N u m b . 1. The G overnm ent G azette. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vol. X. VICTORIA, JANUARY 7 t h , 1871: [Price 12 1/2 cents. 3. Any applications to the Trustees, to permit any T able of Contents. Grave to be dug in the Cemetery, may be made to the Cemetery Keeper, and the fee payable to the PAGE. Trustees for permitting such Grave to be dug, may Colonial Secretary’s Department. Notice respecting a Fog-Bell at Race Rock ................................... 2 be paid to such Keeper. Rules and Regulations of Victoria Cemetery............................... 1 4. When such fee is paid, it shall be the duty of Registrar General. the Cemetery Keeper to dig and close the Grave in Respecting the issue of Crown Grants to Vancouver Coal Min­ accordance with the instructions of the Trustees for ing Company, Limited.......................................................................... 3 the time being, for which service he shall receive Supreme Court. from the Trustees the sum of Five Dollars. Bankruptcy Notice...............................................................................2 In re the Queen Charlotte Coal Mining Co., Limited............... 3 5. Applications for permitting Vaults to be made, Stipendiary Magistrate. or Monuments or Tombstones to be erected or placed Reward—Incendiarism—$500........................................................... 3 in the Cemetery, must be made direct to the Trustees, Lands and Works Department. but may be handed to the Cemetery Keeper to bring Reserving a tract of land at Baynes Sound................................... 2 before the Trustees at their next meeting. Reserving a tract of land at Skidegate Bay................................... 2 Reserving a tract of Land at Gambier Island, Howe Sound... 2 6. When such applications are granted, payment Reserving a tract of land on Moresby Island............................... 2 may be made to the Cemetery Keeper. Respecting the issue of Crown Grants ....................................... 2 Reserving a tract of land at Naas River ....................................... 2 7. The Cemetery Keeper shall, upon receipt of Respecting the payment of Surveyed Lands in V. I ................... 2 any money, lodge the same in some Chartered Gold Commissioner’s Notice. Bank, to be named by the Trustees, to the credit of Laying over C laim s..............................................................................3 the Trustees, deducting only his own fee of Five General Post Office. Dollars for each Grave dug and closed. Unclaimed Letters, Victoria Post Office....................................... 3 8. The Cemetery Keeper shall, at the end of every Common Schools. Respecting. Grants to Common Schools for 1871.......................... 3 month, furnish to each of the Trustees a statement of all money received and expended by him; and he Legislative Council. shall keep a Register Book of all Graves heretofore Governor’s Opening Speech........................ ...................................... 6 or hereafter dug in the Cemetery, designating each Audit Office. Comparative Statements of Revenue and Expenditure, 1869 4 by some distinguishing number. 9. On payment of the proper fee, the Trustees shall give to every person on whose behalf any Grave has Colonial Secretary's Department. or shall have been dug, a Certificate in the following form: This is to certify that A . B., and his representa­ Colonial Secretary’s O ffice, tives for ever (in consideration of the payment of the 12th December, 1870. sum of Ten Dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) is and are entitled to the sole use and HE GOVERNOR directs it to be notified that the possession of that piece of ground in the Victoria T following Rules and Regulations made by the Cemetery, measuring and numbered Trustees of the Victoria Cemetery, in pursuance of in the Register Book. the “ Cemetery Ordinance, 1870,” have been submit­ ted to him, pursuant to the provisions in that behalf of Dated, this day of , A . D. 18 . Section V. of the said Ordinance, and are hereby C. D. Trustees published for general information. E. F. of the By Command. G. H. Victoria Cemetery. PHILIP J. HANKIN. Scale of Fees made by the T r u s t e e s o f t h e RULES AND REGULATIONS OF Victoria Cemetery, in pursuance of the VICTORIA CEMETERY. “ Cemetery Ordinance, 1870.” 1. An Officer shall be appointed by the Trustees, For permitting any Grave to be dug therein...$ 7 50 to be called the Cemetery Keeper, to take charge of the Cemetery and, generally, under the directions of For permitting any Vault to be made not ex­ the Trustees, to do and perform all such acts, matters ceeding 8 ft. x 10 ft., including Certificate of and things as the Trustees are authorized under the Title ........................................................................ 25 00 “ Cemetery Ordinance, 1780,” to cause to be done For permitting any Vault to be made, not ex­ and performed. ceeding 16ft. x 20ft., including Certificate.. 50 00 2. The Cemetery Keeper may be dismissed at any For permitting any Monument or Tombstone time by the majority of the Trustees for the time to be erected or placed therein......................... 5 00 being, and a new Keeper appointed in his place by the like authority. For every Certificate of Title to any Grave........ 10 00 2 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [J a n u a r y 7 t h , 1871 Supreme Court. L ands and Works Department. In the Supreme Court of British Columbia. IN BANKRUPTCY. PUBLIC NOTICE. In re JOHN GOODACRE, a Bankrupt. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all the land at W ednesday, 21st of December, 1870. N Baynes Sound, Vancouver Island, lying between HE Bankrupt having this day passed his second the Reservations established by notices in the examination before his Lordship the Chief Jus­ G o v e r n m e n t G a z e t t e , dated respectively March 20th Ttice, will come up on his application for his Certifi­and May 1st, 1868, is reserved until further notice. cate on Wednesday, the 18th day of January next, at 12 o ’ clock noon. By Command. ROBERT BISHOP, JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. Solicitor to Trade Assignee. Lands & Works Office, Victoria, September 25th, 1868. L a n d s and Works Department. PUBLIC NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Crown Grants of all Surveyed Lands in the former Colony of OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a tract of NVancouver Island and its Dependencies (excepting land, being the peninsula between Mudge Har­ only those in Victoria District) as well as on the Nbour and Mitchell Harbour, in Port Kuper, Moresby Mainland of British Columbia, the purchase money Island, one of the Queen Charlotte group, and bound­ for which has been fully paid, will on proper applica­ ed as follows, viz.:— commencing at the mouth of a tion for the same, be at once issued. certain stream at the South-east end of Mitchell Such Crown Grants will be made out invariably Harbour, and running thence North, 26° East, across in the names of the original purchasers from Govern­ said peninsula, to the South-east end of Mudge Har­ ment, unless in such special cases as are provided for bour ; thence North-westward, following the Western under the “ Crown Grants Ordinance, 1870.” shore of Mudge Harbour round Mitchell Point, at the Applications must be made by letter, addressed to North-west extremity of said peninsula ; and thence the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and South-eastward, along the Eastern shore of Mitchell Surveyor General, giving the Christian and Surnames, Harbour, to the point of commencement, is hereby in full, of the Persons to whom the Crown Grants are reserved for two years from this date. to be made, and enclosing the receipts for the pur­ chase money of the Land referred to. By Command. Should it be inconvenient for the Person in whose JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. name any such Crown Grant is made, to receive the Lands and Works Office, same at this Office, it will be handed to any Agent Victoria, July 15th, 1869 duly authorized by some Instrument in writing to give a receipt for the same. JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. Lands & Works Office, PUBLIC NOTICE. Victoria, Dec. 16th, 1870. PUBLIC NOTICE. LL PERSONS in occupation of Surveyed Lands A in the undermentioned Districts, viz:— N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the tract of Esquim alt, Quam ichan, land, 20,000 acres in extent, situated on the M etchosin, Som enos, south shore of Skidegate Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Sooke, Com iaken, formerly held under prospecting right by the Seymour Kennedy, Chemainus, Coal Company, is again reserved until further notice. H ighland, Cedar, Lake, Cranberry, By Command. North Saanich, M ountain, JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. South Saanich, Nanaim o, Lands and Works Dept., Shawnigan, C om ox, Victoria, August 7th, 1868. Cowichan, the right to purchase which Lands is legally held by them by Pre-emption Record under the “ Vancouver PUBLIC NOTICE. Island Land Proclamations of 1861 and 1862,” which Records were made prior to the 1st January, 1870, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Five Hundred are hereby required to pay into this Office the amount Acres of Land, situated at the extremity of the of the Instalments due thereon, on or before the 31st Nsouth-west peninsula of Gambier Island, Howe Sound,March, next ensuing. is reserved until further notice. By Command. By Command. JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. JOSEPH W. TRUTCH. Lands and Works Office, Lands and Works Office, Victoria, A pril 6th, 1869 Victoria, B. C., 9th December, 1870. PUBLIC NOTICE. Colonial Secretary. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tract of Land Colonial Secretary’s O ffice, containing about 4,000 acres, situated on the December 1st, 1870. North or right bank of Naas River, at its junction with Observatory Inlet, and extending from said HE GOVERNOR directs it to be notified that a Observatory Inlet about six miles up the Naas River, FOG-BELL has been placed in position on the and about a mile back from the said North or right RaceT Rock, in the Straits of Fuca, and will be used bank of said River, is reserved until farther notice.
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