Aalborg Universitet Byen og de kreative iværksættere Oplevelsesbyens kulturelle infrastruktur og iværksættermiljøer Andersson, Lasse Publication date: 2009 Document Version Også kaldet Forlagets PDF Link to publication from Aalborg University Citation for published version (APA): Andersson, L. (2009). Byen og de kreative iværksættere: Oplevelsesbyens kulturelle infrastruktur og iværksættermiljøer. Institut for Arkitektur og Medieteknologi. Institut for Arkitektur og Design Skriftserie General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. ? Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. ? 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Downloaded from vbn.aau.dk on: October 09, 2021 Ph.d. afhandling Oktober 2009 Byen og de kreative iværksættere Oplevelsesbyens kulturelle infrastruktur og iværksættermiljøer Lasse Andersson Institut for Arkitektur og Design De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter Aalborg Universitet Indeks Ph.D. studerende Lasse Andersson Institut for Arkitektur og Design De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter Aalborg Universitet Vejleder Professor Hans Kiib Institut for Arkitektur og Design De Ingeniør-, Natur- og Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakulteter Aalborg Universitet © Lasse Andersson Sideantal 237 Forsidefoto: Simon Andersen 2009 Projektet er støttet af: Den Europæiske Fond for Regional Udvikling Den Regionale Kulturaftale, Nordjylland Aalborg Kommune Oplag 12 Printet ved Vester Kopi, Aalborg, Danmark, 2009 Tak…. Afhandlingen som du skal til at læse er et resultat af fem års forskningsarbejde - til og fra. Arbejdet har været afbrudt af andre interessante projekter på Institut for Arkitektur og Design, i andre arbejdsmæssige sammen- hænge, samt en barselsorlov. Projektets vekselvirkning mellem forskning og praksis betyder, at det baserer sig på mange menneskers vel- vilje og opbakning, samt konstruktivt med og modspil. Derfor en tak til jer der har givet mig del i jeres erfarin- ger og viden i forbindelse med interviews, projektudvikling og talrige møder. En særlig tak til Sofie, Kristian, Christian og Tonny for at gøre mit arbejde som forsker meget mere interes- sant, end jeg havde drømt om! Jeg glæder mig til fortsættelsen. Mindst lige så glad er jeg for at min mor, Anne Grethe, har (hen)rettet de mange sider, som følger i afhand- lingen. Uden din hjælp var den viden, jeg gerne vil formidle og den historie, jeg gerne vil fortælle ikke blevet, som den er nu. Tak til min vejleder professor Hans Kiib for at give plads og rum til at afsøge mulighederne og hjælpe mig på vej i et miljø med højt til loftet. Det sætter jeg stor pris på! Jeg ved, at det bedste arbejdsliv man kan få, er det, som opstår med gode kollegaer! Derfor har det været en fornøjelse at gå på arbejde som Ph.d. studerende og blive udfordret og hjulpet konstruktivt både hvad angår forskningen og undervisningen. Stor tak for det til professor Ole B. Jensen, professor Gitte Marling og lektor Henrik Harder. Og til min bedste arbejdskollega og gode ven Lea Louise Holst Laursen, tak fordi der er plads til både sjov og arbejde, det har gjort det hele lettere. Tak til Institutleder Michael Mullins for at tro på mine projekter og give plads til at eksperimentere. Og til min hustru Stine og mine børn Sigurd og Vigga, hvor har I været tålmodige med mig, I skal vide hvor glade I gør mig! Nu skal jeg nok være tålmodige med jer. Sigurd bogen er færdig! Lasse Andersson Oktober 2009 English Summary taking place on Aalborg’s harbour front in 2004. Here are many new cultural projects in the development stage and, with this culturally oriented planning, the The city and the creative Aalborg municipality is interested in creating growth entrepreneurs - the cultural infrastructure and development, including possibilities for creative and entrepreneurial environments of the experience entrepreneurs. city The focus of the dissertation is thus aimed at under- standing how a Danish provincial town like Aalborg With this dissertation an understanding of the dialec- creates the framework for creative entrepreneurs, and tics in the following questions is searched for: which relation this effort has with the urban develop- ment in The Experience City. Can the direct meeting between cultural producers and businesses create a foundation for city develop- Methodically, this is an analytical and context ori- ment and growth? And visa versa: Which framework ented research praxis, as the dissertation explores and infrastructure are needed for this to take place? what takes place and which rationales and actors are present, when a new and creative potential is de- In a city like Aalborg knowledge is limited when it veloped in the meeting between entrepreneurial and comes to initiating developments for and with the cre- urban development perspectives. Via the contextual ative entrepreneurs within cultural planning perspec- narrative about culture and creative entrepreneurs in tives. It is the aim to gather this kind of knowledge Aalborg, an understanding of rationales, actors and via theoretical and literature studies and to unfold it projects is searched for, but this narrative is inter- in dialogue with local actors in Aalborg in connection spersed by research experiments, which, as interven- with the research together with the development of tions, strive to create new knowledge and learning in experiments undertaken. dialogue with the actors in the city. Consequently, the Three concrete research questions are put forward, dissertation as a whole creates knowledge about en- which will be answered partly via a contextual narra- trepreneurial environments for creative entrepreneurs tive which is related to Aalborg, culture and creative and urban development as well as methods for point- entrepreneurs, partly via two research experiments: ing out development potentials in a provincial town the entrepreneurial Dreamhouse and the research like Aalborg, through concrete projects. and development project Techné/Platform 4. During the dissertation’s exploration of cultural plan- Research questions: ning and the effort linked to creative entrepreneurs in the experience economy in the summer of 2009, 1. How does a city the size of Aalborg work with a local understanding has emerged regarding the creating the physical and organisational framework landscape of cultural rationales, which arise, inter- for the artistic and cultural entrepreneurs in town? act, compete and develop in a town like Aalborg over the years. This understanding finds an expression 2. Which rationales of urban culture set the agenda? via the contextual narrative which, with the physical landscape as well as with culture as a starting point, 3. Which actors create the development? shows how the framework for creative entrepreneurs is developed with focus on the integration between These questions originate in a wish to integrate cul- culture and business in the new millennium, when ture and business seen from the perspective of the seen in a historical perspective. experience economy, as it was formulated by the As a continuation of the contextual narrative, the re- regional cultural agreement in Northern Jutland in search experiment Platform4 has been consciously 2004 and by the actors around the entrepreneurial created as an experimentarium, which the creative environment Dreamhouse in Aalborg. Furthermore, growth segment of the city is to develop and take the aim is to be seen in connection with the change ownership of. The experiment shows that the central actors behind the dominant cultural rationales are points towards how research can test and understand open towards creating the framework, so it is pos- the meeting between the contemporary, active ration- sible on a smaller scale to simulate the potentials, ales on a scale of 1:1. Among other things there is a which emerged in the external examples and to con- need for: tinue working with the problems, which Aalborg finds itself confronted with in relation to the integration of − A contextually oriented theory for the meeting culture and business. Platform4 shows that there is a between cultural planning and creative entrepre- dawning creative segment in town, for which the ac- neurs. tors behind the dominant rationales, in reality wish to − Knowledge about the need for development of en- facilitate developments - developments searching for trepreneurial houses from a user perspective. a potential in the relation between the social empow- − A research methodology which actively asks ‘what erment rationale and the economic rationale. is being done’ and uses this as a point of departure for experimenting on a scale of 1:1, which actively The knowledge procured by the dissertation can works with development and research. therefore largely be described in four points: − A need to use concrete projects to create clarity and knowledge and test the link between the ra- 1. The
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