THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1989 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 V0L.85.N0.il Public Safety drops, then reopens de Rothschild case after getting new lead By MATT SCLAFANI de Rothschild who claimed to be Maurice J.L. de Rothschild. After initially announcing a student in 1983. De Rothschild reported to pub­ Thursday that it was dropping Duke University registrar re­ lic safety officers at Berkeley in its investigation of alleged im­ cords lists the person currently May, 1983 that he was a student poster Maurice de Rothschild due under investigation as Baron See DECEPTION on page 9 • to lack of evidence, Duke Public Safety reversed its decision hours later and has since reopened the case after receiving Imposter deeply involved unspecified leads. Public Safety said Wednesday that it has confirmed that Trinity with philanthropic events College student Maurice de Rothschild is not a member of the wealthy, Paris-based de By KEITH LUBLIN son contacted Tuesday was Rothschild family. Ever since en­ Regardless of his tr_ te iden- not familiar with the fund, rolling two years ago, the student tity, Maurice de Rot hschild VinwAVAr Tt vi ras actually con- has led the University to believe contributed to sevei Rothschild and that he is related to the French banking dynasty. JIM FLOWERS/THE CHRONICLE Public Safety originally drop­ was intended to Slop it on ped their investigation of le by funding Maurice de Rothschild Thursday do not usually Construction on the new tennis court speed ramp is right on morning because there was "no use nis assumed nam " de Rothschild schedule. evidence of any crimes commit­ ted in Public Safety's jurisdiction crease publicity tor pro d was to be used attempted. ... no criminal complaints," said Last September elchairs and to Duke News Service Director Rothschild announced Henderson pleads guilty David Roberson. ation of the Duke- Roberson later said at approxi­ Fund in response t ty Medical Cen- mately 4 p.m. that Public Safety Rinaldi's financial t to DWI, reckless driving had received new leads and de­ From staff reports cided to resume the inves­ Rmaldi, a university up that wants to BAC of 0.10 is above the legal and owner of a popul Trinity senior and men's bas­ limit. tigation. Roberson declined to chicken restaurant, comment on the nature of the ketball player Phil Henderson Henderson announced June 12 bankrupt paying for s helping people entered a plea of guilty in Dur­ he was leaving the University for leads, because the investigation treatment that both . our efforts is still in progress. ham District Court Thursday to unspecified reasons. However, his father required. rd us with valu- charges of reckless driving and when Henderson attempted to Roberson said Public Safety The fund was to t lip and learning driving while impaired (DWI). transfer to the University of Illi­ still has no evidence of de He was fined and assigned com­ nois, he failed to meet transfer Rothschild's true identity. l_psuon {,_>__!_; iraier und-raising ac- munity service, his attorney said. requirements because his grade which de Rothschild ^een planned for James Maxwell, Henderson's point average was below 2.0. In a separate development naldi Fund, in- lawyer, said Henderson must pay He announced Aug. 23 that he Thursday, officials at the Univer­ riathlon and a a $100 fine and $40 in court had decided to return to Duke. sity of California at Berkeley Hotel Europa. De costs. One week later Coach Mike said they have public safety re­ JNDSonpageS* In addition he must perform 24 Krzyzewski said Henderson's cords of a Maurice Jeffery Locke hours of community service teammates, the coaching staff within the next 30 days. Hender­ and the athletic administration son decided he would fulfill his agreed to let him to rejoin the obligation by working at the team. Housing project starts Wednesday Lenox Baker Children's Hospital, Maxwell said. Henderson is also Henderson was the second ByMINDYGOOD lion that the University commit­ Carolee apartments to make required to donate $50 to the men's basketball player to be Construction on a low-income ted to low-interest loans for hous­ room for Medical Center expan­ hospital, he added. charged with reckless driving in housing project funded by the ing projects is being invested in sion. the past year and a half. Trinity University will begin Wednes­ the Edgemont Elms project, a de­ Since then the University has Henderson was found driving senior Alaa Abdelnaby was day, the first use of the $1.2 mil­ velopment located between Elm been pressured by housing ac­ in a 1988 Nissan at 59 m.p.h. in a charged with reckless driving in lion committed by the University Street, Angier Avenue, Lion tivist groups to help provide low- 35 m.p.h. zone near the intersec­ December, 1987. to affordable housing last April. Street and Ramseur Street in income housing in the Durham tion of Chapel Hill Boulevard The University will then be­ Durham. area. "We were a part of the ne­ and Legion Street on June 4. come the first private investor in The University's search for an gotiations" in the Edgemont Durham to finance low-income investment in affordable housing Elms project, said John Ott, After being stopped by the ar­ Inside housing, according to Max Wal­ began more than a year and a president of the Durham Affor­ resting officer, Henderson failed lace, associate vice president for half ago with the controversial dable Housing Coalition and a a chemical sobriety test, regis­ Blinded by the light: A government relations. eviction of 42 families from the public policy instructor. tering a 0.10 blood alcohol con­ good time is guaranteed for all More than half of the $1.2 mil­ University's Westover Park/ See HOUSING on page 18 • tent (BAC). In North Carolina, a those who attend Sunday's gospel extravaganza, includ­ ing the Five Blind Boys. Read Duke, UNC researchers to test new AIDS drug the good news on page 4. By LISA KLINK Dr. Hetty Waskin, assistant tive results from small-scale test­ patients who will serve as volun­ Weather Research groups in the Duke professor of the division of infec­ ing by the National Institute of teers in the research currently and University of North Carolina tious diseases, will be the princi­ Health. have AIDS or AIDS Related Tempting fate: while the at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) medi­ pal investigator for the Duke Duke's was the first center in Complex. weather for tomorrow is offi­ cal centers will take part in a unit. Her team is part of the the South to be evaluated by the The first part of the study will cially sunny in the 80s, don't study comparing AZT, a recog­ AIDS Clinical Trials Group ACTG for conducting the study, involve people who have been believe it. The Blue Devils nized AIDS treatment, with (ACTG), which is sponsored by according to study coordinator receiving AZT treatment for less play at home. The unexpur- dideoxyinosine (DDI), a new drug the National Institute of Allergy Kelley Rayle. than a year, and will compare gated forecast—cold and which researchers believe may and Infectious Diseases. The The Duke Medical Center will that drug with DDI treatment for rainy—traditional Duke foot­ be as effective as AZT but less ACTG is conducting the nation­ participate in all three parts of a period of two years, she said. ball weather. toxic. wide study of DDI based on posi­ the study, Rayle said. Each of the See DDI on page 19 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1989 World & National Newsfile Bush prepared to work with South Africa Associated Press Health-care considered: Senate By ROBERT PEAR tax-writers, yielding to loud com­ N.Y. Times News Service tional state of emergency imposed in 1986 plaints from many older Americans, in­ in response to a wave of anti-apartheid dicated Thursday they would join their WASHINGTON — The United States protests. It should also repeal emergency House counterparts and go along with said on Thursday that the white rulers of rules that restrict political activity and major changes in Medicare insurance "South Africa won a "mandate for real freedom of association for blacks. covering the costs of a catastrophic change" in elections on Wednesday and —The government should end its ban illness. that they should quickly begin negotia­ on the African National Congress and tions with blacks to end apartheid. other anti-apartheid groups. Aoun lashes U.S.: Gen. Michel The Bush administration used the oc­ —There must be "an end to violence Aoun said Thursday that U.S. foreign casion of the elections to make its fullest, from all sources." policy is "biased and shortsighted," most comprehensive statement of policy The South African ambassador, Piet then asked American help in what the toward South Africa. In recent weeks, G.J. Koornhof, received a similar message Christian leader calls the war of libera­ congressional Democrats and Trans- when he visited the State Department on tion against Syrian troops in Lebanon. Africa, the black American lobby, have Thursday for a meeting with the assistant Aoun said the U.S. withdrawal of its harshly criticized the administration for secretary for African affairs, Herman last diplomats Wednesday was based not speaking out more forcefully on South Cohen, administration officials reported. on "rumors, false suppositions and un­ Africa. Rep. Howard Wolpe, chairman of the convincing reasons." The State Department spokesman, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Margaret Tutwiler, congratulated F.W. de Africa, predicted that Congress would in­ Smoking bill debated: Lawmak­ Klerk, the acting president of South crease pressure for political changes in ers from tobacco growing states are Africa, on his electoral victory.
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