Page No. 9, Vol: 1. Issue: 100 —D.L No.79 Dated 19/05/2010 —The Bengal Post R5250 The Bengal Post ; - + 1 a 1535 111‘ a Mar 11 i . l _ . Dunng the heyday of radio, some of the bests ! .: Indira Blswas stasis?“ she j ,- gst ' Jagate Sanvad-katha will {21.— 3% ass _ _ , a lot or it has to do with the one—and—a— ‘e 1; . :3 1 “i half hour musical drama. which. for “it " seashore ' *‘ Bengalis. plays the perfect prelude to. 1.. r ' tge‘mi ' the ~ grand occaslon-- ‘= 1‘:r"" ~ - 1»— is“???gfim+ s i‘secari‘serier.”tigers“:hearse?“ , 1 3 a renowned musician, actor and regular ‘ 5% W ' ‘ ’ r: “programmer of'ithe Calcutta Radio i few” ‘ “' ;' Station (CRS), Hirendranath Basu,'had : _ . '2 ‘ _. , Eggs» {ti '7 ’1‘ ' i 1 recorded a musical play Prabhate s. ' . ' §s '_ $23153», ;, r 5 Ashram Drishya for the Dacca unit of the 3g. “i ;§:§’§§%§gfi \ :7 :- Gramophone Company of India in 1929; ., mg »__1 i“ . Eég‘eqe’assss 4" r ‘ l e Nripendranath Majumdar, the director e if; j - f§§3§fig3 i . -‘ l of Bengali programmes for the CR5- isés a :3- ~ gig“? V i: ' 'l i requested Hirendranath to broadcast 3%3 s‘iféi ‘ E§33§§s§§§5 ' _ ‘ . 9 similar programmes for the station. :%3'_1-;@§i§ ' . “fifiéfiefifr ' f: c7 Hirendranath's morning programme K .- . “fig“:jgé :3; ~_ 1 3 Prabhati Utsav was first aired on June ' ' Jim ' ‘fiEfifigkf ‘ $5; " l .* 15'1930- , . Nripendranath Majumdar . - ' ; Birendrakrishna Bhadra Betar jagat, the Bengall—in-house- 1 - . ' 3 w: journal of the CRS, announced the. ' Together they visit the hermitage of the music ' ' i. broadcasting of the second Prabhati the sage Medhas in search of peace. The The programme began to Utsav on the Mahalaya dayin 1930 and sage told them about the destruction of cast at 4 am from the early . 3; from then on it came to be known as asuras Madhu—Kaitabha, Mahisasura duration was standardiZed to , Prabhati Utsav in 1931, Pratyush Mangal ' and Sumbha-Nisumbha in the hands of half hours in the late forties. s in 1932 on the Mahasashti day, goddess Chandi who salvaged the interestingly, Mahisashun ' n jaganmatar Bandana in 1933. Saradiya universe. started off as a live prograi L _- 'v. Bandana in 1934 and Prabhati Anusthan The script, with Sanskrit verses, a studio began playing the recr ., ‘ ' _; -’ in1935. In 1936 it was christened Bengali narration and plenty of musical sion, which we get to heart ' 1 :1 ; Mahisasura Badh and was broadcast on interludes, was a simplified and modi- 1968. , . ’ the day of Mahasashti. Mahisashurtlil-Mardini owes. '. ,. ' s . , .. In .1937. however, it was back to its - - . appeal to t e enduring 1 ‘ 3 old schedule on the day of the BlrendraanhQa Bhadra Birendrakrishna Bhadra, ther -. g j Mahalaya, this time with yet another was so deeply involved the musical drama. Bhadr. ; 1 i: new title Mahisashura Mardini. The With the show that he deeply involved with the 5110 § . if name stuck and so did the day of the h d 'd h' had once said his narratioi ; . programme. a OQCE 531 IS , offering to the goddess. no j I ,4 ' r. ( In his block Mahisasuramardini narration was an offering refiation. b " :i e 1959), Bani umar talked about his ' ter an early-moming at 1 '1' contribution to the ever-popular show. to the goddess, not a dhoti, he would prepare him i . t In collaboration with Pandit Asok— mere I‘ECltathH live programme at the radi . a -’ kumar Sastn‘, he had based his script on With a profound skill in be! . :1 r Markondaya Chandi or Saptasati Chandi, fied version of the Chandi. and music, he maintained a g g t a section of Markondeya Parana, con- Till the time the script was published ance, tuning his voice to n . i: taining seven hundred slokas, extolling in the form of a book, which was in myriad moods depicted in l _ _‘ .3 e the magnanimity of Devi Chandi. 1959, Ban'ikumar had made several From 1968, Birendrakrishr . j —1 The story of Chandi begins with king changes to the original draft. spend the night at the radio 3: Surath who had lost his kingdom meet— Renowned musicians Raichand Boral, the eve of Mahalaya. He hart . _ .1. ing Samadlii, a down—on-luck trader in Pankaj Kumar Mallick and Harish— at home when Mahisashur ‘ " ; takvaforest. i231: «[32:17 2:1; li:e.chandra'Bali’ camesralong to compose :I-wasb'eing played; 5;" '1;~: 1." . ' a. .morir no slimy tn 53mm: swim-am .r, grit-1v . irir‘iilflhgs-Ti 1.';§f3'?1'if:"’2 rauxasw "in s , ii “W“‘WW—uwmm ilkata Thursday October 7, 2010 Pages GP—ED 0 - l l 0 I I g l O While the association of Raichand sung by Ila Ghosh. It was later assigned to play the sarengi, Khushi Ahmed and Harishchandra was short-lived, toanother risrng singer Supriti Ghosh. played the harmonium, Dakshina— f; Pankaj Kumar Mallick stayed on to take The first solo male-voice song ‘Jago mohan Thakur was on the esraj. Abani s,,. ‘3’” charge of the music. - Tumi Jago' was initially sung by Mukhopadhyay and Taraknath Dey Rehearsals during the live-pro- Hemanta Mukhopadhyay. When he left played the violin and Gaur Goswami, f 1* gramme'years started a month before for Mumbai, DWijen Mukhopadhyay played the flute. Mrityunjay Bandyo- ._ s the show. The matter ofattendance Was took over. padhyay used to blow the conch at the accorded the utmost importance and Over the years. Akhilbandhu Ghosh, beginning of the programme. Later, even star performers had to be punc— Pannalal Bhattacharya, Manabendra Saileswar Chattopadhyay used the clar- tual._ Other than Birendrakrishn’a Mukhopadhyay. Rabin Bose, Bimal met to produce that effect , fa Bhadra and Mallick, the names of par— . Bhusan, Utpala Sen, Sandhya Mukho— The production Mahisashura Mardini tee? ticipants kept changing. padhyay,_ Shymal Mitra; Pratima is an outstanding phenomenon in more ‘1- The first ublished list-of erformers Mukho adh took art in the mu51cal wa 5 than one. Since the da 5 of its Q in 1938 included Harimati. Abhabati «drama. ' . lDCePtIOIlg ltS appeal has only ETOWH- ' - fie andParulChaudhu ——three extreme] ' In the be innin . Surendralal Das. For enerations of Ben alis. it has . ' ‘ . 'sfizffi":WE‘I popular-Singers of the time; ln-1940. popularly kn0wn as- Thakurda who become an annual ritual to start the . $43? And Das. Hemanta Mukhopadhyay, served the CRS frOm- 1935 to 1942. was 'Mahalaya day with the radio pro— figgiigggg Kalpana Hajra,Saila Dev1.lla_ Ghosh and in’ charge of the orchestra. He had gramme. It had also brought together, ] %§s§;§h Suprabha Ghosh tookpart in the show. established a team of instrumentalists probably for the first time, so many stale ' "Riff-153 The first solo song of‘ Mahisashura called 'Jantrisangha' to play at the pro— warts in the field of music who worked {:11 Mardmi ‘Bojlo Tamar Alor Be'nu‘ was ~ gramme. Munshi Ahmed Hussein used in tandem to create history. .. ca ‘ir‘rme”~Tt’fii"‘*v’”fi§‘”a“wesiest’trsmstaggeig‘sisw , st: . a: serfii:a§ss;as“s$¥§’nss§s%safifi seats: - . was as. as? .. t “asses '. sire . igafartieessi‘ses‘rsweai‘fi as: 1 its $5 1 . wish-whee: use : ig’Ee-Eis satiricgeir‘sesssr‘shfi ?Lg%s%§ef“ ‘aaes ass segues, we‘rews‘fitfi‘wes sass, r ssa?eess~. effigtsmfiae * ' a: ‘* sssrr‘ei-ge’é‘saxse,es sit-gages??? 1“- ‘ , stare-“esttariff-1&3 ; 351$ ”sessfifi$3 1shaégsis ’- tsets~sesWie’w'iiz‘sseiiissc”: -- i355“ lts iris-$111 :ei rash » Kis$s§§§skj ti. = “ 5' “fk‘aa1:w%e§fii§:e :risgre-s ,3. fifiggéyfigg e‘ 3. me anda eggs: gagge- its-$333111 $3..“ *é: s. , egmiaiasl e Mardmr m$ . €113. 1. his? : 'isifié'fi“ me. The .11.,» 1%” ' e 1e . ‘1»- rde'd ver- a. gist-1% 13,... - ash , OW. from . i“ is" “fighter-is rarities - s Weight-raw} - h’egged"s§ "as; . s- a sfii‘gssfissefir 31% : , ss-vsflmrl fig:- ...g§§?~...~jlah_ H.159} l_ ‘ k .‘ ‘: ~S1.;«;‘!5,.- .x-“J: hmfi' . " 2.?11 WAH“ .5955 .Qfiim‘alafweaa: Q‘s nae-=4?“ .- ’ 99$. ”é“ : Listen-5,5§§£§$$ageas~':a‘§_g'.“t:--T=i.g;';.are}: is... ; r 110‘ Of‘ts rs? W351?VIM-5’. g . l» their?‘\‘ , seesaw.. 1‘ $351.. he; _'c:">>§J¢V§>4pxfi~%=$5; ~swfla7t=~ 3332-?“ ' ' "sags . ~ $3. T V~.’%_pfiz 30:3. "11“":‘133-“9‘! - m VOICE, 0f Eti'ge‘:“gegahwfikgfi‘if‘rsg 1 , - arrator-of» ‘cssghss‘hs?as e.; egsgses»\§fi§wgre§ Jae-z- ' 1 “was 5° st 71% git-reis- §1§§%raessmi§§shie a l Nthat he ““wm’ sg/‘gr‘é hifi‘rfigg“w . were as" «Eight-3's 9‘ s I...» as“ swag?" --titxt351‘*s§ atria-mus 1 was an ethirisaitsies-«ea?rs "u 2‘ .. sheer§s§t§§g _. :- ssa. 2 fl ,x- Mti -' mefigfih “it“ . grams t a3 mere 3 assefia,fifi§§%%§§ g%a1s“gs§rgi§1a%1§fisecgfis l l d- %%hi}§s§§§$,iie§%isw 35$?“ ' ",C a 1“ ' 3%s%%ssfishe§s§$ fies seer elf for the i§§s*“‘“snees§g~e“§,,3e% fifiggsgsg «egg s;§.1$e ai:efi5ar E ) station. siflsisshsifa‘asss§sserase-sesswa“ sswsaig acts 1 h oratory fig“ giggisaei it “3..“ sag-331$“ §31i%%i§;gerf§¢e?§§£§§§ ~ fine bal- @eflaA- .. ~ -' . -.ss§s-s§.ages§ fled the “eras-signs *' ”a” gsgamghissws33g $63 1 tiyggm‘g‘fissv ‘3 WW“p 1.. are: itation on 1‘,“ ' '> " *Trrfi‘essxm”-fi§”ftg _-_fe’_-* »’ “r "‘s’fi‘ttflhws’afimt l“d Mardimstaying _ _ . ' . ;- , , . “PankayKumar-Malhck (playing the harmonium)withiother performerslofthe radiopmgramrrie Malmashuvaardsnr-x.
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