TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN Lehrstuhl II für Technische Chemie Phosgene-free Synthesis of Diphenyl Carbonate Bo Peng Vollständiger Abdruck der von der Fakultät für Chemie der Technischen Universität München zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr.-Ing.) genehmigten Dissertation. Vorsitzender: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai-Olaf Hinrichsen Prüfer der Dissertation: 1. Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn. Johannes A. Lercher 2. Univ.-Prof. Dr. mont. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Ewald Werner Die Dissertation wurde am 22.12.2015 bei der Technischen Universität München eingereicht und durch die Fakultät für Chemie am 12.04.2016 angenommen. 天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 Heaven moving forward and forever, superior person shall accomplish excellence with perseverance. Earth featuring vast and grand, superior person shall embrace objects with virtues. ——《易经》 — Classic of Changes «Мне не нужны доказательства. Законы природы исключений не терпят и этим явно отличаются от правил и правильностей, подобных, например, грамматическим.» “I have no need of proof. The laws of nature, unlike the laws of grammar, admit of no exception.” — Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев — Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 谨以本论文纪念我已故的外祖父母黄蕴璞先生(1921 ~ 1980)和姚同玉女士 (1922 ~ 2011)。 The present thesis is sincerely dedicated to the memory of my beloved maternal grandparents, Mr. Yunpu Huang (1921 ~ 1980) and Mrs. Prof. Tongyu Yao (1922 ~ 2011), who passed away too early to witness the completeness of my doctoral work. 彭博 Bo Peng 2015 年 8 月 August 2015 Acknowledgement First, my sincere appreciation is expressed to the supervisor of my doctoral work, Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Lercher. Thank you for offering me a position in your international research group and giving me the opportunity to work on challenging and interesting project. During these years, your warm encouragement and thoughtful guidance have always enlightened me. You taught me a lot not only with wisdom and knowledge, but also with maturity of conducting. I am very grateful to senior scientist Dr. Erika E. Ember. Thank you for your efforts on coordination of every project-related activity and correction of every project-related document. The discussions with you throughout my doctoral work, on the topics of science, food, religion and cat, are really memorable. Furthermore, thank you for all your helps during my adaptation to the culture of Central Europe. I am gratitude especially to your respect on cultural tradition from another continent. Inside the small team of “small molecule activation”, a close and successful collaboration has been made, owing to the efforts from everybody in the team. Dr. Anastasia V. Pashigreva, Dr. Jieli He, Claudia B. Himmelsbach, Navneet K. Gupta and Benjamin Felkel are acknowledged for their supports and inputs in my work. Senior members in Chair II of Chemical Technology, both scientific and non-scientific, are important for the smooth and efficient running of organization, supervision, administration, etc. Prof. Dr. Andreas Jentys, Prof. Dr. André van Veen, Prof. Dr. Chen Zhao, Dr. Oliver Y. Gutiérrez and Dr. Maricruz Sanchez are acknowledged for their scientific inputs. Franz-Xaver Hecht, Martin Neukamm and Andreas Marx are acknowledged for their technical supports. Stefanie Seibold, Helen Brenner, Heidemarie Hermann, Katharina Thies, Bettina Federmann, Karen Schulz and Ulrike Sanwald are acknowledged for their administrative helps. A friendly and cooperative circumstance is always positive for office and laboratory. Dr. Herui Dou, Dr. Jeongnam Kim, Dr. Luis F. Gonzalez-Peña, Dr. Yue Liu, Dr. Wenhao Luo, Dr. Hui Shi, Dr. Stefan Schallmoser, Dr. Maximillian W. Hahn, Murat Küçükdişli and Sebastian Müller are acknowledged for scientific discussions. Dr. Despina Tzoulaki, Dr. Yanzhe Yu, Dr. Sonja Wyrzgol, Dr. Baoxiang Peng, Dr. John Ahn, Dr. Sarah Maier, Dr. Christian Gärtner, Dr. Xianyong Sun, Dr. Stefanie Simson, Dr. Robin Kolvenbach, Dr. Yuchun Zhi, Dr. Nathan Hould, Daniela Hartmann, Jennifer Hein, Linus Schulz, Yuanshuai Liu, Edith Berger, Yu Lou and Marco Peroni are acknowledged for supportive helps in the lab. Dr. Lin Lin, Dr. Wenji Song, Dr. Udishnu Sanyal, Dr. Ricardo Bermejo de Val, Monica Markovits, Moritz Schreiber and Kai Sanwald are acknowledged for being good officemates. In an international research group, without going into details, all following colleagues in Chair of Chemical Technology II are acknowledged for sharing their time with me. Prof. Dr. Xuebing Li, Dr. Yongzhong Zhu, Dr. Roberta Olindo, Dr. Eszter Baráth, Dr. Márta Dömök, Dr. Elena Kondratieva, Dr. Vishnuvarthan Muthusamy, Dr. Yulia Martynova, Dr. Michael Salzinger, Dr. Tobias Förster, Dr. Sabine Scholz, Dr. Florian Schüßler, Dr. Ana Hrabar, Anna Lubinus, Eva Schachtl, Phillip Wallis, Elisabeth Hanrieder, Pamina Andrä, Sebastian Grundner, Tobias Berto, Sebastian Foraita, Stanislav Kasakov, Sebastian Eckestein, Manuel Wagenhofer, Martina Braun, Guoju Yang, Yang Song, Peter Hintermeier, Sylvia Albersberger, Matthias Steib, Daniel Melzer, Andreas Ehrmaier, Wanqiu Luo, Takaaki Ikuno and Ferdinand Vogelgsang together with our external members – visiting scholars, Prof. Dr. Gary Haller, Prof. Dr. Mirosław Derewiński, Prof. Dr. Xiangyun Guo, Dr. Rino Mukti and Dr. Bruno Dalla Costa, thank you all! External experimental supports from Division of Physical Chemistry and Chair I of Chemical Technology are acknowledged. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther, Dr. Florian Schweinberger, Dr. Robert Reichelt and Dr. Cornelia Ablasser, thank you for your contributions. I am impressed by your scientific and technical expertise as well as your patience during the time of my measurements. The work packages of INCAS project from European Commission are acknowledged for financial support and opportunity given to young scientists. The young scientists involved in INCAS project, Dr. Katia Barbera, Dr. Salvatore Abate, Dr. Christina Popa, Dr. Miguel Palomino, Leone Frusteri, Alejandro Prieto and Emila Kertalli, are especially appreciated for exchanging scientific ideas. The inputs from industrial partners, Prof. Dr. Leslaw Mleczko, Dr. Stefan Roggan, Dr. Stefan Grasser, Dr. Konstantinos Metaxas, Dr. René Bos, Dr. Herman Kuipers, Dr. Erik Abbenhuis and Dr. Eoghan McAlpine, are also acknowledged. During my work for doctoral thesis, I have obtained the supplementary supports from my students. They have transferred their talents and enthusiasms into their theses or internship works with me, being extra supports of my work. Dominik Göppert, Jialei Wu, Sandy Lama, Thilo Kögl, Kenny Yeo, Yizhou Shen, Karan Singh, Xaver Müller and Rasyiqa Mohd, thank you all for your contributions! Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to my family for their ceaseless encouragements and supports. The scientific suggestion from my paternal grandfather Mr. Acad. Prof. Shaoyi Peng, the mental support and understanding from my parents and parents-in-law, Mr. Li Peng, Mrs. Xiaomu Huang, Mr. Brig. Prof. Qing Pan and Mrs. Xiaoqing Zhang are acknowledged. Finally, I am indebted to my dearest wife, Mrs. Yuan Pan, for the unconditional love, support, encouragement and understanding. I appreciated and will always cherish the time with you. Thank you! Bo Peng August 2015 Abstract Using a mechanistically guided approach, a two-step synthesis route of diphenyl carbonate has been developed, combining methanol carboxylation to dimethyl carbonate with its transesterification with phenol. The equilibrium constraints are overcome by the selective removal of water or methanol using novel zeolite modifications. The catalytic efficiencies of both steps have been advanced based on mechanistic insights gained from kinetic and spectroscopic studies. Zusammenfassung Unter Verwendung einer mechanistisch geführten Herangehensweise wurde eine zwei-stufige Syntheseroute von Diphenylcarbonat entwickelt, die über eine Carboxylierung von Methanol zum Dimethylcarbonat führt und dessen Umesterung mit Phenol die Reaktionssequenz abschließt. Die Gleichgewichtslimitierungen wurden durch selektive Abtrennung von Wasser oder Methanol mittels neuer Zeolithmodifikation überwunden. Die katalytische Effizienz beider Schritte wurde durch mechanistische Erkenntnisse weiterentwickelt, die aus kinetischen und spektroskopischen Untersuchungen gewonnen wurden. Table of contents Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Polycarbonates ......................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Brief history of PCs production ............................................................................... 2 1.3 Principal synthetic route for PCs production ........................................................... 3 1.4 Alternative pathways for sustainable PCs production ............................................. 5 1.4.1 Overview of possible routes........................................................................... 5 1.4.2 Catalytic DMC synthesis from methanol and CO2 ........................................ 9 1.4.3 Catalytic DPC synthesis from phenol and DMC ......................................... 12 1.4.4 Zeolites as solid state sorbents ..................................................................... 16 1.4.5 Molecular diffusion in zeolites .................................................................... 18 1.5 Main challenges and opportunities on sustainable DPC synthesis ........................ 19 1.6 Scope of the thesis ................................................................................................
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