www.facebook.com/thekabultimes twitter.com/thekabultimes E-mail:[email protected] thekabultimes.gov.af Hoot 07, 1397 HS Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Afghan govt. USD 01 GBP 01 INR 1000 PKR 1000 EUR 01 IRR 1000 AED 01 decisive in protection of AFN 74.60 AFN 97.65 AFN 1050 AFN 540 AFN 85.18 AFN 6 AFN 20.28 civilians’ life 1,000 schools should be promoted President Ghani receives professionally, President Ghani KABUL: During his visit to bution of residential lands, at- coming years. Stressing on im- Zaranj, provincial capital of tention to sportsmen, dispatch- portance of professional schools, OIC ambassador Nimroz, President Mohammad ing expert doctors and ambu- the country’s President said Ashraf Ghani met the other day lances, increasing health cen- that 1,000 schools would be pro- with university lecturers, school ters and reviewing the work on moted to professional schools. teachers, sportsmen and health Nimroz provincial hospital. He instructed governor of Nim- workers of the province. After hearing their demands roz consider proper lands in co- In the meeting, Abdul Hadi and suggestions, the country’s operation with ministry of ur- Baidar and Zahra Sultani, rep- President said that deputy min- ban development and land au- resenting others, enumerated isters of public health would thority to address problems of their demands and suggestions soon pay a visit to Zaranj to re- residential houses for sports- in connection with teachers view and take urgent steps in men and teachers town. town, increasing of teachers’ order to address the problems, President Ghani also said salaries, lack of school build- adding that funds have been pro- that the education budget would ings, lack of professional teach- vided for construction of schools be directly provided to provinc- ers, approval of some faculties, and all provinces’ needs in con- es and provincial directorates of establishment of library and nection with construction of education from now on. laboratory for university, distri- schools would be addressed in The Kabul Times Qatar peace meeting should KABUL: President Moham- and holding Peace Consultative President Ghani praised The country’s President mad Ashraf Ghani received the Loya Jirga. Huseyin Avni Botsali for prepa- said that he hoped OIC would facilitate direct talks between ambassador of Organization of The OIC ambassador to ration of the OIC in coopera- continue its valuable discus- Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to Kabul said that Organization of tion with Afghanistan as well as sions against terrorism and ex- Kabul Huseyin Avni Botsali at Islamic Cooperation was ready successfully holding Interna- Government & Taliban, Daudzai presidential palace. for any cooperation in connec- tional Ulama Conference on tremism so that threat posed by In the meeting, both sides tion with the government and Afghanistan Peace, saying the terrorism and extremism would KABUL: The main aim of onciliation process in the coun- in the country, but are different discussed the Afghan-owned people of Afghanistan in the conference had positive results be rooted out. convening the traditional con- try, according to the agency. in practice about peace in Af- and Afghan-led peace process mentioned field. and impacts. The Kabul Times sultative Loya Jirga was to help The Loya Jirga with the par- ghanistan. “But we support the a national consensus to ticipation of about 2,000 people world agreement on peace talks strengthen peace process in the from across the country will be in Afghanistan.” country, Mohammad Omar held on March 17 and would The coming Jirga is a con- Doudzai, the country’s head of concluded on March 20, this sultative gathering of elders, CMs discusses issues on agenda High Peace Council secretariat year,” Daudzai told reporters elite personalities and young- was quoted by Bakhtar News the other day. sters that could represent the KABUL: Chaired by the Agency as saying. Daudzai who is also the spe- people, Daudzai said, hoping country’s National Unity Gov- Speaking to a media meet- cial envoy of President Moham- the coming Jirga would facili- ernment Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the council of ministers discussed a num- ber of issues on agenda among them dispatching of the first Afghan shipment to India via the Iranian Chabahar Port, peace process and election, a state- ment from the CE office said Monday. The CE called successfully departure of the Afghan ship- ment to India a great achieve- ment of the country and that the move would directly lay positive impact on the economic situa- tion of Nimruz province, said the statement. ing, Daudzai who is also the mad Ashraf Ghani on ensuring tate the direct talks between About peace talks and con- presidential advisor on region- regional consensus for peace in government and the Taliban in vening the traditional Loya Jir- al consensus for Afghanistan Afghanistan also added that the near future. ga, the Chief Executive of the peace said one of the main tar- 1,100 persons out of some 2,000 Pointing to the Qatar Peace bers of both electoral commis- other terrorist groups for the position and would do more for National Unity Government get of the peace consultative jir- would represent the country’s Talks between the Taliban and sions and the Independent Hu- past year’s highly civilian death the security of the country, ac- (NUG) said the combination of ga was reaching to an intellec- 34 provinces at the Jirga and 900 the U.S. representatives, he said man Rights Commission and in the country, the statement cording to the statement. the peace negotiators from var- tual understanding and adopt- others come from the lawyers’ the negotiation should pave the said uncertainty in the human added. ious political and national in- The CE also said that eligi- ing a joint national stance about community, civil society and rights commission was not in The CE asked the related way for holding direct peace stitutions can negate the Tali- ble students should be intro- the direct and indirect peace private sectors. the interest of the country. organs for paying serious atten- talks between the government ban pretext over peace talks duced to the scholarship process, talks with the Taliban, said the The president would select Touching on the recent tion in this field. of Afghanistan and the Taliban with the government, and add- through a committee led by the agency. the Loya Jirga chairman, dur- UNAMA’s report about civilians Dr. Abdullah congratulated peace negotiators. ed that conferring was needed CE first deputy and membership Afghanistan is getting prep- ing his inaugural speech at the casualties in Afghanistan over victory of the country’s cricket He hoped Mullah Beradar, on the country’s big national aration to convene the tradition- grand assembly and then the the past year, the CE, however team against Ireland, the state- of the ministry of education, a prominent Taliban member issues and that the people wel- al Loya Jirga or grand assem- members would elect him by acknowledged some failure ment continued. higher education, foreign af- could use his influence in di- come any step taken for peace bly of chieftains and elders with- overwhelming majority of the from the country’s security forc- Meanwhile, he wished suc- fairs, admin of martyrs and dis- rect peace talks between the restoration in the country. in weeks to discuss the ways and participants, said the agency. es about the civilians’ life dur- cess to Massoud Andarabi for his abled, after seriously assessing government of Afghanistan and Dr. Abdullah asked for soon means on how to bring the Tal- Daudzai said the regional ing military operations, but new post as minister of interior the issues. the Taliban representatives. start of the selection the mem- iban outfit into negotiating ta- countries have positive view- strongly blamed the Taliban and and said he was eligible for the The Kabul Times ble and bolster the national rec- points about peace restoration The Kabul Times ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Twitter.com/thekabultimes Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Chabahar Port connecting Afghanistan with world THE KABUL TIMES Chabahar Port is not only a After opening the first Af- start work on improving Nim- Indian and Iranian governments port connecting Afghanistan ghan cargo, the country’s Pres- roz from a third-grade province to provide pavement for direct with the world but it is a port ident said that Afghanistan was to a second-grade province. transit of Afghan traders’ goods that has good transit benefits for no more a landlocked country, Officials for Afghanistan from Arabic and other regional exporting the country’s prod- adding that it was the heart of Chamber of Commerce and In- countries through Chabahar ucts to other countries of the Asia. dustries say high-ranking offi- port. world in particular India. More- For the first time, the ship- cials of Afghanistan, Iran and Chabahar Port is a key trade over, the port helps Afghanistan ment 570 tons of Afghan prod- India will participate today (Feb port, providing Afghanistan with develop its economy by export- ucts was exported to India 26) in a gathering to be held for direct sea access. In May 2016, ing its products to foreign coun- through Chabahar Port. implementation of Chabahar India, Iran, and Afghanistan tries. Addressing a ceremony in port agreement in Iran. signed an agreement on the es- Reduction of expenses in Zaranj, Ghani said that with the “It is determined that today tablishment of a Transit and transit of goods, goods safety, ob- opening of the Chabahar route, a gathering will be held Iran Transport Corridor among the servation of principles and in- the country’s exports would in- with participation of high-rank- three countries using Chabahar ternational norms in transit of crease to $2 billion from the ing officials of Afghanistan, Port as the regional hub for sea goods to other countries are a current $1 billion in the next Iran and India and the gather- transportation.
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