German driver. gram. Patienc.e Paid Off tries (those on the river) entitled S. A deIlland by Rep. Karl the American-Russian zonal bord­ It was the blUest and nollliest to exclusive jurisdiction over the er ,,<hen they crossed by accident demonstration In 'hat db since Mundt (R-SD) of the house com- For 2 Newsmen 1,800-mile waterway. mitlee that Mrs. Kosenkina's leap into th e Soviet zone. 'he end of the war, Waving a small scale map of oUter they were in Russian In both the Berlin boundary in­ be investigated fully as to wheth­ NEW YORK (JP') - When Mrs. eastern Europe, Peake said he er "she jumped or was thrown," Oksana Stepanovna Kosenkina hand$ tour days, Soviet liaison cidents the Russian-conti olled could discover no point at which ·t 'Ion a , Mrs. Kosenklna Is removed to Roosevelt hospilal in oUJcers said they would be freed forces claimed they crossed the 3.

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