Susan Stalnaker Athelene Birchfield Della Seaman Wendy Elliot Tami Wiegel Miss GSC Contest SJated March 12 Monday, March 12, the Miss GSC Si/(ma Sorority. She plans to pursue The Glenville Mercury Pageant will start at 8:00 p.m. in the 1 degree in Business Administration. Ballroom The emcee will be the Her talent in the contest is instru­ former Miss GSC, June Nohe. Pro­ mental music. Her hobbies include Number 20 Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Friday, Mar. 9, 1979 gram books will be available. guitar, clarinet, forensics, tennis, and The remaining Miss GSC contes­ summer gardening. Wagner, Former Professor Dies tants are as follows: Ms. Tami Miss Susan Stalnaker of Weston Wiegel from Washington, WV . She WV, is a member of the Sigm? Sigma former GSC professor John of SEA, NEA, the Association is a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. She is the daughter R. Wagner died Saturday in Glen of Higher Education, the State Sigma Sorority. Her major is a Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stalnaker. Her Burnie, Maryland at the age of Academy of Science and the Bachelor of Arts in Education and a designated field is Business Adniinis­ 86. H taught physics, Math, local Rotary Club. He had minor in Physical and Special Edu­ tration and Secretarial Sciences. Her and Chemistry here for some 37 taught in Pennsylvania, New cation, K-12. Her talent for the talent for the contest is ballet dancing. years and was honored in 1974 Jersey, and Florida. contest is dress designs and dress­ Her hobbies include, water skiing, with the Wagner wing of Pickens Fu neral services were held making. baton twirling, and jogging. Hall being named for him. Tuesday in Harrisville, WV. He Miss Della Seaman is a freshman Miss Wendy Elliot is from Ranger, Mr. Wagner, who founded the is survived by his widow, Mrs. from Troy, Ohio. She is the daughter WV. She is the daughter of Mrs_ one-time annual Science Day at Bertha Wagner of Glenville, two of Mr. and Mrs. Carol and Sy!via Mildred Elliot. She is a member of Glenville State College, was a daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Neal, Seaman. Her talent for the contest is the Delta Zeta Sorority. She is native of Stone Church, PA, Springfield, Ohio, and Mrs. Mary tap dancing. Her hobbies include pursuing a Masters degree in Speech Bnd had studied at Gettysburg Alice Ashmore of Montgomery, dancing, bowling, cheerleading and Therapy. Her talent for the contest College, Cornell University, Col­ Alabama, and a son, John L., of collecting pictures. is Modern Jazz dance in which she umbia University, and the Sor- Linthicum, MD. Miss Athelene Birchfield hails frorr designed her own costumes. Her bonne University in Paris, France. Contributions may be made Denton, Maryland Miss Birchfield hobbies include reading, dancing, A member of the Glenville to Glenville State College Alumni is a member of the Sigma Sigma baton twirling, and singing. Trinity United Methodist Church, Association Scholarship fund. Mr. Wagner was also a memb~r Gym Open Weekends John R. Wagner, for whom Many Glenville students complain The ou tcome of the meeting in­ Wagner wing of Pickens Hall there is nothing to do on campus dur­ cludes the follOwing solutions: a)Gym­ was named. ing weekends. In order to alleviate nasium will be open from 2-5 pm on STUDENT TO BE CHOSEN those "suitcase weekends," expanded ·5at. and Sun. b) Lighting and some use of the GSC gymnasium and swim­ The GSC Alumni Council wishes athletic equipment will be provided, ming pool during weekends has been to present an award to an ou tstand­ c) Only students with I.D. will be ad­ ing student at Commencement. established mitted, d) Ont>half of the gymnasium Nominees must have a minimum A meeting was held February will be reserved for interested women 3.0 average, must be in a four-year 7, 1979 to organize and establish stu­ students, and e) the swimming pool curriculum, and must have made a dent interest in expanding hours of will be open from 2-5 pm. on Sunday significant service contributio.. to the usage of these college facilities. Those If the facilities are used oonsid­ campus. Activities may inc\"de ser­ attending included: Dr; Joseph Now, erat1y, the possibility of expanded vices for which the student was paid Dr. A. T. Billips, Karen Thorpe, Diane hours will be considered and with reg, as a workship or workstudy em­ Bach, Doug McGuigan, Tim James, ployee. We want to honor a student ular student use the expansion could President William Simmons, Dale Sto­ who has successfully combined acti­ be on' a regular basis. President Sim­ vities, service, and scholarship. There­ ver, Bill Pitzer, August Kafer, Kell­ mon9' showed much interest in the ex­ Miss June Nohe will be giving t.p her crown to a new fore, the honoree may not necessari­ neth Skinner, Sue Baisden, Jane Te­ panded hours of usage and encour­ Miss GSC on Monday night. ly have the highest academic average uay, and Bev Hamric. The meeting ages all students to take advantage of in the class. Nominees must be se­ proved to be very profitable for the these college facilities. lected from seniors graduating in weekend students of GSC. MD Ceremony, Reception to be Held May 1979, December 1978, or Aug­ The awards cerem ony for the to Jerry's Kids, as the final total ust 1978. WVACET Meeting Slated Muscular Dystrophy will be held is revealed! The student honored will receive at 8 p.m., March 13 in the The spring meeting of the West Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. where Immediately following will a placque to commemorate the honor Ballroom. Various awards will during Commencement ceremonies. Virginia College English Teachers will one of the scheduled speakers is be a reception for those persons be held at Jackson's Mill on Friday be given to those persons who A permanent placque which will bear Martha Hopkin& Keating frorr! Glen­ who worked on committees. competed and won in the dif- all future recipient's 'lames is on and Saturday, March 9 and 10. Dr. ville 'State and She will b.e reading ferent events. The MD Association will be col­ display in the Alumni Office. Kevin Chris Orr, president of WV ACET, her paper, "The Disguised Heroine For everyone's enjoyment we lecting pledge money in the Under­ Stalnaker was the recipient of the will be presiding over the meeting. in Twelfth Night and As You Like It." Session I will begin will leature "Shades of the first ground, Monday, March 12. from award at the 1977 Commencement. F>iday even­ Students are cordially invited to Anita Harold was honored in 1978. ing at 7:00 p.m. with several speakers GSC Muscular Dystrophy Mara­ 3:15-5:00 p.m. a ttend as well 15 all West Virginia They also received checks for $100 from various West Virginia colleges thon Week." Come and see just Please get your mony in. Re­ College English teachers. fTOm the Alumni Foundation. .md universitills. Sessi6n n will begin how much GS<; has contributed member-its for JERRY'S KIDS. Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday, Marcn 9, 1979 Because of certain illegalities, the ~~~~~~Letters to the Editor Student Congress election results from Editors: this week have been scrapped Then: will be a re-vote next week on Events ~ich alter or change the normal or ordinary state of affairs can be considered new, I think. Last week, there were events which (1) prompt· Wednesday and Thursday to achieve /"'~__ • ed the participation of many students, several farultYJ and a few administra· the actual results. Please make a tors, (2) promoted a ', spirt of camaraderie, a senseo[ purpose and accom· sincere effort to vote again, so we can plishment, and a [eeling of community among the participants, (3) in· offer the candidates a fair chance. spired a general mood of charity and unselfishness, and, as a result (4) raised a considerable sum ($3300,fm told) for MD. (which is incidentally, a disease as well as a cheap wine). As such is not the normal state o[ affairs at Glenville State College,/ Chisler in Virginia think these events could be considered news. No news is not always good Dr. John A. Chisler, professor of news. Sometimes it is simply unreported news. biology and chairman of the Division Sincerely, of Science and Mathematics atGlen­ Tom Nelsoll ville State College, will be attending English Dept. the Technical Assistance Corps, High­ • • • • • • • er Education and the Handicapped training session March 5·9 in Re~on, Editor's note: VA. In order for the MERCURY to print a news story, complete facts and As chairman of the campus access figures must be made available. This n_eWspaper, like all others, has a printing committee that Glenville State Col­ deadline and if those facts and fIgUres are not available at that time, they can lege established to study how to not go in. make all of its programs accessible to MERCURY reporters have been covering the Muscular Dystrophy events handicapped, Dr. Chisler is only 50 : and a final wrap· up story will be printed ~en the information becomes one of participants from over 300 available to us. applicants chosen to attend the training session. Dear Editor: The training session is designed to As a candidate for President of Student Congress, I feel that I am quali­ help participants to develop, and fied for the position and realize the duties and responsibilities of this of­ serve as consultants to help develop fice. accessible programs for the handi­ Currently I am serving as Vice-President and have been a past Senator-at­ capped in higher education.
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